The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1959

July 1959 -----------~ THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST ~--~~~~~~~~~- Page Seven LOOI C. TULGA COME TO WELLINGTON I . , 1. rr I .Jol11. '- t t o·a, R<>11 of I r , r. 1 l1e:te1' E. r1'11lg·,l Htt1CT)tccl tl1 c·all of tl1e I~ ir. t Baptist 011111' 11 of "\\Te1 lli11g·to11 ,1 11c l 11,L 11()\\' 111ovecl 011 tl1e fielcl ,ritl1 1118 fc1111i 1, ,. ,\rJ 1 jI 0 }1i. fatl1r1-- \\'cl.' \ 'CT} 1 cleti,r i11 the fo1·111atio11 of t11r ()l1io ..1 \ .·8oc·i,1tio11 of Reg·11lclr l3c1I)ti:1 ( 1 l1t1rehrs ,vJ1ile JJa. tor of tl1e Fir ·t 13,lJ)tjst ; l1t1r· ·11 of La ( }1·a 11g·e\ l.Jo11i. ,vets 11 ot 1)01·11 l111ti l 10:3;3 i11 .I. 01'tl1 Platte, Je– lJra.· lta to ,vhi ]1 fielcl J1i.· fc1tl1 1· ,,·a: cic1l lecl after r r: ig·11j 11 g f ro1n the IJa(lra11ge el1111·rl1. ll P ,,,a. ecl11catec1 i11 t l1 e . cl1ool, of I31 .. ool{– i11g'., ~ ~ot1t l1 Dalcota, c1 1 l j11 ( ~l1i– c-ago. It \\"a i11 ( <l1iec1.g·o t l1ctt lie beca111e ,~er}' i1 tcre. tecl j11 ( 1 l1ri. - tia11 ,,·01· l{ .·0r,·i11g as a 1) .Y. .F . p1·e. icle11t a. 81111clav ehoo] tea 1 }1- , er a.· captai11 of a ,.]11·j8ti<111 ~ 1 r 1·,,_ ic-P B1'ig·a le, a11<l late1· as ~ 1)011:01~ of tl1e .._ e11io1' l3.Y.Ji 1 . c111cl ofte11 .·e1~,·i11g a. pt1lpit Slll)pl3r. .t\11 ihis ,,~a i11 hi. hon1e cl1ur h th ro1·– \\·ooc1 Pa1'l{ Bapti:-t hl11· ·h ,y·hich i~ affiliate 1 \ 1 \1ith th0 011, PT'\'c:lti\ 1 f Bapt i. t .I\ , .'OC'ia tio11. J t ,,rill lJe 1--e1nen1be1·ecl lJv 111a11 v tl1at hi.' • • fathe1· ,,Ta.· cll11·i11g mo. t of tl1c1t ti1ne heacl of the 011 . e1·,,ati,rc Bapt i:t FellO\\T. hi1), ,,~110. e l)r1Ri- 11e.. it ,va. to a-\ral<:e11 Bap+i._ t eh11rche. to tl1e cla11ger·. of ) fo 1- CTI1"R II _t\ ~ TD TT~ 1 p A. T R ( ontinll ed .f1·om page 6 ) cle. iral)le pa. tor, or 01 r tl1at . ee111. to l1ave fini. l1e(1 hi . partiet1la1· ki11cl of ,,·or]{ i11 Oll r C'lllll'C'l1 ? i~· a <f11r ·tio11 that ofte11 tro11l)les botl1 tl1<) eh11rc·h a11cl itB spi1·itl1al leacl– C1t·. rl'}1e te1·1t1i11c1ti11g· of t]1e rela– ti<J11. ·]1ip lJPt,, 1 ePll the C' l1lll'C'}l a11cl its r) astor .