The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1959
February 1959___......._""---_______!HE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST . o tl1 e, ... ,,·ill ee that t heir o,v11 • ·h11rib i , 1· roa11ized i11 the tate. It ,,rill al o 11 ourao· th m to ,,To1·l{ that m11 h l1a1~der fo1· thei1' c11ur · h. La tl}T the magazi11e ca11 11nite tl1e 106 cl1l1r he i11 our a, o iia– tio11 i11to a lo ely l{11itted family. b en ie doe 11ot mal<e the heart fonde r if ,ve 11ever hear from one a11other. The IB i t l1e circulat– i11g family letter that goe about the eir le of tl1e churche draw– i11g· them clo r to each other. W e Reg11lar Bapti t hav 110 de- 11omi11atio11al 111a ihi11ery to hold t1. too-ether. "'\Ve hav 11othi11g to bi11d u too-ether except a com– mo11 pre iou faith common inter – e ·t j11 f u11damental mi. io11 and cl1ool a11d friendly new from 011e a11other. Let ll trengthen tho e ,Tolu11tary tie of love ,ve do l1a,,e and ·ee if we ca1111ot 1111ited– ly accompli h more for ou1" won– derful Lord. -------- v\TILL OHIO LE LIZE GAl\rIBLI G! The expected ha h appen.ed with a 1 atholic governo1 .. from a Cath– olic city that ha ag~ai11 a11d again tried to leaalize hari ty Bingo by police edict. A bill i already in the hoppet" to permit cl1arity Bingo by local optio11. 011ly a11 ava– la11che of prote t to our r epre- entative. can preve11t it from • pa.· ' 111g. .. ome 1nay feel that a local vote 011 t he matter .. would be good to arou. e lumbering Prote tant , and that it would be defeated in their city. They had better 11ot l)e too ure- l\'Ior e t han half of the Prote tant chur ch member b long to lodge. that woul 1 ?'l o Jil{ to eng·age in charity ga111bl111g . }amlJli11g is an unmitigated vil tl1at 111l1st l)e fought co11. ta11tly. 'l'}1at c·hurcl1 c,)s s l1 ou] l clema11d the rio lit to f i11ance their sc 11001 a11cl b • c~}1a1·itie~ l>}, l3i11go is a, <l1sgrac to the 11a111c of ( 1 l11·i.·tia11ity. I11 <>Ul' C\)res, a J)rie. 1 that ptlts Oll a J~i1100 t,a111e1 1o fi11a1 ce hi · c- l1t1rch """ b • cJ1ariti<>s is ,,,orsc t }1a11 a C'1g·ar- <·}1e,,,ir1g, \v]1isl<e1y-cl1·i11ki11g· ga111lJlc1· ,, 1 11<) 111,11< . 110 JJrof '.lssio11 ! .1l1arit v 13i11"0 \\' il] J)uf, ,111 11cl • n tcJ pff l(•1 i ,rp eo11tl'<>I <>f C)t }1 1 1· f 01'111s of ga r11I Jli11g. \\T}1y c•cJ11cl r1111 ,1 J>Ol{er ga111e1 if JJi11go i. Jeg·a 1/ \\ 11.) 1 ,1rrPs1 t,,,o 01· fot1r .). Tpg· roP" f<,r a <'l'UJJ g·a111<1 \\' l1 11 t vvo l1 t111 - clr,1<J J)t~<J J)l<~ ,tt a Joclg·e ,ire g,11r1 - l>li11g <>\' 1 1· . OlllP ]3i11g<> J>tl ll •]1 l1t,ar<ls ! ... l ost J><J]i c·ta111 l11 ,tr<l to<J l1t)J1< 1 st at l1 <->,1 1·t to 111,1Ir ttc•}1 H <Ji. 1 i11 ·1 io11. \TJ1y, ::,}101111 tlt l)T 1rag· J)C>o1· peo1)1e off to j ail ,, 1 he11 <' h tlrC' h 111en1 her. a11 d . oriety people are ga111l)li11g' too 1 Not only . o, lJtLt 1no ·t ga1nbli11g j oint. would or g·a11ize as clt1l), and pt1t 01ne of tl1e proee cl.