The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1959
June 1959 ---~------ THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Page Fifteen ----- WHAT OUR CHURCHES ARE DO ING 000. They had hoped to be in it by April first, but the other congrega– tion just could not get their new building ready in time. BROOKSIDE BAPTIST, Cleveland Charles E. Boren of Winona Lake was the evangelist May 3-10 and the Lord blessed with salvation of souls and many reconsecrations. The song leader, George Ohinan, was prevented from coming by sickness but a high school senior from the local church did a very acceptable job in his place. NORTH ROYALTON An Honorary P rogram and Buffet Luncheon was held for the mothers May 8th, with Mrs . L ee Grosh of the Berea Baptist Church as the speaker. On Mother's Day at the morning wor– ship hour a very appropriate film was shown, 'In Times Like These." HINCKLEY RIDGE BAPTIST, Hinckley A Mother-Daughter Banquet was held May 2nd with Mrs. Kenneth Smelser of Medina as the speak er. Then the 9th the men had their turn, when the Men's Fellowship of the Hebron Baptist Association met at the church, w ith J ames Dalton a s the speaker. DOUGLAS BEASON COMING Rev. Douglas Beason, 2516 20th St., Santa Monica, California, writes that he is planning to spend some of his summer vacation in Ohio. He and Mrs. Beason will be available for musical concerts preaching or Vacation or Children's meetings July 5-19. He can be contacted at home unti l June 16th and after that at the GARBC meetings at Rochester or c o Enoch Reinhold, 2445 Elliot Ave., Minne– apolis 4. All who remember the heavenly music these consecrated servants of God have rendered while in Ohio, will be glad to h ear them • again . BIBLE BAPTIST, Grove City The 19th of April was a happy oc– casion when services were h eld in ' the new building for the firs t time . Sunday school attendance was 153, morning worship 70 and the evening service well attended. Eva ngelis tic meetings were held May 10-19, with Rev. IIarold House of Beyesville as · the evangelist. The ladies of the church h eld their first missionary meeting April 28th. The field of Ippy in F . E. Africa was presented. Daily Vacation Bible Scl1ool wi ll begin afte1 school is out with Mrs. Geo1 gc Myers as director. It IRST BAPTIST GalliJJolis May 6th we 11 Id an i11 s talla tio11 s r vice for our 11ew cl1urcl1 offic c rs. It wa~ al~o fainily 11ig}1t a11d all 111er11- l) )rs of on fa1nily ~a t c1r1cl worsl1it)J)Cd toJ.1 .. tl1c1 Aft rward w h acl a tim of f llows l1i p a11d rcfr >sl1111 en ts. Our pray 1 r11 eeting attc11da11c ;> i~ steadi ly irlcreasi11g, wi tl1 a11 av ::. r ag of 90. Our a1 11uaJ Fatl1 ~r a11cl 8011 B a 11que t was }1eld May 16tl1 witl1 our J)astor, Dr IIowaJ'cl You11g, as tl1 ) SJJ ~ak r. Mc1y l 7t 11 fi ve follow d tl1 ir Lol'd i11 l)a J)– tis rr1 . Tll 1 J)as tor l1as a ruo11tl1ly 111 111 - bership class and we thank the Lord f?r th~se new converts. Daily Vaca– tion Bible School will be held June 1-12, with a d emonstration service J une 14th. Mrs. Joseph McCaba Called Home Margaret Price McCaba was called into the Lord 's presence April 26th after a long illness and a final operation. She and her husband pioneered in West French Africa i:i the establishment of the Evan– gelical Baptist Mission in 1929. S ince 1944 sh e has worked in the office in P aterson, N. J. , and Brother McCaba has spent mos t of his time in deputation work but also taken many trips to Africa in the conduct of the growing work of the Mis– sion. They were a wonderful team for Christian work and we know that Brother McCaba will miss her greatly and yet go on working un– til his home call comes. FIRST BAPTIST, Galion At the annual m eeting, May 8th, r e– ports showed finances at the high est point in the his tory of the church, Sunday school attendance up 15 r/r over last year, morning worship up 5'lr and evening worship up 12r/r. Missionary giving r epresented 25 'i c of the total church income, with 24 mis– sionaries receiving l1elp. Ten mis– sionaries have spoken during the year . The major project las t year was the purchasing of additional ground for the proposed n ew building. The debt on the site will doubtless be paid this year and the building program begins as soon as possible. An architect is being engaged to proceed with the planning for the n ew building. A special offering was taken May 31st for a memorial