The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1959
Fa .1/ \\". Tl. I\< 1 le r . \ ttl 11tl'l' \ l',11' 11(1"' 'Ollll' clllcl • ~ )lll\. illl(l \\ 1 itl1 it lll tl l l). l)l0.....~i 11g-~. :lllli ,11,l) ~l)llll' tt'"'ti11g'°': llllt clS .... \\" f 1 tl1111], t)f lli~ ~'<)O(llll""S ,Ye l'H l l l111l, "cl\. ··111<1111, ,·t11. 1Jortl. £ r • • • (', r• 1 a t 1, , 1, 1) t' t 11 t l 1, .. f cl i t l 1 £ 11 l 11e. . . · ;:-. . l1ri"t111,1"' ti111e i" cl , ·p1·)· b11. ) ' ti111t\ nt tl1 e :\ li~~it111. I~ 1 i1·~t. tl1er e i, tl1t 1 ,,· rnf)J)i11p: cl lltl 1)11tti11g 11,1111r~ l)11 tl1t) ~ift , ft)r tl1e el1il lre11. "\\rr ,,·f·1·c ,11)1<' t<) gi,·r ,1 t"'·i ft to tl1e. e tl1rel) l11111tl1·ecl 11i11~ el1ilcl1·e11, 1nan;~ of wl10111 ,,..011ld 11ot l1 c1 v·e r ec ei,red n11)- ot11e1· gift. ~c1t111·tlc1,· l) rfor e "111ri.--- tma. ,ve • l1c1cl tl1c ("l11·i. t111,1 .. pa1·t~,. fo r tJ1e ~[i""io11 Dil)le lt1l) ·hildren. )[o. t of t 1 r"e c 11iltlr e11 a1·e color e(l . Tl1e~- ga,.. t" cl 1o,..e1J,. h1·i. t111a pro– g1 .. a111. Tl1e11 at the clo e each ._ t l1i1c1 -n-,1 <;.; 2.i,.. e11 a ~rift a11 cl a . tocl<- i11g. i11 ,,·l1il'l1 ,,,:1. a11 apple. 01·a11ge 1111 t. a11c1 ca11clv. ., The follo,·ri11g .._ 1111clay, ,,e h}1cl the l11 .. i.1t111a. progra111 for 0111 .. Le'\\i. TT ollo,,.. 1.1t po. t .. 1111<la)" • c-11001. Tl1i~ little eh,1pel 11a: a , rati11g ca1)aeit:\'· of . e,·e11t~r-:ix. and there were one h11ndred tl1i1·t,·-ei!ll1t ,,·110 eame. Tl1e little • <)11e ,,c1·e itti11g 011 the lap. of the olcle1-- 011e ·. a11cl ,1 fe,,T J1acl to "ta11cl. \\Tr ,,e1·e too e1·0,,·cl ecl to l1a,·e a11~· prog1·a1n . . o ,1fte r 011r <·l1i1cl1--e11 ·~ '\\Orlcr r tol(l a ( 1 hir. t - 111a. tor,,. a11d g·c1,,.e an i11,·itatio11 • ,,·p ~ra,~e tl10111 their ftift: a11cl ~tof'l,i11!!. . e, .. r1 1·ai"ecl thei r l1a11d i11 re"'po11 e t<) tl1 r i11,,. it,1tio11. H ow ,,..e J)ari e .-od fo1· tl1e 111a11~" ,,-ho 11 a,·p b0e11 a, ..rel 011 t t 11 er r . Sr,·e1·al ,,·eel( ag·o 0111-- '"'01·1,er ,ta1..tec1 t11e111 lea1..11i11g t,,·e11ty-. ix , ·er~e~ of ~ C'riJ)t11re. a , ,.er . e for (}ac·h let t r1· of the ,1lphal)et. The~T ga,e the111 t,,..o ,,·eek. l)ef o1~e ( 'l11'i..... t111a~. j fa11~... h,1cl to clrop 011t , a tl1ev l1acl to g·i,"e tl1e 1·efer e11c·e . .. a11cl a,... t11e111 c-orrec·tl, ... ,,·itl1 0111, ... • • • r>11<-1 e<>c1<: l1i11Q· 0 11 eac-11 ,·er . e. The1 ..e ' ,,·ere 0111,.. tl11·ee little p,·e11 vear .. . o1cl Qi1~1~ a11cl a 111otl1er ,,..ho l1a. f>11l,... bee11 a,-ecl ix rno11tl1 ) who • ~too,1 111) a11cl aicl tl1e1n ,,..itl1ot1t a 11.i,t,11,e. W e tr>l<l tl1e111 we ,,·011lcl !!et tl1e111 ,,..l1at the,,, ,,·a11tecl .._ . 