The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1959
\\•l, ,ll'P l(lf t•l1;1ll ' l\ ~lllµ_ 1 ht• cll'll •l,, \ 1)1 1\ {ll l'l'l 14. }l(l\\('11 111 tlll lat<:'~t l):t\ltl t l 11lll't111. ,rl1r'll l1c ,aitl. · · \\' ,, l 'n11 ,l tltl ll~ 111, !,?.ratll' l,r l~()(l \\·l, \\·111. ·· l\c1tl1er '''-' Ht\ll'tl t.'\t'r~· \\()l'<l l1 e ,, itl nl l<>ltt tl1e Il l't't l t.)f ll0i11!.?. 111<)rc at·ti,·e n11tl zenlt)\t, tl1c111 tl1t1 e1tlts i 11 ,, 11111i11g· ~t)lll, tt) tllf' tr11tl1 . 1'11t' .1t,·1,,,n11 ·...' \\... it11t'SS<.'s ,ltl l l s e , ·e11tl 1 l),1, .. \ ,l,1..'11t1,t , ,ll'l' j11,t ,1, l111111clll • • il ' \\'t' Hl'l'. }f tll l' ) ' \\' lll ~{) lll8llJ.. \l, tlll'tr e11tl1 t1si ,1 "111. tl1f1·e is 110 l'l',\ -... t)tl ,, 11)· ,,·e c,1 11 't be e11thu ~i– a~t i · ,1l>o11t ,l11·ist. I f tl1e~· tra111 t lit)ir ,,·t)rl~e1\_. t l1e pasto1·s <·a11 trc1i11 c.111, of t)l11· 11eople ,,110 ,,,.a11t t ) tl<.) 11e~·~t)11,1l ,,·orl~ ,111d li:tribl1te ·11r1,tin11 liter,1t111·e. l f tl1e lllt– i~t , tl})11e,1l to tl1e f le ... 111}" 111i11cl ,, itl1 tl1ei r ,1rg·\1111011tatio11, ,Ye ot1gl1t to l1a,·e ,1 t?,reate1 .. ,1 p1)eal tl11·ot1gl1 tl1t 1 t 1 lll111<.llllPllt t)f tll( 1 ll o}~– ~l)irit . \\ ...e 011g ht to l1e ,1 l)le to ,ltt:t)lll l)1 i.-- 11 11101·~ . f 01-- tl1 e po,Ye1· f tl1t'} Il t)l}- ~1)i1--it i. livi11e . Dr. I)o,,·ell c111cl l1i on1111ittee l1a,·e 11ot ~et too higl1 a g·oal ,vl1e11 t l1e>– l1,l ,·e c1 ,J,ec.l 1:...- .00() l il)le-l)elie,Ti11g I ,l })ti~ts to ,,i11 20 000 ro1rvert~ lr,- :\I a,- of 1960. We 011g-h t to ~ ~ • ,,-111 mo1--e. 1~,- tl1e 0·1·ac:e of (.::od ,,e ·a11, l)11t ,,·ill .. ,,·p ! ~ ot 1111le1s · \Ye l1r ~c1 l, ,,·itl1 c1ge-lo11g tradition that l1olc.l 1110'-;t <>rt110 l ox ·h 11 r el1 111e111br r : l)atk. :\Il1cl1 of tl1 e e11tl1u:ia 111 of tl1e ct1lt cor11e £1--on1 their 11e,,·- 11e . 11 ·e Bapti. t ,,·ere fir - l)1--aucl · too, tl1 at ,,·e11 t e,·er~·",,· l1c_>rr tli tt11--l )i11g p eople ,,·ith their wit- 11e ·- 0111etime lighti11 o-- the cou11- t1·,.. _"'ide "-ith the fagot: of tl1eir o,~·11 b111'11ino· at t11e . tal~r. ~11tl1 en th l1sia~n1 . lO\\" l~.. c1ie(1 a. J) CO}) lr acreptecl the Bapt i. t . a: j11st <111- otl1er 1--e. pectal)le Prot e. ta11t clr- 110111i11atio11. P11blic fa\TOr <li cl ,,·hat 1)e1-- ect1t ion co11lcl 1 ot do ile11 eel ot1r t e timo11y. For over 100 >·ear~ 11c>,,. 1110,t Ba11ti,t . ha·r e let thei1-- pa to1· do the p1·e,1c·l1i11t!·. a11 cl tl1<>,. l1a,·e l1alf-l1eartedl,T Ji tened • • a 11 cl J)ai<l a littl e for tl1e 1·eligiol1. e11te1·tainn1e11t. 11 11.. i11 tl1r C'itirs, • ,,·l1e1--e 111o~t arP t1p-root ed ·tra11g- e1' . i it po . il)le t o :tir .- re or 1() 70 Ollt of tho e r l1t of tradi– ti<)11 a11cl get t11 111 to '"·it11r. .