The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1959

'1'ltE <.)111 INDEP~NDRNrr Br\PTIST February 1959 ~~----- RO THE WOMEN' POINT OF VIEW l!J,litt'tl ll\ .\11{~ 'rl 11•:(), T , \ S . ~'\l l•, f ,4N J·~ T{. 12,> ,~ ri c11clsl1ir> Nt., ~Ir.clir1a, ( l1io • \\'()l\ll'll ·~ ,leti, itl{''°\ Hll(l tl1i11g~ ()r i11tPl'('\ l tc> \\()111 11 sl1011 l(l l)P sc11 1 tc> Ir . . ••melser ll\ t}1 p ] ()t }1 (lf l'clti}1 lllOlltl1 .) • J/r ' .. ,,1<l,'lr \ 1·t.: : '{ll l : t)llllp; l'llOllP,' ll t l) 1·e– lll t1111l f' r till) t' gt)tltl c) lcl tla~· ,,,. l1c11 , <)ll r 111tltl1t\r clll(l clc1cl ,,~ere i11 ;l ll t Ill ri t~· t)\ t'r )·011, ,Yl1 11 tlad ,,.<>ll lll ~<l)·. · · l),l11gl1tt1r. go lll) to , t)ll r r<lL)111 a 11 1 ta, .. t l1e1~e 1111til I • • el,111r ~ · · t )r 111<1)·l1e it ,,·,1 ar- t 11all ,· tl1) ,,ot)<l sl1c 1 ,,·l1cr r ~·0111~ • 111111i,l11tlL 1 11t ,rel !-,, 111rtetl 011t. Tl10. e 11ni11f11l ortlcals ,,·er e 11ot :o I)l ea. - ,l11t l)11t . 011. 110,,· tl1 e~,,. clitl clea1· tl1t) c1t1110. 11l1ere. :\fore 1·ere11t i11 ()11 1· 111e111orir. - 1.. 1)erha1) not c,·e11 i11 tl1e J a. t J ... et-i: J) e1--hap. tl1e littlP .,,,,.itel1 , ·oll 11Hecl 011 'to111· .. . <·l1ilLlr011 or tl1e ·l1air , ...ol1 111ade .. t l1e111 "it 011 1111til ,-011 told tl1en1 .. t l1e·y.. 011ld o,et llo,,·11. ·\\"ha t a big a 11 (i ll i:sobedie11 t fa 111il,... Olll" H ea,T- • e11l,- FatlJer l1a. t o deal with in • ,·r r,- la,- life . • • 1 i1·e11111 ta11c:e. ha'\"e l>1·011gl1t the clottri 11 e of et e1·11al :ec-11rit;y·· to 111,- atte111 io11 , ~er,.. fo1--cil1l, .. i11 tl1e • • • 1 ast fe,, cla~... . A. yo11 1{110,, ... , 011e l111111a11 r ra. 011i11~ ,,l1i 11 . t . it:elf 111) to OJ)J)O. e 011r et e1 ..11al p o:it io11 i\., tl1at it ,,·ottlcl gi,..e 11. the lil)e1--t)" t<J g·o 011t a11 l :i11 all ,,·e plea. e. Tl1i 111atter of . pi1--it11al cli. r ipli11e i~ t l1e a11.~,, The1'e i . a '\"01':-\T • exc·ellr11t 11001{ <)11 tl1e ttl)je ·t ,,·hi ·11 I ,,·i h all of , ... 011 n1io-ht lJe able • tc> 1-.ea 1- ' · Diseipli11ecl l)y Grace 1~· ~J. F. ~tro1111Jerl{. ..:\. con1pa11- io11 lJool{ to lJe reacl fir t i. ~ 1 bal l X e,·e1 .. P eri 1 ' b,- the . a1ne a11tl101 ... • .J 11~t ,1 ,,·e 111otl1er: 11eecl to r1a111, Ol11· C' hilclre11, ~o t l1e Lo1·cl 11ee<l t o pa11l{ ll . ~ 0111eti1ne. ,,·e J) 1111i 11 for 11()t cl oi11g ,,hat ,,Tr tell tl1e111 to clc>. 111 0111· : 1)i1'itl1al lifr. tl1at i a ·i11 of 01ni.. io11. Di rl , ... 