The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1959

8 ] R \ 1 :I~'... n1 EPI~R E Rl;J1" . 8 ' 1 J j ·.1 ,1 ( Zt111d,·r, 1 n11 l)lll lisl1- • • :-ill l. • - i11_g lI tts , ra110 R:ll>ids. 1icl,. 1.75 In tl1is <'ck tl1 ,vritcr l1~1s l)ccn a1 •ft1 l t t 1t1 l, e, r~\l t1a tc t 11 po,,·cr of l l'a\r "1" :-ltld llO\\ it r \ll'<'l~ \~ tlll\ ttn- 111 ast1 ra 1 ,ve~ lt 11 a11d po,,·cr of God t< tl,, l)t lie, c1 e, c1 al cl1ai)ters arr, ~l , ;lri t, of riptural argu- n1en't ~ on the importance and \ 1 alue of 01·p,t-..t "11t a11d co11t1nt1al 1-1r~1. ·er so 111t1 11 11t'gl "Ct ,d b, 111a11)·. It ,, ill be a gr at l1cli..1 in learning ho,v to pray, ,,,11(•11 to pra~ and ,vhat to pray for. * • • • THE DOUBLE l\11 D. B) Do11 J . Ken, on Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapid . 1ich $2.00) Her 1 ~ a11 e. ·pos1tor)? and devotion– al tttd,~ on tl1e book of J ames. I ~ is a contra t betv. een Paul's \\'ritin~ and tl1at of J an1e . re,,ealing fa ith in the ~igl1t of God and faith in the s ight of men Se, 1 eral chapters are devoted to the explanation of the double mind. It is a great help in understanding the book of James in comparison with other Ne,\' Testament writers. * * • • T\,'IG THE COLLIE. By Craig Mas– ev. (Zondervan Publishing House, Gra nd Rapids. Mich. $2.00) This book '\\'as a prize winner in Zondervan s $1,000 juvenile fiction contes t. It is a teen-age fiction story relating how a boy with many 00 EVIE lll 'ol>l :-. rn~ a11cl trot1bl fot111d tl 1<\ a 11 - "'' l' t ' to all l1is Qtt 'stio11s \Vl1c11 l1e tool, ('l1rist i11to l1is l1 ('nl't n11<.I \"i ,Jcl cl l,i~ 11£ lo l1in1 . It ,viii ll of great in tc r s t to tl1c vott11g fo lks ·very \\ l1C'r . * * • • l")R TIC' L JUNIOR CI IURC'II PRO- GRr\MS By Bess A. Olson . (Zo11- dcr,,an Pt1blish1ng IIot1sc 1 Gran(l Rapids, Mich. $1.00) Here is an excellent little book for tl1c J u11iors. The programs are so !let up in outline form covering in– teresting subjects that w ill hold the a ttention of young people and help l1em ha ve a grea ter interest in church ]ife and activities. * * * * l\1AKING YOUR LIFE A MIRACLE. By Ken Anderson. (Zondervan Pub– lishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich. This is an excellent little guide book for Christian teen-a~ers to a life worth living. It contains a variety of cat chy subjects with the obj ect of leading to an understanding of true consecration and service. * * * * THE OTHER SIDE OF ROME. By John B. Wilder. (Zondervan Pub– lishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich. $2.50) Here is a highly informative book on a subj ect of n1ajor importance . It i5 a book of facts on a syst em that basically opposes Scriptural teaching. LOS ANGELES BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AND COLLEGE DIVISION J ohn R. D ~ ;iki ,i, Th.D. Preside11 t THREE YEAR BACHELOR OF DI V INITY DEGREE