The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1959
'~ c 'l \\ ( 1I l > ~ I l·~ \ \ I I l I·: \ \ l ~ \ r l 1 t 1 ; i l I t \ t t <) f' , 11 tJ t "l ) t, a I\ <) l' l l(llll(' ;llltl llt',l\' t'll cl'- llllt<·l1 n, ,t'llti– llll'Jl1 n 1 \ 111tirit 1 a 11~ tlt. l ltlt ~ (ll<,111tl ll < 1 t , l , t'" I, <, f' 111 a 11 u, > i 11 i?.' 1 c) • • l 1 i-... lc>11t! l1<>111t.\. .. It "t't'111" t<) t)l'()\ t' t l1 ;1t \ l\ 11 i11 111-... lln, tl1e ,J ('''i"'l1 • })t'()})lt' l'tllllll't'fl't l l l() lll l' \\ itl1 ll l'<l\ t,11. . \, cl i?.<lllcl fatl1Pr 111<11\e...; it t ,1,, it>l' a t•l1ilt l t el l,c 1 l1t'\ <\ i11 (1t><l • tl1t' l·~atl1t.\r. '-, () a U'<l<>ll lt <) lllt' 111alzr'~ it t\l"' \ tt) llP]i( 1 \ l' ill }l Pcl \ 'P ll . It }1cl " ()ft t>ll 1 l'l' ll --.H itl t llcl t t ll <' f ~ l t l 1 t \ r 1, t l 1 t' l) r i t \ ~ 1 <) f t l 1P l 1 <) 111 f \ l) l1 t t 1 l t \ 11 l () t l 1 l \ r i '-, t l l t' l l l 111 i "t r 1' i 11 n· r Hll~Pl tl1c1t lll cl l~ P..... tll(\ ]1c>lllP :-1 ,}11·itlt'. })Hll l lllll"t }1,1,·l.} llcl<l "'()lllP– t 11 i 11 ~· 1 i 1, t" t l 1 cl t i l l 111 i 11 ( l \ y l 1p 1l 11 l' ... ,,·rl)t l' tl1 'I'it11~ t <1 i11st1·11<.:t tllP ,·<)1111~ ,, <)111e11 · · t c) l>e st)l)er. to • lt) \ 't' t]1ei r 1111-...l ,111<1~. t<) l <> , ·e tl1eir <·11il<lr t.> 11. to llP cli"('rr<' t. <·l1c1str. l,t't~])(>l' '-, at 11<)1\lP . gc>O(l. ()l)t1(liP11t t<) tl1eir <)\,·11 1111. l"a11cl. , tl1c1t tl1e ,,-<)rel c>f ( itlcl 1-r 11o t bla~11l1P111t c.l. ·' l ' a,·itl 11111 t l1c1,·p t!1cl11gl1t of tl1r r t, ,,·,tr<.l of sll<'ll a lif P ,,·}1t-111 11e , a itl . · · Sl1e tl1at tc1rriPcl at l10111e lli,· i<1e<l tl1e . ])oil.·· :\Icl~'" l)e he tl1c>1· gl1t c1f .J ,1el a11(1 l1Pr J) clrt i11 tl1e ,·ivtor,· t) \"P r .T ,1l)i11 . b11t it i • tr1:t~ tl1at tl1<:) . tc1,· -at-h c)111e1 111othe1' • tl i,·i(1e"' tl1e . l)oil of }1,1111).\'" l10111e- 111al~i11rr a11tl ear11~ tl1e ~rratit11cl e <1f 1111 l)a11tl a11tl e11ilclrP11. ~ ...ot t11,lt cl 111other 11111. t 11 e, ·p r lPa, 'r tl1e l1t>111e t c1 ser,·r h er l'llltrl'll or <·c,1111111111it,· . l111t tl1<1 l1t)111e sl1011lcl • ('<>lllt_} fir"t. a11cl f!'acltli11g· al)o11t j11 "el fi -...