011 a,~. ' "'\"\.,.11 ,1 t i · tl1at ? • It . ~ i~ <J11r 11egleC't to c1o . 0111etl1i11g tl1at }ocl }1a · co1111na11cl ecl 11. to cl<). ' · J~ r fil l eel ,, itl1 tl1e ~ •pirit. }o ,·<:) i11 tcJ all the ,,·01·lcl. ', ' ' I-10, 1 e ~ lie lJ1'Ptl11· .)11. '· ....\.11c1 tl1e1--e a1--e 111a11 ,. 11101--e <·CJ111111a11rl111en t P-i,Ten ~ .~ 11 s i 11 t 11 P X P\\" T0 ta111 e11 t ,,·hich lo 11ot l1a,rp : if , ... 011 ,,·a11t to • ,,·ri tt .)11 (Jll t 11e e 11 1. 11 , ...e. , l>e- ~ ii g a J)a to1 '') ,,·ife. I 1nl1 t i11- t:1t1J e tl1i. 011e: · · ......po'lec·t 11ot the THE OLD WOOD HED els~ 0111 l l 1 i11g· of )·011 r sr 1 , .. rs 1 o– g pt l1 r 1· . ' ' Diel \ "Oll 1·ealiz it i a • . i11 of C)l1lis~ io11 if ) "Oll )rield to tl1 t r11111tc1tio11 to . ta~,. l10111e t111- tlc1 ,.. '"·l1il e the 1· t of tl1e aint • <11'<' gc1tl1er cl to \\TOI"- l1i1) ? Pa11l })11t it t11is ,,,.aJ~, ] or the gooc1 t 11 at I \\'011lc1 I lo 11ot . . . ' Ro- 111c111 , 7 : 19a , i itatio11 come un- le1· tl1at ro1n111a11 l to ' +o and , ·et ho,,· n1a11,,. tin1e. I l1a, 1 e l1eard • • foll, . .. aJ' , I j11. t have11 t gotten 011t t o ,,i. it that 11e" ~ fami ly yet. MATCHLESS GRACE :\T c1tc·l1le.: g·1·ace ! 110,,- ca11 it l)e That ,,e ~ l1011lcl e, 1 er p e1·fect be ! To tl1i11l< t11at ~ i11ner uch a I :\T a,T ro111e before t l1e Thro11e on • hig~1 l\ 11 :l . i111p l~y .. tell the ,. avio11r 1ear Thei1· cl eepe. t joy 01 .. g1"eat e. t fear. I l e 1111cl eI-. ta11cl s, a11c1, lJendi11g lo,,", Ile ge11t l~y·· ,vhi. per . , Ye. , I ln1ow. I '11 tal{e ~.,.o t1r ha11 cl a11c1 gt1icle }To11 tl1rol1gh. F 01· T l1a, 1 e j oy i11 . tore for ~To11. ' Oh. 1na3... ,,te t rt1. t Ili111 day 1)3.,. lay, Ancl lear to lean. to Io·v·e to pray. - T . ,. . ~ . ,J 11 t p11t it off I g11e. . . W11at i. the J_io1· l g·oi11g· to lo ahot1t al l t11e e thi11g,. we clo 11ot get do11e for I li111? IIelJr ew. 12 :6 i the an– . ,ve1". ' F or whon1 the Lo1 .. cl l o,eth l1e cl1a. te11eth a11cl co111"geth e,re1--y . 011 ,,·ho111 h e r ecei,.,eth. ' The Lord cloe. 11 't l1a, 1 e a lit e1 whip or ,,...oo 1 . ·l1ecl. l)11t 01 1,.. i11 eter11it,r will ~ . ,,Te 1<1 0,,· 110"· 111a11}" ble.. i11g we 111i.. eel a. a 1 .. e. lllt of Jlj , cha. ten – i11~· l1a11cl . The11 t l1err a1·e the : i.11: of ro1n - 111i:sio11 . Tl10:e are ea. ier to le– tect: t l1e .