The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1959
• ICS l\l ith Pc1ul ro11 d r and Dale lla rJ1aget, Sllarou B«1>t1st Cli1,rcll. Slinrou, Pa . P salm 143: 8 111c1 l{Ps ,1 9-·o<ltl l t't' ll<l~·t· r ·" 1)1',l> l\ r t)cl(·l1 111(1r11i11µ: . · · 'nll" t' 111t' tel l1 e(1r tl1 ,.. lo,·i11g- .. l,i11tl11ch," i11 t lie 111 t)1·11i11g; for i11 t l1 l)t) tlt) I t 1'11~t : ('H11s 111e to 1{110,v tl1P ,, ,1,· ,,·l1t1r()i11 I :11 111 l ,,·all{; • f <) r I 1 if t 111) 111 ~ · ~ <> 11 l 1111 t o t l 1 ee. ' ome kids ivonde1· . • • (~ l '" I•"'~Tll)X: ''I hear kids ask, Are you saved?' \Vhat do they ::· ean? ' ..\ . ~. ··\"\TER : Ilot i., t l1P oppo. ite ()f (·oltl. \\"l1ite i" t l1e OJ)O. it of lll,1el<. l~ Pi11g .·a,·ec.1 i : tl1 op- ]1 (>"i1 e of l)ei11g lost. Tl1e I~il)le . ,1~·.·, · · I>i or tl1 r. ~01 C) f 111a 11 i (·0111e to :er l< c1 11 cl t o ~a ,,e tl1at ,,·I1iel1 ,,-a. lo. t. "J e. ·11: :ai 1 • •. . . 110 111a11 c·o111Pt l1 1111to 111e l·~,ttl1t 1 r , lJ11t l l,· 111 . • • .. To,\·. if .J - • t (·,1111, t o :--iPPl< a11 1 :a,"e tl1e 1<)'-. f c111c1 110 Oll (l Ll,Pt . to (} o l P\:tC])t t11r<>11gl1 II i111. tl1e11 c1 l] 111P11 n111: t l (' l<) "-t . I 1 111 1, <'C l), lll}lll i11 ]1 i .. ]<),t <·C)l1C1itio11. 1~)· 11a~"i11g tl1 e ]1l'iee 1ocl clP - 111c111cl rcl f or i11 ( · i Tl1e sot11 tl1ut ,i1111e111 . it . l1all clie ) • ..J e 11.· lJe– c·,1111e the 0111,· 011r ,,,.l1c> c·c>11l (l .·r1 1 1 c • 111,111 £1·0111 it... j111g111r11t. , "o. ,,·h 11 }"Oll l>r lir ,·r i11 ( 1 }1ri.-t , ~"()11 <ll'P ,1 , ·c.1cl. ..:::.=:.:::=::===============-- - ::-:-=---== · ·To a,·oicl tl1at lo,,·, 1·1111-cloY,11 feel i 11 g, 1 <> o 1{ botl 1 ,,. a~..: he f o 1· e <·I'fJ i11 Q.' tl1 P tl'PC 1 t. C 1 ~ .\ :\ II) P ...\ T:\ f < ~ Be thi11l~i11g- of \,l1at ~"011 r e gc)– i11 ~ to tal~r alo11g to c·a111p thi: , 11111 1rr. < 111,· ,l fe,,· ,,·epl{~ lr ft ' 11efo1'r ,,.. r ·11 al l be tal<i110' that ~ l oat riclP tr, tl1e i la11 c.l. 4\ k , · 011r • 1>a. tc r f<J r a cl P c·ri1)ti,·r fc)lc1e1.. 011 t11e cleal. It ,,·ill t 11 , .. 011 al] a 1)011 ' a1111) J>at1110 anc1 ,,·l1at , .. 0,1 'l ] • ; (" t}1Prr. "I' I I l1~ 81 TX O I~ ;\ I ) r ~ TTL 1~ a111 ll: J)O t ""'\ l fr·cc1 Tc111y. 0 11 011t· e: s,1id, ,v·l1il . tt1 lyi11g· a l)eau– tif11l yello\\T f lo"Ter \'\That the \111 i.. to the f lo,,.. er, J e tl hri t i to 111 ·v· 11 l . ' • YOUTH RALLY AT BROOl{SIDE The G. .R .13. · 11111· • he: i11 the (ireater 1 1 ,~ la11 l ar a l1 Pl l their fjr. t youtl1 r ally 011 -J l111e 6th at t l1e I~ r oolt. itle Ba pti t 1 h l11 .. ch. 1 011t1·ibutit1g to tl1 e : p eial 11111 ic ,\·a a t rio of ta]e11te 1 111l1:i c ia11. ·, llc11·tle) 1 a 11 1 w illiaro. l'll'\ 1 er of < •1 e, 1 c la1 1 a11c1 lla1·old Ila t cl1e1· of IJetr oit . ( 1 a1·ol Rol1loff. a 1~ece11t ~ rc1 cl 11 cl t e of Bapti.·t I3ilJ1P S e 111i- 11a1·)"', ~To h11 :011 1 it) 1 , ,va. at tl1e }) ia110 cl 11 l F 1·a11ee~ • •tr,Tr11 ' ,, 1 a , orga11i:t. R11:.