The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1959

1 \ l •~ \ . l~; I{ l i I ) I I ) l ) 1 , I l ) l { ' 1 l 1, 1• \ l , l I I~, 1 ~ . •• i() )(1 ll\()l'lllllD_. 1, t'\ l'l'l'll(l. 11<)\\ Hl't:' \,llt ! ' ' • •• I ()l~ll)l'. llltl \ 1 11,l\ (' H l'() I\ - • f t'l't'll\'l' \\ 1tl1 \ '(.)ll ~ • • • ·· tti . l)l'l';tvlll'l'. l"'11't tl1i, ,l l'itl(' l ) .. t ;1, . • \\ l1nt l~,11>ti~t l)cl~1 <) 1' 11,1~ 1\C)t llt'l'll ~l'l't'1t'll ,1 11 thrl't' \ \ 'cl ) TS. \\ 1 hieh , l1<1ll it l t' ! ' l l1r fir~t i" 111<)1' (' l\ tlltti,11 tl1,111 l ' l1ri~ti,1 11. l)11t 11()0- lll l' \\ ill ll"i(' it lll s1)itt' ()r cl ll ,,·r V<lll (l(l. 'rl1P ~ft>Oll t l () llµ.'l lt t () lll l'clll ~l'l'clt l t'<ll'llll\g, \Yllll'll lll()St Ot 1 l8 tlt) 11tlt 11,1,·<~ . l )11t tl l<)S<' t l1,lt cl c.1eto1· Jll' t', \(·l1 t' l'" ,,ill tl o('t()l' 11s 11 <) 111 c1 t – l ('' r l 1 <) , ,· 11111 el 1 , , • r cl 011111r . "\ ~ f t) 1· tilt' t]1irtl Q'l' l'<'ti 11 a i-11 1(}'\'P, \\.C 111a·v· ~ t:'! • t· ri11g·() nt tl1e fa111ilia1·it)'" a111 11it)~ t l1P i!!.11o r c1 11111s ,,·110 11se: it: l1l1t ,, l 1 , · . 11 o 11 ld ,,· e ? () 11 g 1 t , ,· e 11 o t l l") 11rt) l1(1 <)f l)Pi11 g 111·ea 1 h e1·: of tl1r ~· l <>1·i<)ll~ go. 1 e 1 of l1r ist ? l ,,1~t f,l ll :\I. I) . J~-, ctte1·s J)rop o, ' e<1 ,l tli:e t1 . . io11 i11 thr l~aJ)ti~t B11l– lt) t i 11 <) 11 t l 1 e p 1--o J) er ti t 1 c fo r a 111i11i~t r 1·. Tl1e cli. e11ss io11 i.· .·till l i,·el,·, }111cl ,,.. e arr s1 11·1)ri src1 to • f i 11 < 1 ~<) 111a11)T pasto1'.· cl r fe 11 cli11g· tl1 r 11~e of ··Re, ·e1·e11cl. ~Tot t l1at ,,·p l)lc1111e tl1e111 £01· ai,Ti11g· i.11 s <)111e– \Yl1at to ,..\ 111eriea11 11~ag·r, f<) l' ,,·p <·<11111ot c: l1a11ge tl1at a11}T more tl1a11 ,,·p tc111 l'l1a11g·e tl1 r l1 r atl1r11 tr1"'111 1-."c1 -...t e1·. Xeither cl o ,,,.e <111est io11 tl1ri1-- }1rg11111e11t t l1at tl1r , ,.<J rd has l )Cr 11 ,,·at er e< l cl o,v·11 so 11111 e 11 t l1a t 11 o,,· it i. 011ly a tit l e of re. ·pect f<) l ' 111i11i: t er .-. ~<> 011 e elai.111 .· t o l)e a 111a: t er ,,·l1e11 l 1E> ,leeept: tl1c titlP ~li ~te1·, c111 cl . c> it 111a,.. l>P tr11 e • t l1,1t ,,·p cl o 11ot c]aj111 t h e r e, ,.rr r11tr f l1,1t l)P lo11g: 01 1~,. to Go 1 ·vlhen ,, P <l<'<· r 11t tl1 r titlr R v e r r 11cl. "\\""l1at ll ors -.;11rJ)1--i sr 11s i s t l1c1t 111 c) r c· 1)asto1·: 1ef r 11 1 tl1 P 11sag<1 tl1a 11 la,.. 