The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1959
\\ l t ' • l{ t)Ht11i 11g~ t>l' l{ :1111 l)l i11g·s. ,,Tl1i< 1 l1 t \ 'f' l' : ·l> ll •a ll it, Ul't' lll<l~t}~,. tl<lllt' • • i1l a ( l1t~,.. 1·t)let :111<1 "<)111et111tt'" 111 l1:1tl ,,·t,a111t\r ll,.. lltt, ~i11 e<' ()llr • last l't..'l)()l't \\Tl\ llH\ <' l'():l lll('t l 111<' 1 t>t1 11tr)· t<) l.,<ll1t111ll11,. l•'i11tlln). 'l'i ffi 1l, (~;1lil) ll n11tl ( '<ll)lr)· 'rl1t' a , 1 ~ l 11 l <in \ <1 f · J H 11 l l <l l' \ \ \ H"' j l l . 1 • • a '".l'f'l, ,1 f1 l' l~ tl ll' f1<1<l<l. l )tlt :\ Ir- 111 >1·i,1l 1 :11lti"t i11 ol11111l)t t ~ l1acl ,tll<ll l t :_,, l Ill ~lllltl,l\ ,vl lt)t)l <l ll (l • l·' 111111c1 11 1lt' l l1n<l :1~:; \\.. p J)l'< 1 ae l1<><l ft r Jln,t<)l' l ~1,1,,·,<l11 ,lt l\I<111101·ic1 l i 11 1 l1l' 111 cl r11 i11 ~ ,111d fc>r l >c1 . tor l 1'<)< l, ,l t I·: 111111,11111(' l t ltcl1 11 ig·l1 t. ' rr11 l ,· t 11,1 t ,,·ns H ,,·011derf11l cl ay . ~ l1n ,·i 11p: t lie 11ri ,·ilege of goi1 g t 11 r t)\l 0·}1 t,,·o l)ra11d 110,,· el1l1 r l h :-- 11 la 11 t .. { a11d , 1 erJ· 11ice 011e. too ) i11 0 11t) <. la~-. a11<l of 11r arhi11g· wl1e1~e foll{ ,,~e re 1·ea 11,- e11tl1l1, ia:tic. • ~I'l1e, · al,,·,l,... are th,1t ,,--a,T ,,rhe11 ~ . ~ t l1r )· 11,1,·e a 110,,· a11d larger build- i11~ t o fill. Rotl1 £ tl1e. r b11ild– in~ are pla11ned t o take lare of abo11t .1(10 IJeople a11cl jf the Lord ta1~rie... a11 l mi . ile: don t fly they ,,ill ·rer,· lil(el,? fill tl1e1n l)oth i11 • • t,,o or tl1ree year.. . Pastor la,~- ~011 ct11cl B1 ..o lz a1·e both , 1 er y hard • ,rorki11g 1ne11 a11d i11 a ·e11.:e the. e 11e,,· b11ildi11g... a1" e mon11me11t to their i11dll tr3 7 • F el)rl1ar~" fi1· t it ,,,a ~ goo l to l)e hon1e a11cl li:te11 to Pa tor T11cl{er a11d take commu11ion along ,,·itl1 old f rie11cl . Big 11 ,v. i: Tl1e '\\T,.. c·liffe Bil)le T1,a11 ·lator . • r eport mi . ionarie. i11 the jl1ngle a1,ea. of P er11 are i11 danger he– ea11. e of a r11n1or that ha. . pread t l1ro11ul1 tl1e tril1e. t l1at the \Vhite man airplane. ar e being rl1n by l1l1ma11 grea. e ol1tai11ecl by killi11g I 11cl ia11 ·. ( 1113-~ b~T . ,e11di11g 11ative hri. tia11. aheac1, ca11 they gath er tl1e f1~ighte11ec1 Indian. for ervice. or a,Toi 1 g1 da11ger to them– ~eIve. . Fren rh E c111atorial .l\.frica vote cl for i11depende11c·e la. t fa ll, ,vhe11 Pre1nier Deflaulle g·ave the colonie tl1 rigl1t to cl100.·e. From now 011 it ,vill be kuo,,..n a: Rep11l)lic1u · 11tr 1-\£1,icaine a11d a new gov– er11111e11t i~ l>r i11g- orga11izec1. It cloe: 11c>t i11 ·l l1cl e tl1e Tthacl a11d uban– gi1i-C'hari r rgio1 . a11cl no ,Tisa. ,,·ill be 11ece.. ar:v· for the Bapti. t :\f id-1fi ion ,,orker . ,vho trave 1 l a<·k a11cl for·t}1. .