The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1959
\\" lll till' t'llttlll'·s lt<'llll ' <>ll til l' fr<lt\t Hlltl l{l >:111111,u_, <)tl t ltt' l>ttt l,. Hllll ~)lllt' t)tllt'l' tl1111~, ft'<)l\l }li'-i l't'll ill llt't ,,·t'l~ ll. \\ l' lll)l)l' ll{l () )\ (' ,111 tl1i11l, ''t' arl' t()t) ll<'l;ll Jl it'(l ,,itl1 (\\lt',t'lf. l'l\t' t'1r,t 1, t<> ,ntisr., 11at111·al e11rill,it, ,t, t() ,,lt t' l'<' ,,.(' • }i\"t' Hlltl tllt' ln,t i, cl lll'll<lf t}1H t \\ (' } 1 c 1, l' 11 <, t l) l' e 11 i < l l <'. \\.. l' ,,·t' l'l\ " <) fclr frlllll itll e11ess ,, ltt' ll l)l'l'}l,tri11g i\lr cl ~i~ - tlct)· I~il)le l , < , 11 ft, r P11 v t, n t I~: , , 111~,· i 11 e . t l 1 a t , Y' e u.'l'ctl)llt\<l tilt' ,rrc)11g t'll\'t'l l) l)P of '-\l'l'lll(lll , 111 S()lllt' }1,l~t,\· ])cll'l(illg: ,ltl<l llcltl t<.l l l'<'})cll't' cl ,,·11olP 11 e,,· , t't <)f st11<1it")s <>11 .Jol111 l ~-17 ! ,\ l) f i r" t l, n t l a I a t <' ~ c 1 t 11 rt1 cl~· 11 i g· l 1 t · · !--i11l~i11~ ~J)t-'11 '· 111 I>ast<.)1· I~c)o111 i: · "'l) c.ll' t) l"t)tl -rt)<)lll, n11c.l tl1('11 <>11 0 111· l,11et1s t 11 c111 l,etl tl1e l ;t)r (l ,,·c co11 l(l Il<)t s<)r,·e tl1e111 a11,.. ,,·,1r111ecl t>\'f'l' • "(.1 r111c)11s \)tlt ,,·c>11lcl l1a,·e t<> st11cl,.. • IIi~ ·'\, ... t> r t1 .. 1f1·e. 1 ! J~ ra ll~·. t r~·i11g t<> sa11c1,,·ic1t ear– J)P11t1·~·· · l)ai11ti11rr , tile ,,·or·lt . a11cl SO fort l1 111 l)et,,·ce11 getti11g <>tli t l1 r ()f11. ,,.L~elt -r11cl J)r·eaC' l1i11g tri ] ), ,111cl s11e<'ial 111t=>eti 11g·s (l <>es 111al,p <l ,,·erl~ ,1,,·a , · fro111 l1c)111 p <l l, i11cl <)f • 1·p~t. \ \ .. t' l 1 at 1 a ,,·o 11 c 1 er f 11 l ti 111P , , · it }1 1 >,1st or I_Joc) 111 is ,111 (1 l1is fa 111 i l ,. a11tl • <·l111rt·l1 :\I,1rel1 22-'27 . a11(l fc)1111 cl ti111(l to ,·isit ,,·itl1 :c)111e f)f t l1 r l>ret l1re11-<>11r ~ t,1te ( 'l1air111a11 (>f tl1P ( 1 01111t·il of T c·11 . I>a:t<>r 'I . F rP<l TI 1i. , e,·. a11 cl ,,·itl1 l1j s co11- • f e1 r r 11 <• P !-1 J) ea k er at t l 1r ~ i i 1 es el1111·t·l1. 1)1· . ... \ rtl111r "\"\Tillia111:, ,t11tl ,,,it11 Pa8to1~ I.Jeo11artl Tra,~i~ at Ji tD011a l cl ,t11cl f) a. t o1· ~Iitel1Pll <lt :\'c>rtl1 ,J aek:011 . [ f ,,~r l1acl11 ,t l1a (l all tl10. r 111ess,1g-e: to prrJ)ar t>, \,·r ,,·01111 ha,·e f llll cl o,Yll to 8et> J~as– t()I~~ :\Iarstelle1-- a 11(1 ( 1 a rpr 11t r 1· at 1.,. Oll llg'"' t0\\' 11. l )11 t }) }1Oll (l ('()11 \ ''l-' l'Scl– t icJll" l1acl to cl c>. Tl1at (•01111tr\' i: • filli11g llp ,,itl1 R rg·11l c1r Baptist 1 l111rt· 11 e ,111cl ,,re arr expeC't i11g: it ,,·c,11 't lle too lo1 g 1111til t l1r1·r ,,·il I l1e 111<>r <>f the111. ...