The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1959
F e _ r u ary 1959 Do1iald Waite •, i11ce t l1e la:t ar·ti le I l1av hacl a cha11g·e of cl11t)'" a11d l1a, .. lJ0e11 .:e11t to th l 11 ite 1 ~ ~t ate to l)e r e-t111ite(1 ,,,ith 111,.. \\ 7 ifr, • Y ,Tonne a1 1 OllI' f 01t 1· l1ildr <: 11. Do11, Da, ..e Diel( a1 d Dian11e. ~1 ..\ .. w .. ll 1>ni. try. T l1a, 1 e 110 ,\ 1 left tl1e 111a1--i11E\ v\'itl1 t l1eir prob– le111. a1 d clif f iel1l tie.~ to 11ter a 11e,r 1n i11i ·trv-to me1 a11cl -n·o111e1 • a11cl el1il l1·e11 of all l1r a11 ·he. of t l1r. .'e1·,Tice. Tl1e :\Iilitar~,;r )- ea Tra11. - • po1-- ta11 t ion ~ er v i e ( or :\I~ 'I' ~ "1 a: it i. a lled ) l1a, a it ~ 1n is. ion the t r a11. por t i11g of rm0cl F or ce. · p er – . 011ne 1 and d ep e1 de11ts fro1n the T.,.ni tPd • tat e. to foreig11 p or 1 : . I l1a, 1 e l)ee11 ord er ecl t o J~r·ool<ly1 , Xe,,~ Yor l< £0 1-- cl 11ty arryi11g· ser,.. - icc familie. to E 1 gla1 c1 a11<l TCr – many . You might think a ~avy el1aplai11 ,\.. 011lcl . 0011er or la t er g ... ?t to . er , 1 r ,,rith t l1e l . f-i. ~avy, l)llt in mv ·a. e. it mu. t be latrr r ather tl1a11 ~. 0011er. F ir t f lyi11~: 111ari11es, thr11 i11fa11tr y mari11e.· . t l1 1 a11- 1>l1il 1jo11~ t1·aeto1· 111ari11e. . a1 d 110·\,~ .r\rmy, .J. Ta ,1y ""\ ir F or te a11 cl ) far i11e per. onnel a11(l thri1· ,,.. i, .. rs and childr en. I t giv . a ,vell - 1·rJ1111 clecl piC'tur of the 11 ed £01-- .J e:lls < 1 l1ri.·t i11 all b1·a11c l1r: <)f tltP llli}i1cll'\", h<J\V·e1,rer . ~ () I(}' / )1,tirs. ' rl1r 1ri1> t<) ~outl1 - a111pto11\ I~11gla11cl. a11cl 11r e1111<lr– l1a,· )ll. (JP.I'll1,1llj", t,ll<PS f }ll'PP \\ree]c~ i11 all. g·oi11g a 11cl ret11r11i11g. i\ f)r <l111iPs. ,lf1cir lJei11µ: ,1s"'ig11Pcl a sJ1iJ) <, f l l l \ • () \V 11 , \ \ 1 j }] i l l < •} 11 C 1 P < l H i ] >' 11il>lP · <·1c1 •. e. for t l1e c1clt1lt~. cl,1il)" I{ i 1, I P st <> r i <1. f,) r t l 1 <-l <• 11 i I < l r <111 • a 11 < 1 \\~(Jl'Sllif) ,'l f"\' i<·PS 011 ~llll<lH)'S f<>l' t}1,· 1l'()()J)8 a11rl cl ~r><j)l(l<111ts. 'J')ip s}JiJ) l':i <lt'P l'llll }).)" f JtP \:,t\' _\' 1)111 ''l)(•t'a1c•<l })5 1 <•i\ 1 ili,tllS i11 t}1 JllCf – c·}1a11t 111,1rit1<~ . 'l'l1c·rt1 i s a :-;111all !.! )• (, t 11 ) () r .. a \ Tit I I) (I )' su I 1 11 p I i I I, () H l"( l 1<> Ht tr,c:i r,., iscl ,tll Pl1ll)a1·lcPcl 11ns- 1--11g< 1• i,;, a11fl tit( · <·l1a1,lc1i11 is c>11 <-1 c,f 1l1i · t<•,:1111. \~ u ,tl'c' Ltslt,tll,)' at Pa ub<,tt1 7 ,la,,:-,; u·<,i110· <>\' t'l" c111<I • ~ h 7 (Iii.' ~ c·t,111j11g l,c1 ,·lc. .. \1'1t · t· tl1P :1 ,,,,,]{ 1·<Jltr1fl triJ), I a111 }1<>111 P THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Page N 1netee11 PULPIT AFLOAT • :\1 i] i i cl r , · • 'I' t . r a11s t)<) l' ,1t1c)11 Ne1r,·i(·r . Broolclyn , ~e"'r Yorl{ XIX. A NEW DUTY STATION ,ri t l1 111e fct111 ily" ;3 to ,) clay.