The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1959
-Ja11,1:l1, ,,111 bt' t)llr ~t,1ti.:·tic,1l 1.t1111 l>r-r rntltf'l' tl1n11 ·t)\<'111l>t'l\ ~() \\'(\ ,,111 llcl\t\ 1\\()1' ' tllll(' to get t , · <\ r,· tl11l\t' ()ru·n11i z t'tl «111(1 o·('t rae l1 . - ~ ~ SS\l(' l)\Jt ()1\ til\\t'. l lO\\ (\\T(\l', 1 llel' 1, 11 t r P n ~ f) 11 , \ l 1, t l 1 t\ l\ <.lit<) r s l 1 o11 l d • 11\) t 111 ,1 l,t\ 111~ 1·eport 11ow. l,ro111 )lt. fl. 1~)3 " to et. --1: 1~) ) ~. ~ 0111· f'(l 1 tor l1as s1)ol{c11 i11 ) e l1,11·( 1 l1es. l1t>lcl tl11·c(\ l~ible v <,11 fert\lll·es of ;3 t<.) ,) l,1.,,.s ach, • a 11 t l t , , o 1• 0, i , ,1 l R f l) cl tl , ,. ., t' a cl 1. ' ! l r 11,1, pi· ,l I l1rcl 111 e1·111on. , 9 1·,1tli o 111e... ag .. . 2 ordinatio11 ... t·licl rg s. c111d 1)olce11 at lea . t 20 t i111 t'\s to ela~L-- e . p1'a)"e1"" meetinO' <111(1 ~ 1 ot1th 111ecti11g . It 111ea11 that ;1 ftf'l' t,,·c.) ~ .. ea1' ~·ollr 1;epre e11ta- 1i, e 11,1 l)Ol{e11 i11 99 cl1l11·che , 90 t l f tl1 " 111 ,,·itl1i11 tl1e fello,, 1 l1ip. H e 1s lool(i11g for,,·ard to hi 1960 1·r1)ort. ,,·l1e11 l1e l1ope he \,·ill be t l b lr to 1·eport tl1a t he ha. . poke11 ~11 ,111 of 011r 112 chl1rche. . i11ce 11) i not a di t1·ict t1perinte11den t 11 }1 a t O l1a,re i11, 1 i ta tio11 b11t t 11e~· a1~e e omi11~: i11 tl1e Bapti~t \ \·a,·. • Y 011r edito1 .. ha tra,rellecl .956 111i)e b~r car a11d 1,606 b) 1 b11:-..:- 1(),56_ mile. at a o t of $766.63 t o tl1e a ociation. Office expen e l1a . 0111~.. bee11 $132.50 0 \\rith .,· 1.2-1-2.:3-1- tl1r11ecl i11 he ,va, able l<> ro11t1'ibt1te $3--1:3 ..... 1 to hi o,, 1 n ~ala1·,r. If more of the me(li11n1 '" <111cl larire chl11--che co11] cl 1·e111rrn- be1· tl1at all t1nday ho11orariu1n._ ctl .. e tl1r11ed in to the a. . ociation (t11d tl1at tl1e a ociatio11 i11 turn 1 ,1~...., him t a 1nile fo r travel they ,,·ol1lcl 1111cloubted]y g,i,·e 11101·e a cl t· o11 t1--i l)tl tio11 to the a::ociation . "\\Te fear n10 t rl1111""che. thi11l< it p:or . to the ec1i tor a11cl tl1in 1{: 0111 ~,. c\f 11 i. ga. oli11e a11d not of c a 111ile. The ._· tate repre:entati,·e ~11011lcl ha, 1 e a pecial 1nini. try to tl1e 11 e,,· a11cl ~ 1nall eh111--rl1e. ·that C'a1111 ot gi\·e more tha11 mileage a11cl ~·c)111et in1 e. 11ot tl1at: l)11t that i. 0111~· })O. ·ible ,1.' other, p:i,·r mor~e - <) l' g-i,·e reg11larly to the as– ~o ria tio11 ,,..l1 etl1er tl1e eclito1· eomP t o }) eal{ 01-- 11ot. The editor hope t o ]1e1J) .· ta1·t at l ea.