IN THEOLOGY THREE YEAR BACHELOR OF DIVINITY DEGREE IN MISSIONS THREE YEAR BACHELOR OF DIVINITY DEGREE IN JEWISH MISSIONS FOUR YEAR BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE IN BIBLE OR HUMANITIES • A growing graduatf' school of Baptist pers1tcisio1i in sunn11 Cali fornia Address all correspondence to 560 So1lth St. Lo1lis Stree t, L os A nge les 3.3, Calif orr1.1a s 11 i () 'rl1e atttl1or l1 as beer1 l<i11cl anll gen r– ot1s i11 XJJos in g the pr sent J)re, ,Hl 11 t r a litics. of- a rcli~ious sys t rn tl 1 at ~ tc111~ls 1n opposJt1on to and rJis torts ~ 1bl1c,~l faclf; . I have read it wilh ,great interest and I c11n convi11cccl that it would be most helpful to n1a1 1 y r crh..lers. • • • • OF MICE AND PEOPLE. By B "'l ly Carlson. Zondervan Publishing IIous Grand Rapicls Mich. $2.00) ' This book is not fiction. but a variety of stories tha t are Chris t cen– tered and exalted Each chapter is headed with a Bible text expressing the influence Christianity does have on people. It is thought provoking ~r rl excellent for young Christians. No 011e can r ead it without serious thinking. • • • • YOUR PASTOR AND YOU. By Rich– ard W. DeHaan. (The Radio Bible Class. Grand Rapids, Mich. 15c Something every church member c,ught to read and think about! • • • • COUNSEL FOR CHRISTIAN CON– VERTS. By Pastor Elliott Horton. 5994 Ridge Rd., Parma 29, Ohio. lOc This splendid pocket size booklet P-Ood for membership classes or to give converts in the home. We are sure Pastor Horton is losing money on this booklet, so send him postage too. Xl·~\\.,. TRt ~~ 1 TEE~ ~\XD ..\ l\1P OFFICER,. ( 011 ti1111rcl f ro111 pagr 11 ) §.r i f 1. t O t 11 e i\ r (l ll10 r i c11 ( 1 hape1: h11t tl1is cloP.' 11ot mea11 tl1c1t 011r ,·11 t 1 r <' 11 fl s . 11 < > 11 l c 1 11 o t at t em }J t to 'ic11iiclatr t]1,1t cle1) t. Tl1e ,t111JJ Offeri11g·: fo1~ tl1 e llclJJel amo1111 t- 0cl to . (j2 .29. ,,Tl1ie]1 i. g·cJocl. b·- t even . o only $7,779.46 has . o fa r • been de. ignatrcl for the chapel. .,. \ n>yt l1i 11Q· a bo,·p ex11r11. rs f 1·0111 otl1Pr g·if t . ,,·ill c1Jso 1JP cll)l1l iP<l 1<> tl1 rlel)t, <>f t' <>111·sr; l)11t ,rr ,, ot1lcl lilce t o re f 111·tJ1 e 1· g·ift. ec>1t1e i11 fo1· tl1r el1apel . .\. TR{'fLY WO DERF IJ )fEETI)JG ( Co11tiri11ed fro,1 page 19 ) sion where the,y ,\ r1·e ,,·011 to Your INVESTMENTS • < 'l11·ist ancl 110\,,. are mi ionarie~ 111 Br·azil Ro1 ald 1111cle1" l1WE ,111(1 11 C>JlHrcl l111cle1· t11e {J le,.. ela11d JI e 1) r e,,T 1r i . ·ion. Th '" i11 t111·n • ,,.o 11 t 11 ei r 1 cl i 11 o] i · JJ ,1 r 11 t .. T1·t1l,T Oll r l\Ii io11a1·,r Ho11r ,,·,1 .· . ~ , ,, r, 11 < l .) rf tl l 111 Pt i 11 !.! . ' ( '011ti1111ecl 11<1xt 111,,11 t }1 ) - of SELF, PRAYER & FINANCES In HOME MISSIONS WILL PAY ETERNAL DIVIDENDS Reach America to Reach the W 01·ld,, lllAWATHA LA D INDEPE DEN'I BAPTIST MI~~IO S 1109 Ludington St. E canaba, Mich.