The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1959
0 ,, , 111 'r --------- 'I'H.E 01110 INDEPENDENT BAP1'IST ------~.;,__-----~~~~~--~ Page N1nctc ' t1 .L\ 'I l{l Jj \ r \\ 1 ()~ l)]~J J~J~ 1 l J(J IEE'rI G 1 ( •011ti1111ed f ro1n page l 3 ) It e 1l l . S 11 l <' < \ < > l I I' l l l C > l l t 11 , l j 11 \ \ <) 1 ·]{ I I, t> t1t11c· lz)· is c1 l I l'o1· t l1e so11 f' ,Jcl) )]1etl1. l1 C' <'Hl lrcl 1111<>11 I e (l \ • (_') S (" 1 cl l' 1 { () r 1~ 11 l cl I } , l ( :v•• 1 0 1 1] l><>11t tl1r11. 'l 1 l1o~e ,,·110 l1 cl\'C l1earcl 1 111 befo1·e l,11 C' \\' lip \\' <>t tl<l l( Pl> s a\\ c1 lzc'\; ,1 11cl 11 0 clicl j11 st tl1at , t,tll(111 µ: ,1 lJc>111 l1i s l1arcl P:-t1 .;·ob1e111- Rcli g·io11 . lt src1118 tl1at 11 J(c 11t11elc)T t}1e)' l1 c1, 1 e ])ret1Jr n 1 tr 11 , r 11 at ,v e 11 a ,re i 11 () 11 i <> : oo. e rr1ig·io11. pop11lar r li gio11 c111,·e11ir11t 1·eli gio11 C1<)11f11srcl re– igio11 a!1d 1)0:\' erl ess 1·elig·Jo11. ti11ee J1 e 1~ a 11311,' e of tl1 e 1· rg·1011, 1e l{11r>,,._. j11~t 110,v to tc1ll{ to 11ose 111c>11n1ai11 J) eopl e a11cl s l10,,· ]1 e111 ]10,,, the)r 11rec1 ~Je. 11, (~}1rist 1tst encl of religion. Ham '\\ 1 a 1·epre~ e11tecl 1>~.. Re,·. reel " Ti1ner, ,,,ho pe11t 80 yea r s 1. Bapti t 'f icl-1\tf i. ion ,vorlre1' in ~1'ench-Eq11atorial friea, c111<l 10\\' i. Dean of th e Baptist .._"e111i - 1a1·}T of the Bible i11 Cle,,e 1a11 1. ~athe1', i11ce he i. Wl1ite, ,,re ,ho11ld ay he i 011r 1·e1 re. e11 tc1 - i,re of Ham. 111 hi p1·e · 11t ,,,01:'l< 1e is helping to train 242 N eg1·()f' . )f all ages a11d lJoth srxeR i<> .,ri11 their o,~.r11 people to a . cl\' 111g· <:110,,·l ecl p:e of }1ri. t. \'\Tith 111en1 t11 e111 otio11al r eligio11 ,vit hout ;al,·atio11 ha. i11 cleed bee11 a11c1 still tl1 e bjg·ge. t probl em . Tl1 e 0 111>' ,t11·e . Ol1r e of i11eorr1e fol· th i . ., l' 1 o o 1 i. a $ :- 1· e g i. tr ~l ti o 11 f e e ->ac-11 se111 e. ter, plt1 offe1·i11 g. at '\ach chapel ervice ,v hie h a,,, 1·– a ge abo11t $100 per ,, 1 eek. It i . ,·iclent that 1l1e . chool 11ee l s :11p– lJort from the ch11rches jnel11d- 111 o· ot1r o,,·11 White c-l1111·cl1es. He r-- ~ t 1· e.-s cl t h e J1erc1 of H • l1111111er ,,amp fo r the yol111g people, ince !he,r are not ,,,.orki11g f.01· i11te– f..