The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1959
l?ir. T. Fred llu ey 1<.)t1 creclt ecl 111c111 ,,-itl1 tl1e l )L) \Y t'r to ~11 e l teal\". Tl1e)'" a1·e )11e ()f t l1e tloor c. tl11·ol1gl1 ,, 7 hich ,,·e 111a)- ex111·e 011r e111otio11 . 'I ec11· . too. a1--e cl 1111i,..e1--"- al lan– O'Uc1 o e \'rl1icl1 e, ·er,..011e a11 t111cle1· - ~ ...... ' ta11d: a11cl ,rl1e11 _.J e. u an1e in t lie fle 11 to 1·e\..eal tl1e Father Ili.. tea1·~ c11·e 1·eco1·cl ecl tl1at all 1ne11 111ig·l1t ee }Ii:- trt1e h111na11itJr· It i. g·ood fo1.. 11 t o ee Hi t ea1· .. : to lc110,,~ that t l1e .._ 011 of (Tocl ·c:111 l1e to11rl1e 1 ,, .. ith the feel– i11g of 011r i11 f i1"111itie . The hri t of tl1e ~ c 1 .. ipt11re i 11ot withot1t feeli11g 01.. en1otio11. Tl1ere wer e ti111e: ,,-l1e11 Ile ,,..a a11g1--}'" time ,,·h e11 lie ,,·a. an1aze 1 time ,,hen Ile 1'a. g:lad a11d time ,,·l1e11 H e ,,·e1)t . .._ t1·a11o·elv- e11011o·h the1·e are .. 0 ' tl10. e tocla,.. ,vl10 h1111 the emotion .. of tear. , e. ·1)eciall}"'" i11 1 .. eligio11 111a tte1'. . It ,,·011lcl be mo. t im– proper for tl1e1n to 1)e een l1ed– cli11g a t ea1·. The. e r eligiol1 , co11- ,·i(·tio11~ are i11 1110. t ea. e. bl1t f1~oze11 for1nalitie. - t oo . hallow to tol1t l1 tl1e hidcl en pring. of the heart . Tl1a11l< Joel the1·e " Ter e mon1e11t. ,,·l1e11 .J e. ll. ,,·ept. Th1 time i11 tl1e • Tew T e ta1nent \'re are in– trocll1 ·eel to a ~ 1 aviol1r who shed t r ar i11 the e, ... e1·,r ca. e it wa for • othei· ,111cl not for Ilim. elf. · ' I I e l1acl 110 tear·. f 01· IIi. own grief B11t ,,·eat c1r op of l)lood for • 111111e. 11ce, at a hon1e in tl1e \Tillage of Betha11,·, 1 h1·i t . tooc1 befo1·e &. a ,,·eeJ)i11g. p1·0 trate ,,·01nan with tea1" ·our-- i11g- clown Hi cheek.. · · J P"11~ wept. ·· ThP r tear ,v ..ere t l1e t a,·s of .· y ,,i patliy. Tl1ey ,~;e1·e ' I lilt, ltl 1NT1ET li'NI l~N'l, Jl \l ">'J'TST "tll' tl1 tenr~. ' l't 'HI'~ sh ' <l f'<)r a l'n1111l, thnt 11t1ll l>l' l' tl l>ere,1,,pc{ . • \ ~ "11t· l1 l)\ t1· 1 JO l' Cl i~ t l1 P gr<',l t "') 1111)nthi1<' r ,, itl1 1111111 c1 11 ,, o<'. <)111· !'-!l) l'l' ()\\ c< 111111c111<.ls I Ii. }-;)"lllJ)cltl1:v·. ~\ g·ai11 111 l 1()1·cl ,J 0:11s sl1ccl 1Pars i11 tl1e C1clrc1e11 of t tl1- ~('111a11e. l t ,,.c"ts r es r,,ecl for the> ,,·rit <.' r of tl1e l{ool{ of llebre,v. to ll11,·piJ t11ose t (' a1-. of .. Je. ll. i11 tl1c : ,1rtl t~ 11. 11 c 1~ceor c1 tl1e e ,vor :l : \' "\\.,.110 i11 tl1e dajr of lli. fle 11 ~ ,,y l1e11 Ile l1a<.l off 1·etl tll) I raye1-.. ,1 11cl llJ)I)lieatio11 ,, 1 itl1 t1·ong C:l'~ri11g· a11d tear' lllltO IIi1n that ,ya._ 1111abl to a,,e Ili1n f1--om cleatl1, a11cl ,,·a h eard i11 that h e f ea 1· ec1. ( I I b. 5 :7) . Tl1e e ,, e tea1· of iriterce - io11. ,L\ . tl1e g1 ,,eig'ht of tl1e ,,-orld in pre eel i11 11pon Hi potle. . Olll a11d the hado,,{ of tl1e cr o. con1e. befo1·e Ili view IT i. Ii l)· ago11ize i11 p1--ayer a11d tl1e hot tear COlll" e down Hi r l1eel<. . Tho e tear wer e ~ h ed 011 011r behalf. Ti. mid11ig·ht a11d fo1.. other gl1ilt Tl1e 111a11 of .