The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1959
Pa t: Eigl1t , ,_ I a, t 111(,tlt 11 ,, t t ttlll t' tl t ltt\ \' ' i - i t 11 t • t' ( > f l I 11•1, 1 ·, I) l,,, t ' r t <) < • 11 a 11 g <' lllH l ( 1 1·ia I , 11 l,,t H l l<"l'. 1 t \\ it, f<)ll l lt l i11 111,, , ,,(·,, 11<l eha1)1t' r ()f .} <)}111\, l 1,,,1 l, 1 l ti ll' t'1r,1 t)f tll <' fi ,·(, 111nt l1t· 1·,,e,) r , l,,< l t <l 1'1'<'' l' t lt t' (l<' it) (.l t' l 1 J1 r 1, t \\~t' l' l' ll l l' llll l<' r tl1c1t it \\' els t J1e 111 i1·<1<· l t' lf t111·11i11g· ,, <11 cr i11to ,,·illl'. t)11 l, · ll<)tl (1 ()\ll<l tll l'll t ll(' • t'lt.:' ll ll' ll l <l f \\ Ht<' l' lllt<) \ \.111 <' ,,·itl1- t)l ll t l1e \ts<' <'f t·l1<'111iec1l~ t)l' 11nt11r,1l ft' l'l lll' llts 1l1nt tnJ, c, ti l l\ ('. ..l rs11._ tl i<l it c11l<1 s<) , , <' s('< t l1c1t 110 ,raH ( itl<l . rl' hi , llll) llt l 1 \ \ '('\ \ \ ' cl l lt l<) st11cl,T • 'I I I 1~: }: \ . I l ) }: ~ 1 r: :B R() :\ I 11 J fi I <) '\\'" l 1 : R rl ( ) I I I~.\ I ; T I I r ~ ~ I '1 K I 11 <·l1,11)t r r fi,·p <) f t ]1is ~ ,1111e ;< "}) l' l t>f -1 ()1111 ,,·p l1a, ·e t l1p a (·– to1111 t <) f .J <lSl l ~ , 111i r al' le c)f l1ea li11g· tl1P 11,tr,1l~·ti t· 111a11. "\\Tha t a ,,yo11- tl<' r f11 I "t or,· '. \\Tl1c1t ,t , r c>11der f 111 • l 1 i ~ J >I a)· () f ~ 11 J > t r 11 a t 11 ra 1 J) o, , 1 er ! .\ g·,1i11 tl1i~ 111i r at 1 lC' ,rc1s 11 ot l o11e i11 ~et·rPt . It , ,·,1s J)e1·fc>1·111ecl at ~1 t i111P ,rl1t.) 11 111,111, · -J<1 ,,·s \\·e1· i1 1 • t l l l' vit~· of .J t'l1·11 a le111 . ...~<·c·c> r cli11g t c> , ·C' r e <.>110 . it ,,·c1s at t l1P ti111 of a fea,t i11 .J r1·11.·a le111 . \"\Te ·a11 ot lJ<l c-e r1ai11 ,,·11iel1 fra:t ,, ·as l)ei11g l1rl<l. l l1 1t t }1i.- i · 1·el,lti,,.el,,. 1111- .. i11111<J1~tct11t . 1'hr 111o~t i111p or ta11t f, t<·t J!-,. t11r 111i1·a<·l< 1 i t.: elf . ~ o c1ot1bt 111a 11~· .J e,,·: ,,·e1·e ·,;ri:it i11g· i11 t he l111g·e tr1111)lP a r ea . a .· ,,·c)t1l cl lJe i11- c i<·at c->cl 1, . t }1 p (·P1el >rati<)l1 of :l • f P<l t . 11 er e ,,.a a 111a11 , r ]1 o J1acl l>ce1 ,-1 1 a ra 1.'~ti<· y1er . ·c>11 for 111a11)~ , Tea1~:. f 11 fac ·t l1r ha l llPe11 i11 tl1i.· c·o11c1i– io11 fo r tl1irt~~-r ig·]1t ) 'ea1-. . Ap– l)clrP11t l)· t]1 c-1 r c-1 ,,.. a .· 110 111r l ic·al h el1 f or tl1i 111 ,111. 11 or fo r a11,T of t he .. ot}1pr· })P l' (J ll. })rillg' a r Olll lCl t h e 11<)<l l. ... .