The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1959

- March 1959 ---------- THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST -------- Pag_e Ninetee1 { R. FELL \ ¥ HII-> l) .L\ E ( 011ti11t1ecl £1·0111 page 15 ) ti111e ~er, ·ice to the I..1( RI . I 11 tl1i" re\·i,·al 111a11)· ,rl1olP :fc1111ili . t111ite l ,,·itl1 tl1e ;l1t11·t' }1 a11 l 01 1 ~a tt1rda)· 11ig·l1 t befor the la~t ~1111<la~· :e1·\·ire, tl1e C 1 l1l1rc:l1 l1elcl cJll a]} 11ig·]1t })1'8;\r l' lllPPtill '.;'. \\·it}1 10,ln~· 111e111l er~ i11 att 011cla11er. ...\ la rg·e 1111111 l~er· <)f t 11 ese a tt e11 cl i 110· "a~· i11g·. tl1c:1t tJ1i · ,~·a~ tl1e l1a1)IJie:-;t 11ig·l1t of their~ li,Te:. TJ1e 1~1 clie: a11d 111e11 of tl1 e Cht1r h ,,·e11t , ,i.·iti11g· i i1 .·pite of ev t r e111e] y bacl ,, 1 eathe1-. 1·,1i11, ; ]eet , ice a11d ·no,,. The J>ast o1· a11cl E,·a11g·eli.-·t ,,i itecl i11 tJ1e r ar]~T • 111ornin '1: 1111 til ti1ne f 0 1· 8 1·,, iee.· tla>· l,v d a>T· Ther·e ,,·e1·r t\,·o J)ro– ple led to the Lorrl i11 t ]1 eir l1ou1e . one of the1n a 70 y ear olcl i11, 1 al id n1a11 a11d a :,ro1111g C 1 atholi ,, 1notJ1er ,\ 1 110 trt1 ·tecl tJ1e Lorc1. The Pa. ·tor v\10l1ld l il{e t<) ta le<' tl1i 01)portt111i t~.. to 1·peo111111 e 11 ( I Evangeli t .. J. . car ,, e11 a · a11 ot1tstanclin~: Evar1geli.~t ,,,. itl1 a real love for tl1e f-1ord a11tl a pa: ·. io11 for lo t oul . E:\f1'fA .. Tl EL B .L\ PTI rr. 'T'ol rcl c) The "'\Vi11t r l\Ii: ·io11a1·y •011£e1·- e11c<' of Bapti ·t l\Iicl-i\f i.. io11.· ,,.ra .· held at E1n111a11uel F el1. 1~)-22. :\Ii ·sio11arie . ·p eaki11g· ,ver e Mi. .· •arold Be11tz of As. ·am: Rev. Ca1~1 1 Tu.-.· ,vorking a1nong tl1 l\1exica11s i11 1 olorado; Re, 1 • Ralph ~f 11 J de1· , cloi11 g· a 8i111ila1· ,vor k i11 Trxa.- : l\fi.\ · J.;oi: Il r1111nel111a11 of f<"ra11 c- ~: Rr , ·. (101·do11 )Ie11i ·h of TJil ;pria · Re,T. Ke1111t}tb l ... p 1) 1 ]{ of (ll1a11a: Re,·. ~~l1nf 1· II t1te l1i:on of l3Plgia11 ( 1 011g·o; a11cl RPV. I-Ia1·ol cl RPi 11 r1· of I31·a i il. \\ 7 e l101J r to 1·r– l)<Jrt 111orc-1 al)()tlt t l1e e1·owcl .· cl11cl Hl)<>l tt 11 t1,,yl)· c1c·er1)tPrl (•c111clidairs ll PX1 lll Ollth . 1~I I{ ~'l ' I3 ,\ P'l' r. 1 'I' < ;,tlliJ)ol i~ ~Ja11 . ~J t}1 ~ixt P<1 11 fcJll cJ\\'ecl tl1eir f ,<)t'([ iJ) l>af>tisJtl, t:lllCl \\' P l'P \VPl – (;(J)lJ(J(] tt1P fo]lcJ,\'i11g· .·11 11cl ,1j~ l >,\' J> c1stc,1· ll t>\V,Lrtl Yc, 1111 g. 8t1\'Pral (J1 J1(•t·s \VPl'P \\' P ] (•(J ltl {~c l. \\ lie) (':tlllf' l);\' }pftPl' <ill(] PXJ) <J l'i P ll C' 1 l•JI( PJ) l1a ,,<. l><1 ~r1 l,a J111 z<•c l s i tl<'t' ,JaJ111c11·, firs t a11cl 11i11t· 111c,1·(' \VPJ'P • , .,..(·P11tl~T sil\' ( cl . ... \ r <',ll tl'V i\ 1 ,tl •J)it•jf is J)l'tSPJlf. \\' }J l<'}l S]J<)tl ] CI a11g11r \\< l ll f,,r tl1P , cix J) ,J\'s \\ itJ1 • 'J h, · , it1f'f() ri11g Ra,ri ,1· ,,,l1i(·}1 ,vi i] I c .. IJ < .. l<I .. I,11·(·l1 :!~-~7 ,vitl1 f1rtlJ>li 'J' . . ' <, t' < II t 1 1 l tl ,t 1) 1 1 :-:; I) • a l < t • 1 · . . . . - .. . . ~ , - -- -, ..•. , . . . ·..._... . . . , . ~(, . • " . • • . • ,· ·J . • • I • • ,',_,}, , ..., • • • • • ~ ... 1" - ... - ~·\ l.., • • - • • • • - • . ,. · ,:, • ' ) • . • ' ·'"II. .. .~ .', J .·,H · .,l ,·1 . I " . • .. ,, "' , • ' • • • • , .. I • I l ; \ . .. t NKRUMAH ACCEPTS PTL TESTAMENT Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Premier of Ghana, was presented with apocket edition of the New Testament at the recent All-African Peoples Con– ference at Accra, Ghana. The presentation was made at the Govern– ment House by Mr. Glenn Wagner, Foreign Secretary of the Pocket Testament League, and Mr. Sam Befus, Field Director of the League in Africa. Dr. Nkrumah gracious1y accepted the New Testament with these words, ''I will make good use of this precious gift'' and went on to say, ''I wish you well," referring to the Pocket Testament League's Africa Campaign of mass evangelization and Scripture disa tribution. In the past three years The Pocket Testament League has distributed four million portions of Scripture in 25 of the principal lan– guages and in 14 countries of Africa. Currently the League is engaged in an intensive campaign in Nigeria, Africa's largest nation, and in Ghana, the center of much of Africa's struggle for political freedom. Once again God has providentially called the Pocket Testament League to work in a strategic area of the world. Join us in prayer and financia support. Write Alfred A. Kunz, International Director The Pocket Testament League 49 Honeck Street, Englewood, New Jersey ~ . - - p_______..,,,--~ ..•-- ~.' -- - . ---. • ~ , - - '. •.-- - - --- - ""... • .:. " . . . I . ~ , . ·~ •"- • . . . ., . . . - '