The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1959

la I'l l(' I, :l ]ll is It · 1,tl ,'1\1 i 11ar, :l t •J )lltl sl)ll ( it,,·, ) i~ ll:IJlJl.\ it rt\}lll't tl1at 1l1e ])t'Os})l'l'ts <>l ~l l·trn(' frt sl1111:111 c l:1ss tl, ' t fnll Hl'P 1.. 1 e.:' 1l t 111 . & \ s l) f ~ J t 111 P 1() i I 1 '°' t .' tllt11~ J> ;\ l J>ll' hn ,·,, llt','tt cll'l~P J)tc l. \\~l' :1rr 1.:'<1 t1all)· }llt~a,l' <l 1l) ,111 - 11 >ll11e' t 11:1t 1 r . I· rn11l" 1,. \\ ctcl"'C'r cf{" 1·"·:1111-.... ()rt'~<l tl. l1n, H(('t'll1ecl · P:111 t,> 11 \ c) ffie,' ()f l) f 1 c1 11 <lf tl1c "'- l 1}1i,1:1 r,·. ll,, ,,ill l>'~i11 lti"' <l11tie • 11 "', J)tP111l),'r 1. l)r \\T,1asl1· i ~ i11 till r c>11~l1 cl~'l't t'lllt'tlt ,,·itl1 tl1e ti t·tri11 al Jl(l,itil)ll of tl1( L'1p111i11,ll')T. :111ll ,,·i tl1 tltt' ,ta11<l <)11 ,c 1 11c11·,1tio11 frcl111 HJl<lst<l ~) . 11 0 l1c1 , "er,..ed a l)n,t ,,r {)f i11clr1)r11cle11t 1 apti t { l111rcl1C' -... 111 I 011g I,l,l11 cl. jlr11111l1i., l .. l)<·l1pstr>r. clll(l \\... illi,1111",·illc. in ('' ' , .L)l'l~ ~ tc1te II ,,cl') cl '1hap- 1tllll i11 t11e ... \.r111,~ 1\.ir Force from • l ll4-:1-1 ~)4G a 11 ll l ~11a p 1ai11 i11 a \. t t l\ l'clll ·, l1<),1)itc1l £1·0111 19-l:l1-1931. I1 r l1n~ ,11"'0 l)<l · to1·ed a ·h11rcl1 in ~ t. TJol1i .. . ,111<1 co111e 11ow from tl1 n I),1,tor,1te of the Berean Con- FR l\I TIIE I(l'f( 1 llE;\ \ \ T I ;\D t) \ \,. _.. \ rr ( 1 ~ \ :\ I l ~ I "'- T :\I !)age 11 ) ( '011ti11t1rd fro111 ,la,· ,Ye 1·e,111,~ l1at e . ~ to :ajr good- l)ye. \'"e... e,·e1,J· cla)-"'" i fillec1 to the l)ri111 a~ the l1t1~tli11g· . ce11e of ac– t i,·i t} 7 sl1ift. a11c.l change befo1·e tl1e liitche11 ,,i11clo,v. The11 a r ,·e11iuo· ap1)roache. a11d tl1e <:,11u1)– ~ r, file i11to the ch,ll)el for the e,·e11i 11g . e1·,Tice tl1e g1·ot111cl . talte 011 tl1e <1uiet r e tf lll11e. . of the '-ll1 1...,Pt l1011r . .For a ti1ne tl1e c·amp– e1·, ,11·e 011t of . ig·ht b11t tl1e l1a11c1 of (; ocl i ~ till . ee11 i11 t11e c111iet lal~e aucl l)ea11tif11l u11 et a11d vou "' l1ec11· the . Ol111cl of ~,.01111g ,,.oice · aero the tillne . . i11g·i11g prai e 10 ( rO(l. ....\. clcl1'lt11p, . fall. light~ begi11 t<) a1)pear all <)ver the camp g·ro1111cl"' a11cl I ·,·e toocl at '*he l~i tche11 ,,·i11cl c),,. ,, 1 i tl1 tl1e ou11d of tl1r J)r~c1 ·l1er"'. 111i ~io11arie", a11cl c,tl1er taff ,rorlter . ~}1ari11g the f \'Pl. t"' <1f tl1e cla~r O\YPl' t llps of (·of f '.le: ,111cl ,, atel1ecl l1t111clrec1 of littlr fla l1]ight fi11cl tl1Pir ,,·a\" ... rlt·r,,," tl1c ca1t11) g·ro1111cl"' to the 1,r ~} trr µ:ll>,,. <Jf t11eir r,1l)i 11". Il e;,,· <>fte11 t11e11 I a111 re111i11clecl thctt i11 1110:-t of t hP~P ,·ot111 ~ 11 Pa rt', 1 l1el'e ' :-... a li2l1t l)111·11i11g for ~11ri~t. :0111 e f. t11c111 lit tl1at ,·r1·,· cla\T, a11(l 11<>,,~ • • tilt\)" ,tre 1111iti11°· to <.l11<·<)t1rage 011e c111otl1Pr a11(l 111al{e ,1 l>riul1ter o~l,>,\.T ~ to l1i11 fort}1 i11 tl1i, ,,·orl,l <)t' "'111 a11 1 clarl,11P. . lNT)l!,l l•~NT)I!,N'l' ll 1 'J'lS'l' rt' .J ()II S\l'\,l(l\l\ ftclllfi . t ( 1 Jt\ll' e }t itl ( '1 C)I'- \ ' H I I 1, • ( ) t' t \ g' l) 1l .