\ .· lo11g- a· the 11e,,· natio11 i li11kecl ,vith F1 .. ance in a French block of 11ation. , n1i:- io11ari : are 11<)t fearing any u1· at cliffiet1l ie · f1·<)111 the r11a11ge : '1 l 11£ 1 II 1N I I~~f T~NT)~NT B PTIST March 19~9 OF E EDITOR i11 tilt' 111(11,111~ tl1t) l't '. l111t \YP ,viii h<)l< l tl1:tt lt11til it l > {s. 111 111r 11\<' Ht1ti1n<' \\<' <·1111 ~,1\· tl1nt ~<>tt ls • t•<l11ti1111<' t<> 11<' ~,l\'< 1 <1 ,111cl J~,rh . ~~11c l tl1prp ,, ill l>r ,111c) tl1r-1· l JH J) 1 i ~ 111 n 1 se1 r , . i er . 'I l1c11 11ig·l1 t l\f r s . ~<>rcll,111c1 a11cl I ,,·p11t 1<> l1ear I>astor "i\ l r lvi11 '\\T<' 1(·11 ,tt l•' i11c11H)T a11d l1 ra r 1 H ~t tt( l,.. 011 t 110 ' if'. ' of .J r~us i11 • t 11 r r ig·l1 t 11 e l1c1 pt r r of -Jo 1111 . T t \ \ "els cliffeI· r11t a11 1 goorl. ()f <'Ollr. r 110 1 t 111e say a f ,v ,vor cl . a lJ011t t11e t II~ a11 l tl1e11 he i11 ._; istrcl so1n c1 11 c' 11111:t , 1 oll111 te r to be a su h– ~<·riJ)t1011 age11t. r\ }tO\ lllg lady ,·olt111tee1 ..ecl and it ,ra . good t . ·e ho,v , he ,,cre11t to ,vork right aft er the :er,,i a11d g·ot . ever al 1)ro111i. e~ 11ailed do,, 1 11. Tbat i ,,~ l1a t it tal{E\ to get s11 l):e1--iption: . The eig·btl1 it ,va Ollr privilege t o preach for Pa ·tor . JI . \Vi. e- 111a11 at the alvary Bap t ist ( 1 hl11·ch of Tiffin in the mor ni11g a11d fo r Pa to1 .. '\Vilfre l Booth at (Jalio11 that 11igbt .·p eaking on the 11ee i of r evival in both place . (1od i. 1--evivi11g the Tiffi11 chu1, \\·ith ma11y aclditio11 an 1 the ,,·ork i. µ:o ing good at Galion al o. The Tiffi11 cl1t1r 1 h i · . mall but gro,v– ing a11d i the ' inginge. t' ' church ' ""e k11ow of. ..I. ot only do : the congregation ing but thP) 7 l1a,·e a11 ext1 ..a fin l ,vom 11 : MISSIONARY BRIEFS a11cl yet who ca11 tell what th r f11tl1r hol 1. ? Praye r mu. t k p th P 1n i . io11a r y door . open . \ T er11011 ha11dler whil home 01 f11rlough i. bu. y trying to get a I3ihl Film Library that h e ca11 take back to teach Bible hi. torv .., a11d the Go. pe 1 ,. tory in . Ol1thern rJ apa11. In thi way he hop e. to attra t bigger cr o,vd. and help them to r emember the Bible trt1th l:Ptte1~. ,J apa11 i. a land of movie t l1eat1-- . a11c1 T-V, a11d it i. ea. ier t o r eac11 them tl1r ol1gh pirtl1rr. t ban . ermon. . IIarolc1 ( 1 hilto11 '\"\Trite. from ::\f a.11ila 4 The:e are day.· of g1"eat oppor tl1nity i11 t he Philippi11e . :\ f a11) 1 1 ew evangeli:ti center are lJei11 ~r op n ed a11cl tbe1·e i a favor– al1le 1--e.· po118e to th Go.,p el in 111a1 y 11 . ' D ' ' p laces. 