-t 011e 11e,,· < l1llrcJ1 tl1i · co111i11g ~·rar. and that ,,,i 11 111 al{ e it a 11 the 111ore i m- 11cJ r t a11t to ha,·e r--egt11ar co11t r i– l)t1tio11 fro1t1 all of Ol1r eh11rrhes. Th e a. oeiation i goi11g· to t1 ,1 ,·e 1no1·e exJJe11. P thP roming )·ec1 r. ,111 cl "'o ,,·il 1 Ca111 p P atmo :1 11cl tl1e p1--o J)e ·ti,Te H ome . The rr1·11. t PP" of lI ome a11 d Cr1 n1p. c1 11 cl 1 llt\ ( 1 <)tt tt<·il tll' ' I,e11 1><>111 tli"'<'tt~~t'cl t J1i~ lllcl ( tp1·. ' l' }le\ ,, Pl' ' S<> ('()ll- • (. c r 11 cl cl b O\ 1 l t I 1 l l 11 r a i r l () ct(l 1101·11 (' l), so111 <>l' tl1e l[ <)111r a11cl • ( cl 111 l) 0 f fier1, .. , tllcl t l1 ry ,roted a11 111<'1'(',lS<' l'or tl1r.n1 of 2e a mile ,lll<l s11btraetell fro1n tl1e 111i leagr t l1r)" l1ad then1'e1,,. gotten. ()nly f l1osr 011 t11e.' e l)oa1·cl lr110\\' 11 0,\ 1 1n 11r1 t ra , .,el expe11 e there is a. ,,·r ll ,1._ g·i, 1 i11g ()f time to . e1·, 1 r ,, t 11· a oc i at i o11. It i. o11 l y fair lllcl.t th e. e1·, 1 a11t. of 0111~ ~ho11ld 11,1 \ ' 0 t 11 e c ost o f i ra,·el b <> r11e for th 111 , a11cl that . ome. lil<e the SIX NEW CHURCHES ·\\re ,, 1 elcome the six new cl111rche voted i11to 011r fel– lo,\' hi1J at ~ pringfield. They are: C:1·<1ee D,ll)ti t ht1rch, 1\tii11ford, Ohio 1 1 r·i. ·t ' l\Ii , io11ary I3aptist 1 l1t11·cl1 opley, ()l1io l 11 i1·st Bapti t l '1l1u1·ch Tvvi11 - b111·g·, Ol1io l~ ir t Baptist h111"ch. i-. 1 t1·011g - , Tille hio r'i1· t 13apti t hurch t1--3rker Ohio (:1·,1ce Bapti. t ~hurch. t1n- b11ry Ohio 'I'11 is n1ake u an a ·socia- t i(>11 of 112 cht11·cl1 e . We tl1ank (}c)cl and take ·ourage ! \T' ot1tl1 Dir·ec~tor I{egi.-- tr,11· ,111cl Can1p Trea ·t1r·er ,,,110 ,vear ot1t t l1ei1~ c·a1' i11 thol1 a11ds of mile t1·a, 1 elled ho11ld ha,·e the a111e 1ni] eage a · the editor . Then, a ]oc>l{s ,1l111<)st ee1·t,1i11. if (}od enable 11. to get a H o111e fo1' Re– tired hri. tian "\"\T 01--]{e1·s. 111a11 , .. • 11101'() tl'll, tee }}} eeti11g.. ,, 1 ill ha , 1 e 1<) be helcl a 11e,v org·a11izatio11 :-,et lll), a11d more expe11 e i11- c·tlI'l'ed. ~o 11ot 011ly ,vill the a:sotiation 11recl 111ore c1 [te1· g·rc1- t•iot1. l)r , ..oti11g t l1e editor a $25 ,1 111ontl1 1·"1i~ e. l)11t H on1e a111 Camp ,vill 11eecl 1110I·e too. TTe ,,·i11 11eecl ihe coo1)era tion of a11 c) l1 r a. . o · i ate cl ch t 11-- c 11 e. a11 d 11o t j118t <)f a11 i11te1'e~trcl 011e tl1i1--cl. Whil e the eclitor 1·ejoice. i11 ]1i. rai. e b eca11 e it lJr i112:. 11. tl1at m11rh 11earer to tl1e d,1,T \\'l1e11 • ]1e c·a11 t111·n hi job o,"e1· to a i l1]l time . tate r ep1·e. e11tati,·e. hr :.