- ra.tio11. b11t 1'athe1· to l1 el1) tl10 rc)lored People to tand on their CJ\\' Jl fret, r 1111 t h ir 0\\"11 el1111'c l1e.· , ,1 11 cl ,1eti,·it ie. . 011r SJ)eal{er for .. 1 l1e1n w,1s R ,.. <: 1'al (l \ T. j. 111 else1· R1111r1~i11tc11 l – e11t ()f thr ( 1 le,·e]a11cl IIel) l'C\\' :\Iis– ~,ic)n. TT e r eJ)Ort ecl that t l1 e.\r l1.acl ha cl m C>J'r pr·of es, i 011s <)f fa 1t 11 1 l1a 11 c,· r l)efor e -eight f<JI' the ,ra 1· . Tl1a t or1lv i11t1stra1r . h<>\r ~li ffi< ·t1lt it i~ to reac·l1 th e ,Jr,,, f'o1· ( 1 l11·is1. '\r et O\"er the ye<1 r s n 1·eal ,,·01'1< }1as bre11 clc>11P . Ile !old lie>,,, a ~T e,~.risl1 taxi clri,·rr J1ac] }>c 11 c-onvertecl some yea1'S i10<) llO\\' ] 1<1 l1a fl \\<>11 c1 ,J p,,·is}1 >-, ' !!flt11J1lel', a11,l 11<>\\' lie~ 11,tcl rc·,1c·l1<1( l J1 ii;; \TOt1 11,,. 1111clcr~t11<l ,T. Tl1a1 • I':"" • ., <>LIJJ<> lllclll ltrt<l l>J "<>llo}11 J{ t> ll ct lcl . ~ ~ . ;111c] f PC>llH J 1 f} f P7.11Hl' 1C> tJ1r 1111~- ( 1 ()111 itlllf'<I <>11 J)il !_!'P ~() ) - . MISSIONARY AND SCHOOL BRIEFS l\l()()l)'rr l 11 If ,l\1N tiI~l ll I) 'I 1 llJ·; JI)O ( 1 l TRT ..\ l j\1 i8 a \ ietory i11- cl eecl. rI he, r fil111: l1clVP lJC1e11' f'11r - 11iHl1 ecl ,vi111 (1c>1·1na11 H<)11 11 cl trcl<'lt~ ,111cl s l1 c>,r 11 i11 t l1e (l r rma 11 ref'ltn·ee M t·<11111>s <>f \\ 1 eRt (~ r. rman}' . Tl1err 1h c)· })l'O\' ecl S<> ef'l're1i\ 1 e i11 l' rnc· }1- i11 g· tl1 r. cli sc-ot 11·ag·pcl 1'01· ( •hri H1 1 ]1c1t S()111 C) I' 1 ]1 C' ll lll'<:]l e8 i11 Ji~ast (1rr111,tn.v l1 ec11·cl of' the1 11 a11cl \\'" <111t– t, < l t l 1 e 111 8 r 11 t [' <) r H l 1 o\, i 11 g· 1 l 10 r c. \Vo,1lcl tl1P.Y l1a, 1 t1 1o lJ e H1t111 g·µ: IP<l i11 ~ IIo,,r lo11 g· c-011l cl tl1ey be sho\v11 \Vi 1 )1 ou 1 cletert i 0 11 ,ln cl sc– , .. rr J)1 111i . l1111e111 for thc>~e that J1a(l s111ug·g·lecl 1l1en1? It ser111rcl ~o imJ)oss ibl e t l1a t re<111est ,,,as 111acl e to t]1r I~ast (i r rma11 g·o,,r 1·11- m 11t i1181e,icl a11cl m11 e l1 pra}'e1· 111acle t l1at pe1·111i . . i<> 11 vV<)111cl be ~r1·a.11t ecl. iO}) irs or the fil111s \\' er e R 11t, so th e of'f'icials co1111 see £01' t J1 ern . el vr, \\rl1<11 ,,,ot1 lcl b r . 