The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1959

la I llt' l,1st llll lit 11 ll:ts l> t'<'l\ l>tll ll :\ 1 ll ) :lllll l'llj<l~ Hllll' lllP. l>ltt ,, t dl't u< 111}.. t\\ t,a ,·p t(, 1>(' ,·i'r,· l l'tt'1 111 tl'lli11~ :tl)t)llt i . 1 1 ,t'll :.. ~ 11 \ 1 ,, l l 1 a t l n ,, <) 11 < 1 e r fl 1 l 1 i 111 t' , ) I it'll \\sl li} ' \\t111 l)a~t(lt',J. ll (\ \\Hl'<l •lt l\l\S ,l}\( l 1,i~ ])('{) l)ll\ :\t tll(' ( Hl – \ Hl'\ l ~U}) ,t )llll"l 1 l1 of l\ llt .' l'll~ • • l f <1'\lr 111l'(11t'r' ~t'l'\t' ' 11~ 11 ,,n, 111,· nl><>\11 ~• , ·t'nr" ,lUtl t11Hl l1P • • :lll H sl\lnll Ult)\lJ) t•.ltlll' O\lt <>l ,l , , <) r 1 l 11 , t • t' 11 , l' 11 t i <> 11 el 1\ 1 rt· l 1 n f <',, • 111i , , ,, t',t ell l~11 e,· r11, 1•.,c)r 1'tllllt' • l i1l\l l1t\\ llll't t'' t'r n ,tc re. lltlt ll(l\\' tlll'\ Hl'l' f'1lli 11g· ;l ]Hl'i!.l\ l>H~l' • l l l ( 111 l l 11 i 1 t () l) ' . l \ 1' 1'1 () ' ' i ) l ~.?.' : l l \ ( l ,,·i ll '- ll<lll 11:1,· t' t<) f i111,l1 tllt' lltti lcl– i11u·. l t i..., 111 ,t c)l\t\. a11tl ~tl tll t' i'i 11i, l1t' 1 l)1til(li11g ,, ill l'<'H ll)· l> r • lll\ })l'l\""1\'(\. l"llt' fir"t t)f )lc1rt·l1 ,,.<' 1nn<l P :1 ~t't'()lltl , i"it t<) tl1t' l 'c1l , ·c1 r>· l\a11- t ' "t ., l 1l 1 rt· l 1 <) t' ,l 11 t <) 11 a 11 < 1 f{) 1111 t l Il()1If: r'I~t )j l 1111 1 1 : 1{1 >\ I~lT1' R l) 1)1 ~ < 1 T ) B 1~~ l~ A.\ ( 1( ( 1 <J 1lfi11 11ed f ro11z pafJe 19 t l1P ir , 1 illage~ lle(·at1se l1e ]101101,. · 11ati,·r lll~<)t<)e<ll. l~ r 11 a1111<lt111t : ~er, i<•(">~ . a11tl 111a11,.. ti111es the ' ,,· l1t)le ,·illairr t·o111es. >\ f1er t l1 e t"r, .. ic· e 111<111,· sta,· t<> bP i1tstr11ctec1 • • i11 r ea{li11g. a11tl t l1e) '" ~pe11cl J1ot11·s !!·o i11g· O\'Pr 011e ~e11t e11ce... \ t tl1i: tin1e e11. too . i. l ear11i11g·. fo1· lie li"te11"' t<) tl1e ,\·a,· tl1e 11ati,·es • "c1~· t l1e ,,·ortl~. T]1p si111ple \\'O r (l ··tree .. t<>tlk J{ e11 11.) , .. ears to sa,· 1-. • rea. <)11all, · ,,·ell 111 tl1e Gi<) )a11- • ut1age, a11 cl e,·e11 110,,· h e i . n't -.,a ti . fiecl ,\·it 11 l1i. pro 11t111eia ti 0 11 . Tl1e cl oo1· is bei1 g· ope11ec1 to let tl1e ]ig}1t i11. Pra,· that the r x- ._ t e11(l ec1 age~ of 1i,,. i11g j11 clarl<ne. : 111a,· 11<)t l)li11c1 tl1e P, ~e.- a11 c1111i11cl: . ._ clt tl1i"' 11ee(l:~ people. '' I ,.\ I ~ >:\IE THA..\.T THI~\ ... :.\Il({HT II.~\ ...E T.1IFE XD THAT THE\ ... ~11(.;.}IT H~ \ TE IT :.\IORl1.; B D~\ ~ ... TT.1\... _. . ,Jol1n 10 :10. - I1..11 a i 11 e • i 11 <• 1 a i r rl'} [E \'T.L\\"" ')""()1T }; l\YF.J ··It i~ all i11 ,Ta i11 t o prearl1 of the tr11th To the li te11i11g· r ar · of age a11cl ,·011tl1 . • I f. ,,r 11 e11 the "·c>r lcl is ~ta 11d i11g· 1), ... .. . rr11 e,~ ee , ·011 c·l1eat a11c_l thr,,. ' .. .. hea1~ ,·011 lie. • Fi11c ,,·c>rc1. 