The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1959

--~ THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST WHA T OU R ' 1 'Patmos fever' is ris ing. The Junior Department of Lhe BTU recently com– peted for achievement ho11ors, ihe winners to have their way paid to Camp Patmos. A consider able .aun1- ber from both age groups are plan– ning to go. '-Pastor Earl V. Willetts. CHURCHES ARE DO ING FIRST BAPTIST, ~€lyria Pas tor Robert J. Rey11hout says i11 part: "Mrs. Reynhout a11d I had open house June 8th at the time of the graduation of our only son. He is preparing for college. About 200 :folk ,vere in attendance. The church board is planning for a dinner for the Advisory Board in recognition of our fifth anniversary. The time in Elyria has been a precious five years. We thank the Lord for having allowed us this privilege. Our church board has been very gracious and coopera– tive." CALVARY BAPTIST, Massillon Pastor Louie Di Placido writes ' 'W c had Evangelis t Charles E. Boren' May 11-17, and his mi11istry was a real chil– lenge 1.o Chris tians and was used to win the los t as well. In the last two days 20 children r esponcled to the in– vita tion , and two adults were led to the Lorcl in their ho1nc . "As we r eported earlier the church received a $1 ,000 grant fr~m the Bap– tist Builde rs' Club . On May 20th the church voted to begin construction on the auditorium this summer if the necessar y funds could be forthcom– ing. By Sunday, May 24th, ihe month– ly pledges were more than enough to meet the payments and as soon as plans ar e completed, construction will begin . "We are planni11g Vacation Bible School for the week of June 22. June 16th we h ad a special service featur– ing a male quartet from the Baptist Bible Seminary." Just briefly we must summarize the rest. The building deb t is all paid aT'd now they are almost ready with plans for enlargement. A record May average in S.S. came this year, with ·:-,-.,..~---~-~~..,,~ '127 so 1hey are indeed forced to build. Over 50 are going to Camp Patmos-more Seniors than Juniors . The Spring Concert of Music was held in conjunction with a specia l panto– mime of the h eroes of faith in He – brews 11 called "The Cloud of Witnesses.' ' This musical pantomime was composed by Harley Stevick, a long time member and active in the choir. CALLED TO MICHIGAN Pastor J ames 0. Taylor. who h as served the Union Baptist Church near Richwood, Ohio, and been interested in our fundamental position, has been called to an Independent Baptist Church at Onsted, Michjgan. He says this is a small village, but that there is a growing Baptist work ther e with an average of 200 in Sunday school. May the Lord bless our brother and subscriber to the OIB, and we also pray that the Union Baptis t Church will call a good, Bible believing man. E. V. HOWELL HONORED News has come that Rev. E. V. Howell, who prececl ecl Rev. Hall Dautel as pastor of the Temple Bap– tist Church of Portsmouth, and a former writer in the OIB, has received a Doctor of Divinity degr ee from Pied– mont Bible College. The citatio11 from the school lists the servi ce Dr. Howell J1as rendered the school for 1nany .Years as meml)er, and for sevc11 years as cl1airman, of the boarcl of trustees. Not tl1 e least of his ~ervice i s sl1own i11 tl1e fact that he h as l)ce1 in!:>i1 u– rnen ta l 1n 54 young lJeoJJle in his cl1urcl1e~ go ing to Pi edmor1t a11cl o the r CJ1risiia11 col l ~gcs. We l)elicvc that our }) 1 otl1c1 has fully ear11e(l the l1ono1 lJ stowL(I t1 r)on l1i1n. BLESSED IiOPE BAPTIS"r, 8r)ri11gfitJcl . Dell) rt G )er a11cl fa111ily is go111g 1o l{ UJJert, Arlta11sas, 1o do 111i ssio11ary work i11 tl1 l1eart of tl1 ) O/c1rks under Bap tist Mid -Missio115, W > l10J)e 1o l( 11 1nor a l)out it 11ext 111011111, l)ut w ca1) sa)' tl1 y ar leavi11g i11 July \f l 11 tl1oug}1 tl1 >y do 11ot l1av a1 y- vvl1 1r r:i ar full sup})Orf. '1~1 ).' }1av l)ce11 fail}1ful \.\01lr 1 1·s a t Bl >ss cl IloJJC a11d d s :.r v ou1 JJrayer s a11d 11 '111), J (_l\ 1 • Hll l 1\ f 1'8 . 