The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1959
Nov n1bcr 1959 --------- THE 01110 INDEPENDENT_ BAPTIST 1\ ' l l{l J;'t" "\\"( ) f) J~~ l{I~l JIJ 11 ~J 1~ 'I' I 1 (: ( '10 11ti1111rcl r1·0111 11a g·c (i ) t1c1l i. 11ot ea"·y. So111 p 111a,· cv 11 l1e llll8cl\re<l, b11t 111<\ll)" l)Ol'1{ ,1g·c1i11 111e111l>rr. ,1re 11c'\ 1 rrt l1( ll'HH c·c11 ·11al. ("ill'llcl l it)r l cl l.· t() l'lc 1 f'.i l l ])· li, 1 i11g· t 1 i ,· i R i o11 '" . e 11, r .'' cl 11 1 I) o l it i c. i 11 tl1 cJ111r·el1. Tl1e e11r Ii H i11 o·i, 1 - ,.... i 11g· 81l'C) l lg· 111 Ccl1 C\' Cll ir t}1cR b,1be8 ,va11t 111illc, a11cl i11 so 1) 1' ,tcl1- i11g· 1110 J>e1·so11 ,111cl J>aNsio11 c)f ( 1 11 ri. t that 0111· p 01 1 ,,·ill p:et a vi ion of li, 1 i11g l111to ITim. TE \,\ 01 .1. TIJ A I) OFFI~ER~ The 1 .. e1)01·t [ 111 e l re ti,111 ro1n– n1itt ee ,,,a. b1·ot1g·ht j11. t bef 01·r. t 11 e a1)o,·e I~ i bl e l\ 1 . . a g· e l)11i t 11 e co tin c i 1 officer. ~,er e 11 o t el 1 o. r 11 i11 tl1e co1111 cil 111 e ii11g 1111til later· l>tlt ,ve joi11 th t,vo 1~e1)o rt .· J1e1·e fol" 1 o g·i ca 1 l' ea. o 11 ~ . ~ i 11 e t 1 r hl1rche actt1all,T elec't tl1e ro1111 - • c·il 111e1nl er. a11d 11ot jt1. t 1101ni - 11ate a in the 1 ARB ,·ve 11. 11allv ]1a,re no ,rote at the a11nttal rneet– j11g>. Thi. yea1-- 110,\re, 'er. t,~lo 111 11 1·eceived the ame 1111mber of '"Ote. clam alt of "' pe11ce r anc1 !T oh11 Bal,ro of Cle,re1a11d. ..A. ,rote ' ,va taken to breal{ the ti e. a 11 ] Aclam Galt ,va. elec·tecl. ~ i11ee Brother Bal yo i. a pa. tor of a Jarge ch11r h a11<l aeti,,e 011 tl1 uoarcl of Bapti. t l\'Iicl-l\Ti . Hio11 . , ,,1 e are . llre that he i. )1 a ppy fo1· 1he way the , 1 ote \\te11t. eithe1-– ()f the two were able to l>e pre. - e11t, . o they ra1111ot be ac·c·11sec.l of rlectioneering. Th e 11 e\v Co1111ei1 of Ten i. made 11p a. fo ll o,, 1 • : Tern1 Expiri11g· 1960 Ho,,,arc1 0 . Yot111g Fir·st l~ap– ti . t Gal l ipoli . A1la11 E . TJe\vi. , Et1clicl- . rot– ting:ham, Cle, 1 ela11d George R. 0ib. 011. Cal,.. ar)r Bapti. t le,re la11 cl r:Por~:e O J\ refc. B1~oolc. icle Bapti. t. le, 1 ela11<l R. Ke1111et l1 .. 111~1 . e1~. Fir. t Bapti. t 1\Iedina Term Expiri11g 1961 T. Fi·ecl H t1s.· p,,, f 1 ,i1·st l>al)– ti~t, ?\Tilrr.; (J ] 1111 (1rP 11,v<JO<I. J1J e.·sPcl Iio J)fl, ~ '(pri11g fielcl 11 a 11 D a t 11 P J• 'r (l t)) p 1 <"' I~ <l J) 1 is 1, J) rJt·t~mot1th. ItH t•I V . \\""illP1t~. RPJ'P<l 11HJ)– tj s1 ~\cla111 ,\. :aJt l 1 "i1·~1 T1HJ)1is1 1 , J) l1 (' 1 • 'J'l1e fc,llr,,\ 1 i11g ,, 1 ill 1101 l)r) eli – gil)le t,, e1Pt·1ic,11 11e>x1 ,\(l,ll' , : i11c·p ( ( ',, 11 t i 11 t1 c) rl o 11 J) a g <1 J 2) - ----~~~~~~~~~~·~~ REAL PROGRESS AT li~xac-tly a J'e ,11· ,1g·c> l\f r . a11cl ;vf 1·s. l)a \· i cl l\Io lle1· a11cl el1i l cl r e11 c-a111e at tl1 ea Jl of tl1e I~1111n ,1 11 t1e l Bapti ·t 'i l1t1rel1 of 'l 1 olecl o 1 o ,,·orl< ,ts 11Jj s81011a1~ie8 cli tl1e J1.i 111111a111te l Bc111tist ( 1 l1a1)el 011 l{a~l111e1· BI,· 1. 111 ·' l)ite ol' }1a,· i11g t<> ,,·orlc t o Rll})})l e111er1t i11 ·c>n1e, thev ha\·e • 1011e n111c: l1 C'all111g· 111 tl1 r 11eiirl1- l)o1·hoocl <>f t}1p t,ro stc> r.)r stc>1·e l)11i]cli11g· t}1at is l)rj 11 g· l)o11g·l1t 1nany i111 pro, 1 e111e11 ts ha ,·e bee11 111acle i1 tJ1e b11ilc1i11g· a11cl \ Tclea– tio11 J{il>l e ~ el1c>ol a11cl l10111e Iiibl e c·ltib 111reti11g·s 11,1,·e ber 11 l1 elcl. 