· into a char ity and c: lai111 legal pr·ot ctio11 . Ot1r . tate i... bacl e11ough ,vit h– ot1t ope11i11g it lll) t o 1 gal gam– l)Ji11g . L t 8 g·et bl1. y and tell 011r le~:i. ·latl1re v,re ,va11t t hat ·bill l e– featecl. BACK TO AMERICANISM By Ralph T. Nordlund Back to the God of the Pilgrims, Back to Washington's prayer, Back to the faith of Lincoln That saved him from despair: Such is the n eed of the hour For our dear old U .S .A. , If we would meet the challenge Of this tremendous day! Back to the wisdom of Franklin, Back t o Monroe's good sense, Back to our elder statesmen Who scorned to u se pretense: Such is the n eed of the hour For our dear old U.S.A. God grant u s men of honor Who truly know the way! Back to the pioneer spirit, Back to good, honest toil, Back to a self-reliance No welfare- state can spoil: Su ch is the n eed of the hour For our dear old U .S .A ., If we would save the heritage Of freedom in our day! lT II 1-\ ~ BEEN AID: To atte111pt to J)a}.,. \Vitl1 tl1 pit- ta11ce of ot11· g:oo l ''{Orl<. · a 11(l 111or al r c\£01·111 fo 1-- t ]1e f re gift of ~-- alvatio11 i. to i11 11lt od l1e– li ttle t he e 11or1nol18 • aeri£ice of h1·i. t a11d xl1i bii th v 1 .. y l1l1 - 111a11 J)1·icl e ,v h j i 11 bar. · t l1 ,vay to heave11. CHILDREN'S GOSPEL HOUR 'J'\ a11cl l{..:\ l) L ~ 1 er1 a 11<l Il rnrcl 111 () l1i <) "\\r~ J>])-'l' \ , 1 J1. 1:3 , 'I' o]eclo, (). 9 : 0 () 1\ . l\ I . R l111 ( 1 cl )T \\ 1 \\ 1 ~ 1 'r-f·'~I, ,\r t)()StPr 7 : -1 G I> . l\ I H ,1111 l' cl ,1 ) ' \\ 1 J1'() I~ , I~'<ls tori,l , ). G -1:G I> I ~at tt rel ,l) WATCH LISTEN PRAY ( 1 } 1 j I < I r <> 11 • ~ ( ; os l) t 1 1 11 < > t 11·, l 11 •• ;J() 1 :2 J1'<>X I) 1· 1 I 1,1 t 1 a 11 <> <) 0 a , '1(' 111 t . ; 11 (' I l )' \ T • • ----------- Page Three THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS'f Published Monthly by THE omo ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Publication Office 118 E . Oak St., Butler, Ind. Editor RALPH T. NORDLUND 586 Maple Street Fostor ia, Ohio Circulation Manarer MRS. J OHN KAUTZ, 4519 Wellington Ave. Parma 34, Ohio Subscription Rate : P er sin gle copy .. . ...... ..... $ .15 P er year . ....... .... .. ... .... $1.50 Advertising Rate : P er column inch . . .......... $ 1.50 Per half page ..... . .......... $21.00 P er full page ............... . $40.00 Ent ered as second class matter at the Post Office at Butler, Indiana u nder the Act of March 3, 1879. Postmaster: Please send form 3547 t o The Ohio Independent Baptist, 1519 Wellington Ave., Parma 29, Ohio. COUNCIL AND OFFICERS Ohio Association Of Regular Baptist Churches Chairman REV. T. FRED HUSSEY 26 E. Church St. Niles, Ohio Secretary REV. GEORGE O'KEEFE 3420 Henninger Road Cleveland 9, Ohio Trea urer REV . GLENN GREENWOOD 315 So. Kensington Rd ., Spri11gfi ld, 01110 Mi io11ary REV. HALL DAUTEL Gallia cl11d Wall r Sts. Portsn1outh, Ohio M mbers AT.T,AN E. LEWIS GEORGE R GIBSL1N R. KENNE1'H S~lEJ SER IIOWARD G . Y UNG ROBERT J . REYNrIOlY.l, EARL V. WILLEITS
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