The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1959
( lJJ> ~~11-,s 1, l"' \ f'TI~ r s1,c.'11ct'1· Fl.111, t 1 \ ,ll',1t1011 Scl1ool i11 Jt111e \\ c.'rc alt 0.,d, \\ t'll \\llctl'l ,,·c\) l)~ .\11ril l ''tl1. ,, itl1 ,1 ,, orkt r::.- etlrr'ttd) c:l10::-.c11. \ 1)ril 1 ~ltl1 Re, .. \l c111 l\letcalf oi tl1e llt'l1rt ,, C'l111!:-t1 .. 11 octet)' ~poke c1t tl1e 111t1111i11g ~l'l, 1 'l' a11tl }1ad goocl 11c,vs t l1.1t giit~ ,, l're co111i11g 111 ,,·ell {or ~ (,1111}) , atllcll11C}, \\}lere Je\\S a11d Cl111,t1d11~ ca11 co111c tor Cl1r1 t1a11 tt1dy •111d 1ccrc.1 t 1011 \\"ELJ .,T GTO FIR T CALLS LOl"'I TULG.. \ Ne,,~ l1a Jtl t con1e that the Well– i11gton cl1t1rch called Lot1is Tulga, son of Dr Cl1ester Tt1lga, to be their pas– tor He ,, 111 begin his \.vork a bot1 t the 1-- st cf l\la)· a11d plans are already f orn1ing for his ordination soon after he arr1,·e... Since \\'e ha,,e no more i11forn1at1011 about him at present, ex– ceot tl1at ,, e are tire he is a \\•orthy on of a ,·er>· gifted father, \\re ,vill , ·er,· likel,· \\·ait until his ordination . ~ to ITT·ve the details of his education, experience. famil)· and so forth. We congratulate both church and pastor no\,\\ ho\,·e,·er, and wish them God's best. About 60 fathers and sons attencled the annual Father-Son Banquet, with Re\·. Dean Henry of Akron as speaker~ and about 100 attended the Mother– Daughter Banquet, v.rith Mrs. John Quimb)r. missionary from J apan, a-; the speaker. Another well attendee! meeting v.•as the Easter Sunrise Serv – ice and breakfast-in fact ail the ser,·ices of that day v. 1 ere iarge. Re– cent guest speak ers include Bernard \Vindmiller of Bluffton, Ohio; Rev. L. W. Beckle)' of Norwalk; Joseph Brcv.n and Scott Andrews of P arma, Ohio. BETHANY YOUTH FELLOWSHIP The Bethan\' You th F ellowship n1et at the Fir5t Baptist Church of Nile , .i\pril fourth and there was great in– tEres t 1n the slicles of Camp P atmos and the message Re\'. John Strong, the sta te Youth Director. brought. FIRST BAPTIST. Niles T\\·ent\· nev: members were v.. 1 el – comecl April 5th. The Easter week ~ real spiritual blessing came to the church under the preaching of Dr. Arthur Williams. v..·ho helcl a five day Bible Conference. Then A.pril 19-22 Dr R. T Ketcham. v:ho pastorecl the church 1923-1927 v. 1 ith great success. preached six times. including a Mon – da\· afternoon message for the Bethany Baptist Association, which met that da"· in tl1e Niles chu1 ch. FIRST CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH. Coshocton ..Re\-. E Richard l\Iarke]. founcle1 ancl oresident of 1\1t. Echo Bible Institution for the American Indians, v.. as our e\·angelist for 12 da)·s April 1 to 12 \Ve can heartily recommend him as a man who seeks to glor1f)· the Lord Te– sus and 1s a soul \Vinning e\.·angelist \i..·ho v.:orks v;ith the pastot God blessed His \ 1{ ord. as se,reral v:ere c-a, 1 ed and man~ lives ma(le right with the Lord. Among those professing • • • • ll Cl1l'ist \\ cl!> a 63 y ar olcl 1na11. I-le • ec1111e tl1c r1igl1t after l11s 11 year ,)lcl gra11clso11 s tcppc<l ot1 t for J csus. April 2211d P atil L v 11good, St1pt. ,)f lhc Ten11csscc Mot111tai11 Mission, will ~, eak ."-Pastor Harry E . Cole OLD PEOPLE'S HOME MAY MATERIALIZE ! The Trustees of Home and Camp l1a,,e seen a property in Akron that seems so su it able for an Old P eo– ple's H ome that they have put a conditional option upon it, pending a definite decision by tl1e city and state that a license would be grant– ed to u se it as a Home for the Aged . Next month we hope to have the an swer to th at question :-ind we wi ll then take two pages of the magazine to tell and p icture the l:eauties of this mansion, price and plans, or have to share the sad news that it cannot be u sed. How it can fa il to meet state require– ments is beyond the editor, but in the mea n time we urge all our read– ers to pray that God's w ill be done. WHEELERSBURG DEDICATES ADDITION Easter was a glorious day for the Wheelersburg M i s s i o n a r y Baptist Church. At 6:30 A.M. they were host to a Sunrise Service at Memorial P ark, with music by the combined choirs of Wheelersburg and the Temple Baptist Church of