The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1959

~g '] \\ I (:, ()I Jtrc)\\'t\ltlg ,,· rclte. · ~<lllt<' ti111P i1l <~,)\l's g_t)tlll 1i1l1c'. I ,l1c1ll ,tr– ri,·<1 · · ' l'l 1n t ,, a, llttr l't't \ltttg ,, ltt'11 lll' ' ' ' 1..•,\tl\P t'rtlll\ lxe\ .\11,lll I•:. l,l'\\I,. ,· }1ail'll\:lll t)f t}ll' ' rr11,( L'('~ ()r 11 ,) 1\ l 1.. \ ,l 11 fl l 1 n 111 J). t l 1 cl t t 11 (' .\ l, r o11 it)t1i11g 1)<),t r<l l1atl rcf,1~0c..l t<) allt)\\ tltt' l 1 'irt',t{)tl<' ~l,111~1011 t() le 11,t'<l a, <l l l<>111e i'tlr tlt<' .\ g-<?(l. ' rl 11..' l'l' i, cl , ligl1t })()'),illi lit)· tllcl1 1111, (ll'l l'-\1()1\ \\ ill ll t' l'l' \ (' l'"t'll. l)ll t t111l ,,, tl1 1..\ l, t)rcl <111"''.<'1·s Jll'cl~·t' r to tl1nt ,,ffel' t it i, ,·er,· ~ligl1t. • l'l l1" r !!'ell 111,111"it)ll ·<)11lcl l1a,·e l e l' l l "'l' l' l l 1' l) ( l f O r · . !) ~ .()()() a 11( l 11l1..'tl 1 <.l al1u<>~1 11<> rt'Il()\· ntit>11 or «:ltl\r,ltitlll. l~ll ll lt~l1 la11tl <·ot1 l(l l1a,Te lJel 11 ',l>lcl to l)ri11g· clo,r 11 tl1e 11rit t ) ( 1 l 1 l l l)" t l 1 a 1 f . \ \ r i t l 1 0 l l r l) r e t l 1 r e11 i11 ~li ·l1ig·c111 1)e11 l111g . ·:2.'j(),()00 fo r ,1 l>l1ilc.li11g 11ot 111ue 11 1 ar~ er Hllll 11ot 11 ,1r1,~ cl"' lJec111tifl1l. ,,Te • ·c111 1111clt)r"ta11tl 110,,· cli::;a1)11oi11te(l t l1L 1 t 1·t1. tee. 11111:t l1e. \ ~et ,vi t l1 ]~ 0 111,111. "' :2 i11 tl1e Bool,. ,\·e a1·e , 11 r e tl1,1t i11 (}ocl '. gootl 1i111e ,ve ,, ill gPt a11otl1er op1)ortu11it~y· ju t cl ,rc>llll . or 111ore i11 1, )epi11~ ,vith 0111· fi11a11tial cllJility. \\"l11T clid ,,·e al1110:t b11t not ... (111i t e 11 · ·e l ! Surel),. it ,,·a 11ot l cta11"e (ioc.l cloe · 11ot clppr o, 1 e of ( 1 l1ri"'tia11 rl1t1rcl1e.' t,1lci11g tclrc of t }1eir , ·rteratl lllt->Illl)PI' ' for \\ 1 P are tolcl to tal{e ·a1· ' · of <>tlr 0,,..11. ' ,,..,.e lc110,,· tl1c1t 111e,:111: pri111arily tl1at (· l1ilc1r t>11 ~hot1lcl t,11~r ('are or t l1eir agit1g J)are11t. . \\Te al. o k110,,· tl1c1t 111 tl1i~ (la~ ... of . oeial :er11rity a11cl c·<Ju11t\" ,,·elf are. the]'e i · 11ot .. t lie ,1 ·t1te 11eecl tl1ere 011c·r ,,·a. . \ ....<·t tl1er \are. on1e ~·oorl l1ri:tia11. · < ,,·l 1( > f i 11 < l t l 1 t~ 111 e 1,· P. c1 P ~ t it11 t P i 11 <>1<1 ,l!! . ,111cl ,Yhat eo111cl l) r lletter t l1a11 a eo11ge11ial I Io111e ,,·I1er e tlt e}T ,, 1 011lc1 l>e ('arecl for a11(l h,1,·p fPl- 1 < >,\· l 1 i p ,, it h o t 11 er · C) f 1 i l< e J r e<' j o l ls f' ,1 i tl1 ? "\\Tl1~· did tl1e 1.Jorcl (la11gl e a , ,·fJ11cl ,rfl1l 111,111, io11 l)c.1 fore 11 . a11d lf t 11" al1110 t u, ·ercl ~ \\Ta: it to ,,·al~c 11, 111) ! 111 tl1 l tr11 },.ear. ,,·e l1c1,· > l1acl tl1i", J)roj e('t IJefore 11,. ,,·e l1c1,·c· 11<>Cl<lecl <)lll' a ~r 11t to 1t lil\l ~o 111,111~· J) <.lo ple <lt a . 