The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1959
.June 195H ME ' \\ ()llt<'t1\, :it·li, it it'~ ntt<l tl1i11 gs <> I' i11(<'t'PS t f<> \\ <>llt<'II sh<)tll<I J1, s 'Ill 1c> ~l r s. ~ I Il ( l I:,..(' l' . \ \. l 1 cl ( H I)() l I t () 11 l' ( ) I' ) ( l l I I' l' e(' i 1) i (' ~ ! I{(\(. i I) i(\" r() I' (. Ii i I( l t )' cl i 11 i 11 g t () () • () I. r() I. n ~<lil <l i\l i~s i<)tlH r.\ lll<'l't i11g. <'( c·. ) 11 1t1 t . tr I~ ........... t' " «111tl l' ctr"' l'r<l111 ,111 <) ' er t l 1 t' ..... t ( l 1 l' 11 l \ H l l e l l r() l' l 1 l) 1 l l l 11 l) l l ~ e ~11 l, lll 111<' l l l () l'lllll~' ()r ... \J)ril :...1 a1 1 l. 111(• t 111 tl l< }),ll'l(111g· le){ () f tl1 l<) \. t' l\ llll ll l clll l t P l l~HJ>ti"'it ( 1 11111' 11. • I t ,, c1 ~ t 11 e ~ I) r i 11 g I{ c1 11., t> l' t l 1 e ~tnl t' \\T c) 111e11·~ i\fi~~i<lll,lr)· l T11i<)ll \ f t l1(• <>l1i(1 .\ "'"o ·ic1ti o11 c)I' l{eg11- lc1 r J~H}'' ti"1 l 1 lll l l't'll l~". l)tll' })l'C\i– Ll P Jl t. :\11·" l l c11r~· ( 1 r11, c)r. })re~iclecl ~lll ll :\[r, . (: 'lc) rg 1 c),dJ ) . <> f Xe,\· I , < n l l l (1 11 l c cl t 11 c· "i 11 g i 11 g. \\Ti~ 11 \ .()ll ,111 <'<>11 ltl l1n, r ]1 c,1rcl t11c ~i <> .,·ott" \T<> l111 1tl' of o, Pl' ;3;jQ lacli r . · , • <) i c · <' "' .i c) i 11 i 11 u i 11 1 ) r ,-1 i "' es t o ( 111' l.., (J l' l . ~ir . nroc·l(. tl1 } 11os t l'lt t1r <· l1·~ 11,lstor'" ,,,il'c . J)lH,\"P <l 111<1 <>r!!, l ll . 1'11cr e ,, er otl1 r 1)111s1e,tl t r e,1 t"' clt1ri11g· tl1 c1,1)"': ... fr.. • J. ji c·~: 1,,·l}l' of (~ol111nl>tl'i 11la~rcl H ,·ic>li11 ~<)lo : cl ,, 0111 c11 ~ <1t1<1rt e1tc f r<)111 tl 1c ltc)~t C'l111r<·l1. (·f,11'-)i'i1i11g <>l' ~Ir . I\I<·li~l,, ee. l\ I r"' .J. (}ra11cl– "'tc1f'I' . 7\fi"~ Xc111 (·\ 7 . 'l t·l1c>ltc 1 11. c111cl • .\Ir~. \\T. Drc>c·l{. "-;<:111g: ·t'\T:) l'<ll 1111 ~ - " i <) ll ,t r,· ~c) 11u. ~ l)ea11tifllll,,. ~ a11cl • • ..\ Ir"' J>,1111 )I<t,,.t) <>f J~e1·li11 ll Piulit~ • ,111 !..!· n l c),·r l,T ~olo. ··c \\"r l1at a • • < 1 c1 , 1 . .. • 'I'l1 r 111 <> r11i11!..!· cle \ <)ti<)11~ , re 1·e l e1 cl ll,. ..\fr . RolJ ert ~IcCa1~tl1y of • • (; rn<·r 1~HJ) ti"t l,."e:-llc)\\"liiJ) <> f' l)a_\·- 1() 11 . ~ • 11 c 1 i c < l 1 l 1 e ·· T Jo r c 1·"' 1) 1 ·cl , ~er ·· • ,,f .J r, 1111 17. lJ 1·111gi11g ot1t tl1rve l' l'e<lo111i11 c 11 t tl 1<>11µ: l1t -tl1 e \ V(Jl'1<. tl1r ,,·,,rl,<' 1' '°' , ct11 cl 111 <1 ,,,.