The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1959

Ma)' 1959 ()l l .B'I~l.J l-1()\V~IIII) l)A E ( ( 1 011ti1111e<l fr<)lll J),lµ:e 1H) BIBLE BAPTIST, Bedford The Ohio American Council meet– ing was well attended, and the inter– est all the greater because Dr . R . T. Ketcham was holding a whole week of meetings at the time the ACCC of Ohio met there April 6 and 7. Strong resolutions were passecl against the National Council's P eace Offensive that is working to get Red China recognized and in to the UN against a World Court that could iessen U.S .A . sovereignty, and in favor of such magazines as National Republic and American Mercury for their cour– ageous stand against subver sion. Dr . Clement Hershey of Marion was elected president, Rev. Franklin F aucette of North Olmsted vice president, Rev. Dean Henry of Akron secre tary , and Rev. Russell Ice of Marietta treasurer . CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION, In,. Our Fifty -Fourth Year A staff of twelve dedicated workers. Our ministry to the thou– sands of J ews in Cleveland, Youngs– town and other cities in Northeast– ern Ohio; Charleston, W. Va. ; and Sao P au ,o, Brazil. Our Radio ministry over stations in Cleveland, Toledo, Youngstown and Cambridge, Ohio; Apollo and Altoona, P a.; and Viques, Puerto Rico, touching countless numbers of our Lord's kinsmen. Write for informative magazine. "The Trumpeter for Israel." REV. GERALD V. SMELSER, Supt. P . 0. Box 3556 Cleveland 18, Ohio 'l'J I F,J }' { TR~.i\( 1 JD J> ( rJ~J>()SE ' ' (lc>cl \\''Ot 1lcl }1a,·p 11(> fttr 11c1c·rs if tllfll'fl \\'(\ l'(l 11() g·<>lcl 1<.) SP f) cll'cl1P f t· <J 111 t } 1 e < 1 r c > s~ . ' --- 'I' Illil I1<>RJ) 'N HI 1:( 1 IiI~~'J' ' ' 'J'J1<;\ sP<·r<'1 <>f t l1c- I1c)rcl i:..; i11i– J>,1r1 cac.1 1<) t}J<>~e '\' }1 <>~P \<·Pret life· j~ a tl1i11µ: <>f l>Pa 111)" a11cl c·<>11scc· r,t - 1 ic)tl. ' WA TED Ex cutive Director for Christian Chilcl Welfa i e Age11cy ir1 Ce11t 1 of Mi cl1igan . Agency services include Ir1st1lutio11a l Cc!re, Fos ter Hom care, Aclor)tio11s, Ur1we<l mother cour1s .. lling. Trai11111g a11d "XJ)e11e11c:. 111 Soc:1al W orl< r e– quired. Good sala1 y, 1nar1y otl1 r l)e11efi ts. ("011tact: . D ALO K . OI~SO , Jt"irs t Bapti t "l1t1r<· l1, 00 al11ut BI d., Ko,·11 stet·, i<·l1iga11 THE OIIIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Page Ni11eteen ---- MARCHGIFTS TO OHIO REGULAR BAPTIST HOME & CAMP Elton C. Hukill, 2029 E. 30th St. , Lorain, Ohio GIFTS TO CAMP PATMOS I~ e 111l c l1 t11 11 J~aJ)ti st ( 1 l1t1rc·J1. ( 1 l P\' P lc11 1 cl ................................................. ·1 () .0() ' 1 ri11it~,. l{,11>1 isi ( 1 ht1 1· (']1, J.; <>1·ai11 .... .. .... .... .... ... .... ... ........... .......... ... ... .... 4.-l-() I1 11 n1 , tllll Pl 1~a J)tis1 ( 1 ]11t 1·c·h , 1\1 ·c·,111t1n1 ........... ... ..................................... 10.()() J 11 cl P1) 0 11cl c> 1ti I~ctl )iis1 ( 1 ltl11· c·l1, Ncl1·tl 1 ,J <l<' l<s<>11 ................................... . :5 .()() 1 ().0() 1~ ' l' C1,l 1 >cl ])t ist ( 1 1l11rc·li .... ..... .. ...... ................. ...... ................... ... ............. .. Ji1· c>c> ]{s icl ( 1 ] ~H])ti s 1· ( 1 l1t11· c· }1 , ( 1 ]e\re ]a11c] ................................................. . 5.00 I 0. 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II . ,J . \ "t1t1111,t11 \' t\ r.,· llllt<·l1 l'<> l' thi~ ttift. ,v }1je }1 ]1 e Scl ,\ 'S "is <> Ill)' , l \ ' (' 1')- 7 S lllctll 1c> l((' ll c>f 111,\" clf'<\ l) l'P~]><'<'l cllltl a}>]:· l' Pt·i,tti<)ll l'o r t}1p fi 11 e lllclll tlt,l1 J{ c 1 \.( 1 l'l)ll<l ("' ltllP)' \\ ' ,lS ,lllcl t}1p i<l<'Hl . t <> , r l 1 i c · l 1 J 1 is 1 i r P \ r, ts t l P < 1 i c ·n t <> < l ... ' l' I 1, l t < > l t µ: l 11 t < > ~ l) 1 tr 11 ~ I ~ c1 J) t i" t ..., < > 11 t < > ( l () 111 () 1• <', <> l l µ· I 1 t j 1 11 C > i ? INCREASE YOUR SUNDAY THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TRAFFIC LIGHT BOARD Al , WU/ BUILDING WITH CHRl.:"T ~/t,tt/ ~ ~ ... \ ' ~t:lfj (lASS ATTEND OM ftMf BIBLES HSSON CHUROI OffER""' q 'l:" Jes n;s~ a 9 a 5 a 2 ao· 2 H 6 1 8 1 fF>t·~ P 2 2 2 O t 9 I H 2 2 ,t G 'l • 1• t l 9 1 H l 8 l 'i I 8 ~l OO I,J lt LO ll 14 ta7 11 10 H B 10 1!14 l:l lt IO B 12 201 LO JO 9 U H H2 O 9 8 7 9 70 CHOOL ATTENDANCE WHAT ONE PASTOR AYS "111 011ly 4 weeks OLlr St111cia:y Scl1ool At te11cla11ce l1a!:i 111credsecl 1ro111 167 to 241 . . 1,l1e 11.e\\ St111cla:y el1ool 1,1 c1t– fic Ligl1t lJoarc.l "'e l)t1rcl1asL'<l l1as J)r0\ 1 e11 to l)l' a 1 ',ll l)lessu1g lo ot1r St1ncla\ Sc 11001 ." Pclstor, Jaekso11, l\l1cl1igt111 • 1>1 O\ c11 n1Ptl1ocl of l>ttilcli11g largt'. pf f1c1e11 t St111cl,l \ Sc:hool~. • U~ecl 111 OVl'l :.?8 tll'l\Orlli11atio11~ llc'lllOl\\\ l<.lt' • SLtf' :J 1 x l7' ' \Villi E~\St l i11- eltt<lt>cl. • l1a'lt'<l 011 Six-f-)oi11t l{t c<>rcl ~~'::;– lt n1 . ,\l)J)rovl'<l h)' N s .~ .1\ . 11:co1101111l·(1ll\ f)l l< l'cl at 0111 ' $ l2.5l) l{cltl ,, d~ l(~I)l'f'~s Pai ct \ rite.• fua· tlc.•sc.· l'iptivt• litc.•ratt1re to(la~ . J l JR( i l~ 1 S() ll() 28 1a11t1fat•t t1ri11g ( '01111,a11~' lla~ti11g~, i,1it.·l1igu11 I