\ t l rc1~t t l1l r ~l1<.>11l cl l)e 011e at (}ir,1rcl to <>11r ,,·a~· of th i11l(i11g, a11rl Ea.·t Warre11 111cl)' g'Pt ,,11e :-ioo11 l111tl e1· F"'T-311:\ I. J-l o,,· clicl that 11il>lr 1 011fercnee cro , ... er,· O'OO< 1-f air preal'hi 11 o· r"' • ._ ~ t", ' ,,·c,11t1erft11 111t1~i(· fro111 tl1e t l1u1·tl1. gc>ocl atte11cla11 ·e. a11cl a f P,r :0111 a,·eel. t> a~ t 01· l-'00111 i a11cl 11 i: peo- 11 le are tl1 e ki11 cl that ,\·01~ k a11cl J)ra3~ a11(1 rx J) P<·t 1·p 11lt. a11(l get tl1e111. 11 Ollr ,,·ay" }10111e ,,re ~topped f c>r a , i it '\"itl1 I>a tor Il . b,. 1 ate at Tall111ac1ge. a11cl fot111(l tl1e 1·e– ,·i,·al sJ)irit till g-oi11g- 011 fron1 last fall. 1\.. ·011ple ~"ear ago thej· ptit 'fHF"' OHl ) 1NDF..PENI1ENT BAPTI T OF E EDITOR lll) cl t'itlt' Hcl<littclll Ht th l' t'PU l' 111,tt ( 1 H11 l>P 1t,c'< l H'i H lctl'g'(' '-t<>ein l hnll n11cl t lt P ll <Ii, iclPc l ,, i1 h ,l<' t'<lrc li<>ll <l c)t> l'~ i11t c) ,iµ: l1t ·l,1ss r <>0111s. E\' •11 ~t>. tll <' \' cl l' l' l>t'<>' i1111i110· 1o f t' )1 tl1 ' • t", t", tl <)<\c l tl f' 111t)rp 1'<>0111 i't)t' t11 eir g 1·0 ,,· i11g· ~1111cl,1, ~(' ll <>ol. • l~clstP r ,,·cl~ s J) )11 t ,,·itl1 t l1, ( 1 ,11- , .clr.\.. l~cll)tist ( 1 l1111·r l1 of' }-. j11clla)~. ,rl1iel1 \\",l " , rr r)· 11i ce, foI' ,re ·ot11(1 l l l'i \ "t' }10 111(-l 1 >et\\''r.e11 8PI'\ 1 ier: a11cl <) 11 .io)p cl ll ~~,1 ~t r cli1111Pr ,,· itl1 ,rif(l, cl,111p:l1t(' l' a 11 l :01 -i11 la,v. 'rhis ·l1111· t•h, 01·g·c111izecl a11cl J)astor ecl by J)r. T. I j el1 ,l rcl l)t111l1an1 f r 2;~ ) '"Pa r:. l1a.· a 1· al opportl111ity .fo1· < }ocl ': 111,t11 , a11cl ,,. are pray'" i11g it ,,·011 ' t l)r lo11g· 1111til ,,·e c·a11 a 11- 1101111c· e ,,·1 0 that \\ 1 il l l)C' • \-'\Tl1ilr th i: <' h 111·e }1 is 11ot }'"et i11 0111· a:- • :oeiatio11, ,,· belie, ...e it ,vo11 t. l>e lo11g 1111 til it ,,·ill l>e. 11.1)1~i1 fiftl1 , ,·e hctcl a , , 1·y 11jo)r– a l)le cl a,· ,,·itl1 I>aHtor .,.\ . 1-3. Ta . ell • a11cl tl1e ial,·ar}T 13aJ)tist Tab - <' r11atl e of ~a11(l11:k,·-all tl1e 1110 1·e • b eea11:r t l1 is t j111r t l1e · ',, 1 <-1 • i11 - c· l11(l ecl c>1 1r l>ettrr half. \\Te 11el1) ecl l>ri11g tl1e 2Hth \ n11i, 1 er .,ary cele– l>1'atio11 tc) c·o11 c·l11:io11. .L Tatt1ral l,· • 111 <: 11ti o11 ,,·as 111ad(l of the fo1111cl 1-, Rr ,·. Ral1)l1 ~toll, ,,·hosp i11fl11e11 ·e st ill li11gers 01· sl1a ll \Ye :a.y·· l1is .· pi1·it, fc)r tl1 e~y· ., till :ee111 to lo, 1 e tc> l1Pa r rXJ)o:itor~,. J)rea ·}1i1 g of tl1 e "\\.,. <>1·cl . 