<>rl cl . J·:c1 c·l1 c·J1 ttrc·l1 l1a cl l) <1 P.11 ~<1 11t .:.1 (·<>l) .\' <)f tl1< 1 Se c;1·et,1r:·" r e ]1<>rt ',() i1 , \ a" 11 <, t J ·en f l . :\ I ri.,. ( ~ P < > r g· P J I i 1- 11 e r r e,tc1 1 l 1 c '1' rr H :--i 1 t 1· c· r ' 1..i rP}) o 1· t. nfte r ,,·l1ic: l1 it \\'cl a1111<>lllt<' <1cl tl1,1t tl1e c1 11 11t1nl fall 111eeti11g o f' tl1 P \\· r,111)11·" l~11i o11 ,,·c>11l cl l>P J1 p}c.l tl 1"' ,\·e1c1 1· ,lt ~J)ri11g·ti el cl. ()l1ic> ...\ 11 o 1111 11 ,1 ti 1 g <• c> 1111n i 1 t c r ,,·a "' ,1 })- 1) (J i 11 t (l c 1 c •,) 11"' i " t i 11 u () r _j r r ~. , , T i 1- l i a 111 l\l <·l\ P(l\.(' l' ,,r ( 'c 11 t ral Iic-l])ti"'1 f'l1t1 r c· l1. ( •, ,lt~1nl)t'" : :\I 1·"· I·:arl ,,Til – l e111 ~ c , i" I 1 t • r p " r~, 1 1 , 11 "1 : , 1 11 < 1 ..\ r r "' . ~c·c>tt .. \ 11fll'f'\ "' < f' I·' ir, t J~c11>ti~t <,i° ]>Hl'Illcl. ~I 1, , ( ; ],J<l\rs }~;1 i 11 es . J~~t Pll'ii<>ll • l) irt•(·tc, r <>f t l1e \\... r) 111r. 11's l) PJ)Hrt - 111 c 11 t , , r ~ 1 i , 1- ~ 1 i "'"' i o 11"' !.!' ,1 , p l I r 1• :-.ti 111011\· a11(] a11 11 <, 1111 <·Pcl lie r (li"- • ]>]a~· ta lJ] • < f ]it Cl' clt lll'C. llli'-1 - 'I j ( > 1l cl I') }) I' () ,I (' <' t S. :,., l I g t?. C'S t j Ol l S . cl l l ( l ~ <1111 e 1ll<'<li<·,t1 ~tl]1J>lirs . ()111' 1ll(ll'll i11g· 111 i"~ i< >llcl l')' ~JJP,11< – Pl' \\ cl'°' l\Ir~ . I~c>p:<'1' l ~<l<'Oll f'ro111 I~'rett<' 11 \\Tc. t J.\ i'ril'a 1111c1er 1~.J\·a11- ~c, J ic·c1 l Iict])li s t I\I issic>11~. l 11c·. 'I'l1l'c>11µ:l1 111 11rc,1t'l1i11g of t 11e "\\T()l'(l i11 n l attllfl\\' g ::16-:3( . lie l' i1· 1 \\· as l'ctllcc1 1111<) ( 1 ]1risti,111 , .- c>rl: . ~Ile' g·,1,·r 11s ,t rrnl i11sig·l1t i11tc) 1l1c ,,·c)1·l< i11 t11c :Nigc1~ Re- 1:11l>lie , t0lli11g· of 111Rll)" of the 1 1 i 11 c 1 r ,l 11 c· r s i 11 g i \· j 11 g o 1l t t l 1 e \\~o rcl. '\\,.. r \\' el') 11rµ:ecl t c) pra.