The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1959

March 1959 -----------~ IIINE. E 1 IIRI" Tl _~A RE:Bl F 01· 011 • ,, 1 e l1a,?e .. tol 11 tl1e 111arc 11 011 t l1 1110 l 1·11i ti atio11- a J 01111 ·il of 1 h 111· he ·. Tl1 f 1111 - cla111e11 tal n1e1·iua11 1 ot111 'il ha ' ar1·a11g·ecl to l1a ,r a g·ro111J of 1-- fu– <>'ee hi11e. e 1 1--gy111 11 tol11· r~me1--– ica f1·0111 ::\far ·h 5tl1 to l\'Iay 5tl1. I11 19-7 ,,ye had o·ro11p. of r ef11g ele1·g~'(111e11 f1·om R1l . ia Poland a11 c1 II 1111<>'arJ,. come to ot111tera ·t the da111age alr acl}T lo11e l)y Re 1 ch111·ch leader· tl1at to11red the eo1111tr,r 1111cle1· the ~·po11.'0l'\ hip of tl1e X ~ 1 • Tl1i. tin1e tl1 }r are l1av– i110' difficl1l tie · ,, 1 itl1 0 11r Bta t e cle– p:i--t1ne11t i11 arra11gi11g· for ll h a tot11· of 1 01nmt111i. tic ·h11rchme11 from 1 hi11a a11d ,,e are beati11g· then1 to it by getti11g· a11ti- ·om– mu11i. t pa tor to to11r the cot111try fir t. Yet it i 11ot too oon. The a- tio11al 1 01111 ·il i pla1111i11g for-- a pea e campaiCY11 from J u11e of thi , ~ear throu~rl1 -J 11ne of 1960 i11 ~,?hich tl1e}' hope t .o p er 11acle the An1erican p eople that th ti111 ha ,· (·on1e to 1·e og11ize R eel 1 l1i11a a11cl i11 ge11eral 1nal{~ fri e11d . vvith th) ( 1 01n111u11i t 11at1011 . Thi prove. of 1 011r. e tl1at th :r" are bacl{ of the 5 000 ,,-rord 1n • ·age p1·epa1·e 1 i11 le,rela11d la.·t o,reml)e1· by the 'B, iftl1 \\T orld rde r t t1dy on– fere11c:e a11cl ,\·hi 1 h i.1 110,, 1 b i11g stucliecl i11 ~·ome J ;-o 0()0 ·ll1trch e. . J> er--ha J). it ''{Ol1ld lJe 11101·e 1 01·rect to . 1 ay tl1e 1ue · ·ag·e ha. b e11 11t to that 1na11y h t1r he.· l)ut th~t 0111 v a third of th e 111 ,,,ill . t11dy 1t or lJe ac·ti,rel~y' sympathetic. 1 ever– th le.-. ·, it behoo,?e: e,re1·y loyal .r\111 e ri c·a11 to opJ)O e that p1·01 a– ga11da. It is 11 ot 1111likr th . oftr~1- i11g 111) l'a111paig11 that ,ve11t 01~ 111 ( 1 h i 11 a f 0 1· HPveral } 1 ca1·.· 1Jef 01·r tl1at 11atio11 ,,?as tal<e11 over by tl1e ( 1 0111n11t11 i: t s. D111·i11g· t hat J) 1·iocl so1r1 P c>f th r 111is:io11ari r . · a11cl 111\.·– sio11 sc·l1ools ,, 1 e 1·e ve1·y active 111 sPtti11g forth thP ' ' g·oocl ' ' , i11 0 1r1 - 1111111is111 a 11 cl that 1 J11·i. tia11s ]1ad 11c)t}1i11c,· to fpar f1·01n t }1 r ag·rari,111 1·efor1i;;, tliat i1 '\'011lcl l>ri11g. \V c • • }Jcl\' P ))() <l ()lll)t 1}1at Sll<·l1 JlllS81()11 - ,tl'i()s' ' clicl alJ011t ,ls 11111(·11 ,l~ ( t l1 011- 1~~11 - I"'i a11c l 1\1af, 1<) cl<1cc~i,?c 1 ie 11 r ra] :\f<ll'. hall a11cl of,)1 1 1· g·11llil >le -' \111rr i – <·,111 cli JJlc, 1r1at;·, ,\1l1c> J) e 1·s11acl rc1 l{ <,r,~ ~,,elt ,111cl '1'1·t1 1n,1 11 to c]<1sP rL 1 J 1 i a 11 g· l( a i ~ • l 1P le a 11 cl 111 1 I t Lo · .l J ii1 -'J'a 11 g· gr,,,e1·11111 11 t. liilc~ ,,,r~ ·a.) 7 1·ejc, ice t11,tt ~,11· c·l111rcl1 A• J1,1vP 11c,tl1i11g· 1<> clc) \\ 1 1t}1 tlll .... ,1ticJ11al ( 1 c,t111<·il , \\' e 11111s1 11<>1 fc,rg, 1 111,11 if 1\ 111 c· 1·i<·,1 p,rc~r 111r11ecl '1<>l111111111j s t i1 \VC)t 11 cl l1e ,,,1r J ,1cl- THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST er.· ,,, ]10 ,,,ottlcl I) ]ir111i(latecl . Tl1e11 011r e 11111·e 1 .