'I'l1c e 11eo t11· c1gi11g thi11~: al)<)llt tl1is ,,·o rk: i:--; t l1<1t 1>1'aetieally all i11 t l1 t' 111c)1"1 i11g st' r , ·i 1 e , ,·r t· p l)ac·l( for 111c>re t l1at 11i g:l1t. ancl I >a. t or 'r a:8e l l : a~,.· t 11a t is al,·,{a},.~ t rl1 e . This js l)ei 11g ,v1·i tte11 jl1. t afte1· o·ctti11 o· l)ael< fro111 eie:l1t cla\","' of ~ ~ \' . c•,·a11g-e]i .~ti · effo1·t 111 t l1 :r1·a ·e l{a1>t1~t ( ' httrc· li <>f' ' I r<>\ ,,liPr<· . , l'H~t(>l' }i; ,J . \ irgi111 }lllcl }ij ~ \\i[', c1rc• \\<Jrl<i11g· 1 ,trcl ,1 11 cl \\' itJ1 <·<>tl – ~i<l t' l' cll>)P Sltc·ePss to leacl thi/ <· l1t1r<·l1 i11 ,1 fcJr\v,1rcl 111<Jvr.1nt1nt. It ,,as 111<' ,rr<>110· tir11e <)f' yc>ctr , 1\pril 12-1!), i<> µ:c 1 t l,t l'g'P <'l'C>\Yc l~. a11cl t l1P () l l t\Vcll'(l 1'PSlll t~ 'iPPlll PC} Hlll <t]l ~ l>tl1 l>11t t l1ey clicl ' er.1r1 to e11,joy ou1· J)1'Ccte11i11g· tl1ro11gh tl1 r fjr: t t r 1 el1apt ers of Ro111c1 11: f1 11 t l 11,1t11ral– l)' \\'P licl also. '1 1 l1 r \ rirgi11t s 1n e t ,1 11 cl 111c1r1·i0cl i11 ~ig·eria wherP t l1eJ" se1·,,.ec l t \\ 1 0 t erm. u11cler the Ht1cla11 f 11trric>1· .:\ Iissj o11. J;ater the:\" • ser\'e l a Hhort er term i11 Ke11ya ( 1 olo11y i11 eclitorial ,,,01·k for thr .. \ f ri e,t11 1 11 a lle 11gr . \\r ith f 011r fine ( 1 l1il lre 11, tlle)" felt tl1ey 1nL1. t eomr l10111e to tal<e c·are of them. }le i. a native of ( 1 a11ada a11cl :~he of Denn1a1'k. "'\"Ve .'lept i11 a 1·00111 ,,,. itl1 cl 1 t1111i110118 <'l"O, '. ,-ri th thi Dani h i11sc1·iptio11 0 11 it, ' ' Ved kor et, lidel en yn11Jol Ble,T tae11clt tt l:\r. . e 11 11aacle . ol.' It made u • f re I at l10111e to 1·ec1cl t l1a t ancl to l,110,,~ it ,,ra: t1·t1e ~ ' B,r the cro .. t l1<:) . ~ .. 1111)01 of .· t1fferi11g·, a light ,,"cl ' li t - a ~1111 of g·race. ' 111 the light of that ... u11 we are glad to 1 i , ~e. ' 1 a1n 11ot bol111 l to ~ 11 ceed, l >ll t I am bo1111cl to he t1·l1e. I an1 11 <) t 1)01111 l to ,,·i11, 1)11 t I am l)o11nd t<> li,.. e 111) to th lig·l1t I ha,.. e. I ,,·ill . ·ta11cl ,,,.i t h a11)" 111an that ._ "ta11cl: 1·igl1t : ta111 ,,.. it l1 him a long· a he ta11d rigl1t · a11cl pa1·t f r o111 11 i111 tl1ct t he goe: ,, ,.1--ong. -1\. l)1'aha111 Li11coln Th e Golden Gate to Christian Service On our beautiful campus overlooking San Francisco Bay, high school grads can obtain- A CHRISTIAN EDUCATION FOR LIFE AND SERVICE. Four and five year degree programs: A.B. & B.Th. A three-year diploma cour e. FOR BIBLE STUDY THE BIBLE COLLEGE Write for free catalog WESTERN BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE Re • H. 0. Van Gilder, D.D., President Hill and Elm treets, El Cerrito, Cal
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