The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1959

' THE OHIO INDE~ENDENT BAPTIST - ------------ Page Seven ST OHIO PH C. KEMMERER, FIRST B FINDLAY IST, }1'i l' ,:t ~1HJ)ti st 1 l1t11·el1 of' fi i11cl- l a)' cl 1 cl 1 t t l 1 e i < l ct l ,v cl y ea11 i 11 o· . • ' r, n 11 '' 1 J)a_/~ t<)1: 1t1 t J1r J)erH011 <>f Rev. J{c1 l1)l1 ,. l, e1 11111e rrr 80<)11 c1ftr1· J>a ~i<)l' 1\I ~l,, j11 \Vr1el1 r eHig' 11 e<l <l ll (l }la(l 1 1111 J' Pcl<l.Y 1<> lcl l{e ()\re r <)e1 . 4t l1 tl1 Nl111<l <tY ,lfter l{ lv. \1-v l <• h f) r cl <' J1 e < l t1 i r-; f cl 1' <' vv r I] n1 s– s ,t µ; r ! fl p i8 cl g·ra tl t1,1t l f' r o111 the 1~clp1iHt I~il) IP .. 1 ( 1 lt1i t1,1r,.. or ,1<>111 - 8 0 I l ( 1 i 1Y, l . \ ~ ., i l l t f 1 r <' l H. '. • o f 19f>, , ,111cl SJJc>111 .· 0 111 e ti1ne 1111<lrl' t hr I~' e 11ow.·l 1 i J) <> f' 1 ,t p 1 i 8 t s f o 1· I I 0111e :\Ii. s io11 .· ell "'\\ i11cl .·01· fJorl<.", ( 1 <> 1111 . He ,1 11 1 l1i .· wife ( ;c1roly11 a1·e b otJ1 g· i ft cl n1 t1Rj e ia11 · anc1 1}1 s tale11ts ,,,ill ,1clcl gr atly 1o t l1eir worlc. \VP ,vill a l \\ 1 a\"S re- • J1 1P111l) e1~ l1 is orcli11,1tio11 i11 ,Ja11l1 ar) 1 <>f 195 at tl1 e F 1 i1·. t l{ar)tist ( 1 h 111·('h o f' (1,tlion ,vl1e1·e hr c- ,1me t l1ro11 g·l1 ,1 g ·1·t1 li11g il1colog·iC'al r x fl 111 i 11 cl t i o 11 s 111 i l i 11 g· l y . I{e, 1 • a11cl l\I rs. Ke111111 rer }1,1\· ?l lat1ghte1· , .J ,1 r11i e ~ •11r, ag·ecl l ~) ll1() lltl1.· . T}1 y el l' li , 1 i11g· at t}1p }Ja1-.·011ag·e, ;3 14 J. 1 i1-. ·t ~ 1 treet. L. GEORGE HUNT, EMM ELB IST, TOLEDO After 10 110· 111011tl1 f })1·aye1· - £t1l e ki11g· t 1 e I~1nn1a 11 t1 1 B,1p– ti. ·t ~hlll'Ch ext 11 le l a tall i o Re,,. I.J. ~eo1·g· IIl111t pa. t or fo1 .. the pa t eig·]1t year. of th Fi1-. 1 t Bapti t hl1rch of F lt1 hi11g .1,... T)eaco11 Rav , vindon ,vrit . T l1e ' Lorcl ha ble eel Olll" p eop] e cll11·- ing· thi i11teri111 p I'iocl a11 l ,, 1 a1 .. e conficle11t tl1at t11e ,,Tork at Emmant1el will ·011ti1111 e t o prog·r e t111cl r tl1e 1irectio11 of t.h e Holy pirit a11d the l acle1·– ship of Pa. tor I Il111t. Tl10 e of 11 . who lr11ow Brother Ht111t ,, 1 ill (•011 ·11r i11 that j11dg·me11t and p1· - <liet a ble: e l n1i11i tr~.. i11 a p late of r eal opportt111ity. Rev . L . 01·g· Ht111t ,,-r a , 1)01·11 a11 c1 educated i11 a11a la , bei11g· a graclt1at of t1 e IJ011 Jon Bibl 1 11- stitute th e1·e i11 1940. H e 11 e l cl two pa. t 01·a te. i11 a11ada fo1· 5 a 11cl 6 year. each a11cl cl1lri11g t l1a t ti111 TED CARY, FAITH BAP'I'IST, VAN WERT Rev. ... .1\11 tl M1.. ·. 'I'ec.1 C(a1·,, of ., IIa1· \ 1 y Illi11oi.· ha,,e c·o111e 1111 cle1· ' the a11spic·eH of the r "ell o,v. ·l1iJ) of . Jiapti8ts f 01· II0111e 1\1issions t o e.