The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1959

-~~---- THE t)HI INI1EPENDF.N1' BAPTIST Novcmb 1· 1959 • een- ICS \\.it/1 Poul Goude,· a11d Dale Ha1·1lng<.>1-. Sharon Baptist C1iurcli. Sharon. Pa . 0 ~l)\\T 111 .~\ rr s ' II()( I.J is i11 fl1ll s,,·i11~:, ,,·e h1·i:tia11 tee11ag·e1· l1a ,..... cl l1it. t ,-1~1~ ,1 l1 t1a c.l lJe~ic1e. l101l1 ,,·01·k. :.\io. t of the 1{ic1 ,v·ith ,,rhom .\.()l l l'll ll ~}lOlll t l )l'S r , · l')"' <.la)" (1011 t },.et kno,,· hri. t . l r OllI' p r 011al ,, it11t?. ~ HlJ1,· (•,111 l'l1a11µ:e t l1 e eo111-. e of their live. . I, e111t 1 111b(' l' 110,,· ~·011 cle l i<.:,1te l you1· 0,,,.11 ]ife to ~11ri t th i. pa ·t 11111111t") r ,1t c·a11111 ? '\\Tell , tl o11 't drop 011t 110,,·. Do 3 7 0111· ,,er3.. be. t to t c1 ll,. ~i11t•tlrt 1 l,.. , ft) , .<> 111· c·losr:-;t frie11d. al)o11t ( 1 l11·i . t. 11<l 1nost of all, • • 11, I'<,. l1p a. l1cl111e<.l t)f tl1P (}ospel. Bet l1a11~.....011tl1 R aJ l~v· ( l ro11ng - 1o,,·11 cli. t1·ic-t ) i l1ol cli11g· lectio11 of 11e,,· offi er-.. ,Joe P erkin. . fo1~111e1" PI"e. ide11t. ].' 1 a,riug f 01· tl1e a1·1necl f'oree.. . . . ,-o. pel J~ i l111-c of nf11. keg-011. l\Ii c: 11., i: looki11g fo r dran1atic - tale11ted ~'"01111g 1)eople to 1)1a~" part. i11 11 p · 0 111i11g· 1 h1·iHtia11 fi l111. .... f; .._..\RB( 1 tl1111·e J1es 111 th 1 'i'e– :a11cl arr a c11·e . ta1·ti11g· exciting , · 011t]1 rall ie. ach 1nont l1. . . . • rf }1 p F o. ·t oria Ba l)ti. t ) ... Oll th F e l- ! o,~.... 11i p \\"ill l1olcl 1)a11el cli . 'll",– ~i o11.· <>11 ~"011th p1·olJlem.; e,Te ry· ot11e1· ~atl11·cla,.. at 9 :1.- .1\1., o,re1· • "\\... FC)B ( 14:3() l<e ) . beg·i1111i11g· Oc-t. :31. )f1·. a11c1 .:\11-. . ~Ja111e Frecl– riC'k 011 a11cl Pa. tor Tt1c:ke1 .. ·y~;ill l1elp tl1e111 . " TF B ca11 be h ea1"d <l ,·e1-- 1no. t of ... "'\"\T hio. 1" o 1 t , l g Pen_o le Lc er clc ,·. . . . Plac:e , .. ot1r a111101111 re1r1e11t. a11 l .. 11e,,... a 1·tie le.· 0 11 t l1i. pag·e e·\·er·y 111011tl 1. Dea lli11e i l Otl1 of the 111011tl1. ~ 1 e11d to Pa11l Gonde1· 210 £.\rth11r ~t.. l\fa.·11r, .. , ()l1io. lake • T ~IAil"": 'But \~tb,r . ho11lcl • . · 011 be • 0 clo,,r11-h ea1,tecl if yo11r , gi1,lf1,ie11<l aicl he ,,Tot1lcl b e fait l1- f 11l to tl1e n l ?' ' Jll\.11'I \ r: B erat1 e I'm the cr11art erbael{. · • _,Tl l),.. 1-I RD. Ther e i. r eal 11ee l for· tl1e J1ri . tian high- sel1oolPr 1o be at the top of hi. e 1 a. . . Cl et i u the H o 11 or .... oc i et ·y· • , t 11 c 1 st a,.. there . Do 11 · t i ear t 1 at • , <>11'1] c,,,e1·tax ,rot11' b1'a i11. p.,,.._ . .. . 1 ·1101ogi:t. te11 l1. that th e a,Te1--ag·e J)e1-. ·011 }1<l/ 1--1- billio11 b1 ..ai11 eell. cll1(1 ll,' e8 ()Jll)"' abo11t t 11 pe1· re11t. 1 <>11 ti 1111al l~.. JJ I'a).. f 01· ,,.. i.