'l'J 11~ FcbrL1ary 195H ~ll's. \\T II . J,p1~lp1·, ll 1t11ti11µ: t c> tl <•11) ~lissi<)ll, l<l:l(l ~<'\' P11tl1 .\,rc'll\te, lll111f i11µ:t<)11, \\rrst \ ' i1~gi11ia f (>r cl 11 a'" a rd. 'r,vo 0£ t 11 111 a. keel fo1· a l1·eRs c111d tl1e other 011e c1sl{e(l fo1· a <· 1·i11oli11e lip . ,,.,. <' J)1·e. 11tecl tl1e1n ,1t th r 1 h1·ist111a.· J)rog'r,1111. \\ e got tl1e mothe1· a J~il)lr a11d l1 e ,,~,1. 80 plea. ed. lt tl1rill . 11. to ee lio,"· tl1 rHP ad11lt. a. ,vell a the ·}1ild1·e11 arr hicli11~: rocl . W 01·d in thei1~ hea1~t.. I 11111~t t ell ·,;;·011 abc>11t <>11 e ]it - • tl l)o3r l)y the 11a111r of Roger " rhc> ha. l)een co111i11µ: t o t he S1111cla~· • chool r ,~er . i11 e lie ha. l)ee1 l1ig· e11011g·h to ,vall{. H e live. with bi. g·1·a11 l1notl1er a11cl 1notl1e1· i11 ct litt le . hael{ i11 bacl~ or t}1e hape 1. Roth he a11d hi. l>r·othe1· arc il– legitin1ate childr en. II i. mother l1a. . p e11t . e,Teral ~v·ea1·. i11 a pe11i– te11tiary. l1i brother ,,ho i. 11ot 1na11y year olcl er tha11 he }1a al - 1·eady . p e11t . everal month. in re– form chool . 111 . pite of all the. e di. a<l, ·a11t– age~ Roger i. a , ,.ery . ,,,.eet boy nf 11i11e 3,.ear. of ag:e. W e hacl him clown to the :\Ii io11 tl1e c1a ,r l)e- • fore l11·i. tma . H e . pe11 t . everal hot1r. h e]pi11g me a11d havi11g l1111cl1 ·\rith 11. wl1ile h e ,, ..a. ,,Taiti11g for a hr·i. tia11 1)11. ine.. woma11 t o co111e f or hin1 a11 cl ta1<e hi1n sh op– pin~:. Y 011 . h 011ld 11 a, .. e . ee11 }1in1 wl1e11 l1e r et11rnetl. I n1 .·11re ther e ,,..a. n t a ha ppie1 .. l1o~r i11 the ,vor 1cl. .~l1e bo11gl1t hi1n a 11ier lr ather j a ·ket with a hood~ al o glove . l1oe. a11cl . o f 01~t11. . e,· r 11 t ee11 article. i11 c111 . ITo,,· ,, 1 e lo11 g t o :ee Ro~rer : g1·a11c1111ot11er c111cl n1other . a,·e 1 . o tl1at l1e ca11 l1a,·e c:l C1h1--i. t ia11 ho1ne. I mu. t 11ot f orµ:et t o te11 \ 7 ()11 • that ,,e f eel £01 .. ty h1111gr:Y' tra11 ·ie11t men a t11rl{ey clin11e1· ,,ritl1 all the t1·im111i11g. . W e al. o p:a,..e them a fil led . tocl{i11g·, a pair of . ocl<. a11cl a 11andker 11ief . e gave fifty-. eve11 l)a. ltet: t o t11e poor with a con1plet e hri. t- 1na. ]i11ner in r acl1 011e. ...