·tahli8h a ll fl\V c·ht11· c·h i11 Va11 \\ 1·t, an<l alreacly a g· r o,, 1 ing· f!r<)UJ) i.· mceti11g· 1·or ~'11111<.lcty S<'l1c)c)l ancl a f'11]l .·cl1ec1t1l r of ,,,or– KJ1ip a11cl )'Ot1tl1 .·e1·,,ieP.· a1 1hr \ 7 a11 '\Vest A1·n1ory. I Jc111 <l ltclS a] - 1·e,1c1y l> 11 l)l1r·c'hctS<!<l <) 11 irJ)Ot'1 , , ~n,1e c111cl a~ ~C)O l1 a8 J> <J~si l)l r. a 1 J 11 i I cl i 11 g· ,,, i 11 lJ ('"' P 1· c, c- 1(' < I 1 I 1 <' 1• e . l"H"to 1· ;-1 1·.\ 7 g l'C"'\\ 7 ll l ) i ,t JI, 1· - \Tc.ay , I lli 11 <,is, w)1 i1·c.1 l1P ,,·as <·011 - '\7e1·te<l a11cl tt11it ed \t\' itJ1 1l1e I• 1 i1·st Ba111 ist •f111 r <' l1 , 111 I ac·11, r ly · • 1·,rcir] H1 a Sttr1<IH.Y b<; l10<)] t •,1<; }1 e 1· a 11 cl tl'll8t e fc>r a )lll lllb e r ()f ~rea r s . 1'l1is lccl t<> la)' }) l' <-'ct<·l1i11 µ: ,:1 11cl t]1e11 10 a c-,ll l to 111 111i 11 i"tr,\· , ,1 11cl tc) tl',1i11i11g· at tltP B,t1)tist B i bl r I 11 ., t it 11 t c <) f O 111 a l 1cl , N <' - l) l' H · 1 { H . \ , .,. l 1 j I p t l 1 (l l' c 11 (l • (l l' \ . (l ( 1 cl s a : t11 cl e11t J),1sto r j11 cl ._ 111,lll ~ i1111 - rlc1 \"' sC' l1 oo l ft11cl HH\\' it g·ro,, i11to H .C' l l lll' C' l1 (>f' 0, 1 1' ]()0 lllflllbPr~. If<> also se r,Pcl ,tt tl1e () ])<'11 J) clC>J' Ii ssic) tl i11 ()1r1,1h,1 . l{e\r. ,l l l(l ~fr8. t •,1 r., lt ,l\l1 l'<>lll' <' l 1 i 1 c t r p 11 , , t 11 cl r c,s i < 1 < 1 H t ( > I ~> S < > \\7,1 ]11 111 N1 1're1 111 \ 7 ,ltl \\rp rt . '1, fll') 7 Cl fl8fl l' \'P <>ll l ' J>l'H)l1l'~ cltl<l ltel1; i11 1ltis ,, <>1·1, 111<>~ nrc 1 ,1t - 1 c 111 J) t i 11 g , v i i I 1 , e 1•.'' I i 11 I t' l) l e <1 g· t' < l S1 l])))Ol't . 11P l1)ecl t o stabli: 11 tl1ree oth r J ~ cl p tis t C' }1 t 11· t 1 es. Thi : i: 111 l - <lo11lJtecl ly tl1 fo1111 latio11 fo 1· l1i: g· r P<l t i11 t er . t i11 l1 o 111 1ni..· i 0 11ar).. ,vo1·k. '\\Tl1il e at l 11 lushi11g· he lecl ir1 tl1e bt1ilcli11g' of a $100,000 '111--i. tia11 Eclt1catio11 lJl1il li11g ,vhic.:11 i 11ot <)11 ly 1t . e 1 0 11 ~ ,t111 lay.· bt1t f 01· a ( ihri.. tia11 l ay .· r l1ool ,1~ \V 11. H e t <>Ok a11 aeti ,, part i11 th E111pir St<lt R eµ: 11lar l3a1>ti :-;t fi 1 ll c>,,._ . h i p , : 1•, , i 11 g for a 1111111 b c> 1' <) f , ·0:l1-. · 011 tl1e stc1t e C'l)ll ll t il . cllll l • <) 11 tl1e l)oarc.l of tl1 fel lo,,y.·11ip of BaJ)ti.· t.~ fo1· ll c)111<1 l\li.. sio118. 'r hi s fall lie v~' cl8 11a 111ecl e l1air111a11 or tl1e boa 1·cl of F,Bl-Il\f . R , ·. a 11 1 :\l r ,. I I 11 11 t ,111 t l t 11 i r f a111il:v· or t l1re l)o~i-s ,111{1 a g·irl ,,·ill 111()\' e tc) 'rl>le(l O ea1·l1· 111 • Xo,·e111ber a11<.l l1i ." 111i11istr,· ,,·ill ' beg:i11 X o, 1 • -i tl1. \\T) ,ve leo111e t l1e111 i () {) l I l' 0 }1 i O f <:1}} () '\ \ ' S]1 i ]J .