·orrow weep in l)lood.' ' The1'e ,,,.a. a11otl1e1.. time that he ,,·ept. \"\ l1 e11 KinO' J e u came ricling o, ..e1' the :\Iol1nt of live to"\\., a1--d .. J e1~11 alem an i as that c:it}r b111-. t l1po11 Ili. , ,.i ew IIe o'aze l on it glor)T. Ther e lay the a11 ie11t ce11ter of the ho en Race. A. Il e lool<. l1po11 it, a flood of en1otio11 ,,..eep . Hi . ol1l. L11lce pict11r e it i11 the. e ,,,ord : ' ' 1-\.11cl ,,l1e11 }le wa. come 11ear H e be– l1elcl the ity a11cl ,, 1 ept over it .·a~ 1 i11g if tJ1011 had t l{110W11, even t11ot1, at l ea t in 111i. tl1y c1ay tl1e t hi11g. ,, 1 l1ich belong· to thy p ea ·e ! B11t 110,, 1 they are hirl fro111 thine e:)re . ' (L lll{e 19 :4) . PORT Fc}Jrunry 19~0 '1 Ii<' ,, 1 01·cl ~ \ \\ <' JJ1 els 11srcl Jt <' l' C1 i S 11 C > 1 1 It \VO I'C 1 f' <) 1• Si]C 1) t ten1·s l111t hc',tr1 r p11cli11g ~c)l),· . \\ 1 it 11 l1 <1n,, r 111c,t ic>11 ct .·olJ on ' l1is li11s ,t11cl trar~ i11 llis ryes t l1c.. I,i11 g· l<>ol<.' 111>011 n 11,ltio11 i11 i1~ r r jpc·tic>11. li p ,,·prp. for lost ~<>t1 ls l)li11cl to thrir 0,,,11 folly. h s i1111 >r ! ,vill 11ot tl1c ar: of .. J e– • ' lls l)1·i11g )"OU to I Iin1. ·elf 1 1 h1--i t '""CJ) t 11ot 011ly for J e1·l1 alem, Ile ,,,e1)t f 01· you. Did 111·i.· t o e1-- • i1111er . weep a11d ·hall 0111· tear. 1Je dry Let floocl of pe11ite11tial grief, l)u1-. t f 01--tl1 from every eye. Tl1e Son of oc1 in tears, the ·\"vo11cl ri11g a11gel ee B e tholl a . to11i ·hec1 my soul, H e h ed tho e t ear for thee. 1Ie ,,ept that we might weep, eacl1 i11 clemancl a tear I n Ileave11 alone no in is found and ,,,eeping' ended ther e. ' The tea1-- of J e ll mark Him a . the :\Ian of orrow . How close he con1e to human view with t ear . 111 ympathy He hared 011r grief i11 inte1--ce io11 H e wept f 01· ~ i11 and in the office of the Ki11g of Kings tho e eyes that . oon l1all blaze "With fire, once ,,,.e1)t for inft1l ma11. L or cl ! gi, 1 e thy p eople the ym– I)athJr to 1'eep with tho e who ,,,eep. ~ tain 011r prayer with tea1-. ·. T each ll how to weep for . i1111e1-. . L et the1--e be pity mingled ,,ith tl1e fire of holine in our i11t e1 ..ce. io11 t hat " ~e, lil\e the Lord J ll may be touched with the g1·ief of ht11na11ity. ' xod i 11ot 0111y a pre ent help i11 trol1ble bl1t a g·reat h elp in l{eepi11g 11~ Ollt of t1·011ble. SSIONS with your PRAYERS, GIFTS, INFLUENCE ----- _, ...- P .O. Box 455 Help the FELLOWSIDP OF BAPTISTS FOR HOME MISSIONS Rechw·ch America with Sound Baptist Churches Elyria, Ohio l
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