\1. o H gift fo1· ea ·h hil 1 i11 the fa1nil~,.. W e a1·e r ejoici11g· that ei2:ht of tho. e ,,-110 ·ame for l)a:lcets ae - ·e1)tetl hri. t a. their, I- a, 1 iol11, . W e talkecl to tl1e111 a11 tl ga,Te tl1 111 tl1e pla11 of :·alvatio11. a11cl a1·e . o 1app~· a 1) o11 t t 11 e 1-- e: 111 t. . ( )11e b11.1v ti111e i. o,·er a11cl \\'P ~ are 110,,· p1·epari11g for a11othr1"" . th :Ninetrentl1 1111iv<11·.·ar\Tof thr • l\Ii:.~io11. It <loe. ·11 t Hee1n J)O. .1il)l0 that ,,Te ve lJeen }Jerr that long·. B1tt ,vhe11 we thi11l< ba ·l< o,Te1 .. tl1 e year. a11d r e,~ie,v <1od '. goodne. :, the oul. tl1at have beer1 . a,,ecl, ,vell- j11 t all Ili. claily ble.. i11g. . ,,·e ca11 01 ly ay ag-ain. }r eat i: th,T faithf11l11e.. . ' Lame11tation. • 3:23 ' Keep reme1n l1erin~z: u. to Him.' CHILD KID PPED ON WALLER ST. Kidnapper Recognized A child who had atte11cled th( l111day chool of the Temple Bapti t h11r h ,,Ta. l(idnappecl i111111e liately after t1nday chool la ·t Nu11c1a}r 111or11i11~:. The <·11il l had wall,ed clown tl1e .·ide,vallr lyyr the ch11r ·h wl1e11 cl darl{-colore i, 1110 lern a11tomobile pulled up to th ·l11--l). T]1 e two per on i11 ide 111otioned f 01· the cJ1il cl to get i11 t}J e car. r\ : . 0011 ,1: t]1p illllOl'Pllt one had gotten in the ar. it :1)rcl a,,,.av to an unkno,,.. 11 de ti11atio11. ... Who wa the child ? \\ ho ,vcre the lcidnapper ? Let s not name tl1e hild: let . 11a111e the kicl11<1J) – per . - tl1 e~" were the child'. par– r 11 t8 i a11 ),.011 in1ag·i11e the 111 1 ta 1 and piritt1al ag·o11 ~T of the c!1 il 1? lla,·i11g l1ee11 ta11g·l1t i11 ~t111(la)· ~ c 11001 tl1at it ,,·a. · 1~ight ancl pr"oper to attencl ,,·or hip er,·iee.· c111cl l1a ,.- i110' ee11 he1~ £1·ien 1. going· i11 t o th 'l)ig· cl1t11· ·h. ' t11 e c- l1ilc1 ,,·,1s J)e1·– plexecl ancl eo11f11.~ecl lJ <'at1....e s11 e ,,·c1. 11ot permitted to do . o by her .. parent - nor clid the pare11t , , ~e r attr11d. Tl1i... t1·agi · i11cide11t i. 1·r– ena t ed over and o, Te1,. e, ·er,T R1111- cla~T 11101·ni11g l1et,,..ee11 10 :00 a11 d 10 :30 a.m. • T1 ·a i 11 zc p ct cli ilcl i11 t 71 e l l'G JJ li e slt o1t lcl go; a11cl wl1 e1i l1 e i. olcl. li e ?l 1 ill rz of depar·t f ro 11i 1't .' -( P1,o,-- - erb 22:6 ) . - T e1111)l Bapti ·t Broadca t er
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