The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1959

1 a I I I I E ])\ tlli s l l ll ll tl l( 1 ){] f' ~Sl"<l lf <)l)(' • l >:l l lti s t ( l l ll1'< 1 l1 (\ f ~1)rit1nfi e lcl l" ,, f 1 ll \ t letl i11 t ltl ir 11<' ' ' e l1\tr<·l1 1) 1 a 11 t 1 < u 1 :l t ,,, l a t : ~ l :; " l, , '11 ~ i 11 u.· - 1ll t l l l:t ·t1 . i11 111,' 11,,rt 11,, ,.. ~t Jl<)t'- 1 il, 11 f tlt (\ l ' ll\ l'ltt'\ 11\()\t'<l 111 • fl r 1111,t 111.1, ~1111,la,. llttt 11111el1 • l" ' l ll:l ll lPtl ll) l ll' ti<) ti t' tllt'll . ~ (l\\ tl 1e,· art'\ u., ' ttitlt!' rt' ittl)· t'<ll' 111<' • (l t (l il~Ht lt)l\ St' 1·,·it t' '· ,, 11 it· 11 t llt\\ 11< l)f' ,Yill llt' l1elll i11 ~Ia., ' l l tt' ,,lcl <·l111rvl1 \\cl" l<)eUt<' <l <1 11 ,,\ l111a l~< ntl {)ll tl1e <·l<l"i<' i11 ,<)t1tl1 Sl l {P \\ llt' l't' t llt'\ )lal{ lllH<l<' ·t }ll' • • 111111,l,t 11,,' t)t ,, l1at l'<)l)Ill tl1P, l1,1cl • :111,l ,, (' l"f' ll1tr, t 111u. <lt 111<' ~t'n111~ - lit erall, -..(). rr'lll'l'l' ,,·ns 11() llll)l'(' • l't)t)llt f<,r <' "-llclll"l<l11. 11,)r ,,·c1~ 1 l1r r c 11 ·1rtll~· <111~" 1)nrl·i11u· f,lei liti t's. 1 r– ,iLlt''· t l1,1t J)a1·t <)f tl)\\ 11 l1c1~ llt'e11 tl l' lt'ri<lrati11u· for 0 111p ti111e. 'l,11t' lll' ' '. lc>t,1tio11 i. ,,·r 1 ll t>llt i11 a ~·1·L1,ri11g· . e ,t 1011 l)f tl1e 1101·tl1 ~i<l e, i11 a11 ar '\ cl of goocl l10111es, ,i11,1 cl ~11c)rt l)lovl~ ,,·e. t of Ilig:11- ,, ,l, (-i "-1 . "\\Tl1t 11 tl1e . a11ct11,1r,· i ... ' ~ fi11,1ll,- ere~t ecl. it ,,Till hr ,,i. ible ' fro111 t lie 11ig·l1,,·a).... Thr J)1·e. e11t ll11ilcli11g: 11iet111·ecl l1elo,,~ ,,ill tl1e11 "e1·,·r a, tl1e edl1cat io11al l111it. - ~ <>,,. it ~ er,· E1. a. bot 11. 'l,l1e 11re~e11t l111ilcli11g i. a two– ~to1·,~ ~tr11C't11re 100 lr~~ 50 f eet i11 . ' .. izf a11tl ,,·a.- e1·ettecl at tl1e o t of $1()0,0()0. I t l1a. a tempo1-- ,11·)'" ,lt1(lito1·i11111 tl1at :eat 4_5. Xe,,· })e,,... 11a,·e bee11 i11. tallecl . . o it ,,.,. ill lool~ " ·or·:11i1)ft11. Tl1e1"e a1·e t,, 1 0 "pac-io11 1111r. e1·ie: 011 the fir. t fll)Or. a11cl a 1·egi:terecl 11111--:e ,,·ill "111)e1--,·i e tl1em cll11·i11g l)otl1 the < r-R FELT-1 W~ 1 IIIP PAGE ( 'ontinued from page 13 ) 11 r ,,· 111i . io11 ll11clget ,,·ill acl cl a11- otl1e1· . ·.j2() a11cl 1)ro,·icl: ft1l l .·1111- J)o1·t £01· tVi·o foreio·n mi. .·ionarJ ... fa111ili r · a ,,·rll a. pa1"tial , llppo1·t t o 111a11,- o l1er . I) a tor' R. Ke11- • 11 et h f 1 111e 1 ~e1· . 1)e11 t t,,.. o ,,,.ee1t. i11 .J a1111ar\'.. i11 Flo1·icla. • ...\ t tl1e ti111e of ,,·riti11p:, r,...a11- trPli"tic 111 ceti11g· ar.) i11 p1·ogr e.1. 1111cl e1· tl1e clire ·tio11 of Re,... 1 hel– Pa • 1 t <>c·1(,,·e11 of Bec-1<lev ... . \\ ..... ,r a. • The ~1111 cla,.. el1001 e11te1·ec1 t,,To • ·c,11t P t,. h~ clicl . e, rera1 other. i11 Olll" fall II,lr,Te~t c·o11tP t-cntPr– i 11 g a 1 () t } ) e ; )11' i ~ t i a 11 r Ji f e ( 1 011- t e. t . . •tra11g·c! ly. it c·a1r1e Ollt ~ee– <J11cl i11 it~ c· la~ i11 tl1r } all IIar– ' 'P. t ' 0 11 t r t. lo i11cr to BPthlehe111 of le, Pla11cl b} ... 