to W. D. Alder, who served in various offices for 38 years, and this will become a part of the new builcling. P astor Booth wi ll complete te11 year s of ministry in Ga lion i11 July ancl the progr ess shovvs tha t God blesses long pastorates. Thirte011 new 111e1n– bers were taken ir1 cluring the year. Three of the you11g people l1ave 1 ow ce1np]e teel their trai11ing at Baptist Bible Seminary a11cl wi ll gr c1clt1,1te 111 Jt ne. EVANSVILLE BAPTIST, Niles Record attc ndances crowded tl1c cl1urch East er a 11d Motl1cr's Da)' , 280 ar1d 250 r csJ)0ct1vcly A11otl1cr good s 1·v1c was l1clcl 011 Lay1na11 '~ St111cla\ . AJJril 26t11 , w l1c11 two clcc1co11s JJrcarl1ed. TJ1e Six l 'et1 tl1 A11111 vcrsary \\ 11 l be c 1 1 brat cl Jt111c 7tl1, wit l1 I~l'V Jct111es 'r. Jcl' 1nia l1 of C cla1 \ 111 College ns (}1 ' ~))Cak I'. l~OAD J4~0Il 1{ BAPTIS'f, II arricll ~, tllt Pc1sto .. I~cty F t 11 ll •11g e1· 'A' t'i l .~: Y..l f)i .1 us t co11clt1 c.l "Cl a ,vcek .o!' 111e :1 t111g~. tl1n t l1av ~ IJf•t 11 a r al SJ)t1·1tt1al 11JJl1it to our J)t'OJ)lt . I3rc>t l1e r IVI:-u·sl1all ~InrJ)('ll ' of tl1, S ")concl 13nJ)lh, t 'l1t11:cl~ ol ~ r11 - l)riclgl l)rougl1 t ~vcll1g , lis t 1c, B1 l)J teachi11g messages that stirred our souls. We recommend this experienced pastor to the children who may be seeking a Bible teaching evangelist . "Many of our people have expressed their delight in the OIB and I feel tha t it was a worthwhile gift to them from their pastor for Chris tmas. Brother Reese has a fine start with his articles on the Pastor, and Church Relationships and Obligations - just what many of our small churches need. , "I for one would like to see the s tatistics printed, not to compare one with another but to see the blessings of the Lord on our fellowship. I have always l)een encouraged to do better when I see what othe rs are doing.' ' MORE BOUQUETS "Brother Nordlund, you ar e doing a good piece of work with the maga– zine. We enjoy the editorials and look forward to the news each month."- Vernon K . Billington "Thank you for your mention of First Baptis t of Bowling Green in the OIB. I thi11l{ this as much as anything else has encouraged people to subscribe to the publication. May the Lord con– tinue to bless your minis try with the page and pen. We do appreciate your editorials and poems."-C. H. Town– send (Wish we could do the same for other pastors and would if they only sent in news .) "I am a member of Firs t Baptis t of Niles. The r eal r eason for my sub– scribing was becau se of an ar ticle our Pastor, T. Fred Hussey, wrote. I bor– rowed the magazine to r ead the article he had written, 'The Tear s of J esu s.' Well , I felt tha t one article was worth more than the subscription p rice for one year. Rather than miss any more such, as that and Rev. Mars tellers. 'What Is Spirituality,' Those articles were just too good to miss. So I de– cicled to get the magazine and hope to read more such woi1derful thii1gs 1n it."- Mrs. Louella Pount1ous. (We thank one a11d a ll- a fe \,v bot1- quets do h elp. Editor ) FAITH BAPTIST. Aml1erst P astor L el a11d Ho\vard \.Vrites, "We at the Fa ith Bapt is t Churcl1 pr aise the Lord for I-Iis rich blessings. Ot1r att ei1da11ce has l)ccn goocl . \,\it h a l1igl1 of 217 a1 d an average of 160 111 the Bible School. ,vc are 11ow getti11g pla11s inc1lle for n 11ew l)t1ilcl111g n1 d bel1e,·e tl1at Goel l1as a n eecl for n larger \\ ork 111 Aml1erst. "W c l1nd tl1c l)lessi11g oJ rece1\ 111g 011e of Mr. Clattcl Foster's orga11s It J1as n1ade ot11 s0r,·1cc 111orc attrnct1, 1 e to 111.e to\vt1 p0oplc. lVIrs . Hon1c1 C,1 a, c11 ca111c ov0r April 19tl1 for tl1e 1110111 i11g SCl'\' l CC Hl1(l l)lc1)' P(i lllclll\ goo(l 11llllll)Cl'~, a11cl tl1c (lCH('Oll S clll<l I)cl~to1 gatl1er<'(l nrou11cl tl1t 01g(111 a11cl clL\(lt catPcl it to tl1c Lorcl. "Wt'\ nr looki11g f or,varcl l<) C <t111i> J>,1 t111o'S I l1a,· s~11t i11 =._5 l'l'\g1~ 1ra– t ic>11s !:>O far. \Ve 11n,, a goocl ) ' Otl tl g JJ 'oplc's grotl!), ct11cl tl1c~, l1avt:'\ ' l ~ r, 1 - i ·e < vcr,, Stu1cla\' a t a l'( .s t l1<J111 e i11 .., Ol)t.:. 11111 . 1\ Ia~' lOtl1 il1e' took C' l1ct rg of t]1P PVt 11i11g scr vi c- , 111 t:isag t a11cl all . ···llt hn,, t,,,o g rottt)s of Pio11t ·r Girl~ \Vitl1 al>ottl ao gi rl~, ·1i1( l cl 130) 1 .~/ Brigacl of 35. l1eee11tl r 1~1 <)f t l1~ l)o~'S ,t<~• JJt d tl1 a , ,iour."
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