111111- l) Ar })art~"· ( 111~· so111c· l1alf a (loze11 <·l111r<·l1<.:: l1a,·e eo11tribi1t ecl ~rnall " 1 1, 1<> it. a11(l 11erl1a1)~ <)11e cl0Le11 lll Cll\ j,}11,11:-.. ( )11],· l }1p \\... () lllt>ll ·~ .. }I i,"i,,11ar,· l~11io11 uf' th P <l ... \1{11( 1 .. }1a~ !!i\T 11 re!!11larl,,. ,·ear 1 ,. ,Tear " -.: .. .. ,ritl1 a clearee of CJ'e11ero~it,l. "I'he11 ., 'l'l l l!A 111 l Nl )J,~T'l~NT)1,· N'I 3AT >'t,TS1 1 ~lIME E <'cl lll P 1})(' lll'\\'-1 <>f' tltP J~'il'(\St<Jll(' :\ l a11~ic) 11 . :1 11<1 t,,<> g·c><>< l .~i1'1" <·c1 111 t 1 i11 \ J)ril n 11cl t'()l tt · 111<>1'<' i11 :\ la .\ . \\rt' hC)})t' lll()l'P ,,ill kr<' J) ('Oltl i11 µ; i11. ~c) tl1nt Ht <lt1r ,.\1111t1 ,1 l :\ l rPt – i11g t l1r trll. trcs ,,·ill l1a,rp a 111a11 - clc1tl' f r o111 i11 tc r cstc·cl clc)tl<)rs to ir,r .. ag,1i 11. lf' that is thr ,,·a,- it ,,rc)rl\ , , • ,,.<' ,,·ill l\ 11c1,,T ,,·l1 v locl let u.· ,11- • 1110L t Rlteeeecl. \\'l1J" <1t1cl lr t 11 .· fail tr1111101·n1'il)T j , cllso \\'() rtl1,r (>f ro11sic1rra t io11, • J)ro,riclecl ,,· r clo 11 ot 111ak:r t)1r l' ('fl- 8011. i11to PX<' ll ·ps. I..Jcle l( of 111011()\ 1 " ,,·a:· 1 ot th0 terl111ieal r ea. 01 , l)11t th , ·er3" p1·01)o~it i<)11 of rc1i "' i11g 'll _ ...... ...._ ~ ~~ OLD SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ENDS AUGUST FIRST I)a~tor: a11 l 111) ' (•I'i ptio11 age11 t: . hot1lcl get b11. ·y a11<l g-et i11 re- 11 e,,r,11 a11 (1 11 e\\" ·u b. ·riptio11 l)e– f or e ~\ t1g·11. t fir:t a11c.l tal~e <t( l – , ,.a11ta!{e of t he olcl price of $1.50 a }rear. .l\_f t<?r that it ,,·i 11 br . ·:.. . E,·e11 if }:Oll l1a,,.e 10 mo11tl1.· to go. you c·a11 acl c1 1~ rt101~ 111011t l1.-– fo r $1.0(), l)llt (1011 ' t ()rel er ..e, re rc1 l year ~ in advance, plea e ! ne mor e )·car at tl1 r o J cl pri re is all ,,·p ca 11 afford. ~~ ...... ~ ~-....... u-•......... ·-b '·2.) 00() a11cl l~or r o,,ri11g * 70.()00 l1a . Hl10,r11 U .' ho,,· tt111)r .lparecl ,·ve ,rPre. Diel tl1e Lo1·cl Have 11: from 111i. el'ablc failt1 r e 1),. 111ovi11g th Zo11i11g l~o,11·cl to tur11 u.· clo"\\·11 ? l f so let tl.' prepare bette1, for t l1e 11ext opJJOrtt111ity ! Ne ·011cllJr a l1i~l1 l) r e :\1re t,1m– l)aig11 to raj 8e $2,- .000 111ight hav 111aclr it (liffit11lt fo1· 11s to 111eet our 1 a 111p I at1110: ol>ligat io11. a11d ]1arcl for c~ edar,ri lle ( 1 ollege t o Jl1·e1)arr for ct r ec-01'<.l 1r ol l111e11t 11 ext fall. ,,Te are 11ot a rgui11g t l1a t ,l \ "" ot1tl1 ( 1 a111p i.