\'" f<Jl' tl10 11 cPcl of a l><Ja1~cli11u· l1on1e of 11,lti,·r ter11 ,1g cr . that tl1r~" mig·l1t ]j\· r 11P,t1· tl1P 111i., ifJ11arirs a11cl ~ee lt()\\' ('l l1 r i tic111 . Ji, 1 e ( 1 h1~i . t i11 t l1eir cl,1il~· li,·r R. ·\'\Te 111ip:l1t pl1t c 11 <>111· 1)1',1~"01· 1i.. t . tl1e. c otl1e1· i1 cj 111i., s l1 c gc1,·P: J)l~<1),. e1~ for tl1e ,, <1rl··r r", for <·a11cliclclte~ ,,., aiti11g 1<> go l)1tt 11i11f1 r rrcl for lc1elc of ~lll) l)Ort. l'c>r· tl1r }1ealtl1 <JJ' t]1r 111i~sio11<1ries. 111rir fc1111ilies, 111ei1· "- J>iri1 t1,1l g·1·c),rtl1, 1l1P 11ati,·(l Chri. - ti,111 "' ,111cl tl1e 111a11y })r c) ble1n. tli e>'" 1·c1(·r. :\ In)" ,rr H8 J)nr~r 11t.· a11cl urn 11cl11c11·r11ts 1·r111r111 l1r1· tc) l<r E' J) l><' ~ 0 <>1·c <)llr >· c)tt11g· }Jeo1)lc tl1e 11eecl or ··1.1 ... \11<)1,r:R~'' i11 <;c)c1'. ,,.. c>1·1( (l "' \ \ . r 11 cl ~ t J l ,1 t O r f., e(' l l l( l l ' '\. 0 r l(. .\ t t l I r 11() o 11 l 1 <) 111• t 11 r t a l> 1 e ~ , (, 1· e f i 1 ~ e < 1 \,· i t l 1 l 1l 111 g 1·~,. , \ ' o 111 en , •. 11<> ,, re ~<><>11 011jo~"i11g (1e1i r ic>11s }1 ct111 c)r C'l1iel<c11 fli1111e1·~ . I 11 t l1r a rt er11 ()011 \\· e 11 earc1 1~e– J)<Jl'1" ('Oll(·er11i11µ: <) l ll' cli111e l>c:1111< J)l' <Jjec·t\. a11cl r ael1 11 r c>cl ,,·c1s ,rPll 111 ·cs e 11 t P t 1. ~\ I r . . ( : r c > r Q e () · 1 ( e e f e 1 Jf I~r<><>ltsi<le T1rlJ)ti~t i11 ( 1 le,·e– la11cl 111 ,t(lc l's \\: isl1 \,\ ' P \\'err all \·ot111u e11<)1tir l1 1 CJ g<> 1 <> ( 1 a11111 J),1t- 111 c>~. ,111cl ~}10 , 110,\·rcl tl1r ,vc>11- <lcrft1l \ \ 'O l'l< tl1at c·c11111 i: cloi11g· ,,: it 11 <Jlll' i1111i<Jrs a11cl f.ie11io1-.. } f r s. ( 1 • 1 • ( fla,vso11 of )fe11101·ic1l l~HJ>ti ~"'t <> i' ( 1 c>lt11111)1t. })1·e:e11tecl t 11 P 11e P < l c, t' t '1 P I I <) 111 e1 f < > r t 11 e ~\}! P<l; ,111 <1 ::\Irs.. Jc1111e1..i ,Je1rc111i,1l1 t<>l cl <>I' tl1r1 g·1·e,1t ex1),l11~if>11 ,t11cl l,lc·"" i11µ: <lt ( 1 eclc11·,·il]e c·()llegp ,llt ' l tl1<' 11 r c·cl fn1· tl1e c·l1l1rc·l1 es' }1c>l]) . Jli"' "' II PlPll l\IO()~(l, 111i~. i<>llcll')r t<> l 11 tlo11P ia 1t11clPr ::.\Iic.l-1' [i">"io11~. \ -:,- cl S Ol11' H ft el'Il()O)l '\pPa l{er. ~11 l1el c.l <>ttr i11te1·es1 a11c.l ~· ti1' rec1 0111' Jt('cll'1.' cl'> ~}le' S J)Ol<C 011 \V}l~f (:<><l'R '\\rorc] lllPall", 1<> llS ,l:,., l ll<li, 1 iClll}tl~ }111cl i11 c>tl1~ c1ai1,T1i,·c8. 'l,l1e c·l1Hl- • ]C111o·i 110· ,·ersr f'c)t' h<>r lil'P is i:-, r-, ]>l1ili111Ji,111s 4:1:3, ,111cl ,vl1,1t H <)111·c·r <>f' J)O\ver tl1at c·,111 l>c fr,r C'}tC'lt c>t' t1s ! Rl1e tolcl c>f'. <>111 e :.111- 11c11·ta11t ])11,1. e. of l1r1· life ,111cl 11<) \\. tl1C' TJc,rcl 1111cle1·1ool, for lier· of l1rr les:011. i11 flying .