12 p oint. , ,,·hile it Ht111 laJ'" ... c 11001 a11c1 mor11i110· " ~or - ·l1i1) ho111\ . Tl1e pa. to1· tlld}T a11cl t-nTo ... c1·etarial office a1--e al o 011 tl1 e fir t floor. T,vo a emlJl}r 1·oom. 111a1{e it po. . ible to co11- cl11ct t,vo O'ra l ed .J t111io1-- l1l1rch . 1,.,,. i ·e. \Y"l1ile the r eg11lar ,vor– . hiJ) . e1·,rice i g·oi11<Y on in the a11cli toril1m. ..c\ 1111ic111e 01111d ""5-~· tern ha bee11 i11~· talled which malte it po . ible fo r a11}- major roon1 i11 tl1e b11ilc1- i11g to enjo}.,. mu i c from the cen– tral co11t1·ol roon1- 01· . h11t it off at ,·rill. I11 tl1i. wa~y· the adl1lt. t,111 e1 jo}r lovel3... 1 h1"i. tian m11. ic iu the al1clitori11n1 " ~hile the yol1ng p eople a1· 111eet i11g t1p. tair.. ,,·011 o, ·e1" tl1 e :a111e C'l1l11·el1 ancl o,Te1· all othe1-. i11 l1io in a11 ela . e. i11 tl1e 1 hri:tia11 Life ion – t c.·t. Tl1e expla11atio11 of col11-. e, is tl1at i11 tl1e fir:t it ,,,.a. aetl1al i11c·1"ea .·e of p eople that eol1ntec1, ,,rhile i11 the oth er· i.' -n 1 a p e1·- c·e11tag·e i11c-rea:e. Th ·l1t1rcl1 i.· 1·ejoi ·i11g i11 thi. fir:t hio a,varcl i11 tl1c ( 1 l11·i.·tia11 Life C'Onte ·t a11c1 . e,.. c 11 t]1 i11 t l1e 11ati011. It ,,,.ill 1--e– c·ei,Te : \"'Pral prize. of e lllipment fo r the ~ 1 t111 cl a,.,. :choo1. ... 1 .L\::\ IDE~ T B .1:\_PTI~ T, Kipton Tl1e el1 t11~e;h i: r ej oi ing i11 the µ:ift of a 1 lat1cle Fo. te1" organ. ,,.l1ieh ,,Ta: 011e 0£ . e, 1 e11 i11 that c·c)11nt\'". "\"\ e k110\,,. that Pasto1-- ~ Iiobrri Barret t a11cl hi. eo11g1--ega- tio11 ,,·ill 1na1{e g·oocl 11 . P of it to tl1r g·lor:v· of ocl. Tl1i make ix cJf 0111· ch11rcb e.· that l1a, re 1--ereivecl the e 01--gan . IIOME The i11te1·io1-- cl eeorati11g wa. 1)la1111ecl by a11 interior decorator. ~he r,,.en eho. e the clrape and the floor tile patter11. Thi . mean t11e ch111·cl1 l1a a correct color .·e he111e i11 the , 1 ariou. room . The Lo1"d i · ble. ing . ince the 1·e-location. .. '(ev e1--al familie have co1ne into the ch11rrh and 1·ecentl3 ... fi,,.e ,ver e baptizecl. Ten more are 110-nT. tud3-~i110' to prepare for mem– ber hip. Tl1e a. ·oc-iatio11 11ot only \Vi he thi. ch11rcl1 ,·vrll a. it labor. to fill thi ' 11e,v l)11ildi11g bl1t i anx– io11. to ee it 11e:xt ctober. We ha,,.e bee11 in, ...itecl to 1neet i11 ot11· a111111al meeti11g ther e Oct. 12-15. FIRST BAPTI T. La range The Fir. t Bapti t h111· ch of . La -l1·a11g~e ,,Ta . r ece11tl}r b] e. eel in R e, ·i,lal :\I eeti11g .J a11uary 20th tl1rol1gh Febr1 ar},. 1. t ,,Tith Evan- ~:e li. ·t 1 11rt W et ze 1. Ther e wer e 111a11j" 011,·iction a11cl Lome im- 111rcliate 1--e. l1lt~ e,..ide11ced throl10'h tl1e 1ni11i. t1 ..,...- of the W orc1 . The • al)idi11g 1)1 .. inO',· of the meeting'. a1·e ,,,. ith ll: } .. et a, ,ve ha, 1 e wit- 11e ..ed a r e1 ewecl , ,. i. io11 a11c1 a r e– ,:ri,,.al i11 the ch l1rch . Tl1e 1ni11i. t1·,.,. of Ollr Brother • "\"\ etze 1 wa. . o ,ve11 r eceived that b)· p opt1la1-- co1 . e11t the C1h111"ch cle– .·ire. ]1i. 111i11i.. tr~r agai11 in the 11ea 1· f11t11r e. B1·oth e1-- "\Vetzel i a11 exeellent ai1--pla11e }Jilot a11d a . a 111e1no1"~T ,\1orl< p1·ize he took a t otal of 35 folk. f 01· I"ide. i11 a J) la 11 e 011 the la. t ~ at111· la~- of the 111eeti11rr.. ( ontinl1ecl 011 page 15 )