Portsmouth. The invocation was gi,,en by P astor H all Dautel of the Temple Baptist Church and the message by P astor Martin Holmes of Wheelersburg. After big crowds at the Sunday ~~hool and morning worship hours, a ded ication ~ervice was helcl at 2:30 to ~et c1side the Sunday school acldition for the service of God. Rev. H all Dautel brought the message a t this service . It is a two story block build– ing that opens up into the auditorium so that 1t can be used both for Sun– dav school a11d to enlarge 'i..he wor– ship auditorium and ·orovide i"l large nursery on the second floor, where the mother s can see the service and yet have the assurance their little ones won't cl isturb the service . Besides these two large rooms. up and down, there are several smaller class rooms. This c1cldi ticn was ded icated to the memory of Rev. J ohh Adkins, who gave his life for the organization a11d up-build– ing of this church. F IRST BAPTIST, Bowling Green Easter Sunday brok e all recent ·i:-ec– ords . 156 attended Sunday school , 145 the morning worship and 111 the evening service. April 19th has been chosen as F amily Day, when all are urged to come by families and sit to– ~ether in the two church services. The goal for that day is 175. PASTOR ROBERT W. FULLER RESIGNS News came too late last month to report the resignation of Rev. Robert W. Fuller from his second pastorate May 19!i9 -~~~~ ,vitl1 the F airfield Baptis t Church ,)f Tl1urtito11 al)out the midcllc of March. I-Iis f 1rs t pastorate was for one yea r 111 1949 and 1950. His last pastorate was four and a h alf years, having begun in October of 1954. During t hat time 26 were taken into the church, an addi tion was bu ilt that provided much needed Sunday school room and for a l)aptistry. An electric organ was also purchased . The church clerk says, "Brother Fuller preach ed the full gospel £ear– les£ ly accor d ing to his convictions. Under his leadership the church as– s umed obligations to support Cedar– ,,ille College, Baptist Mid-Missions Home Office, a lso their work in French Equatorial Africa , and J ewish work in Cleveland, a new work with the Hooi Indians, a nd .:1lso the work ,)£ ABWE in S ao P aulo , Brazil. He car– ried on a local weekly 15 minute broadcast over a period of 20 months ." We under stand that Brother Fuller has not been well lately and has not vet fully decided upon a field of serv– ice, but he has expressed himself t o the eclitor that he hopes the Lord w ill open uo a field within our fellow- shio. - The Fairfield Baptist Church is ex– periencing blessings and is already hearing candidates, so we hope it won ' t be long until we can announce a new pastor. A Centennial Celebra– tion is planned for May third, with Rev. James T . J eremiah of Cedarville College c1s the guest speaker. FIRST BAPTIST, Gallipolis Easter Sunday the attendance reached a high of 442! The pastor is starting a church membership class, 6: 30 Sun– day evenings, that will run until May 10th . Daily Vacation Bible School will begin June 1 and organization in all the departments is a lready under way in early April . Another youth work is Bible Club work, which was begun four years ago. In those four ve2rs the Bible has been completely taught through. Over 100 children at– tended in four clubs this season . Our church has r ecently taken on the support of Rev. J ames Godley and family. They are under the F ellow– ship of Baptists for Home Missions and go from place to place establish – ing fundamental Baptist churches . CEDAR HILL BAPTIST. Cleveland The third Annual Greater (::leveland Sunday School Convention was held March 12 and 13 at the Cedar Hill Church. One of the main speak ers was Dr Lee Roberson of Chattanooga, Ten– nessee. STRUTHERS BAPTIST TABERNACLE P rayer for r evival both locally ::i nd in a ll our ORB churches has been the burden of the pastor and several · members for some time. Besides com– inEt for the mid-week service. they come for prayer Monday and Friday nie-hts, often praying until 11 P .M. After such interest, it is not strange that March 15th two mothers eame to ( Continl1ed on next page )
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