-chool, O l her t\\'O yca1\ i11 ( jr1i11fl, 0 (' t}1 a1·1·i,·al of 1 0111n11111j . m a11c1 J1e1· exit fro111 (ihi11a in tl1e 11olcl or a . l1i1) 1111c1er l101·rilJ]e ro11(litions, of h r1, cleci. ·io11 to go to I 11clo11c:\ ia alo11e ancl of her expe1·ie11ce. of ]1a1·cl. 11i1) tl1e1·e a11cl , ,. ic·to1,ies fo1· ( tl11·i. t. \\Te hearc1 te ti1no11ies fro111 o th c r n1 i . · i o 11 a 1· i e. p 1 ..e.. en t : i\ r 1-.. . ....\ lclie Bro1n,\·ell. ,\·orl<i11g 1111cler ..:\I icl-:\I i. sio11. amc>11g· t11e Je,,.._ of 1 olll 111bt1s, C>l1io; ) 11· . Dell1e1~t (}eer, .... \ Pl)Oi11tee 1111cler :\I icl-:\I i. - .·1011~ to the Ozark l\Iol111tain v\"01·1{ i11 ..:-\ 1·l<a11. a ~ 11 1·. . C 1 lare11 ·e ,.J e1111- 11 cttc. 1111 c1er :\I icl-:\Ii. io11 to l•' rr11rh E<1 1atorial ... --\f1~ica. telli11g Or hrr pla11, 10 J,et\11'}1 alo11e ( )Tet ,,,. it Ii t 11 r l.;orcl ) tf> l1r1· fir lcl : :\Ii... nett~,.. .:\ I>'(ll'. llll(ler T 11 el]o\\\ l1i1) of Bapti . t 101' H o111e :\Ii. . io11. i11 (iro,,. e ( (it,,. . Pa.~ a11cl D1· .... 1111 • T 1·j s ]1 a1)1)oi11tee 1111cle1~ Bapti. t ) f icl-) [issio118 to Belg·ia11 011g-o. ,-fl1e 111eeti11g of tl1e c1a~,.. \\'a . C'lO. eel 111 p1,a:yre1· b)r :\I r . . E 1,,·a1·cl Ifel1ni ·le of t11e Tja(11~a11@:c Ba1)– tist ( 1 l1111~cJ1 a11cl the 1ac1ie. g·at11- e1·ecl i11 t l1ej I' c· a 1~s a 11cl lJtl.. e . for tl1e1 tri11 l1c>111e,va1·cl. }Ia:v,. ~"Oll \\·l1c) ,,·e1·e t l1ere e,·e1· 1·e111e111 be1~ tl1e <· 11 all e11g·e f 01· pr·a~"e1· 1)1·e. e11tec1 that cl,1~T· a11c.1 ,,,. r clo p1·ai. e tl1e T.101·cl for tl1r experir11cc of , ,, ...eet fello,,·s l1ip . h,11·ecl ,,·it11 otl1er: \\' 11<) lo,·e t]1e . a111r l.Jo1·cl. ... ,,,. ... .. J· R( ):\J TIIE RE IPE F I I1E rr11 i~ is fresl1 berr,,. .·ea. 011 a11cl • c1011 't 111e.'" ta .· te irood? ()t11, mi11cl. 1l1r11 to . ho1·t<·alzr a11cl D1·ea111 "\\ 7 ]1i1) i. a ,,·011<lrrf11l .11b tit11tP • for \\'}1ip1)ecl erea1n t<> p11t a~ a 1 Ol)J)i11g·. ~ i 0111e })l' fer . po11g e r a lte ,\·itl1 be1·1·ie. b11t 11 e1·e i .. cl 1·eC'i11e tJ1at i.· 1101 ri ·11 bl1t is light a11cl r1·i:1>) 1 - a11cl 1·eal q11icl{ ancl ea ~T·
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