The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1959

Ju11 1959 ____________TIIE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST J~ <>1· I~ t't irt' l ( 1 l1ri~tia11 \\ <>rl(c>l\ I ~ () l' l' \ . '\• l) } l < l \ . P t <> \\ cl 1 { H l l O t 11 (' l' ' 1 l l () 11 t 11 t O l) (:l s l t 1• p ) t l 1( l l \' i l l (. ()st .·2,0~)~); ll11t $-! ft'<)Ill Pcll'lt l{e1g·t1lc11· J~c111ti~1 ,rc.>11lcl ])cl)" for 111;.11, i11 011 ~·()<11·. t ,rtlc1r,·illr g·rts ]1el11 r l' 0111 () 1} 1 (. 1 1' "'t at c 8' ( l 11 ( 1 '\ (' (l() 11 't l\110,,· j1tst ,,·l1c1t a11othc.'r <l<)r111itor)· ,rill eost; lltli '"'r 8llSJ>Pet tl1c1t if' ,111 or 11. licl 011r b eHt, tl1c1t eo111c l l;e J)Hi<l fc>r i11 t,,·o or 1l1rer ) "<1,11·s if ,,·e ,111 J)tlt 0111· ~11011l clrr icJ tl1<.' ,,,J1cel. It i st11·1>1·isi11g· ,rl1at 1H,00() 1>co1Jle t·,111 lo if tlie)" 11,1,·e a 111i11cl to g·et it tlo11e ! "\\'" r 1(110,, ,l ,·er,1g·p~ ar clet·0i,·i 11 µ: i111cl . 01110 ,,·ill }1,l\'t 1 t o o·i,·c ,,·a,T f-, • abo,rc it to 111,ll(e llJ) for 1 l)C)S(' \\')l() t•,l1111ot or ,,·ill 11ot · l )tlt it cl<> <'H 11ot ·J1,111g·e 111<) fo1·111 c)f t>tlr <[ llt1s– tio11s. (}ot 1 1 ol lr ti<'l{ t 1o il1r Isle • of tl1e ) 7 01111g· ,tt IIPctrt ? \\rc111i tc> e ' ll'll OllP 01' l)ll' 1 011 1·io·J1t a,,,ay ? < ., ~ ' I>R .L \ Y 1 1 () R IIR IH 'l 1 l \ ~ II I~JRTER ( 1 l11·i ·tia11 11 e1·te1\ Ollr 11r,,T) eerr– tar~" of . tate, 11eecl.· 01tr J)rayc:) 1·8. "\\r P a1·e 11ot cli. co1111ti11g the l ' (l J)- 1·esr11tati,·e:-, of FJ11gl,111cl a11cl J~rc111 ce. b11t :\11 ... Ilel'tcr i: g·oi11g to J1 c1 , ·0 to 1 >e f i1 ..1n <)l' t 11 e ot l1er8 ,,·i 1 ] 11 o t (la r 0 to be. 1 t h,1., l>ee11 :,1ic1 t11c1t :\ Ir. I Ier1Pr ,,·ill l,trg·e])" t<>11ti11t1P tl1e J)olit 1 ies of .J 0}111 I~'o:t e1.. l) t1 ll r .. 1>11 i tl1a t l1 e1 i~ a littl e 1nore resilie11t ancl \\·ill r11alre a bett e1· 11cg·c>t iat<)l'. "\\Tr ,rj]J acl111jt that a l1iel{<>r\ li1111> • 111cl'\ 7 br l>Pt te1· tl1c:111 cl l>o,11·tl, 111tt , , • c> , ( 1 o 11 't ,,.. a 11 t a 11 o th e11· I) c cl11 ...\C'l1c,~011. Tl1e trot1l1lr is tl1,11 tl1e I~ll~. icl]lS ,,ril] c>xpeei 118 to ho11or C\"l )'\7 ('QJ)('(>Ss io11 \VP lllHY r11al<r, • • l)1tt tl1f>\" ,,·ill 11ot l1011c1r tl1eir <)\\ 7 11. ~ S<, ,, 1 l1ct1 acl\'a111ag·r. i~ tlier<1 i11 rr - s i 1 i Pt 1 c• P j 11 < 1 Pa J i 11 g· ,,, j t 11 t 11 r 111 ? J~11s. ia ha"' tl1 c acl,,c111tc1gc:' <Jf 1}108(' }lllllCll'PCl llli]rs C)f' t l'l'i1C)l'}r ' ' r( \ • 1 () f I 1 l r 1 i 11 1] l ( l 1 11' l 1, t i J I g· l ) l (' 11 Iii<<> I{<Jo~0,·p ]1 ,111,l ~1c11i11it1~ g,l\ 7 <1 t l 1 u 1 n at ) ' a 11 a ~ a 1 1 cl i 1 , , 1 <) 111 ( l I><' r,, (> 1 j s 1 1 r < > r l l 1...i t <J g· i ,, <, t 1 1" 111 111 , >, • <, a(1\ 1 clll1,1g·0~ }lt (,i( 1 llP\'H. ()11f,\ 1 g'l'('cl1 11111·,ls1 i11 I{ 11ssi,1 ,l11cl 11 Pr ~a1,,Ili1r:--i ,vii] fc,rc·c 111P J{ 11ssia11s 1<> 111,11(<' ; 11 1, , 1· <' c1 I < • <) 11 <• es s i < > 1 L H 11, 1 11 o 11 < > r 1 lt t;lll · l>tl1 llJll<>S.' 1 l1c11 lllll'('S1 ,ll - , 1'( 1 cJ(l\ 7 PXiH1 . ()111\ 7 1'1( 1 R1)i1·i1 ('HI) • • •·t i 1· i t 11 I >• J > r· c1 .\' <' 1• i s t Ii c' < > 11 1.,· ,, c :1J)(J11 ( 1 l1 1·i s1 ia11~ <·a 11 11sP, ,vlia1 - < \ Pt ()ltl' g '(J\TP. J'J}IJl (l lJ1 111,l,\ 7 h,t\' (I f<> <]O f'\ 7 < 11111aJJ,r. \\' p (',Ill \VJ'i1<' J,")1- • 1 1"8 1,, 1 It el 81, tt <) clPJ>,11·1111 •11 (, l,t11 i 1 i 8 ( I () l l I) f f I I I 'v l 1 ('.l 1} l I J' t Ji (• ,\ 7 \ v i 11 l) P. J. lit r ~) ( I 1 () f J'. 