\ (ct<lPtlltt·nll,). l)r \\ 1 ;1c1"'<'l' is <'\lt'llt\1111) <'t lllllll)C'<l f'Cll' l1i s lll'\\' \\<lrl, ll t' lt<)lcls 1hP t'<>llt>,,1110· <le - .-, U'l'l't'" 1)..\ . l'r<)lll ( 1 c> l!.!Hfc' {' 11i,·rr - ~it., .. I~. I l'ro111 { 1 <>lgnte- l {<>c·l1P"' 1( r 1) i, i 11 i 1, ~eh <) Cl 1. '1 h. I . fro l l l • })l'lll<'0i C)ll rl 11<'<)1(>µ:ic·a 1 ~Plll ill cl J')', <llltl cl 'r11 . l) . fro111 l )nll,1s 'I1hro1- . I .... . <)g'1<·,1 ~ r1111 11ar)· . \\'r<' a1·p 11l0c1, e(l to a1111011nce 111c11 :\Ii 8 l ..1y1111 Nil\·e1·11al0 of ~l il} l:1rt()ll, ~('\\' \ r or}{, h,lS clCC'Pl)ted ,l ec1ll to tl1e Hen1i11a1·,· a. 111- • ~1r11(·tor i11 ~ ... l'ie11(• . .Jli,,. "" ilver- 11,tlcl 1·ec·ei,·C'tl l1 er 11.1. . i11 ;(11r.~ i11µ: 1~'1·0111 \\rl1eato11 ( 1 ollege i11 19;- "' . ,.\ clclitic)11c1l t11die. ,,,.e1·e tal<r11 at J~,11Jti:t I~ilJle e1ni11ary, 195 - 1!1~0. 1 t11·J·e11tl}" . he i talri11g . J)Ct ia 1 , tudie. at .t\ l l)a11y ~ ta te T0ael1er' ollege in the field of 11att1ral cience . :\fr . Richard J. :\It1rphy ,vho .1 ti 1 v I nsn }1H :--; St' I' \ 7 (' < l f H j f '1 I'\ t l \' :t 8 ] J < > 11 S l' • ~ I <) 1h <' r i 11 N I> l' i 11 11 st 0 <' c l 1 ~ cs i < l e111, • e c1t t 11,· NPtlllllcll') l'<>I' l'<>llJ'l('(' IJ ,\<'Hl'S, l1r1 s 11()\\ l'Pti,·Ptl. 1~h( 1 hns g·i,,, ,, ft,, 1· tin1p :111cl st 1·<111gth ,,·ith – <>ttt <'<> 11 c·e11·11 f'c>r hrt~~P II'. ~hP l1r1 s lH'l'l) C)f' g·rrat he1]p tc> cl JllllllhPr <)f g ir} s, \\ }1<> li,1,·<1 l)r<'ll P ll1 l'll"'fC'cl 1cl l1 Pt 1· enrc. cl11ri11g her }'<'ar~ c)f <lP\'<>1<'<1 '°'<'r\·ic·<' 1c> f Jic, I.J<>rc l . 1\ ~ 1 liP \\ if<' <>f' J~P\'. f~ic·h,lrcl .J . 1urp11y she ramc> to ,.J c, l111so11 ( 1 i ty 111 1026. 1 )r. '.( t1r pl1y . 1 <1 r vrcl a._ ]>a:tor of thf' l 1 'i r. ·t I ~,1ptist ( 1 }111re}1 a11cl \VH.' i11 .· t1·11m<111tal i11 t l1e fo1111cli11g of our .'Chool . Il e l>eeame it. fir:t J>1,eRi(le11t i11 1~):32 a11c1 ,,·a." tal{e11 l10111P to be ,,·ith tl1e Lor l i11 1n:13. l t ,,·a. · fitti11g i11dee 1 that ~Ir . . :\I111~phy ,va~ callecl ba ~It to J oh11 011 ity i11 1945 to . uper, 1 i e the f i1\ t clormi- tory of thi chool. i ray tl1e Lord conti11t1e to ble:. lVIr . 1' I Ut'phy in her devoted erv– ice to Him. PIONEER JEWISH MISSION YEARS CONTINUOUS WITNESS 50 TO ISRAEL IN LOS ANGELES 2nd Large t ity i11 fJe,,,.i. h Popt1latio11 111 1. . . JEWISH MISSIONS COURSE OR - • In Los Angeles Baptist College & Seminary Profe. ional Cour e ollege l ;evel .\ }rear free sub criptio11 to ' 'The hofar' ' ' on req11est The Lo. ngele Hebr--e,, 1 Ii . io11 Dr. James . , r a1i , Exer. , er. 850 ECHO P Rl AVE., T10~ .._ TGELE~ .. ALIF. A BAPTIST MID-MISSIONS STATION Your INVESTMENTS of SELF, PRAYER & FINA CES In HOME MISSIONS WILL PAY ETERNAL DIVIDENDS 'Reach America to Reach the World" HIAWATHA LA D INDEPENDEN'I BAPTIST MISSIONS 1109 Ludington St. E canaba, Mich. - • •