\l c>11a c·cJ111P: t }1p I.Jorc1 .. J e– ,11. I Ir tal{<\ ' k110,,·lec1g e of t l1e 1111t1.... 11al il111e.. <>f thi. 111a1 . I-Ie (' ()ll l 1 ll (J t 111()\"e l1i111s.elf, l>11t ,,ras <1e 11t.1 11( l P 11t t11>011 ot l1et : to n10,.. r 11i111 . II P llta.'· 11a ,·p bee11 t l1r> 1110:t C'1· jpplrcl c111c l 11<J J>elt~ :-.. <>fal l tl1 C->. P fo lk . ()11e tlJi11g· ,,.f> c·ct 11 l )P c- ertai11 alJo t1t i .· tl1c-tt .JP 11 ( 1 l11·i t 11 <1 \' r 1· tocJ]{ a1 ,.._ tl1i11g- t l1a1 ,,·a. < 1 a~,- cJr l111111a11 l v 11c,, <>le to 111a11ifr ~t .IIi · c1r it,· . · "'\\,.l1a t cl cJe .Jr 11. cl cJ ! l I P cloe. ·11 t cal l fo r a 11h.'"· i c· i,111 . II e cloe. 1 ' t ta l{e l1i111 tcJ a l1rJ 1 1tal. llr c1oe.. 11 t tal(e l1i 111 i 11t (> a "- P<·l11 tlPcl plac·r . 11cJr cl ,, P I I <1 <·a11 f <J r a 11 ~ • o 11 c.. t <J 11 <1 l 1 J Ti i111. ,JP. 11~ ·ai (l. ·· \\Til t t hot1 l>e 111a<1r ,,·l1olr ! •· I 11 <Jt lier ,,·orcl , ' ..J r, 11 , a"'kPll t l1e 111a11 i f l1e ,,·a11trcl 'l IIE Til 1N11EPENDF.N'r BAP'rtST ~ ( ll Tl~IJ~ l I . 1c) hl ' <• <llll(' \\(' l) 'l ft(' l' P J1 1}· () f' {l l <' l'iJ )l)ll'<l 111c1 11 ~l l !.!.p:0 " ( ~ )1i s 1111 r lP r – ~ta11t li11g· () r l11s l1 P lt)I PSR 1>l1)rs– ien l <'<) ltcli1i <> tl . '1 1 I 1 <' , 1 111 P ~ c1 , • i <.> t 1 r s a i cl . · I is<' . t,1l~ r 1111 111)· l>t 1 cl, ,111 <l ,r,1lh:. ·' 'l 1 l1 r 1·r i ~ l ll<) l'l' t c) tl1is 111ir,1e lr tl1c-1 11 c1]1- J)<\,11·s a t f irs t . fJ rs11: l1Pal .. il1i. Jl l cl ll 's i11fi1·111it ir8~ clt1c1 1110 111 a11 i . liy·i11 pl,· <'ttrr 1 of l1i8 . ir l<11 e.: . . Tl1c • otl1Pr 11c1 rt of tl1 111iratle i: tl1i. , Ile' ,,·a llts i111111 c1iatr l,.. . lla,re YOll • • p, rer t11011g:l1t of tl1i: 111a11 \\ 1 a ll{i11 g· , ,·it 11ot1t e,Tc.}1• J1a,yi11g talce11 a ~ tep i11 111irt)T- e1 igl1t )-Tear.' ? IJe t a p e1· - ''SPEAK OUT FOR GOD'' You talk about your business Your bonds and stock s and gold ; And in all wor ldly matter s You ar e so brave and bold. But why ar e you so silent About ~alvation's plan ? Why don't you speak for J esu s And speak out like a man ? You talk about the weather , And the crops of corn and wheat; You speak of fri ends and neighbors That pass along the street ; You call y ourself a Christian , And like the gospel plan- Then why not speak for J esus, And speak out like a man ? Are you ash amed of J esu s And the s tory of the cross, Tha