·ho11l l l)e krp1 011 a. J 1 i g· h ,l ] r,,.r 1 as , ,·a~ t 1 e orig i 11 al c 1 s1c1lJ]i sl1111c-111t of tl1at relatio11sl1iJ). f 1 i ~ 111 <,st c 1 c J) 1 <) 1· a lJ I e t l 1 at t l1 i: is tr,c, oftr11 11ot 11·11e. ' l '}1p 111a11 ,vJ10 \\'a..., } 1 c-1 i J c) c1 H ~ a 11 H 11 g·r l <> f l i g 11 t \\}1r11 }1c <·a111e tc, tl1,, <'l111rc-)1 lUcl\" • it1 a f'p,,, . hc,1·t \"rar·s l>r trea1r(l lilce • ,,11 1 fr<,111 t }1ci 11rt}1c-•r rrµ:io11 s. T f' 111Pr<- is 1-r<1 11 rr,1] cli~-~a1 i~f'aeti<>ll ,,, j1J1 c1 J>as1c,r , tl1c• cl< 1 ,1c·c,11~ :-,]1<> t1l<l l1c111cll P it c·cJ111·ug·pc,11~l.,r 1>111 \\ 1 i1Ji ll 1111 () ~ t ( j h .. j s t i H1) (. (, 11 l' 1( 1 ') \ • I 1 i s • 1'P lclc,111 ,visP f,,r OJlP J> P l'S() ll 1() l) P (l<.1lpg·,11P,I tcJ • taih~ ,, i1]1 tl1 P J1H ~– t <) 1'. ' r l } 1 j S J l C) 1 ()) l ).V ] ) t 11 S t J 1 <' (I (;i I{' g ;J 1 (1 () 11 1 ft (l ~I)()1 I) 111 g j \ T ()S 1 j t - 11 , <·I 1 a 11( ' <• f () 1• 1 J 1 <• J J as 1, > r 1 c) ~ 1 a t P }) is . i( I (' () r 1 Ii (.. r ()) 1 t 1· () \ 1 ('l's \ 7 cl ) } Ll } I (> • f>1·,,llal,J,\ 7 !1a. <>11<1. '1'11(• l,c~s1 ' '"H)' j r,,1· thP (l,l,1(•(>118 rlll<I 1})(.l J>,1 S1<> J' 1,1 <·c,11f'1 r tc,g'<•tJ1~1· <>11 ;i :-; J'riPJ1cll.v· a ln1 is a. J><,, :,,i lJ)P a11cl J'ra11kl,y· fnlt J{jJ)(lf)r (fj~<·IIS:-i il1c..1 ,lJ>J>Hl'< llf c r11 i8111 a11 1 c-011 , 1 e11 tio11 o,·er 1 orcl– ~ l1 i J), a11t1 that 11 011lv 1·e– ~·ig11 ec1 £ro111 it ,,·J1p11 tJ1p., ( 1 I~ \ lrc1cle1-. · reft1sc 1 to s11 1)1)or t J1i111 i11 l1iH stc1 11 cl for eo1111)lctr :c1)aratio11 fl'Olll el l OStcl8) 7 • ~C)\V t l1rlt J1i~ .'011 J1a.1 a('t'PJ)tecl a eall to il1r (1 ..\ RI3 c·l11LrC'l1 it is evi 1e1 t tl1at lie ha: follo,, 1 rc.l l1i8 father i11 l1i8 J)t·og·re:. to,,·a1·(1 eo111JJlrtr , e1)a1·,1t io11 a11cl ,,·ill fit 1·ight i11 ,, 1 itl1 tl1e }1io A . soeiatio11. c·a11.1e. of tl1e clis sat i.·faetic>11. If t 11 i. for so111P 1·raso 11 cl oes 11ot .·re111 ,,·i. e or l)l'clC'ti(·al, t l1 (l11 a c·on1- 111ittrc c>f t,,To or t11rec 111c-lv" b • c·c>111111i:sio11c·cl to n1rc)t ,rit 11 t l1r pa8tor a11cl lc1t(ll' r eport l)a<'l( to tl1r [ 11 11 < I i cl e o 11 cl t c• . \ '\ r l 1a t e \ ' Pr 111rt 11 o t 1 i.· a loptec1, tl1e cl1g'11it) 1 <)f tl1 c> of'– f i c e of }) cl~ t <) r s 11 o t 11 cl l > e 11 <) 11 <) r e1 c1. Xo n1attrr }1 0,v 1111\rortJr,· <l 111<111 ~ 111a~r ]1a\'·r 1 ro,·<)cl l1i111srlf 1(> l1 c' , \ \ ' ]1 i 1 ("' }1 r ~ 1 j ' l } l O 1 (1 ~ 111 p () r f i (' r () f l)clHto1· i 11r cl11tr<·l1 sl1c1t1 l <1 1·0rog· - 11 izP tl1is l)Osi tic>11. ~<)111illg sl1(>11lcl l>r clo11e i11 ,111 1111clrrl1,111cl r<1 <)r , Icee it f 11 l 111n1111 er. \ 1) c\ t i 1 i <) 11 :-- ti <> l 11 c 1 11 c > t l) P c · i r c ·11 l cl t <' c 1, 11 <> r n }Ii,· l1ig·hr1· ccl1t<·c1tio11 11a.