· fill ' lt10l' e i11tt11·p~f r ,l i11 St'l~ i11n· • I- -~~--------N--=-ov •r11 }; "r l!J!i!) c I l I 1• cl SSC> l' j cl t I < > 11 I, <' <' < > l l l j I l C,' cl I"<' H I . n ~,~t cr l1oocl of' ·11111·c·hc~ ,111d a r )a l 1)1'<>1 hrr11<><)<l ol' ])r rac·he rs t lia 11 i11 tl1r $1GO ,t rnc>11tl1 , 1>lt1s PX J1PllS<'s , tl1at li e iH to g·et . \Vr l1a,·p lc,1111 n 11<l s,1eees. r11lly pooled our r ; so111·e C\ t <) prov i d C' for o ll r v <> t 1 11 "' . ~ ])eople a11<l we ,,ri]l 80011 la1111(• h t) 11 t b~· r cl 1 t 11 1() ( 1 0 1 l 1r s cl m () r O 1· 0 l l I' ,. gecl ~ b1t t \\' l1a t are v\'e cl oi11g for ot11· ._ i~ ter c-l111rC'l1e. right her r i11 t}1r state ? .{\ 11d Olltside of giving· so111e to the Ji ello\vship of I3,1pti.·ts fo r· Ho111e 1'Ii. ion., ,vhat a1·e we (l<)i11g to L tart 11e,,· churche ? Every {)1\ RB jhl1reh 11ot i11divid11ally \\'OI'l{ing· t o estal)]i h a new c·l1l1rc l1 ot1g·ht to gi,,.e liberally to F 1 DHl\I a11cl t]1e Bapti t Builder . C 1 ll1b. I f tl1e a sociation at la t ~·et. b11. y tarting a church in ~()me needy tov\r11 too s111all fo r· t l1r FBTDI, ,,·e ol1ght to get l)c– l1 i11cl that too. B11t more ,vhat a l)o11t 11 eedy ch11rches right in 011r fel lo,,· l1i1) that are held bac 1< 01-- 111c1y clie for lack of . i ter]y h el}J r111 cl p1~ayer? Is11 t it j11. t as mi . - "io11ar~r to help a str11ggling t11 t11·ch a. it i to help tart a 11 e,, 1 011 e ~ The eclitor ha. 11ot b ee11 a. lee cl to . peak for an ~ T of t 11 e f e, 1>t11 a. he 1 as .. ee11 the neec1. l1e j ,· g·oing' to make bol d to men- 11011 three in particular: Em- 111a1111el Bapti t of Piq11a Rerlin H eig11t.. Bapti. t, a11d W e t ide BaptiRt of Lorain. The latter ha.; 11or1--o\,red all it can a11cl vet need~, • a l1eati11g ) 7 • te111 i11 talled b efor~ ,,·i11te1·. 011re it get. going i11 it ri11e 11e,,.. b11idi11g, it ,,rill ne~ d r1elp no l o11ger, b11t ,,rill cou1- tril)t1te in. teacl; but it doe· 11e • cl help right no,\ 1 • It . eem to J11s 111at thi i. ,,,hat a11 a. ociatjio11 j for to work in a ft1lly ·l;l o]4u11· 1,1r~· and yet cooper,tti,.. e w~;y to 11rl1) 011e another. I { CALIFORNIA HAS 1cT RIGHT! t The R eg·111a1-- Bapti. t 1\1 e ei\1ger. l)lll)li. he 1 l)y tl1 e Califor11i,1 1\ .. '11 of Regl1lar T~apti~t h11rche . p1~i11t. a11 a1·tie 1e b:i" R. E. ..to11e 011 The Ot1tJ·each of t11e C1l1111·cl1 t11at Ohio Bapti t mig·ht ,,rell 11011de1·. ... r ext 1110J1t1 \t\'e 111a)· ~omment llJ)o11 it, b11t ,,yhy 11ot po11der it ~ 1 <)111-. elf a11c1 tl1e11 ,,,rite tl1e eclitor and tell ,,T11at , ... 011 tl1i11lc • cl l)<)ll t it 1 • Whv (lo . o n1a11,· of 0111· · • • t l1tt1·c·lte1s 1,l<'l, 111 0 , .. i .· io11 of ·t,11't-
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