111a, .. f?l'<l(· r tl1e1 ,1cl,"ic·P • 'l l l l!J l 'I JS' l1 1 lll'lll llltll'l' Hll \Cl\lS t h:tll t'\' t'J ' t(> gt' t :\ J)USt<) l ', \\ 1 t' )tfl)lt' 1}1;11 l>,\. l\t',t lll (llt (}\ \Vt' \\t i}l 11 < fll>l f' t<> Hllll<ltll\l't' tl1Ht (:()cl'~ lllHll }1 as l > <' t' 11 (' < l l t 11 < l n 11 < l t l\ H t I11 <' \• , v i 11 1 l <' • Hlll<' t<, g<> u ltt'nc l :1gni11 H~ 111 clH)'~ g ' <}tt<' \)~~. l,r11., 1 hct t ( :oc l 111n)' lt'H<l nl l <>tt r ll:l ~tc rlrss e l11tr<·l1f'~. ' l,llt' l'<' Hl't' fj\l' <)r t}l<'ll\ ll(l\\, if ,, <' nr<' 11 clt 111i~tn l p 11 . :\lnrel, t'1g l1t}1 \\' HS S l )Pllt ~ll }}– }ll.v·i11g r r 1>ust<>r l{ it· l1a r cl ~l <'- 1 11 t <) s 11 ct t t l 1 r 1 < > r t h ~ i < 10 I ~ c1 f) t i ~ t 1 l1\11·c- l1 c>f IJi 111a. TI C' W,l~ }1c> l<li11g a l il> ll tl 11 r 1·r 11 eC' clt ]1is }10111 e e l1t1rl'l1 i11 To1·,vnllc, \Vh()r () l) o11 - c1lc l l{ <1 ip: l1t <) l }1a8 clo11 r cl fi 11 ,vorl{ f()l' ( ig:l1t )·e,1rs 11 0\\r . 1 ()t toe 111Hll)" >. a r s ag·c> thi s <' l1111·el1 i11 l .i i111,1 ,,·,1~ 1111cl r 1· t l1e } 1 13[T I. a11cl \\· l1 e 11 tl1 e, · l>11ilt a 11 (l ])l() \ r fl(1, it • ~c>e111ecl t l1r,T eo11l cl 11 t) ,·er f ill t l1at • l) i µ: a 1 t < l it or·i t1111 . ,,T <' ] 1. it is <· o 111 - l'<)l'tabl,· fil] ecl l)()\\r , a11cl tl1 e • J > r a\~ for o 11 P ,111 <> t J 1Pr . · J a .·. • «> : 1 (-i. l\ fri r 11cl <>f 111i1 1e1, a 111i11istrr r) l' ( 1 l1rist i11 }~11gla11 cl ,ve 11t as 1)asto1· t o a 11 r ,r eh111·eh . Thr r e ,,ras i11 that eh111·c·h a , re r,; i11fl11e11tia] .. 111<>11 (?, ·ecl 111 a 11 ,,· 110 ha(l l)r011 a .. tl1or11 111 t l1r fl e:1 of r , 1 eI·y p1' e,·i - 01i.· 111i11iRt e1' i11 tl1e el11 11·eb. ()11 r :\ I 0 11<la.'~ 1110 r11 i11g, l)r eakf a:t barr– J y o,·e1· t h i . g·e11tl e1na11 waite(l 11 p o 11 111~" f ri e 11 cl a 11 d :a iti i11 a 11 a 11g1,)· to1 e : ' Sir, I ha,,e ·on1P to . p ealt to . ,·ol1 <{llit e f r a11kl}· abol1t :01ne of t he t l1i11g·: J"011 • aicl yest e1'day. ' ~Iy f rie11cl r epliecl : ' 'Tha11k \ "011 , re1--,... 11111r]t ! ~ 1 hall ,ve firs t • • J<11ee l cl 0\\ 1 11 a 11 cl l1a\ 1 R \\'Or el of J)rayer . .A. ~11 cl l)efor the other tOt tl (l J) J'O– t e ·t Illy f1--ie1 d ,, 1 a. pouri11g Ollt l1i..· h ea1·t in p1·aye1' to (1 oc1. Plac– i11g l1i. ha11 cl 11po11 the shot1lcl er of hi." r riti c:. h e p1·aye 1 for a lJle::– i11g 111)011 ]1i111 a11cl hi.1 ,,·ifr a 11 cl c·hilc)1·e11 1111ti] the 111c1 11 ,va.- 111r ]tc 1 c1 i11to tea1~8.- F 1·ec1eriek ". J)ltrr. 111 tl1 Eg-y1)tia11 1·00111 of a 11111- 8e11m, t,vo boy toppec1 befo1--e a 11111111111 :r· l )ea 1·i11g t 11e 11ot at io 11 , ~ · -·3 J:> 1 _ -:t,)t >. . · "'\\rhat clo ) "Oll :11p1)0 ·e t1 at 111 ea11~·? ' ,,-rhi. p r d 011 bo}... ' T <1011 t k r10,,-. 