11 ,. a111t. ay w ,, ..ent t o the entrance of 011e of :\ f a11ila s hug·e ee1neterie: a11cl in t,,..c> ho11r: gave 011t 10,000 tract , l1arc1lv 011e of ,,·bich ,,a.: thro,,..n • s<•xtPt . 1~'i 1·st Jl a r>ti st ttt f:nli (,n lictR tc> (),t<·I< r> <><>p lr i11 morninPs ;111tl h1-1 cl a fnir , 111 c]i •11 ,·p S\1 11 (iH,' 11ig·'1 t . <>11 «1 ,>f t}1Psr. ,lays 111P~ • • ,1 r e1 go i11 g f <) ha,·p to IJt 1il cl c) tl 1hr.i1· 11"''. lf)eatio11 . l Jast :--;11r11n1rr \\'P s11pp]iPcl f<>r I > as 1 <> r O 1 i 11 T 11· c> y a t ( 1 t1 r i "t " :\ I i~. , ic>11ar.,· I~apti~t 1 h11rc·h i11 ( 1 or>lP~\ a s11l)urb 011 thP WP~t ~iclP nf' .\ kr o 11. \V c> ,,--p r r , ·Pr~· J) 1 P<t ~Pd , , r}1 11 asl<()cl t o c-on1r baek for a I3ihle (tonferenC'P ~ el>. 1 :1-15. Thi e1 h 11rc· l1 ha. had a rath Pr cl 11Pe ]{PrPd hi:to1·y h11 t ,,·as r e-or ganizec1 h~· T>a. to1· l ~lre, 7 aho11t four ,:ears . .. a~·o ,1 11 cl i: 10,"' beginning to sho,r son1 e . olid g:r owth. Ther e a rP 23 member. , b11t thr l .,,111cla,· school rt1u. i11 the RixtiP.\ ar1~l thP1·e i : a large field for f11t11rC' ~1~owt 11 011ee they get a hPtter l)uildi11g. The beams are alr ead:v tJ1er e to rai.,e the lJuildi11g and put a ha. en1ent uncler it and the11 1 la11 . call for an at1.ditorit1m out i11 front. \Ve had a wo11derful ti1ne ther e with the Book. , 1 e, '– eral 1nemlJer have or are atte11d– ing the l{ron Bible In titute ancl th ey kno,v ho,v to take 11ote and c· heel< up on a preacher. To leave the hest 11Pw · t o th la. t, they have already voted to . eek f ellow. hip i11 ot1 r a.. ociation and we have no clot1bt lJt1t ,vhat the,r ,,Till be ,vel- ~ romed. a,vay. k ometime we have t o bear th di: ·ot1rageme11t of , eing 011ce friendly people . hun ll. and the (}o:pel, e,"'e11 ru11ni11g away be- 'au e of fi t io1 . irculated b,· Romani. t prie. t. a11d nl1n. . E;– ample: 'If }rOtl atte11d the Prot – e:tant , meeting. , }?Oll will tur11 blacl{. B11t for the mo. t part " "e and 011 r f ellow "Torker . are ,vP11 1·e eived. ' ' Tl1e Wal ter ~ pieth family i. 1)11:,· in B1·iti. h G11iana. H r . er,Te. ~ a.· c1ire ·tor a11cl t acher in the (;eor getow11 Bible T11.·titt1t , 1 011- cl11rt~ a half hol1r ~ 1111day after – noon broadca. t , a t: a. bu ine . r ep1·e..e11tati,·e for ~ ome of the Bapti. t ::\Iid-::\fiL. io11 ,,·orker ~· i11 11 or th rn li1~azi] ancl help with a eit} 7 -'\'Vide youth or()1'a11izatio11 . He .111 J)er,,i.· : tl1 ' '"orl{ of 11ati,,e ,vork– er that arr3.. on Go pel . ervice in : ix ·h t1r r l1e. a1 d mi io11 . . The (4 eore:e to~·n Baptist ( 1 hureh ha rspecial1~" gr o'\\"1 - 150% o, ·er ,,·hat it ,,a · ,vhen h can1e hon1e 011 f11rlol1g]1 a ~ ... a r or n1ore ago.
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