- t o thrr" n1,· a f ,,· of 0111· cl111rc-l1e~ • ·011lcl lJe tirrecl up to tlo thr ea~i 1· t11i11!!. of ha,·i11g- c1l1arte1'l)· la~- .._ of fa...,ti11g a11cl pra)-er. Rap– t. t t1·aclitio11 ,, a agai11. t that al o. ) l'1 ,, hPtl ,, (' J)l'lll'l''"' t <> l1ral1< ,.,, 1ltct{ ()\l(.'icll' ()r ( 1 }1ri,t HI} 111(')1 ,ll'C' l }"' {. H 11 ( I HI"'() t 11<1 t t 11<1 Hg't\ ()f !!l'cl('(' ,..._ l'<lJ)illJ) C'l)lllitl!!' t<) clll Pll <l, ,lll<l 111illitl11, <>f tltP lc1s t ,,ill l)P l<1l't 1 1 t, 11 i 11 < 1 1 <) o· <) 111 r o 11 o· l 1 t h P ~· re ,l t - t'°' <..' t rillttlat icl11 . sl1011ltl \\'P 11ot llr:tir <)ll l'~r l,·e.? \ ?C'R. ,,,.h e111 tl1c' c 1 h111·c·l1es 111H) fi1·st fcc>l t11e juclg·111e11t of ro<l ,ltl<l '1<)1111111111is111 t;.11{:r ve1· a11tl J)t)rsre11te1 ( 1 111--i. tia 11 . all o,Ter the \\'()l'lcl. sl1c)11lcl \\"(' 11ot l) \\ 1 illing 1 <) fa~t a11cl J)ra),. ? 1~,i.1·. t 8 l{ thP lt <) lJ) (lf ( ,o(l. a11(l tl1P11 g:o forth to , ,·it ll(l s? "'\ 1,TF"~'I'I( ~ "'\ lJL 1 ( ) I~ I E i '1 l >() XDE ~ T >-. l~ eo· i1111i110' ,,,. it]1 the ~Iar 11 l""' r i. -.·11e. ,,·r ,,·ill 111ail 011 1~ mat erial to tl1e p1--i11ter by the 20tl1. Tl1,1t 111ea11. Fell. 2( lt l1 . c1f eotll'- 0. rt al so 111ea11: arti · le: ·ho t1 lcl t P i 11 b)" t hr 1 Otl1 if po. il Jle q11cl 11e,,·. l)vT t l1e 13tl1 if at all ._ lJossible. nything that ar– t·iv·e: ,lfter tl1e 19tl1 ,,.. i.11 l1a,·e to \Y,lit 1111til the 11 xt 1no11th. } ()R ()lTR RE \.DER~ IT MEAS t lie)· sho ttlcl g t th ir 'Opie: al )Ollt ,'5 cla,": ea1--lie1-- tl1a11 thrJT .. ._ 11 0 ,,· clo. If yot1 ha,,e gotten s·ot11·., 1)). t lie 12t 11 of the mo11 tl1, you ,,Till get it by tl1 e 7th. E <:o l11·se. tl1i11g·: ea11 happe11 at tl1e 1)1·e . , o do11 t g·et xcitecl if jt i ,' t,,,o claJT' lat ~ bt1t \\r \\·j] } t1--) 1 to get it to ).,.Oll ea1·lie1· ~ 11 t l1 e lllOll th. T~,·e r)- })a~· to1' 011gl1t to l)reach ,,·itl1 ;·0111. i11 , 1 ie,,.. eve1·y S1111day and cht1rch n1ember 0110'l1t to ,vit- 11e.·s a11cl i1l,.. ite tl1e year arot1nd: l1t1 t -n·e ar · ug·e. ti11g that eve1·y 0110 of ou1· (·h111· ·h . ougl1t to l1olcl r , ,.a11g-eli. ·tic: ·a1111)aig·11." tl1i.· ,,ri11- ter a11d p1--in2:. hio i. l1l e.. ·eel ,,·i tl1 111a11~ 1 e, 1 a11ge li ·ti pa. to1· ' tl1at ,,·ill 1 gla 1 to ex rl1,111g:e ,,·itl1 011e }111c)tl1er, if 110 profe ional evan– ~·c.) l ist tcl11 I><' :ce1t1· d. The e litor i: g·la(l to o~o 011t after the :...0th Of <'cl • 11 111011 th ,111(1 l 111· i11 O' tl1e f i1·:t ,,·eelz of eac:11 111011tJ1. i o,,.. ,,·e ]1,1,,.e tl1e g·oocl 11e""·· that Re, ,. f"o11 ,,~i11t cr . i : 1110, 1 i11g bael( to ()111' .·tate to do e, 1 al}O' li ti r\ 1 0rl~. , ~<>lI ,,·ill fi 11cl the a11nol111cement <>11 ,111 r l;,rllo,,\ l1ip Page. ( l 11e c)f tl1e mo t effective ,,·av. • i"' fo1~ tl1e ·ht11'c·l1 t o 01--ga11ize £01-- a ,·i itatio11 rampaig11 for a ,,yeek ,111cl t 11 e 11 fol l o,,? that ,,· it h a ,,·e l{ <> I' "'ll<'(·ic11 ll l('Ptitt !..!