- 111or e im– ]1<)r1 a 11 t th a11 a 1I 0111e f Ol' the r\ ~f<?cl l)11t 011 1,- tl1at ,\·e 111t1~t fi1':t of all 111eet tl{e obl igatio11 , ,,·r ha, 1 r . \\Te ,,·r, r e forcecl to set'11r e a vou th .. .Jul y J!J5!J <·<1 1111 > f'jr~I l>P<',ltt s<' <>tlr s11 111111,·p Jll'<>g·rc1n1 11,t<l nlrt1,l< lJ' c>11t g-r o,v 11 all r <· 11 ta lll<' <·ri 1111)~ a 11 < 1 ~0111 r. t hi 11g ha cl t<> l>r <l<JJl<'. <ic>cl 1{11<'\r tl1at ,111 cl e1 11 ,1l >lrcl tt s to . r<· l1r <> ( 1 a1n1> l'a1 - 111 0. f'() r ,l t h j r <{ 0 f' "'T h H t i t \ VH. ,,?o r1l1 . Ifis l)lessi11 !.!..' 8i11 c·r i11 s<>11) . 8H\ 1 r(l a11c1 li, 1 rs (10 11 .'(?(•rat c>cl , a~ ,rel] as 111 J)I'ovicli11g i1np1·ove1r1 r11ts ,l11cl ,1 <'hape] prove ,,·r ,vrrr rig l1 t i 11 fir~t pro,Ti<li11g f o r tl1 r spiritual 11rr<ls of 011r yo1 t11g p eopl r. . 1 0 \\rhil e ,, 1 e . ]10111 (1 i11c1er.c1 .'trp llp o t 1 r g i , 1 i 11 g to t l 1 e TIo 111 e l 'r o j ec · t . let u .~ als lo our l)e. t to get 011r (' a111 p clr 1>t paid. Thirc1 ly, 111ay it l)e that tl1e f.;Or (l ,,,ant. 11 . to lccep 011r emphasi~ 11po11 011 r eh11rrhe ant1 thrir ,,rorl\ of e,Ta nge liza tio11 and . pirit ual trai11i11g a11d 11ot get too ,,rrapprcl ll 1) i11 ,,r 11 at i. 0111etime. .all eel I11 . tit11tional 1 l1ri . tia11it,r ? "\\T(> .. r r alize t l1at marriage lead. to hon1e buildi11g . ot1l ,vi1111i11g to el1u1'che. a11cl r l1ur che. to voutl1 .. ,rorl(, ecltl<·c1tio11, a11 l 1 harit~y·. I f • youth ,,·orl< 1 eecl: a 'an1p ,ve are r(la 1v for it. If ·haritv 11eed: <l ~ ~ l101ne for tl1e aged ,, 1 e a1,c for it. Tl1e 011 l~y· c.langer i t l1at 011ce ,ve !.!·et . o 111a11y good i11 t it11tio11. o-o– i11g t hat ,,·e J1a·y·e to pt1t pre.. llre 011 the cl111rc.:l1e, to h el1) rai. e tl1r l)11dget ,, 1 c ,,·ill gi,·e p eople the : a 111 e i1111)1"e. :io11 t l1 r o 1 d co11ve11tio11 cl icl, t l1at lo ·al cl1urch e are ' ' little colle ti11g agen ie to h elp t 1 e 'l)ig' ' cl e110111 i11 ,1 tio11 cl o a great' j ol) for the Lord. Let no one u ·e that langcr a · a 11 exe11 e £01' cl oi11g 11othi11g fo r tl10:e tl1i11gs that ar e Oll l}r the 011t– g1·0,,·t l1 of 011r e,·c1no-eli tic a11d 111 i: :io11ar~" : J)i1·it : but ,,,it 11 all our doi11~ a11d gi, ·i11g let us 11e, 1 er for- get t hat t he spiritual life a11d ,rorl~ of our ch11r t l1e. to111r f ir:t. 111 }od : good ti111e ,,Te ,,~ill l1a,·e a ll o111e fo r R etired ( 1 l11·i.. tia11 '"\Vorl{– Pr:. 01' ,,·I1ate, 1 e1· \\"e ,,·ill ·all it : 1>11 t i11 the 111ea11ti111e let u 011 --c– cratc 011r.·el,·e. to a c.lee1)e1, . pirit- 11alit),. a11<l a stea.cli e1' practiC'e of ~tr,,,a1·cl sl1ip. ~ (peeial lri,·c, for 111011ev arr e,Ticle11ees of a lael< c)f .. fc1ith a11d ,·i.· io11- a fai l11rr to be- lieve i11 a11d pro, 1 icle fo r project. 11 ot yet i11 t l1r l)tl i 1(1 i 11g :t,1gr. Let '. l1a, ..e t l1r fait l1 to e1 , ,. i.· io11 a II0111e fo r thr ...\ gecl a11cl J)r epa1· for it b, . r eo·11 la r c· <.)11 tri 1) tt t io11s. ., t"" •