The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1959
' I' 111·, ( I l, 1 ' .. \ I' }·: ~ ~ () 11' ( , I , \ l l ~ 1 I·'~~ J i1 I, .... ,> ltl :t~<\ t It< \ ,, Hrri<)r l)a - ,·iti. lt>,,l,l\tl lt Jl tel (1<>,l :111<1 ,ni<l. ··'f'11, ol11t l P11,\,, ltntl1 111a{lt\ 111 ,, . - g1't 1 :1t .. It l·tlt tltl 111, ' <111 n 111t'l't' <"<)llit' -....,1 l}l 1 ftHl ll<' lint{ lH'l'll llll – \\. )J'tl1, >f t 11<' t'«llllt' t ll«li l1c1<l <'<)llll' t () 111111 cl, H \ \ d I' l' i l) 1' Hl l l l l i 11 g . I 1 1, l"t'rt,1111 tl1nt 11(' c.litl 11c>t 111 e,111 t( l't'll<)tltlPe all 111-.... 111ilit,1r,· <l<'P<l"'. • for 111 t ltt' ~Hlllt' l),n 1111 l1 t') ,ni<l. · · 1~,· • tl1,\,, I ltcl\t' rt111 tl1rc)ll~l1 a trc)C)J)" ll~ 111.' <;<)<1 l1a,·< 1 l lc'Hl1l'cl c) \'t'r cl ,,all.... l;c>c l i~ 111.'~ ~trc'11g-tl1 ,llltl 1><>\\'<' r . . . 1 l t' i t'lclel1ct 11 111.'~ 11 i 1I1 cl, t c) ,,·, 1r. · ' 11 e ,, ·cl~ 11 <> t t 11 r 11 - i11~ J) ,leifi~t ic-. \ .. ct. ,ls l1c:\ tl1011p:l1t t), <' r l 1 i ~ I i f P. l 1 e r P cl l i;, r) cl t 11 at i f 11, 1 11atl ,111,· tr11c) ~reat11e.-s. it ,,·a: • tll<' n'r<~,t t11t\""~ t>f ( :c)cl. .. ~ot 0111,· - . hc-ttl l;t)(l l)<1e 11 , ·p r,· !.!.PI1t]e t<),,·a1·(l • l1i111. l>lit 11() l1c1d lear11 d to l1e ~:e11- tlP }1i111"t1lf. 1 t i" llC)t lll P l' P l)Olitr11e~. tl1at l1cl~ ta11gl1t 11~ to ·all g·oo l 111e11 · · ge11 t l 111e11 . ·, T f t lie~; are trtll)· n·rt'H t th p,· a re ()'e11 t le - at lea t ~ ' • t" 111(>~t of tl1t.1 ti111t). "\'\Tr c1o 11ot 1101101· "\\~c-1.· ]1i11~:tc111 ft)l' l1is J)O"\\' ( l 0 f11} t l)1111 er. l)11t f<>r l1i. patie11ee 1111- <l P r tri,11 a11cl l1i.· 1{111tl11e:-;s to,,·a1·cl i11ft1 rior"' . ,, ... P do 11c>t ]101101· I1i11- <·<) l11 ,l~ a r,1il-:1)litte1·. l111t ,1~ a 1)r e– e111i11e11t l, · ~e11tle 111,111 . "\\Te ha,·e • < al111o~t fc)rg·c>t t r 11 tl1e fa11101t .. 4\1·cl1- l.i"'l1011 I .. altd. bt1t ,,·e re111e1ulJe1-- tl1e g-r11 t l r. \ , ... e. le~·. ,,Te 1·e. }")e ·t the l'l'll '-la tlPr. }~ ill S l111Cla:y·, b1l t ,re • 111 t1< · l1 J)r efer t li e 111 il cle1· )I oo 1}'". , ..Pt i11 tl1i . ag·e of 1·e·y .. ol11tio11 a11c1 , ·iol e11t .·ot ial C'l1a11~rc . of l>rl1tal "11ort.· . c>r ar1·ofra11t :eie11eP, a11c1 of !!.I' c1s1Ji11g- afte1' J)O\\·er i11 relig·iclll c·irtle., J~ible-l)elie, .. i11g· ;J1ri ~ti a11 ,,·c>11cler ,,Tl1 etl1 Pr tl1 e 111Pt1k l1all i11l1 c> rit the ea1·tl1- ,·p r.'· 0<>11. l 11 ,1 11 a ire of ,. i ol e11 c· :) , 111l1"'t 11<lt ,,·e l )etc>111r ,·ic>le11t l r– fp11clt1r "" of tl1 ci fa itl1 ! Ila(l ,,·e 11ot l"' Ptt Pr clc) a, Da,·icl. ~la .·11 a11cl Rla,T • ,,-ith ,,·c)1·c1 a11cl · l1Pclr. a111 ,,·ait t<) l"Pv<>1110 g·e11tl <:1 i11 ot1r olcl ap:c:i ! {T11clol1l>tc-·tll,- tl1 t-1 r P arc.i ti111es • ,rl1e11 ,,·0 11111 t l)e a~ J1rroP.· treacl- i11~ tl1t~ ea rtl1. a11cl 11<>t a . f11Q·iti,·e. · tl1a t "ilt-111tl,- ~t Pal a,,·a,·. l.J <1t tl1r • • l)a ttl 1) <·1·.'