110,,· 11 . If the 0111m1111ist.1 ,,·,111t p1~oo f c>f a J)rayer-a11. ' '' f ri11 g f1 oc1, here 1.l1ey ha,,e jt . TTe led t11eir own offi ·ial. to ~{1'a11t t11r sl1i1 )111 r nt aJ1d 11. e of tl1e film ! ,,T1~ 'rT~~ R I~Al:>'rINT BTBL1 4 J 001 j T1 E(1 E J'eport. a11 r11roll1nent Of 19 0 wit l1 17 (j O r t 1 em l't 1 l l 1 j Ill (l .,111d nt. . A male q11artet and l a lies trio a11cl otl1e1"' g·o. pel train. a1·e alreacly get ting· ready to . e1·ve t ]1e c h111·t·l1e.· of t l1 e Ba)' 1\rea of Cci1ifo1·11ia. Robert ...\. 1\ll en, i11- ~trl1rtor of .. '\1·ehaeology ha. r·e– <.'eived from tl1e l ~riti. 1 tf l l se11m a replica of tl1e Bla C' k be li. 1{ of' • halma11e. e1-- . TJ1e school also l1a. <l eoll eet ic)11 or ar'tifaet. l\!f r . 1\. l– ] e 11 ])el'.- 011all)r ro1l ected i11 :\ t l1 e Jiol v J;a11 cl a11cl th e ,. ea r· J1;a. t. ~fr .· ~\ 11 en p la11. to b11ild a sprei al rr111. ettnt lJt1 ildi11g 011 tl1 e c-am11t1~ j11 the ft1t11re. lo R .AD10 .1'\ 'l 1 EW l\fl . " :\ ::\f()~Tlij ARI JO . P n,11 B . Freed. pre. ide11t of the '\Toiee of Ta11gier an1 01111 c· eel 1·ec' r11 t ly that a 11_r,,, 100,000 \,·a t1 1111 . sio11aT')" . tat1011 i. 110,v 1·ead)~ to l>roac1east 111 l' ("hristia11 111rs. a~rr to E11r"OJ)e a11<l Rt1 . sia in 2 la11g11ag·es. Thi.. t,l - 1 i o 11 i s 11 e a re r t <) R 11s · i a t }1 an T c1 1 ! ~ ,>·irr n11cl is alsc> a safe-g·11a1'cl 1f ;he l\1orocc·a 11 go,· e1·11t11 r11t sl1ot1lcl Jll<ll<e g·o<)fl i1s 1}11· at tc> l)Hll tl1c.1 µ:o p ] from it . la 11 cl . l r\ T~ T~ 1 H 'I .\ 'r I~ 'r I ( 1 ~ 'J' 11 , ll(l\\ , - ra 1· Rool{ lS l' Pncl~r ,111(1 C'Hll br 8(\C'lll'{) (l l'l'Olll l1<1,1<l<f11Hl'1Pl'"' nt (. O f I ) e · 1 1•} J o 1 • 11 S 1. , ~ t t i 1 P h t ~ · I ~ • ( • '•) j }1 i (. H g·() fi f' () 1' * 1. I t l.' ~ t s () ..:./ II('\\ <•lilll'<'11<'~ 1}1n1 t'«llll l ' Ill tltll' i11g 111 last <lS8(><'1atio11,1.l .vc~ar, lllH l,i 11 g · t}1 e 101,1) 11() \V 887 (~if't~ le> l11iss ic)1 1s tota1ecl $:3,fi53,23f), ,111cl tl1 e t o1 a 1 fo r a 11 c·a11ses $J .. i ,– ~~ f1;j,832. 'r\ve111) 1 -rig·h1 c·t1 ll l' c·IJp :,;; ~!H \' e m <> l' <' t<> 111issi<J11s 1 t1 ~t 11 c·11r- 1· :) )11 c x 1) c) l s Cl 1 ' lVI()Jtl 1 ~ r>J <~ f~SJi}( 1 {T' l 1 I() 1 T l .