·, t l1e11 lJac: lc o,·el' ag,1 i11 ,vit l1 11 e,,r f,1111i li .' cl 11(1 11(.l \ \' OJ)pOI"tUll it ies to })r ea a}1 ( 1 hrist . 1 1·e1)01·tPc l t c) < l11tv he1·e + I )e1ee111 lle1· ,111cl n1y fir. t ., i11doc– t l'i11atio11 trip ,vas 1-.. ,Ja1111a r,,. .·o ' J ha.c1 ,]1 rist111a:-.; ,vi t 1 t 11 f a111ily f <>1· ,,, h ic- 11 I ,,·a: ver·y g· ratef11l. B ei11g ll(JJ11e. I t i. goocl to lJc 1 0111 e cl f t er 1 ~ 1110 11 t 11 8 a ,,·cl ,r f l'Olll • P \ 'E r)r<>11 c> f h ol<l 11ear a11cl cl ec11·. \\7" (l 11cl ,Te 111ovecl f r o111 ~ 6:5 .). T\ \T l (1 ~t l1 ~;tr eet, ()pa I1oclca. ~ lor icl a . tc) a 11e,,~ atl tlr .·s : 12,> 1VI aleol111 F{oad, :\IaJ1,,.. ah ~e,,· .. J er e ) r. I1 is a lJ011t 40 111i]eH f r o111 B1·ool<ly11, bl1t j ~· a , , \ry ni e l)lace fo r· tl1 0 C'll il clre11 to l~e. l:>a~tor Rol)er t Roger .· a11 cl l1is f,1111il ) 1 £r o111 01t r }1c>111r t l111r('h. I3erea J!ct J)ti. ·t ]1as l1is ·ht11·c·l1 i 11 Ran18e)", ~e,,· .J er– sry, rig·l1 t 11 a 1· 11 · , • ·o it is ,'O 11i ee to fe llCJ \ \\ ·hip ,, 1 it h t l1e Rc)ge rs a .~ai11. 1 l1acl r ealy lJ e11 t olcl t l1at <lf t er ~I i,1111i 111ty ,r i t l1 t l1e :\I ar i11e: c:1 11cl t h e11 ,,·it l1 t }1 e :31·cl :\ lar i11 Di– , ri,·io11 <J, 1 e1·sea '- tJ1,1t I ,,·011ld l>c) g·etti11g· sl1or cl cl tlt)· bt1t I got 8Pcl cl11t1· i11 . tea 1. Tl1is ,,.. a: l1ard to ~ tal<r at f i rst , llt1t ,v tal\P <)tt r c>1·cl p1·s cl , fr(>111 t he l1<>r cl, clll(l l cJ<Jl{ fc> 1·,,·ctrcl t c> cl f r t1 itft1l 111i11 is– t r ~· <>11 t l1e t·olcl rol1g·J1 ,,·atP rs c)i' 111 e .. \ t 1a 11 t i · o , e a11. \ \'(t ili11r1 '/ 1 () (Jo 'J 'o ~".C(l. \\Tl1ilP ,,·c1it j1 1µ: fc> r ll l) ' Hs~ ig·11111p11t 1<> ,l sl1i1>. I 11,l\'P J1pe111 ,·i~iti11µ: \ritl1 ,·c1 1· i<>Lts <l.i\I >l~( \ l>r< 1 tl1 l' t'll. I }1a,·p s 1><Jl,P11 at < {r,t<·e I ~a1>t ist ( •1t11r<·l1 ()(' l~cllll8P\· , \:(}\\ ,J <'l'~P)r, \ "allt})T I ~ a J > t is 1 <.·, h 11 i- <·I 1 c> I' I > i ,. Pr \ .. , t 1 l', \p\\ .. J t1l'~P.\" ( ,,l1Pr<' l{t>, . ( 1 ar l • I i(' l lg'l'l"1 i~ ))cl'-it(>l" ) , ,lll<l llH\ v , isi1<·<1 ,, 1111 1)1' . • J <>:--i l' J>li ~t<>\\ Pll, J),t~t<> r c>f tl1c) 1~1 l{,l J)ti"t ( 1 l1t1rel1 (Jr ll ct<'k.Pll~c:1('1\, , ('\\ .. J ('l''-it' ) It J1as l ,c•P11 g·<><><I t<> l>P l1,1c·k 111 l'il'- <·ttlati<>ll ag·c1i11 Hl l< I 1<1 r(•ll<)\\'-illlj> \\'it h 1 }lt'S(' l>l't)t Ii l'PII <) l" } il~l' })l'Pl' ll)ll :-i r cl i 1 Ji cl r 1(\ l' I) l' i 11 g gt) l l (. S () I() 11 g· cl l l t l S<'P llti11 g l,\ 1 s l,lll<li11 g S t) ctl<>lt(• at 1illl('S i11 tliP 111i11i sl1') <>r ( ~<>< l ~ \\" <>I"< I t (, 111(•11 ,vht>s( 1 l1t•a rt :-; ,, <'t•t) :,<, f'rig·ifl . 