111011 . • l t l' clt l1Pr clisc·c>111·a~:rs 11~ f 1·c>111 111al,i11µ: a (' <>11te11111lat<'<l tl1a11ge i11 tl 1e1 ()111. , -\Te l1a,..e \\'0 11 <l er ecl ,,·l1et]1<)1· ,,·p sl1011lcl 11ot 1i. J)Cll8<' ,,·itl1 c1 ll titles i11 l>tll' 111,1g·a zi11r rx– t· (> ]1t t]1e , 1<·riJ)t11r,tl P c1~tor . ' ]~; ]– < 1 P r ' • is <11 .· c > ~ .. c · 1· i 1 t l 1 r a 1, l > 11 t ,, ,. r 1) refPr I >a ~ t < >1·. () f < • < > 111-.. · c> . : i 11 e e <>11 l ~,. 111e111 l1Prs of hi . 0,, ..11 c·o11~·1· gc1- t ic>11 c·ct11 111·011 c)1•1).. eal l a 111a11 J)as- 1 t>l' . it J>O~r a <liffi<·11lt~". \\Tr , ,·<) 111 < I ) 1 cl ,· P t r> : a~.. • • • P a : t <11· I' J <> h 11 ~Tc> 11 v~. I~., i 1•. t I1 cl T) t i ~ t ( 1 l 111 1 • e 11 c> f - -----. 1 t is ;;o 11111el1 e ,L ·i r tc, ~ct\·: · J~P\" .• f <, 1111 ,J<)11e~. · ,\... e 11,1,·e1 11 r,·e r l1e r 11 b <} tl1 r r ec1 cl ~ 111 l l (• l 1 1 \,. l s • 111 :1 9 , th cl t i I • • 'l' llli, 11 I l 1Nl)l~I I~Nl •.,NT BAP1~IST ' ' t '('\( 1 l'l' ll1)' ' l<l lll <' ll . ct:-.i \\'( ' l lcl\ <' l1 Pl' ll ll,. tll(' \\<>t·cls <)I' <>l tl' RH, ic>r • i l l ~ I, 1 t t . :2 ; ~ : 1 1 :2 . \ \ ~ (' , r ll ( > s P l' \ ' P n <' l' \tc· i l'i <'< l ~a,· i<>r ot1g·l1t 11 <) t t<) bP lilt<' t l\ c' I>l1c1 1·isc'('~. ,,·l1c> 1<)\ 'P<l 1<> ~it 111 tl1(' t' l1i r f sP,lt s ,l tl ( l l>P c·,111rcl l nl>l1i <) r :\lcls t r r c) r l•"}1t l1Pr . Rctl >l>i ll lPH llS ' lll_\" g·1·c,lt <> Jl P ,' lJtl t }1,l<l l,c•t") 11 ,,·,lt Pr r d clo,,·11 1o ,1 111e 1·p tit lr c>f 1·c>sJ)t'rt. ~<) ,,re <'H 11 sa.\" i t <' x ,l et l }T cl 1t111 i r at P s <) 11 r , ,. o r < l R r , ,- c' r P11 cl . 'I' l1c , ,·01· l trat1.·latPcl ::\ Ias– tP1, shc)lll ll \ )C' t1·a11: lated Tra ·l1e1, . 1 t i.· cl lite1·al cllll)lieate of tl1e I ;,l ti 11 ,,·ord I) oeto1·. ,,r ar E> 11 ot • 11c·er11 cl ,,.. ith F atl1e1·, . i11C' e J>rotrHta11t,· <1<> 11ot t1: ) it· l )11t \re l1a,'e1 11o ti t·Ptl tl1at so111r 111i11ist r r s <l o like to be called Dad. r e11 t ,,,.c> p1·cacl1 1-. · ~· t1·a11 g·e 111ortal. ? SPRTNG'S MIRACLE I m arvel each r ecurring Spring. At ev ry bud and gr eening thing· So long has Winter reigned in Death, I sen se a Resurrection breath! From childhood's morn this glad sur- • prise Has m ade my quickened h eart surmise A miracle may oft be true- And is, when Nature lives anew! Not only Springtime speak s of God To souls who walk with feet unshod ; And yet we h ear Him best, it seems, When Nature wak es from winter dreams! - By R . T . Nordlund .. \ g·oocl a 11 l s11e<•f\ ·sf,,1 pa:to1· sai cl r ree11tl'V" t ha t lie ,,,a.