}1 11le,t~111'P. i~ Ollt <-111tirel\". "\\"l1rt lier ,,·e ~-1111)cl tl1ize1 ,,·it 11 ,1lt·l1 "'11c· ·i al lla,·~ a: ~I<Jtl1 r r 's D,1\· . ~ t>l' 11<>t. tl1e fal't r e111,1i11~ tl1c1t ''"e t'cl 1 "'11c>t 111al~P t<>C> 111l1c·l1 <>f tl1P i1l1- l)t>rta11c·l.) <)f 111otl1<1rhoocl. :.\Ic>tl1 c_} rs 11ePcl t<> r _} 111 e111l1er tl1rir l1io·}1 <'clll- t" i110- clll(l o•lt>rif,,. it 11,· 0'{)(11\· 11·,·1'110· i:- ~ • • ~ • ~ a11cl faitl1ft1l 11<)111<> ~er,·i<•<J. 1 }1il- '-l r e 11 c > 11 ~ 11 t t < > r i, P l l l) a 11 < l t c1 11 1t1c ,tl1er hl1 1 """ecl. a11<l h11~l>,111<l" ,,Tl10 l~a ,·e ft>t11 1cl a ,·i rtll <>l l. ,,·c)1t1a 11 ,l. ,1 1·<>IllJ)a11i<)11 ,1 11 cl 111c>tl1Pr <>f tl1rir < • l 1 i 1, l r P 11 c · P r t a i 11 l ,\· <) 11 g 11 t to t l 1 c111 l{ (;<>cl f<>r thPir g·<><>cl fc>rt1111 P.. Tll l J>l1:·"it·al. 111 t111tal ,111cl :-,J1i rit - 11al 1al c,r <>f l)Pi11g· a g:<><> cl 111c>tl1er i, far g-rP,l ter tl1c111 111<J~t 111P11 a1)– J)l'Pl'iat0. If J>r (1,t<·l1Pr~ c,f t e 11 <· t1lo– !.!'17P 111cJtl1rrl1c..><Jll. tllf\\. <>lt!!..llt 1101 to l't' ct<·t11"'Pcl <>f (lP"'i~.r11i11g f lat – t e r:·. !'--- (> 111 P 111 ,1 ~ • l H !! ll i I t, ~ c> f i t . 1 llt 111c,"t c)f tl1c.1111 }1a ,·r r,c,111<-> t i111c> or otl1 _.r l1a ,l tl1eir "t11cl,· i11 tl1 e .. 1)ar,c>11,1g-e a11,l J1 .. arcl ,111(1 r>l> -...Pr,·ec1 all tl1a t tl1eir ,,·i,·tl"' l1a ,·c.. tc, rl cJ . .....\..:-, 111 i1.i"'t <> 1·"" tl1 r .,· ;11>1>ret i,1te1 t l1P ll( 1 l 1 <l ()r '-.})iritttnl tl'cli1,i11g l'<>l' tll <'ll' (' )1i}<ll't ' ll l)tlt l'l ll<l tJ1etll"Pl\t' '-. 1<><> l)tl"': tc> llt'l]l \c 1 l',\ lll\lt'h i11 it. l·,1,t' 11i ~ ht...; ,l \\PPI\ tilt'\ <'<>llll' • h<)ll\l\ nl'1<'r c·,1l li110· c> r <'<>111n1ittP<' l"" 11l ( 1 f' t 111 g·", j l l ~ t i 11 t i 111( I t () l 1P cl l' t l) (' i )' \\ i \ ( 1 ", '-, cl \ i l l ()' 1)( I ( l - t i) 11 (' l) 1'( l \ (I l's 'r i t h • l'"' • t I 1 <' v l 1 i 1 < l r t 11. 'I' I 1P ) • l' c1 11 11 < > t l 1 <1 l 1) l)l' <' Ht}1i110· tlli~ l)l'cl' r \1' \ rPr' p ofte11 t" .. r J ' · · ' l l1n11l< )·<)ll. l;ortl, ftlr gi,·it1g· 111 e ,l !!..<>t>(l l1Pl1)111rrt, ,,·l1c> e,1rrs for 111P ~11irit11,1l trc1i11i11g o f 111)· <"l1il(lre11. · · ~lc>tll<'l'll<><>cl is 11<)t r,1s, ... l)tlt it ' is rc,\·,11·cli11p:. 