1~, r1 irfi {) l(l 11, tJ)l ist i<> ll , ()l1i(). l),t,ri<1 Hl1i1111), ( 1 h111· <· l1, 'l' J1111·s- FOSTORIA BAPTIST CHURCH P as tor Max Tucker was cl1ose11 ~Y the Counci l of Te11 to rc1Jresc11t .01110 at the 1nceti11gs of tl1c CoL111c1l of Fourteen of tl1e GARBC at Rocl1es tcr. These state vjsi tors clo 11ot l1 ave a vo te l)ut clo l1avc full r1gl1t to s1)eak ,incl make st1ggesti o11s. REV WAL1'ER YOUNG V ISI1'S OHIO Rev ,111cl M1·s. Walt '1' Yot111g a11cl Veda Be]le, of c; le11cla le, Ar1.lo11i1, a1 c vi~i ti 11g I rie11cls i11 01110 ar\cf })rcacl1.ecl to a fttll l1ot1s, at I~aGrn11ge J t111e 21, w 1tl1 011 , sottl savccl. Ma11y v\' 110 11acl sa t ur1d )r l1is 111i11ist 1') tl1c r ~ cl r?\'l' 111a11y 111il s to l1cnr 111111 n~u111. ~o<! lias ·resto 1 >cl l1is l1caltl1 a11cl IS l)le.s.s 1 i 1 g ] 1 is ll1 11 11 s try i11 Arizo11a. BIBI"'E T-3AJ)TJS'1'. B clfo!'cl P aslor ancl lVl rs. Etl,,,. l\Ior1· 11, ( 1 1 1 t1rcJ1 IVIissio11rar)', Al , a11cl fottl' ot l1 ")r inP111l>e rs 1'PJJ1· ~s )111 ~d tl1e cl1urcJ1 a t tl1 GAI~B ' 111 eti11g at Rocl1 ster. Wonderful, from one of our smaller, and yet growing, churches. Did any Ohio church send more messenger s than that? Churches in an associa– tion, whether state or national, should care enougl1 to [end messengers and to give monthly or quarterly support. WE'RE SORRY Our attention was just called to an error we made in the name of the subscription agent from the Euclid– Nottingham church in the March issue. We gave it as Mrs. W. J . Davis, when it should have been Mrs. W. J. Davie3. The editor has to take full r esponsibility for this one, although we hope readers realize that some mi .stakes slip in as 'printers' mistakes." Proofreaders get most mis-spellings of common words or mixing of type or slugs, but mistakes that look all right as they glance down the page are not so easily detected. So while both editor and printer try to do their best. both ar e fallible and make mistakes at times. r I I~.J, r .. () T1() I ~ T ( 1 011tinued £1~om page 13 ) tl1c1t P<l<·l1 ()11 r ,,·ol1l cl jt1,Ti t e l1igl1 sc: J1 c><>l frir1L<L· ,,Tl10 \"Ve r 0 11ot (il11·i s tic111s. 1 ,1r ls \\'PrP .1c11t Ollt, t el e 1) 11 o t 1 e t ,11 l"' ,,· P r e 111 a( 1 e , a 11 d i11,ritcltio11 .1 ,,re1~) g·i,re11 i11 p r 1· 0 11. .Joa11 i11,·itc cl .·pvrr<ll f ello,v. from e11c)ol ,rl1c) l1,1 cl clsl{e<l lier 111 ·y·ai11 io cl,111c·p· a11c l . 110,,·s. Xe>,,· shr 1, <' o· a 11 i o fr r 1 11 e r P [fol' 1 s ,vr r r i 11 ,..... ,·c1 i11 : sl1e C'Ot1lcl11 't g·pt ,111)'" llefi - 11 ii c1 clC' C' P J)tcl11(' P8. lt \\'cl :,.'; 1·ral]~r \ 'C' l'.\" (1 i s c•<)ll l'rtµ: i11 ~.!'. l\ Lc>1·p a11cl 111o r p sl1c ('<>11c·p11tratrd <>11 hc t· gl1rsi c11111 c nra11 l ' f. ~ l1 Cl l) l' cl(' t i (.' (l ( 1 r a it 11 f 11 ll).. cl l l cl (1 \ r f\ 1) s l l t - v<·ri <l e1cl i11 g·ptt i 11g· i11 c\x trc1 les. 0 11s 1'rc)111 :\ Ir . \ r a11l)11s(' ll. • ( \ \ T I 1<l t a 1 'c ,,,. () l l p: 0 i l 1~· t () ~ i 11 p: ?' ' aslcec l J)11t]1 0 11 p cl,1,.. els tl1P\" ,,,.rre • • \\"()l'l, i11g· ()ll clt 1 {' C) l'Hli<) ll S. · •(>h. I ',·p J)i (· l,ecl <)111 t,,·c1 11l1111 - I >< \ r s . l ']1 l 1, l , • e i <> < I e v i c 1 P <) 11 o 11 <' . ()11<' i~ ~t 1 111i -l' lc1 s~ i t·,1l a11cl 111<' c)tl1t\r i~ ... ,,.. <' 11 . r e ]i ~i<ll l~. ' ' ' . ( )}1,', ~Hi(l I111tl1 111 cl flH1 l()lll'. ·· I l1<>t) t1< l .,.<>ll ,, (>tll<l 11~t\ t 11 (' t>tt<' ) tlt t ~<1 11 g· i11 t·l111t·vJ1 lnst ~t111tln~ . · · ·· J~u1, I~11 tl1il). I t 1 ,t11'i si11g· a Ji , · 11111 . I t h c1 s t < > 1) ( 1 111 c) r l 1 • • () l 1. • (' 11 l t l I l' ( t l . H 11 t l 1ll () r p . . . s 1, i 1 I r 11 l . H11c1 . . . • • ~11<) ,, n, < 1 <l 1t Pl' J1,111tl il" i r t J1nt ,, t) ttl<l "'tt l'l'it•t\ t't>r· t ltt' ,, <>l'cl" t hn1 ,, <>ll ltl 11ot <'t)lllt'. ]{ 11111 "ig·l1t 1 tl. •' , , t>ll l1H\ l\ H \\ t>ll– cl t\1' 1'11 l (> jl!)< >1·tt1 11 1t., {<) J>tv,l\tll lilt\ I J()l'(l ,J t'hll-s t() tl ll)Sl' J )l 1 ()J)lL 1 \\It() 111 1 \t ' l' H1{tl l ll l c1 (:(l-...ll<' I t·ht1rc·h. 'J' lt cl 1 '~ \\ J 1 <l l ,\ r () l l H I,\ d ,\ s ~ <l i( f .,r l) l l \V<l ll ( l'l l 1() ti<> llSl' \ tlll l' \ (li<>t' ft>l' Ilic\ I J<> t·cl • •• -l t>H 11 's t''\l>rc\ssic,11 g'rP\\ :st>l>el'. ~ Ii <' ~fc1rt• 1 <I t<> :s (>t l;tl,, 1l1t 11 sft)J)l> <I. l l 1tlttf lllll('(i lll 1 Xt lll(Jll t 11 )