· brcu <1t ~Joocl}' Bil1l0 I11 .· tit11te frc>1n ,v111c·h l1 r graclt1airc1 i11 1034 i11 thr (le11erc1l Bil1le ( 1 (J11r8r a.t1cl at \\Thec11011 '1o lleg·c, fro111 ,vl1ieh h e g· rct clt1cttrtl 111 10:">7 ,,, jt}1 a B.J\ . cleg·1·re i11 11 i:torJr. Si11ee tl1rn he J1c1s fi11 ishecl all reHiclr11t rec1t1ire- 111c11ts 10,,Tarcl ,i 11 :\I.A. i11 J~il1lieal I1i trrat111·e i11 t11r \\ l1eato11 1 c>] ]ro·e ( 1 l c-. • t"I rl' clC ll<lte ._-,c}1ool . \Vl11l0 ,1t ~loocl,r . ' 11 e se 1·,·e(l <>11 t 11 r )yrar boo le staff 111 rrr )'"Pclr.·, t}1e fi11al )'car a: I~~clitor -j11 -( <hief. I I r ' '' els 111ar1·iecl f o t 1 r > .. r a r.· a g () cl11 cl t J 1 r," l 1 a,, c-1 t, v o c· l1ilclrr 11- T1ria11, ag·rcl. t,,·o, ,1ncl I J(J ll i:..;e t,,·o 111011 t ]1•. rJ'J1e "\'\Tp ]] j11gto11 c-hu rC'11 is ,·er,, bell) ])}'" to h,r,'e a pa.·to1· c1g,1i11 an~l is a 1 rcacly pla 1111i11g :0011 to c-all for a11 ordi11atio1 C'Ol111c il to con– ~ic1er tl1e orcli11atio11 of 13rother 'r11lga . It i: cl g·ro,r111g· cl1ttrch ,,·it l1 a l)cc111tif11l J)la11t, ,:r}1icl1 ,,,a l)11ilt 1111cle1· the pct. to1·atr of D1·. lic>,,·c1rc1 (}. Y 01111g·, a11c1 clec1ieate] la 't fal l jt1. t l)rf<>re l1r a,111101111ercl 11 is re:i:r11 atio 11 to g:o to t }1 e Fi r:t l~a J)ti.·t ( 1 h11rC'l1 of }allipoli ·. '\'\Te eo11g· ratl1late B1 .. otl1e1· T11lga 11po11 l1i~ ec1ll to . 11c· l1 a fi11e C'l1111·el1 a11cl ,,·i. 11 l1i111 ({oc1 s 1·iehr. t l>leH:i11g·. i11 hi . 1 e,,T ficlcl of lclbor. src·rct or 1 11blie 111eeti11~f l1e11 1111- til the J)astor l1as l)ce11 111,1c1e f111l, 1 a,,·,1re c)f tl1r . tep.1 to l)r tal{e~ . 'I 11 r . i 11s of a 1) a8 tor a re 11 o r x- <·11s<-1 fc>r f11rtl1rl' si11~ 011 tl10 l ,1rt of tl1e clc',1eo11 · a11 c1 111c111l1e r , of 1 J1e c·l1 t1l'c·l1 . ()11e Pel.'>'" ,,·a)r to h:ill a 11,t~t(11· n11cl l' l l 1 11 } 1 j S l 11 i l list l',\· is t C) r 11 (·0 l 11'H g· ) H ~J)i1·it <>f eritic·is111 or hi111 . It clc1c'811 't 111,1itcr ~(> 11111c·l1 ,,·l1c1t is <·ri1ic:i zrcl- tl1Prc ,,·ill ,11,,·n,T~ l1r • (>t hc' l'~ 1<) jc1i11 i11 . ()11c' 1nn)· <'t·i1 ieizr }1i : ))l'('HC'lli11g·: IIQ ll"('" 1() (_) llllt(·l1 ~c·riJ)t11rc 01· 11 <'\ clc1e..:;11 't ll"<' t1llc)11g·l1; }1 l' ]1 l' C' H <• } 1P s t O < > l < 1 l l µ:, () r 11 f' ( 1 011ti1111ecl <)11 l)H ~r 1~ ) SSIONS with your lle lp tl1 FELLOWSHIP OF BAPTISTS FOR HOME MISSIONS l{t•cl1t11·rh 111eri('~ \\•itl1 • ~ t>tln<I IJaptist ., l111rrl1es P .O. Box 455 Elyi·ia,, Ohio