'J /1(1/1/, · ) ' t) / { } 0 () /' / ,( //( , -.,·. ( ' llJCI,\ t•( l )' ()( •t.:' i\ itt g )t•{ 1t •J':-.i I hH\t ' l'l't)l)l n1a11~· c>f ,\'(> ll 1·ec1cl r: of tl1e e ,1r t i<· le~ £ro111 ti111 p 1<) ti111 e u,,.er– seH~, a11 l f \\'is}1 tc) t}lcl l l]( 1·<>ll f<)l' • t 11e111. 1,h y l1a,·e l>rr11 .) 11ec>ttl',l0'- i 11 g· i11 lt 0 1. T J1i~ pa . t 111011tl1 01~e <>f the • 0 11 t }1Pr 11 B,1J)ti:t I),1x- t 01·.· i11 ( 1 ovi11 gto11 l(r11tuc- 1<)", ,r r ote t1 s a 1110. t r e fre8 ]1i11g lettlll' r e lati v to 111y be i 11g· l)P 11a lizPcl f<>r 1>reae l1i11g· t l1e "\\rorc1 of <Joel i11 fro 11 t of 111y ·0111 111a 11(l i11g offic:er Pel · Ii ~1111dc1}~. R rcei"~.1i11g· lrttr1·s f r o111 J),1stor 8 a11cl < 1 l11-- i.. tia11 ,rorl,– er s f 1·0111 , ·ar jo11s .·e ·ti<)ll. ' of tl1P ('()l lll tr3r )llcllt •· t l1r c1111r eh tie: :-.iPPlll :o elc)xe ,. )11 tl1011g·l1 I ,1111 i11 tl1<: 111ilitary .1e1·,·i ·e. l T11til 110.xt 1 i111P, l\(lClp pra:y·i11g for thP 111i11is– t ry of ( 1 J1 ri. t r r l1ril'ilt1, rise11, ,lll(l t<)111i11g: a!.!,·a i11, a111011g· t l108e ,,·it 11 st,1i1~-te1) cto·e. · rro111 clll lJ1· ,111c·l1r.' of t]1p srr,·i<'e. 'l 1 J1ot1g·l1 111clll} ... (l,t)Ts cl11 cl 11ig·hts tl1e tc111pe. t 1·ag·es 011 th r ,.\ t I clll ti ·. })rai ·r (; <ltl ,,·e 1<110,r I I i111 ,v l10 l ' ll l C's e,.. 011 tl10 , ,·i11tl ,111<1 1110 , ,·a,,.es. ( 'I 1 11 esc) , ·ie,,·s <ll'P })Cl'– sc>11 ,1 l ,111cl clo 11c>t 11(\<'ClSSclril,· 1·e- ._ f]pc:t t l1ose <)f t llL) l r. ~. ~ Ta,·,· ) . .., J >I{ .\ '\" I \: <; ~ \ ~ [ ) ~ I \" \" l :'\ (: · · 1>ra)· i11µ: ,Yill 111c1J(p c)tltl l 'Pcl~ t} f 1·c>111 si1111i11g·, ,tlltl "'i1111i11g· ,rill lllcll(L 1 ()llP l'l',l~P r1·t>lll ])l'H,\ i11g·. ,' CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION, Inc. Our Fifty-F ourth ear A staff of twelve dedicated workers . O,.ir 111i11istry to tl1e tl1ot1- sa11ds of J C\\'S i11 Cle, 1 e land, Youngs– tow11 a11cl other c1t1es in No1 tl1ea~t– ern 01110. Cl1arl :s to11, \J . \ a.; at1d Sao Pau o, Brazil . Ou1 Radio 111i11istrv 0\ 1 e1 s tation~ • i11 Clevelar1cl . Tol clo, Yot111gsto\V11 a11cl C c1111l)riclge, Ol1io i\pollo a11cl Altoo11a, Pa.; a11cl V1qt1es, Pt1e1 to f{1co tot1el1i11g cot111tless 11t11l1bers of ot11 Lot cl's ki11~111e11 . Write fo1· i11for111ati,, 111agaz.ir1 . "1' 11 ~ 1,1·t1111p t r for lsr, I." RE\ 1 • El{1\LD \ '. Sl\IELSEil , ~l1pt . P . . l3ox 355(; 'l \ ' t la11cl 18, l1io
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