11 ( I I. t (. r () ,. f I 1H f Ii (' • \\ t, 11 l < I 1) a .) , 111 .'' , 1 l t <• 11 t i,, 1 1 1( > t I I t1 111 jf tl11 \' \\' C 1 t'P. I' < if' \\ < ,IJ'tl f<> }Jl'f f) • Jl1·u 1r.1 111 a g11j<l11cl- 111i s .· il, 1 ,,n 1· ,,,. c•(1J111 ril,11{c) ,111, 1J1i11g l<J frc r<l<>ltl i11 I 1 ~1 1r<>})<', \\'P 111lL:--i1 1>ra~· ,lll<l 111·a .)· Hltcl 1>rct,\• S()lllP lll<>l' ! By Ralph T. Nordlund I 'm growing older year by year A11d youthfulness is gone, But how I love the noisy cheer Of those at life's fair dawn! It stirs my blood to hear them sl1out, My l1eart is moved to see The smiles that wreathe each face about With sweet felicity. f love lo watch a manly boy Who dares to serve his Lord, Who knows an inward peace and joy That comes from God's own Word. He joins his friends in playing ball, He sings and whistles too; He's just a boy, but through it all He shows a spirit true. I love to see a Christ-like girl With loving, radiant face, Neat to her top-most golden curl, And full of poise and grace. Her heart is light, her limbs are lithe, She's jus t a child at school; And yet for all her ways so blithe, She minds lhe Golden Rule. I am so glad that I can stay Close to the girls and boys; They keep my worried fears away With all their dreams and joys. They help me keep in mind the truth My goal is not the sod, That I may have eternal youth A s a trusting child of God. I" i \ r P c:l s if ( 1 l 1r is t cl i ecl 1 <>~l' 111 is 111or11i11g, ,t11cl l l,lC'k: i<>lllC)J'l'O\\' ,·r~ t (\ rcl,t \ . ' . • • 18 ('()lllltlµ; CLEVELAND liEBREW MISSION Inc. Our 55th Year A staff of twelve cleclica tecl work– ers .Our ministr)' to tl1c thou~a11ds of J ews 111 Clevcla11d, Your1gstow111 a11cl otl1er ci li es 1n N ortl1caster11 01110; Ch,1rlcblo11, W Ve.; ~1nd S,lO Pat1lo, Brazil. . A Raclio 1ninislry over stnt1011s 111 Ol1io a 11cl P011nsyl\ 1 n11i.n. A tract n1i11ist1 y rcacl1111g. 111n11\ cili s i11 U.S.A., B1 nzi], Brita111 a11(l J_rael. Sc,11cl for sa1nples . Staff 111en1l)ers arc hc1J) J>\ to \ t 'lll cl1t1rcl1 ~s, co11f :l rf'11c ~s <1 11,l 131~J]t: class s ,,v itl1 i11SJ)ircttio11al n11cl 111 - for111ntiv J)l'P~<:11tntio11 of \vork .. writ for i11for1l1a ti\' 111agaz 111 , • 'I'J1 • rl'l'tttl1J)".)t r for Israel .,, I~ I~V. CiEl{AI"' I) V. Sl\lIELSF:I{, Su1)l . P . O. 13ox 3556 "J \' '-' la11(l 18, 01,io Page Three THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS'f Published Monthly by THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Publication Office 118 E . Oak St., Butler, Ind. Editor RALPH T. NORDLUND 586 Maple Street Fos toria, Ohio Circulation Manager MRS. JOHN KAUTZ, 4519 Wellington Ave. P arma 34, Ohio Subscription Rate: Per single copy .............. $ .15 Per year ..................... $1.50 Advertising Rate: Per column inch ............ $ 1.50 Per half page ............... . $21.00 Per full page ................ $40.00 Entered as second class matter at tl1e Post Office at Butler, Indiana under the Act of March 3, 1879. Postmaster: Please send form 3547 t:> The Ohio Independent Baptist, 1519 Wellington Ave., Parma 29, Ohio. COUNCIL AND OFFICERS Ohio Association Of Regular Baptist Churches Chairman REV. T. FRED HUSSEY 26 E. Churcl1 St. Niles, Ohio Secretary REV. GEORGE O'KEEFE 3420 Henninger Road Cleveland 9, Ohio Trea urer REV. GLENN GREENWOOD 315 So Ke11s111gton Rd Spr1ngf1eld 01110 Mi ·ionar)' REV. IIALI., l)AU1,El~ Gc1llia a11cl Wallet Sts. Ports111ot1tl1, Ol1io entl>ers AI .1 ,AN E. LEWIS GEOl{(~E I{ . GlBSl)N H KENN ~~'l'fl S.l\l.b'l.SEl1 HOW c\HD i . YOUNt~ 1{0llEl{'l' J . Rb~\ NliOUT EAl~I~ V. Wll.J..£'1''1'!:>