t you lower His pure banner And let it suffer loss? Have you forgot His suffering? Did He die for you in vain? If not, then live and speak for J esu s, And speak out like a man ? I 'd like to t ell the s tory sweet Of Jesus. Wouldn't you ? To h elp some other folk5 to meet Their Saviour. Wouldn't you? I 'd like to travel all th e way To wher e I 'd h ear my Saviour say : 'You helped My work along today." I d like t h at . Wouldn' t you? - Christian Beacon .' 0 11 be off 11 i.· fee t a11 :l l eg·.., eo11- f i 11ecl to 1 is hetl f 0 1· a f e,,,. n 1011t l 1._· <) l' cl y ea r a t1c1 l1e 111t1. t l ea1--11 to ._ ,\Ta1 l< all o, 'e1· c1ga i11 . 'I'h i: m a 1 11ot 01 1)" \va ll{ecl , lJllt tool{ tl p hi. }1ecl a11cl car1·iecl it " ritl1 l1i1n. It 8i111pl~... 111ea11: t l1 at J e 11._ l1ri t heale ] t l1 i11fi1--111itie. , gave l1in1 co1npl et e :tr e1gt h i11 l1i fee t leg· , l;ac:k, c:11·111.- , a11cl al l p ar t~ of tl1e l >o<l v .. ,l'°' ,,Tol1lcl lJe t rlte of a }1ea lt h).. p er .. 011 ,,Th o.·e bo :ly l1ad l ee1 1e, ,.e1opec1 th1·ot1g·h t l1e pro– cr s: of 11a t t11-- a 1 g ·1·0,,~t11 a11cl pl1~T· - Mnr ch 1950 i<·a l <',r r c·i "P f r cJ111 cl1i1<111 c>ocl t o l )l H I l fl () () ( 1. i\T () 1 h i I} g ~ h() 1' l () f. fl stt J)P l'tlH1 tt r ,ll 1><) \\'P l' , c·c> 11 fi11 r cl 0 11] y 1<) 111 <' ( :c>cll tC'H< l <>o t1l 1 lJri11g· c1lJ011t s t t <• l 1 a 111 i l' cl<' 11 l (J 118 h c cl 1 i 11 g . 1 \ g a i n .J ol 111 c·i tPH 111is 111 i r ,te]p t o eo11fir1n 1o 11s th r a l>sol t1tr cl Pity of t t1c N<1,·io11r. II r cloC1s :o l)rc·,111sC1 thi s is t h0 tl1r1ne of }1i: l>o<Jl{- th r ab- . CJ l11tr cl )it:\' of fJ e. 11. 1 l1ri. t . • WANTED Fully trained caseworker for The Michigan Regular Baptist Children's Home , St. Louis, Michigan. Unusual opportunity for the right person. Good salar y, many other ben efits . Contact: REV. DONALD K . OLSON, Fu·st Bapti t Church, 400 Walnut Blvd., Roche ter, Michigan • • In TRAINED LEADERSHIP Your Money, given to BBS, will equip Pastors, Missionaries, other Christian workers, and prove a profit– able, lifetime investment. Student body of 400 Accredited by New York R egents Approved by GARBC Write fo.r Information 3·, 4-, S·year Pro1ratn1 available Th.B. and B.R.E. degrees PAUL R JACKSON. D.D•• P,e,idtnt BAPTISTBIBLE SEMINARY JOHNSON QTY. N. Y. •
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