· t1·011l1le l • o,·er tl1 c.) \\·ay 111a11) 7 J)ast o1·s srP111 a 11xio11, tc) sre lt r r D . D.. , 1)11 t Rll p– J)<>srcl it ,,·<1s too hot a s11l)j er t to l1a11cll r. ~<1. 11 ot hi11g i.- to<) l1ot. if ha11cl lr<l i11 l e), ,, . '.\T<' j11. t <lo11 ' t ,,·a11t to lleli e,Tr 111a11,T ft111<la1ntl11 tal • 111i11i:ters l1a,Tr 1)< t1gl1t thrir )1 0 110 1·- <ll"'~" clrg· r ePs fr·o11 t cl ipl 111cl 111ill s - 111 (>st <>f thP111 arr t oo p oor to pa~, \ "E> l'>... 11111e l1 , at a11~"' r ate . Neitl1 er clo "'·e vva11t to thi11l< , ·er,· • ll lcl ll\. llcl\'() l lSP(l t }1p <>tl1e r lll~ tl1 ocl • <> f els lei 11g t 11 r i1· f 1·i E>11 tls to . e1 d i 11 g·l er,,· i11g r r1)orts of t h r ir ,,·ortl1 t o . 0111 r .·eh ol a11cl s11g:ge:t tl1c1t tl1 )~ c-11'() \ \ ' Ol"' t h , r of ft D.D. Tl, r tr11th • i.· tl1at :-;0 111e . t1·t1ggli11g .·c:hool.· ctl' (.) lll Ol' e a11XiC) ll S t o g·i, 1 e cl eg·r e ,· tl1a11 J)a.· tc>1·s are to 1"' ecei, 1 r tl1 111. ,, T P l > r Pf r 1 · t o t 11 i 11 l( t l 1 at i 11 st r cl< 1 of fisl1i11g·, tl1e~ 7 ha,,. J1ac1 t i. ]1 t l 1 r t1st 11J)C> 1 tl1 e111 ! 'I'l1 e 1·obr c·o111 - J)a11i e1s t 11 t1s t l1c1t c1ll ,,~p l1 c-l'\'P to <l e) 1(> l1 a \"P acl 111iri11g· <.'l'()\\'(l s ,v,lit --=-=--~----- ---A I)ril 1959 tl J><>Jl <>ll l ' n1i11i s tr~· i~ tc> l>ll) <>l ll ' – s<1 lvc•s a J> t11J>i1 rc>I JP , c111cl \\'<' S lll)– J><>SP S ()]llC' 11 1i 11i~t (• J's ,tr<' l) P)'Sll clClrcl 1<> ,l<'<'<' J>t clpg·r rPs I)~· t l1 c> sc1111<' l<i11tl <>f clc1,·ertiHi11 g. Ri11< 1 P l )<l<·tor 111<1c-11 1s iPctC'ltc'r, \\'P J)r<'f'<' r it 1l> Rr , ·Pr <1 11 c.l , a11cl \V<>t1lcl if tl1c' ,vc>r lcl l1 ctcl 11<>t 111aclP it i11t t> cl s1 reic1 l l 1011o r th,1t g- ra<lPs tl1 e 1ni11i. try . V\Te r e1nembe1· th at otlr • l ·e1s t tea t' l1 er i11 :e111i11a 1·y ,,·ar-; ther P • 011 a } Pll o,,,Hl1ip a11cl clid 11ot <)ve11 l1a,"r ,1 B . l) . a .· vet. lf c.1o ·tor 111ea11.