'I l1o~c tl1at 111al~e l1<)111c ,1 fo1·etastP o-f l1ea, 'l 1 11 ,,,ill l1a,·e little tro1tlll e leadi11g tl1eir littlr 0 11es i11to tl1e1 l1ea,·e11,,·c1rcl Jlatl1 . BLESS OUR HOMES WJ~..rA ...'.fZJL?lJif$~~~t.~J By Ralph T. Nordlund Lord, bless our homes, we pray, And make them thine today, Where Christ may dwell; With faith and hope and love, And peace from heav'n above, Mc1y all within them prove That all is well. Lord, bless the mother there , And her maternal care That makes it home; May wee ones at her breast, And growing sons, be blessed, Her faith so well impressed That n one :-h all roam. Lord, bless from year to year And 1<eep our homes from fear, Our Guardian nigh; May home mean more to ~11, Where virtues rise, not fall, WhEre heavenly voices call To Home on high! Can be sung to "America." Sta11lP>'" Ya11l<11: of :\Iic:higa11 is 111c),·i11g· to 1-\. t1. ·tralia. Ile 'Ol cl hi. J)O l 1 lt r)· fa r111 ,111cl ec f lli J) 111 e111 t f <> r 11earl,.. :f;:2:3.00(). c>11t of ,,·hi<'ll l1e ._, 111ll ·t ])a,· the o·o, .. e1·11111e11 t o,,.e1~ ~ r .·:3 , ()()() i11 1)e11,1ltie: £or rc1i:i11tt too 11111tl1 ,,·l1rc1t. ,,.,.e ,,,.ill 11ot l efe11cl al l ,,.. 11 0 r·ai:e t<)C> 111t1c·l1 ,rl1eat. l>11t 11111st cl 111a11 lea, .,~ ~ • tl1e la11cl <>f tl1e £1· ee ,, l>rc·,111:r hP ,ra11t. to r c1ist1 l1i. o,,~11 el1icl{e11 feed ? ~Ir. Ya 11l(lls c1icl 11ot . e 11 l1i. ,,·h eat 01· c: la i111 cl s11pport p1·i •(>. Ile could l1a,..e 1·ai. etl l,1 aere: of ,,·h eat each ~·Pel r a11c1 g·c)tt011 a g'O"\rfl' lllllell t C'l1ec·l~ for tl1e cliffe1· r11C'e llet,,·ee11 tl1P 111arl{et })rite a11cl 70 % of (1arit~.. . or gotte11 a loa11 a11d 11el1>Pcl g·lt1t tl1e go,· er11111e11t sto1·– age lli11: ,,·itl1 a1)T)roxi1natel:\'·· .-oo l>11~}1 e ls a , ..e,1r; l)tlt h e f e l l1i. ' May 1959 ,, I 1 <' ct t t <> I 1 i ~ <• I 1 i <• 1, <' 11 s ,1 11 < I I 1 Pl 1 ><'cl fl<H)I' J) P<) })}p (<> !.!_Pf P]lP}lp JTIPHt l.- <'t Jip \\clS fitl<'<l P,t<•}1 ' 'PH I' l<J:,...t ' ,tll Iii:,... H]lJ> ~al~ ,111cl failc>cl t<J r c,tc·l1 1:1<' <',tr <>l' 1he ('011grc.1.:. . \~ a11 c>x- t'a1·111er. tl1r ecli1<Jr (•,l 11 l l () t l' e fr a j l l fr Ol rl .' p Pa k i 11 g , , J1p11 11 < 1 s e1s ,111 t lie preeiot1s 1'1·ee– <l o111s <>f ... \111 rit,l ·li1J})i11g· cl\.vay. "'\\Te c11·e 11ot bla1ni11g l~zra 13 11.