1·e1)1i rc1 t l1<1 <)t l1c.1 r · 1t 1l ess tl1at s t l1r ]i <: 11s<' 1)1 ,1 t 11 l1111 be 1· o f t 11 e <: fl 1· that 11 i t l1i111.' April 1 ll59 I >, i 1 < 1 i 11 g i s ,· r < l \\' < t e < I f <, r • ' t l 1, l u, sc·lt<>c) I. I{ ,·,·. ( '. I•; , ~ l>Ht 1J,li11g t1i~l ;t ri 11r• \V() t•J, t }\P l'f' f'<> l' ~·<'HI' H 1, < I 1, < >\ v I > H ~ t (, r J\ l <• 1, l t < ls } 1 i s I <' H d i11g 0 11 l'rc,n1 ,, h,•r ' hi s J>r <1c l <'<'C'.'Sor 1 c, r 1 <) rr. ~l1tr<·J1 l' il'tP('lltl, \\HS SJ)' llt ,vitl1 J>a~t<> r ll arc>lcl ll <>llS, ,• r . n11cl l1i 1> c 1 <> J)1<' c>f' t11< 1 ( 1 c1l,Tar.\' 1~HJ)1ist ( 1 l1t1r<•h f>I' I~.v·ps \ ill <' i11 t}1p 1nc)1•1 1 .. i 11 g· H11 c 1 ,,, it 11 l >,l s t <> r RH y J1 I 1P11g·e1r a1,cl tl1 l{ c>acl 1 1 ,01·1, Bn1} 11st ( 1 l1t1 r e ll i1l tl1 r. r\' C' t1i11 g. It ,vas f 11 t 1 t <) g· t b a c• k i , 1 t o 111 r h i 11 s a11cl s pP11cl ~1 <>11 clay n1 <>1·11i11 g: with ]~r<>tl1 r r f~'r ]l e 11 µ:e r, as he <ll'O\l' t1s o,·e r a t c>\v 11s hi11 <>f farms <11ul \.i 11 H g es 1() 8 l 1() \ \ ' I 1 is fie I(1. I r{' cloes 11 ot c· all l1i 1 1srlf a 111i~s ion. ctr.,·. b111 ]1e cloPs ha,Te a , 1 isio11 l't>r :<> t1tl1eas t er11 ()l1i<> a11cl l1i. ~ala1·,, i: fa r lJel c> ,\' tl1at of 1nost • 111issio11arirs . so ,,·e like t o call l1 i 111 011e a11\"\\' a,·. • • ll11: l)ll)i\ ' 'r }1~1TITER 1.\ r -ee11t is ·11<\ of Reader 's IJ i– .<J<'. ·t eo11 tai 118 a J)araii:ra ph l>~· a Ht hoo l t ea ·h e1~ who tell: of tt ehapel :peake1" at thr :<·hool \\'ho ,,~a: p1'eaehi11g 011 ' The La ck of th r (iood ~'ia111arita11 1 pirit i11 tl1r \\"'orl cl Tocia.,,. · I r1 ill 11. trati11g hi · 1t1 rs:agr the :p al,er tol(l of a11 exp erie11 te he l1ad l1ad i11 ~P\\' Yorl<. J)111·i 11µ: th e l1111<"h h our" }l(' ~a icJ, · ' I ,,~a }keel ,,·i111 a f rie i1 cl to a 11earlJ, .. r e:ta u ra11t a11d ,ve ,a,v. t l~· i11g· 011 the ·treet. a h lple · fel- lo,,,_h111r1a11 ,vho had collap ·eel. ~ ot 0 111,y· had 11obody bother ed to . top a11<l help this poor fello,,. l)11t 0 11 our ,va3r l>aek after lu11ch ,,·r :a,,· hi111 . ·till lyi11g in tl1e sa1ne :pot.', l : it not true of 1110 ·t of u: that al l too f1·eq11e11tl)T ,,·e apply tl1e • eript111'e. to othe1'.. I'ather tha11 to ou1' ·el,·e. '! ,Jl1 ·t a: thi ehapel ·1)eaker l1a cl him. elf fa iled to h eed ,,·hat l1e t hot1ght othe1·: . bol1ld clo . o "'··e a1'e i11 li11 ecl to 1·elegate to 0 111, f llo,v~ Ribli ·al prohibitio11s a11d exl101·tatio11: that ,,·e 11 ed as 111t1 ·}1 as t}1 e,... Th r ecord'" a11d .. J)ara bl .· of th Bib le ,,·e1~e ,r1' i tten as exa111ple:· to ll: , fo t' ot1r o,rn ad111011itio11 ( T ( 'or . 10 : 11 ) .-Tl1e 1 >j lgri111. ....\ 1110<.le l )tOt111g p eopl : 111e t i 11g is 0 11 tl1 at is pa1~t iti 1Jat ecl jn b)· , . 1~yl)O(l~", 111011opoli zec1 by 110 - l >Otl \' · \\' }1 er e e, ·er,,.llO(l\" i: . ' Olll C- .. , ~ ~ bo 1,... •