· 1·i11~ 011t ctt 0111· e.·011,·e11- tio11"". aucl tl1 ter11 c-l1alle11g·r to sta11cl for t1·11tl1 a11(l 1·ig·}1te<)ll~11 <-1s lJ ... <,ft P 11 1 ear cl i 11 C> t 11· 1111 l 1) it~ ; 1) 11 t let 11~ 11c>t g·pt :-,,c) i11 t l1r. l1 c1 l)it of f j µ: 11 t i 11 o·. t 1 at , v <-' l) rPa · 11 b e 1] i g· Pr - c-•11tJ,~ all t}1r ti111e. IJrt 11 i10l • 111al{e <>tlr c·l111r<·h<..1 i11to arena: £01· ,,·eel{ )!~ JJ1·i~P figl1t'°', i11 ,,~J1ic ]1 ,,·e al- 'rtI 1 C Ill INl1EJlENDFNT B l ' 'l ' I .. 1· ,, ct)~ 1't 1 <1111 t <> ,,~111 l>('c•,t tt~f' c)11r <>I) J)<lll< ' llf'-1 ,ll'<' ll<>t 1}1Pl'<' 1<> HllS\\l'I' l1ael, \\ <' 11 <'<'tl t<) 111i11is1<' r 111<' l ) H l 111 () f ( : i Ip cl ( l t () ' ' () l l Il ( I('(I I 1('H l' t s lll<ll'<' ()f't< ' 11 1 l1H11 aclr11i11is1t>r g·c1ll t <) t 1 t <' h ~ 1 l < > <• r i t i l' a I. () 11 r 1 J ro111 e lt <'P<l 111c>rP le)\ i11g tl1a11 la111l>as1i11g·. 111 tllc' })cl'°'lc>1'ctl offiee, PS}JP<'ial - 1.,·. it is g·p11tl<111c 1 ss tl1at 111alcc. · 111i11 - i~t<\rs g·r )at . 'I he J)lllJ)it 111c.1. .·ag·p 11111st at ti111e1~ l1r> l1ar:l1 l)tlt i11 tl1<' t•t)llll.'Ci }}i11g 1' ()0111 0 1' i11 t}1p }10 111<1, t 11c' J)t'1·sc>11al 111e8<iagr 111t1st l>e 0110 <)f t111<lrrsta11cli11g lo,l'P. .. 1 J·111p,ttl1 - izi11g: tea 1·s ,vill do 111orC' g·oocl t l1a 11 ~(·o ltl i11g· ,,·01·ds . .. 'I' ot 0 111)· clo \:\. l1a ,. I a, ·icl s ,,·ord for it . l)ll t ,ve l1a,·r 1 a11l ,s: • Tl1 e : r,"a11t of the I-'or(l 11111. ·t 11ot stri,re : l)u t b g·e11tle 1111to all 111e11 apt t ot-each. patie11t, i11 111eek11e:. · in.·trt1 ·ti11g tl1ose t}1at OJ1J)O e tben1 ·e},re.. Ralph T . Nordlund Simon of Cyrene bore The cross of Jesus- nothing more. His name is never heard again, Nor honored by historic pen; Nor does his image win acclaim U~on a redestal of fame. Simon of Cyrene bore The cross of Jesus, nothing more. And yet, when all our work is done, And wealth and honors have been won, Our hearts may sicken over praise And long for simpler, honest ways. Perhaps our hearts at last will pray, "Good Mas ter, let thy record say, 'Along life's pilgrima~e he bore The cross of Jesus, nothing more." TI~IE TO PL.AX YOt R D\ 7 B8 ({oocl ,r acatio11 Bible ~ c.:hool: (lo 11ot j11.·t ha ppe11. It i. 11ot too ea1~1~· fo1~ th pa:to1~ to tallr ov·e1' the 111atter ,,·ith tl1e ehairma11 of t 11 e 1 J11~i tia11 Ed 1tcatio11 com111it– t ee 01· ,,·itl1 tl1e .-11peri11te11d nt of tl1' . 1 t111cla,· .·c11ool ,, .. hi ·hever of- • fi ·e1· is a11thor·izecl to call a11 01·- ~a11i%atio11 111eeti11g·. Tl1 elate for t l1r .·c· 11001 11eed.· to b . ·et, the ag li111it: det 1·111i11 cl, a11cl a ·0 111111it– tee cl l)poi11 ted t o .-eel11·e a pri11~ipal a11c1 th e 1·e(111i1-- d 11l1111l)er of t ac:11 - er ~ a11c.1 l1elpe1· . .L-i. ll thi.· tak •· ti111e a11c1 it ,,·ill likely b ... \..pril l:5tl1 l)efo1·e all that g t done. Tl1e11 tl1e J)ri11cipal a11d the teac 11- er .