· cl 0111. I 11 \ "011r :t11clie: be cl c-1· clit to l11·i. t. • I(I D BR '"fH l~R : · Baa. l aa, bla ·k . l1eep ha,.. e J"Oll a11~.. ,,,.ool f ' ' BL 1 \ 1 I ~ I-I EEP : ' "\"\ 7 h at do \ 0 11 tl1i11l{ tl1i .. t11 ff i. , 11,.. ]011 ?' ' • • T ee11-1\g·e Topi ·: a hig·hlig·ht of >"Olll' ) "' 011t ]1 F ello,,... l1i11 e,re1·y n1onth . - IDEA OF THE MONTH - Tr,· t l1i~ i11 ,·011r . .. < )lJjeC'i i to pron1otP JJic-11ot1~ 'J)ot~ ,1 r o t111 cl i11 cli,.. icl11al ·. ,\"O t111g p eople 8 eirele. Htart a t1·c1tt c1i .~ t1·il)11tio11 an 1 to pla ·e sc·h<><Jl a11cl to,,·11 : a. ,,·ell a.· pa..: T1·a<·t 1 l t1 b. then1 i11 <·011- t he111 ot1t to •'ele ·t a 111 eeti11g l)lac-e ,111 cl c1ecic1 :i to 111eet 011e 01· 'e, ·e1·al ti111e. · ea(·]1 111011t 11. ffi ·r 1 ...· 1 1a, .. l)P ele ·ted a111 t1·aC't . :el ect ed at the fir. t .. or Pco11cl 111 eet i11g. ~f al{e a l)ropo. a l i11 J"Ou1-- Youth F ello\,. ·hip thi ,,eel{ to tart yo11r o,, 11 Traf·t 1 lu1) ! The r e ult are limitle . a I' ,r I~ X I~ J~R TO I 1 I) Y n1 t1ch a l)Oll t mv ·elf, l1a ,.,e I 1 ., \\Tell I ~ru . I'm j11. t a11 aver- ag·e high . ·hool kicl. Im 11ot J 1·etty th e ,vay Bo1111ie "'hatterto11 i.· . B11t I ha,,.e a 1ot of keen J1 .. ie11 l. any,,raJ"" . l glle l ha,re tl1e .·ame J) l"Ob– J em )ro11 do. 01neti111e. I think 111} ... folk 1·eal q11ee1 ... ' ' The11 again I \voulcln't t1'ade the1n fo r all t l1e rt1ler in the ,,Tor ld. I'm 11ot 'v\,.l1at , .. 011'd call 'hot .. !1ead ecl' e, ,.e11 if 1n,... hajr i lil{e ., tl1e colo1 .. of oak l ea,..e i11 fall. I lil{e to clo thi11g. ,vith ID) .. ., J a11d. n1al{e thing , yot1 kno,,r. _ y ot 0111~.. g·irl thi11g· ' but bi1·cl 11011. e , l)ool{ca. e. . a11cl n1oclel ai1·– J)]a11e:. ... 11cl I like t o fi . h i11 . ·11111111er a11cl ice . kate i11 ,,·i11t er . 11. , Te:, I like to 11 .. a\\' too. • l\1y bigge. t p1·oblem. I'm 111·e '"<>11 'cl cal l it j a , ,.erv common • • ,, 11 e . I,11 bet , ,.011 l1a,"e trot1ble • , ,r i t h it I i l< e I cl o. T'111 tall{i11g· abo11t n1).. tong·11e . F 111111} 1 that l l c h a little thi11g . l1011l cl be .·11cl1 a big p1·oble111. i 't . t 6l . n 1 . Bible , .,e1' e I n1al{e m, 1 dail,.. ~ ~ 111·a3 1 e1' cl eal ,, 1 i th tl1i. problem. r 1 'I fl' 0 ID p . al 1n 19 :1 rl Let t 71 c li'Orll · of 11iy >>l Oltfll .. a11cl tlie t11ecl itatio11 of 111y liea ,~t, be accept– c,ble i11- tlzy . iglit O Lord, t11y str·e11gtli. a11rl niy recl eenz er. ' B11t e,.,en . o 1 fail at ti1ne ". )Ia be v ot1,l lilre to lt110,,· a " . ~ ec1'et of mi11e. I l{eep a dia1~~... I lo11 't ,,T1 .. ite the tl1i11g mo t kicl .. c1o tho11g·h, lilre J oh11 eallecl 1ne tonight- hea1"'t tl11'ob. !' r . ' D c>ll g a k e 1 1111 e f 01· a cla te . . . ( 0 11t i1111 e l 011 page 11 ) ====================================::====~--= lVII Tl TTE 1\1 . . . \\.h o a11 111ake it to tl1 ato1· a11d ba k ,,,. ith a while the comme1'cial i re llo,,– r ef1·ige1"– a11d\\"iC ll 011 .. • •