· ,vo11l l 1) for·ee(l to joi11 t 11 Natio11al 1 01111ci] of ( 1 h11r('heH or g·o 1111cl rg·ro1111cl ! \\ r ,,·ol1l l s11ff er ,-111cl th 1 ( ; Q1.1i. - li11 o· . ,, 1 01tlcl b(_l 1101101· 1- foi· a ti111 ! \V a1· •· Ll r ) 0 111· peop 1 ,vill "' 1 ant to l1ea1-- t l1 ese l1i11e e hri - tia11.' if th y })08. ilJly ca11 a11 ] "\\rp hope tl1e ih l11le of date a11cl JJlace.. \\ 1 i]l r ea ·h t}1 pa. tOl\ i11 ti111 :1 to acl, 1 el'ti.:e the 111 ti11g. . rrhe <ttl e. tio11 i.' ,vl10th l" e11011gl 1 11111--c:h ,vill talc the t rot1 l)l tc) 8 11 1 i11 *10 ea ·h to 111al< tl1i . , 1 e11- t111·e J)O • i 1)1 . RISEN He is not here, but risen, The grave no more his prison, A s living Lord He reigns! He is not here, but near u s To .comfort and to cheer u s And e ase u s in our pains . Soon H e will come in glory To prove the Easter story And snap our mortal chains! - R. T . N. "'\\ e are aclcli11g· 011r te. ·tin1011>r to the 1 tte1· ..· t11e pa, ·tol'.· l1a,·e al– l'E ac1)r r e ·ei, 1 ecl, l)Pt'clll8e \\·c l )C– }ie, ·e' tl1 is i ._· t l1e 1)108t ff ·ti \ 7 (' 111 et 11 o ] ,v (' a 11 11se to ' '' cl l{ e 1\ 111e1·- i('a 1111. "\\ e1 are 11c)t 1oi11g· i~ 0111),. t o fiD'}1t tl1 ~ati(>t1al ( 1 01111e1l , l>11t to h;lp ]{ J) \111 ricc1 fr . l\1ost of ot1r f1111cla111e11ta1 J)ropa 0 ·a11 la fall.· flat 0 11 a11 i11cliffe1·e11t a,11cl r,re11 110. til l)re. . ; bt1t thi ' t}1i11~· ,,·ill g·o. 1\ 111eri 1 a11H a1·e , .. e.1·) 1 eu1~1- 011t cll)<)ltt <:011cliti()ll ~ i11 l1111c1 Tl1 r~ 11 c,,·spct 1)01". • 1<11()\V it a 11 cl ,vi 11 g·i, , 1 t ]1ese 111et>ti11g~ · gootl e()\"Pr,1g·0. I 11 t}1at \\ 1 ct) r \\· p \\' i]] ll<lt 011 1) 1 l )P clb~P tc) \\,ar11 tl1 e .L\111 )1~i r a11 1)11l>l1r ctgai11s1 tl1 0 ( 1 0 1111111111i: tie l ec111i11µ:s O f 1} 1 e _N at i o 11 ,-t l ,111 cl "\\Tor lcl ( 1 o 11 11 - c·i18 l)llt \\1 ,,,ill µ;rt i11 cl \\ 1 i1lll'88 f<)l' tl1P g·osJ) Pl of ,) PSllH ( 1 l11·is~. 'l' l~P cl<litor tl1i11l{s tl1is 0111)<>rt11111i)~ 1s ' 1 P l'J'i fie ' l () llSP lllO<l P r11 slH ll g' ! l 1P1 ':-.i 111,;l,e il1e1 ll l()S1 c> f it, Hll.(~ Sl l))J)() l'1 ii \ \Ti1 h ()lll" J) l' P~~l )l ('t' 1f \\C' c·a11, cl l l< l \\' ith <> lll' g·1[1 :--i Hll<l 1 > rH ) re J'S. -------- Page Three THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS'f Published Monthly by THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Publication Office 118 E . Oak St., Butler, I nd. Editor RALPH T . NORDLUND 586 Maple Street Fos toria, Ohio Circulation Manager MRS. JOHN KAUTZ, 4519 Wellington Ave. Parma 34, Ohio Subscription Rate: Per single copy . . .. .. ........ $ .15 Per year ..... .. ... .. .... . .... $1.50 Advertising Rate : Per column inch ............ $ 1.50 Per half page ................ $21 .00 Per full page ... . . . .. . ....... $40.00 Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Butler, Indiana under the Act of March 3, 1879. Postmaster: Please send form 3~47 t ~ The Ohio Independent Bapt1~t, 1519 Wellington Ave ., Parma 29, Ohio. -- - -- -~ COUNCIL AND OFFICERS Ohio Association Of Regular Baptist Churches Chairman REV. T . FRED HUSSEY 26 E . Church St . Niles, Ohio Secretary REV. GEORGE O'KEEFE 3420 Henninger Road Cleveland 9, Ohio Trea ur r REV. GLENN GREENWOOD 315 So. K ensi11gto1 Rd ., Springfield, Ohio Mis ionary REV HALL DAUTEL Ga llia and \Valler ts . Portsmouth, 01110 Men1ber Al ,I ,AN E. LEWIS GEORGE R i IBSON R. KENNE1' f-I Sl\lJt~l .~ER HOWARD 1 . YOlJNG l~OBERT J . R~: \ Nli0l11' F..Al{L V . WIIJLE'l"fS