- • tea 'her , J1e ,ras 11111 ·11 ll1() f (l ,,·orth)r <) f t 11 r tit 1 r t l 1a 11 the t l 1r re Th. l). s ancl fo11r <JI' fi,,. 1).0. H 011 th fac11lty. \\ e are all fo1· tl1e 111a11 ,,,110 ,,,orl<s harcl a111 ear11: ,l Tl1 .D. or . 01ne other hig·l1 deg1"'ee. ,, e al . o 1~e og·11ize that ome 111en who l1a,"e 11 e, ·er fi11i .·hed c:olleg·e 1na)" st11cl, 7 .·o l1a1·c1 at 110111 a11cl 1 011 - • t1·il l1te s11c: l1 fi11e ( •h1·i.· t ia11 lit e1--a- t111·e lil(e II. .L.\. . I1~011. ide or cl o .·u cl1 gr eat . er,,i e i11 e ]11catio11 or mi.. io11 -, that they f ull)r cl e. e1,, 1 f' tlir 1· o~r1 itio11 of a 11 l10 11o ra1,y cl egr ee. \\Te 011ly <1t1e.·t io1 \\·}1 ther 111i11i. t er s 011ght to 1. e the titl .· tl1at ar e gi,Te11 to t l1e1n. • 1 ome 11a,' E> let ter h ead. like thi ' 'The r evere11 l -Toh11 Jo11e. , A.B., B.D.. Tl1.:\I.. D .D. ' ther~, ,vho pa to1· t h f la1·~est eh111,C' h e: i11 011r co1111t1·3~ a11c1 t111clo11btet11:y· ba,.. e .·e~v e1·al l e– g·ree. . 111ag1 if~,. tl1eir 1 l1u1" ·11 011 their , ta tiOJ1 er y a 11d . a~r Fi1"':t l~apti.·t 1 h11r h. ,Jo1111 ,Jo11e.· . :\Ii11- ister. T. 11 t tl1at 11101· •111·i. t– li l,e? \\' E' l1a, 1 e l>ee11 1·eadi11g· th li f e stor,{ of .L \ . • Dixo11. ' The Ro- .. 111a 11 e of Pre athi11f?:. ' 1 I l1c1 cl 0 11 r :\~rar i11 <'O 11 ege a11cl 11011 e i.11 :e111 i- 11 arv or Bil)l e . rhool . 'rret l1e V{a: • so gift Pc.1 a11d " "or]~e<l so }1ar (l that 11r pa. t or ed :11c 1 c h11rc 11 e: a.- :\ f oocl ,T l\Ie111o rial l11 tl"' C' h of hi- • ea~:o c111d Sp111"'geo11 . Tal1e1·uar l 111 f.Jo11 clo11 . ~ ear the b rg:i1111i11g of tl1at 111 ete<)1'i c ri. e h e "'·a 11otifiecl 11.'· ,,,.asl1 i11gto11 a11<l T-1ee 1T11i, 1 P1"'– ~i t , · t 11,1 t t h r , ,. ,,·isl1 Pel to ·011 f r r • • 11po11 l1i111 a Doct or <>f I i,· i11it)" cl eg·r re. Tle l eeli11E>cl a11c1 Raicl. T a111 c·o1 vi11er<.l t}1at tl1e ,,,, l1ole D.D. l)t1: i11e.\ i.: ot1t of l1a1·111011y ,,~itl1 tl1 e s11irit of t l1e ~Te,,,. Te.. tame11t. a 11 a J)a1·tal{es of the p1·icle of li f 3 , ,,,J1iel1 to l)e cr11 if ied 1·atl1cr t ha11 fo:t e1·ecl. , ,Vl1e11 tl1 sC' h 001 co11f e1·red tl1e cl eg·1·ee in ab– se1tia, 11e 1·e ' i,·ecl it 1·ath r · tha11 lllH I{ 1111, ee111l>r Obj P ·tio11 : bll t l1e 11 e,·er 11s (l tl1r titlr . ()tl1 E> r . ca lle 1 1 i111 Do ·t 1· Dix 011, l)11t l1e 11ev e1·