· 011 ,rl1<> l1as clo11e all he <·a11 to per– ~l1atle tl1e ( 1 ong·I·e .·s and tl1e farm- ers that ot1r pr :e11t Ia,v i. r r o110111i<· foc)li:l111e::. N" ither are , e bla111i11g tl1 politician too 11111('}1 for tl1e,-- li,re i11 lailv fear • • Cl 1. tJ1e IJ1·e '. ' llre g1·ot1p:. \\"'"hat we c1 r e l1opi11g: i. that ome cla)' .t\111 e1· ica11. \\rill \\·ake up to the toll~-- c1f all the cla... legi.·latio11 tl1at l1a. tal{e11 tl. clo\v11 the road to,,..ard o ·iali. m the la t 25 >--ea1·:. It all beg·a11 alJout forty \"ea1-. · ao·o i11 a 11ev\" 'Liberal .. • treecl of J)olitical a11(l e ·anomic scie11ce ,,·l1ich i or1lv liberal v.·ith "' g·o, ·e1·11n1 n t mo11eJ, lJll t actl1all~.. , lil<P all ~ 1 0 ·iali. t theory, merci- .. lC's:lv dictatorial. Tl1e o·e11eral • illea c>f it i: that }"Oll ca11 legi late 11e,\· la,v of eeo11omic., a11d aboli. h po,re1·t}" l)}" eclict. In Olll-. childhood ,,·il 1-e~"ecl pc)liticia11. pr--eaehed it bt1t eon1e the tl1irtie ancl the n1a. e bega11 to belie,..e it and , ·ote it i11to practice. The n1ajorit3-T of fa r1ner till ,,·a11t tl1eir g·o,·eI·11ment check a 11 l t111c1er tl1i. ne\\t y tern of .. ~·et <)Il or11ic cle111 oc1·acy, there ca11 "' be 110 exee1)tio11. . ()11e v.'011ld t 11 i11l< that e,.. e11 a l)t11--eat1crac,,. "' co11ltl n1al<e a few e11 ible excep- tio11 for c: hicke11 rai. er . . bt1t ot11· 111c>1111ti11g· 11101111 tai11 of g·rai11 pro,.. e tl1e g·e11eral 1·11le that }"Oll C'clllTI<)t ac •ept go,;,rer11n1e11t aid a11d kePp ) 1 011r fre clo111 at the ame ti1ne. In the lo11g· r1111 cla leg·i - l(1t io11 111alce: fo1· ·la. . 1a,.. e1·,,,... "' I~ig B11, ir1e., t1. eel to bt1y cla legisla tio11 a11 l p1·0:peretl fo1' a c·ot11 le of g-e11e1~atio11. ll11cler it~ b11t f1·om 1907 011,va1·d it l)ega11 tc> co111e 1111cler 1no1·e a11d n101'e g·o,..er11ment regt1latio11 - a11cl neee:._ a1•i]y 0, J. To,,,, ,,rith the C'ollecti11g· of taxe and ocial ee11rit~" and all kincl of f1--ing·e b e11ef it. all b11. i11e ,,Totlld ioi11 . tl1e l'ailr<lacl. 111 ba11ltl'llpt ~ r if it \\·e1·e 11ot for tl1e i11,"e11tion of at1tornatio11 a11d IB:\I n1a bi11e . Tl1e,,. l1a,.. e lea1·11ed that vot1 a11- . ~ 11ot e11j O}" O'o,,. er11me11 t fa,·or and freeclon1 at the a111e time.
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