~ ,ti th<· c·l111rc·l1 . ' l h H t t c1 k(' s (•c > 11 , i c l c•r c1 l > I <1 1 > 1• <1 r > a r a - t i<>ll c>f Jll'<> J> ec·t li"t" Hllcl t'11 ' trai11i11g· ()f' \\'()l'l\Pl'S. l111t i~ VPI')' c, f'ft c·ti,·p if' clc>11<1 J>l',l,\"t> rf'ttll)·. 'l'l1P11 c>1tr ~11 111111Pr T~il)IP \ c1e,1t ic)11 ~c·h<><>l~ 'il1c>1t lrl 1>0 rlc>fi11it Pl,.. r,·,111 - • µ:r li~tic·. 811(1 thPl'P ~l l<>l ll<l ctl~<) l>P ,l fnll c·a111pai !.!. 11 of so111r l<i11cl . \\"" it 11 r,., a11~:r l i.- t i <' p rr,t c· hi 11g rv rr)? !41111day. ancl ,,,,ith tl1rPr . J)r<·i c1 l sr,1. 0 11 .· of i11g<1theri11 }.!. tt1err i.· 110 c.1 o 11 l > t a l > o 11 t o 111-- a l 1 i l it,.. t o fa r r x- • eercl tl1 e goal .·et lJy the Faith a11d Fello,, 7 hip on1mittee of the (} ...\ RB . WE 1\ X ... IT~ WE WILL! - --·----- Wll .r\T ... \ ~T TIIE OTB DO ? Ot1r heart i. r 111argec1 ,vith l)le.. in_g ! Tl1e Roa l Forl{ Bapti t 11111 .. rh of Harriet '"ille i. on our TT011or Roll. The pa. tor, RaJ" Fe lle11g·er, ga,.,e . ul). ·cription to ]1i. e, 1 e11 t ee11 fa111ilie. a. a 1 hri. - 111a. pre. ent . Tio,,.. h e <loe. that on 11i. alary that i. le than half the average of the . tate we don't k11ow· but he . ay. he enjoy. thP 1nag·azi11 e . o 1n11cl1 l1 e ,,a11t all hi: 11 eople to get it. Tl1en Fir. t Bap– ti. t of Bo,,· li11 Q' -rree11 . e11 t i11 10 11ew 011e to adcl to the old, which mean. thev n1·e ea il,? 011 • • t11 II01101-- Roll too. We wa11t to tha11l\ Pa. tor Town e11c1 and hi 1 c,:~ l J)er. £01· that l)ig lift. ~ o,v ,,~e l1a, 1 e :..O H o11or hurche . Tl1at i · wl1at v-011 folk. ca11 do. • l)11t ,,·11at ca11 the OTB clo ? It 'a11 fl1rni h good Cl1ri. tian 1--ea din O' for 1.500 to 2.000 home. . E\•cry ~ pa. tor 011ght to ee t11e ad,..antag-e of l1a, 1 ing a mao .. azi11e i11 tl1e 110111e. of l1i. people that will bacl~ t1p ]1i own mi11i. try. W e may 11ot al– way . ide witl1 the pa to1' i11 dif– f jt-11lti~s , l )11t ,,·p ,1~11al1,~ do. ,... t • lea. t ,,.. e a1~0 a 1 ,va,,.. 011 l1i , ·ide • ,,·l1e11 l1e pteac l1e. the W 01--d an 1 call. £01· gocll)T li, 1 i11g a11cl aet1, 7 e • 8Pl .. \"1Ce . Tl1e 111agazi 11 e c,111 11 elp t111i te l1on1e:· i11 t11e . r r,Ti e of God. Tl1e yo1111g people are alr--ectdJ,. , .. er~"" 11111eh i11teJ·e te(l i11 11e,,. abo11t Ca11111 I)at1no. . eclar,.. ille. and the ~"011th rallie. · a11d ,, ..e l1ope . 0011 to 11a, 7 e a Yot1t l1 Page e lited by a }T0l11lg' per:011. The ,,ome11 ha,re tl1ei1· -pa 2:e a11d 111i io11 to1--ie , ,111c1 1110 ·t all 11eopl e ,,.. ill e11joy tl1 r ch11r 11 11e,,-.. ( 11e ,,·a,- £01· • 11asto1·s to i.11t r 1·e:t tl1ei1· p eo1 l 111 ·11b.·eril )i11ft 1<> thr 111ag·azi11e i~ t<> '-i<'11cl i11 11 c-> ,,·~ frc)111 ti111e to time.
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