\T ) < ) l j T J l\ 1 11 J 1\ . l\ 11 r \~a 11 g r l i <' n 1 e 1111 r c- h ,,,, as 1· e1e e 11 t l .v clestro yrcl b V a l ll O}) 1} l H 1 (' a I 11 C < l j J' Ce { l ,Y fr() ll l ,1• 11 ea 1· l >, , ( 1 a t }1 oI i <~ e h t I r e 11 , a f 1er 1 hry h<t~1 bren st irr c>cl tl p by t l1P 11·i~Ht. <>t 0111:v \vas tl1e JJa 1--tl y l)t1ilt C' l ll ll'<'ll clrst1·oyrc.l , bL1t G,f)O(J J,rif'l{R \Vere brol<e11. 800 1 0()0 B "\ 1:>'J' I ~'l, I~JBl ; J~ SJ•j fI .l r A T{1... 1\IJl MNJ . With a11 r 111·0 Jl111e111 or :39 1, inel1tcl ing 67 Neni o1·s, 1l1e ,t ll11nni or ot1r ,Joh11- :,.,011 ( ~ity . {'hool ,,,il l 11l1111ber ove1· l (JOO bv 1 ext "J1111 ! I t is 11c> t <>11 ly ,l 1 lat~ o[ sittdy l )11t of prayer . ()et. S to 9 a ,,·ee lt of' prayrr ,,ra~ (1 bser,,ecl, \\' it 11 Prof. Wm. I-Iop– \ve 11. heacl of the ~Ji~·.1ions De– J>H l't;11 e11t , g·i vi 11 g· a seri ~ <>f' m rs– :,., ages c> 11 a cl eeper prayer li f . Ti lE ~ TARl(Wl i-'1\TIIER.. J 1 J P l r l~RT RT '(). A fie r . er',•i11 g 1,,·o 01' 1nor e ter111s i11 V e11 ez11e 1a, J)c>l1o·l ,1 . a11cl J3 r11 lcl l1 J tarl<weat11e1· c11·c ~(}'\\' brgi1111ing cl ne,v ,,·01·1< i11 f>11crto Ri ec>. Their aclclr'e, : i 111 9 D g-e ta11 , 1 aba11a I J]a11a Ric> l)irclra . , f >t1e1·to Ri ro. ()l TR (~ l{]~.. \ 'I' lJI( {lI J>J{ fJ~~fTI' '\\T() . .Jim "'\Vill so 11 1·e1)01·t frc>111 ( 1 Pa r a J>ro,,i11 cr. ~E I31·az il tl1c:1i n ft er 12 year. of JJ1·,1ying they ~a\\' thrre Rtnl111c·l1 l>e1 i r ,·rrs i11 ,1 Jol'n l J)1·ie ·t, ,vho ]1,1cl tl1011ght tl1e 1--e \\' <18 11<> s,1l,·'"1tic>11 011tsicl or l I j n1 gr t t l 1 r i 1• <'>"es C) 11 ,. J s 11 s l1r·ist a11cl ecJ 111e <>ltt i11 01) 11 ('011- f ession . ff o\\'P\·er . tl1e lc)(·,11 J)l'iest •s I' ti 11 (l p () \\•(" l' r() l' } l i ~ (' l l t l l' l' l 1• cl 11 ( l i~ t r)'in g to t,11,P cl\\ H.\' ,1 l1ol lRP tl1e '\"\ 1 ill. 0 11s l)o11gJ1t l'or cl l)lH(' C of ,,·01·sl1i1). 'I l1e~· rr11ort t l1n1 t l1c\ \ "c1 ll,~,,c1µ:<>11 gi,·c~11 ]c1~t ~1)ri11µ: . t bnfor tllP., l'Pftll'llP<l . j" ,; ll~ ~ , , riPll ]1cl(·l(PCl \\itJ1 11 J) CO I)l l' f l1at 1l 1e) tl'Hll"'l)<)t't 1<) vl1ltl' e l1.
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