· II t1tl1n1al<r1' of the l 3 r 1111 . ,,·iel( 1 l111rc·h ,,·a i11 eha1·ge of t }1 e . i 11g·:11ira tio11 perioc1. Th e J rog·1·a111 ,,~a: eli111axe 1 ,,·itl1 tl1e . l10,,~i11g· of tl1 e 11 \\ 1 e:t l1ri~- tia11 f il111 e11tjtl ec1, I11 'T'i1ne. I; il< c> The:e. ' ... \. l)Pl'io 1 of f e llo,v– :-.hiJ) a11c1 1,cfr .·l1111c11t. fo1 lo,,, d tl1e 1 ..all,T. • The 1·a11 , T ,, 1 ill l)e l{ll()\Vll a . • ' \ T oice ()f 1 l1r .. istia11 ot1tl1 ' a11cl .·tarti1 g i11 .J 11l)r ,,·ill l)e h elc1 011 t l1r t l1i1·d ;. • at111·c1a y 11ig ht of ea 11 111011 t l1. Tla,"P \ "Ot1 l1 earc1 abo11t tl1e little '- ()x f r(l ,,·ho left ho111e b e t"a11 . e l1i. 111oth e1· ,,·a: a : 11eal<er a11d l1i. fat he1" ,,·a. a J oaf er? Iii l 1: · "\\TJ1,,, a1·e l1 l11·1.. i cane. • 11 a111ecl a fte1-- g·i1 .. l ·? ,.Ja11e: I c·o11l l 1 't p:11e.. .' Bill: Bec a11. e tl1e}" are11 ' t l1i a- ca11e.. • A TWO PART FICTION BY DOROTHY SHI NER JOAN HAD BEEN TALKING C)\·p1· t 1 c }) 11011 c to 0 11 c of hr I' girl J'ric111. ,,· I1e11 lier 111oth r r to.. fcl < lo,,· 11 a 1 t t r 1· t l1a t t hr 111ail 111a11 jlu-,t 1 l ft. ~Joa 11 to r f 0 1Jr11 J1e e11- ,·p lo1)r i11 l1c1st f , 8Ca1111 eel t l1e 1 et– tr1r, a11 cl th e11 :c1 t1 alecl i 11 cleligh t. ~fo111. a11 i11,.. itatio11 to · i11g at ( 1 Oll l lll lllli t)" \ "" C, ·pp1 ... ' . :\I 1·s . -'-\ 111e1--1-r s 111 ilec1 a · ·hr c a111e • c1 11 cl 1--c acl tl1 r. lett er O\'cr her la11gh- t r r ', . 1 o l 1 l l e I". ' • ll e. · t olo i t ! 'J'l1 cl t is < Jtli te a11 110110 1· i 11 t it ? Y 011 111 t 1. t l)e loi11 o· , .,e1"y ,,e 11 i11 .. , ·o 11 r , · o i e c le.., · o 11. . • -I 0,111 l1t1~grc1 l1cr 1nother . nl1". ,r a11 D11 :e11 clic1 ha,rc . 0111etl1i110' to c1c) ,,·jth it of c-0111-. e lJ11t I tl1i11l{ T o111 J>oll,1r 1 got 1110 the i11,·itatio11. t !r 's got i11.fl11 e11ce ~Iom i11 all tl1e c·l1 l t11r,1l eircle:. frown cro eel ~r1,. . ~ \ me1·,· ~ .. _f ,te e. · To111 i.· ra tl1er 1·11:]1i11g· ,·c>i.l t he:e l a.',.-'· ... \ t'Olle~· ... t11c1e11t is11 't . ,\·e 1)111µ: a ce1·ta i11 l1ig11- :el100] girl off 11Pr feet . i : he?' ,,Ti tl1 a crue t io11i11g ·1nile :\Ir.· . ... 111 e1 r)" lool~ ecl a g·ai11 cl t t l1e lette1'. · ·~ Ic1 ) 7 1 ,,·h~·, that'. l ro11th Da)T at ·l111rel1 . ....\ 11c1 } 7 0ll l1a,.. e cha1~ge c)[ t J1 r Yc>lt11g· People. 111eeti11g t11c1t 11igl1t. ' . J oa11 l1e:itatPcl bL1t j11:t for a 1110 111r11t . ' ( 11 ,,·ell, I a111 pla1111i11g· tl1e l) r og1· c1 111, :lie .·aic1 e11thl1:i– ,tstitc1ll~, . ' ' ,L\. g·oocl t l1ai1·111a11 c1l– ,rc1~·s gets ot l1er J) Po1 le to c1o tl1e , rc) rl{, .''Oll 1<110,,·. I j11. t c-011lc111 't 1 a. . up t l1i: ,,To11cl crfl1l oppo1·- t ll 11 it,,. ! ... .,. o,,~ C'Oll lc1 I 1 :\ r 0111 ? ' • "\\Titl1 a to._.' of 1101 .. br " ~11 c111'l, , -!<><111 f loatec.l 111)stairs to 11e1 .. 1'oon1. St a11 1i11g· lJe f 01~e t l1e 111irro1-, h e :n11g· llJ1 a11d cl o,,~11 tl1C' .·cale holcl– i11g l1er 111011th jl1. t :o a11cl o·ett i112· ( 011tinued on pag·e 13 ) T II E I> ER 1~ Eli T ~ (~l .. EI 1 ( i II ...\ · I lool .. i11to , .. 01i1· fc1ee I . e~ • c1 fae that 11eecls lool{i 11g i11to. •
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