·l1a1--p to11g1,1e. the e11- ,Tio11: tl1011gl1t, a l)it of hatre l, a11 1111t1·t1t 11, 01" a . pi1·i t of J)1·ide. The ]a. t of tl1e , Ter . e i11 Roma11 7 ,,1 hieh I c1l1otec1 1 .. ef e11. to t h e. e ~i1 · : . . . l1t1t the e·,l il ,vhie h I ,,-ol1l l 11ot, tl1at I do.' ' (ve1" 191) ) E1te11 P a11l , a g·1--eat mi - . io11a1",... a11d autl1or of ma11v bool{ . ., of tl1 ~0,v· 're\ tan1c11t l1ad to c1cl111it tl1at ,, 1 l1 e 11 l1e triecl to be g<)O(l he fai}ecl. ( h " 1 hat clis– ol1rclie11t el1ilclre11 ,,·e all are! B11t l '111 . o gla 1 for tl1e 2; th ve1-- e in tl1 at cl1apte1--- I thank God tl11· 011g l1 "J e 11. 1 h1·i t 011r Lord. .. . ' The1·e i. tl1e1·efore now 110 co11 le11111ation to them ,,,hich are i11 hri t J e u . ,vl10 walk 11ot after the fle. 11 bllt after the ~·1)irit. Ron1a11 :1 ur vic– t or,, o, 1 er the. e i11 of 01ni.. ion ~ a11d ro1n111i. io11 i. i11 hri t. John a ln1ittecl that we a. hri tian . till : i11 i11 I J oh11 1 :7-10; b11t the f i1-. t , ,er e of the 11ext ch apter tell.· 11: tl1at we have an a cl, 1 ocate ,vl1iel1 i ,J e u h1--i t. In 1 :9 011r path i · laid ol1t If we con– fe Ollr i11. , he i faithfl1l and j11.·t to f org·i, 1 e ll Ollr . in and to clea11 e us fro111 all unright– eou. 11e. . . ur infl1l nat11re and all t l1e : i11 '\'{e com1nitted llntil ,,~e ,,Te1•e :a,re l ,,Te1·e ca1·ecl for at ( 1 alv·a1·, 1 lJ11t after we are avecl ~ we n1 u t clail}-r come to Him ancl confe-. · ou1.. i11 and a. k for 11ew ~ri ·to1·ie:. Belief i11 eter11al ec11rity if right ly 1111c1er toocl doe not give u .· a. 1 l11·i tia11.· a lice11 e to in. Rathe1--, ,,~l1e11 ,,e ee I-Ii marvelous grace i11 . al,{atio11 a11d i11 daily life ,,·e \, 1 ill l1e p1·0111pted to li, re a l)llre a11c1 holy life by Hi .,, tr 11o·t 11. . . a11cl the life ,,Thitl1 I no\\" liv·e i11 the fle h I li, 7 e b,~ the faith of the on of ._ ocl " "ho lo, 1 ecl 111e a11cl ga, ...e Him- el£ £01· 1ne Galatia11 2 :20. INVESTIGATE CEDARVILLE before you favor any college God is d irect ing . God is b le ss ing . Cedarville ls growing .. . growing in fa ith, in enrollme nt, in ever. broadening support, and in academi c standards. Offers A. 8., B. S., and B. Mus. degrees. Write for catalog today. 16 Acres, 10 8ullcfings Strong Bible department . 140 Studtnh, 12 lnstructo" Also English, Music. Stitnct, Social Ideal location In S. w. Oltio Sdtncts, Languages and AtlllttiC$.. Write For Free Copies of "Bulletin" No Obligation. CEDARVILLE COLLEGE j A BAPTIST LIBERAL ART S COLLEGE CEDARVILLE, OHIO Rev. James T. J,, ,emlah, Pres..