· 11eecl to get tog ther to hoo:e the 'Olll'. e of • t11 cl~r, a11d b:y" th ti1ne the material arriv : it ,,~ill 1 e t lie fir t of }Ia,T. If vour . hool ~ ., i: to beg·i11 tl1e ,,T ek afte1-- tl1e l)l1l1lir :c.-hool: ·lo ' , that g·i, 1 the teael1e1--. a11cl th i1· ,,..orke1·: 011l3r a 111011 th to . ·tt1c1,.. the l e.. 011 and • 1>la11 a11 l 01·cl r the ha11dcraft 01· .. I arch J !Jfi <) f h P l' ~ I l f >J) 1 <' l l l P Il f H l',\. Ill H f > r i H 1 ()111.\· \\Pll J>I' 1 J)Hl'<'CI \\()J'l(Pl'S ('Hll f>t1t <>11 a g<><><I ~<· l1<><>I. f'c>r 11<>is,\. <'Hg'<'l' c·lii lclr<>11 \\·ill 11c>t hrl1> tltPlll ctf'tc\r <>11('<' tl1P sPs~ic> 11 ~ l> e1g· i11 . \\Tt) l1a,·e a11otl1er 1·pa~o11 for o·i, 1- i11u tl1is 1·p111i11cle1r t<> ~tart 11la11 - 11i 11µ: \~ac•,-ttic>11 f{il)lc> ~ 1 tl1<J<>1 PHrJ~·. ,111 l th,11 is t}1P 111c ti11g <)f the> <; ... \RI~(' at I~oehP~tPr, .:\ Ii1111<1sotf1. .J llll(l ~~-26. }~VP!'\" c·h1lrC'h i11 f Pl- • le>\\\ ·}1 iJ) ,,·it }1 t t1 r ( }p110ral A ssoc·i- atic)11 : l1<)l1l l J)l,111 tc) .·p11cl its pci. ·– tc)r or c,tl1rr 111c>sHc>r1ge r~ thrre. 'r}l " l'Pf()J'(l \"" rt<·atl<>ll J3i}-,Jp ~ 1 (j}lQO] "ho11 lcl alrea(l~l" l) o,~e1~ by .June 1 f)th, or el.·e it 8h 11ld l)e plau11ecl for . 0111e ti1ne later 111 the . 111n1ner. 1:·arl .v· ,J1111e a11cl late ..l\.11gi1:t are t l1e t,\·o aoo 1 date.· fo1, "\T acation J~il le Hc·hool · a11cl tl1e latter clatr i-.; 011 })~ good for e, ,.e11i110· :e.\ ·io11 , fc>r tl1 cla3"s a1·e ~rr11erally too }1ot. l1et ·.· pla11 £01· g·ood ,r acatio11 Bil)lP 1 r hool.·, \\'h r e the Bible ,vill ac.-t11all}" be taught a11d wher e bO:)t · and O'ir 1· ca11 find Chri t. The11 a 0011 a they are over 1 t · tab11lat the r e 11lt and end i11 th new. to th IB . 1.. TDEPEXDE~T B.L~PTI T BIBLE I~. 1 TITl TE "\\ye tolcl of th org·anization of thi. !11 .. titute la t 111onth a11d of it tea lher:. X o,v "\V. E11gen e .. 1 ·l1le ·bt3"" st1pplies .·ome othe1~ in– te1·e:ti11g fa ,t ·. The ·hairman 0£ t lie 1 01111<:il a11d actino· cl i1·ecto1· i t" Pa ·to1· L):u11 Roge1· · of X orthfield - the ,·i ~ ·l1ai1~111a11 i. Pa ·tor K en– . 11eth X el. 011 of ~ 01'th RoJ·alton, the . ·ec1'eta1"J" i8 \\ . E11gene 8 ·hlechtJT of tl1e R ·k,· Rive1' ~ ~ <·h111·el1, the t1'ea ·111·e1· i: e1--ald Ea:t, of tl1e Bi l)le Ba pti ·t - 1 h t1r h <Jf BP elf ord. big 1·all~T ,,Ta.· he1(1 at X orth l~o3ralto11 -J a11. 27th to 1)romote thP I11:titt1te , \\'"itl1 160 attencling. The :tudc11t r egi:t1·atio11 tl1t1 · fa1' total: l~r1 f1·0111 14 eh111·el1 :. The :1)e1al{e1· at the 1·all}.. ,,·a.· Re,... . Jo– :-,er)h 13 o,,·e1· <)f Toledo. IIe11r:r.. 1 ({eige1· i: l)tl .')'" p1· - 11ari11g 8i -x 11101·e T-"\'r fil111. · £01' the ll1il l1·e11 ,.· ( +o ·pe 1 II011r. Tl1ey b ga11 • shooti11g ' 011p F 1). 2 tl1. , ~ e,·e11 8tatio11., beg·an the 01·iu-i11al serie.· rit J1rr f<>r tl1r fir:t ti111e. <>1· a: a 1·e-1·1111.
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