'l' l1e ,,·o rcl l1as irrc>\V11 tt11 tiJ tl1ere c11·e 2 ( 1 l1ri8tic111 s <>11 tl1P roll <>f !)1'08J)flC'ti,re lll(lllll>e1·s, clll{l six a,vaiti11p: baptisn1. Tl1 r 1· es11lt i. t J1at soc>11 a J)e1·111,111 e11 t org:,111iza– t i o 11 \\• i 11 J1 e e f r r e t ecl ,i 11 c 1 t l 1 i s EAST SIDE, TOLEDO 111issjo11 w ill t> e(•<J111e 1l1P I~ast <..; i ( 1(' 11 (] ]) t is l ( 1 11 l l l' (. h () r r J' () l r ( 1 (J . 11 \\ 1 il } b(l t]1) (' l'O\\'Jli110· CJJ' Til<lll\' M • ) ' C'cl1'8 of H1111clc1y sc· l1<J<JI r1ti 8s ic,11 \r c > 1• l( i 11 i h i H a 1• cl b 1r I ~~ r 11 111 ,1 1 1 t 1 1 • \' it h Hl l(' (' S,' . 1ig·t1st 4tl1 111e1 l\ l c>rl l r1·H l1ct<l cl 1· r r ,, i < > l l s J > 1 ess i 1 1 g· i 1 1 b r i 11g· <' a 11 r c 1 l ' ,l t l< to tl1 e i1' hc>rnr eh11r<'h, tl1~ I~Is111(lrr I3<tl) ti s1 ( •h11rc- ]1 of J~r– I cl Il g · (l l', I( .)'. ' r OJ' () r ( l i 11 cl ti() 11 . Tl 1 p h o111 e cl111rl'l1 , c1 11cl J> ,1st<>r I~:. \ r. ffo,, 1 eJl i11 partiet1lar, J1 ,1cl bre11 \\ ,1 t(' 11 i11g· th ir g·oocl \,·or]{, a11c1 !' r lt th0 1i1ne l1ac1 <·01n(l to e;i,,.e t l 1 is p 1· Pa C' 11 e 1 ·- me n1 brr t J 1 e fl 111 c·rPclr nti <1 ls of th e 111i11istr\'". "\\ P • ~ 1 t n pose i t l l 8 e 1 rss to g· i ,r r ,1 ll th 11c1111e.· c>f tl1e c·o1111c·il a 11cl tl1<>sr ,,..110 tool< part i11 111e <> 1·cl i11ati on t ]1at fo llo,v cl, si11 ee all h llt D1·8. 1) . B. J~a.· tep a11cl I~ . \ T. 1Io\\' rll , ·ol1 lcl l)e H1 ra11 g·ers to c>11r 1·pa 1- er s; b11t we l o ,,,a11t 11 i1n t o 1{110,,,. tllclt ,, 1 e 1·ejoiC'e ,,~it}1 l1in1 i11 thi. <;; i g· 11 of a pp 1~ o 1 / a1 t 11 at <'om e. from 111 ' ',' (l t]1at 1{11 0\i\" }1i111 ill his ll<>DlP stat . Ile is a ~r ra c111ate or Pi ecl – ' 011 t Bapti~t •oll ege of "\"'\'i 11 . ton– ! a le111. l. • • , \~.rith a B,t<'helo1· of Pe1ig·io11 .· Eclt1C'ati o11 cl eµ:rre. H r l1a~ alRo l1acl t,vo , ,ear~ of trai11- • th fl 1 TIl i \. 0 1\ l t \," C> f • • • 111 g· l ll • 111- (' i1111nti. 1 T n C) B. 1 J. T T l\ 1 I \ T,E ~ E .. 1 ~ i r~" • 1 tati. tie' s . ho\v tliat 10,000 l) ople arr l<il le l b,... 1 i<[llor ,vl1el'e 011lv C) ll () i~ l<illc>cl l>,~ cl • 111~lcl clog·, ) 1 t \VC :-;}1 c>o t tl1P tloµ: ,1 11 c 1 1 i ee 11 se t 11 P 1 i c 111 or. "\\ T I 1 n t se11. e is tl1 e1·e to thi: ? FOR YOUR SPECIAL GIF T Hear this n ew recording artist-Russian-b~rn, c:,nverted J e\vess. Rhea Marie Gershon-as only she can sing ' 'SONGS THAT TOUCH THE HEART'' 011 'l,RI( ... :\JI)II .....o. 1, 12'' :1:3t: 1 l .i .J>. t ,.Xl3I~F"• .\I( .. \l3T.1E l~EC '<)Rl) 1. How Grea t Thou Art 2. It Took A Miracle 3. The Love of God 4. Thou Shalt Keep Him 5. If I Gained the Worlcl 'l' I r l ' ~ I I > 1I :-; <J . 1. Be Still My Soul 2. God Cares Ior Me 3. Strange r of Galilee 4. Swe t P eace 5. It's 1n My I-I ar t 6. 'rhe Old Rugged Cross 7. Carry Me Bnck to Calvary 8. Beyond the Suns t 9. Precious Lord :.!. sa111P 1(i11c1 c)r 1~1~: ( ,()Rl) n. Bless This House 7. Rose of Sharon 8 Tell Me tl1e Story !-1 '"" er You Th r 10. God Was There Orde 1 tl 1 ese rccorcls ,ls las tit1g ~ifts for weddings, hol1rlavs. l)irtl\clc11·s. a11- niversa rics Pr1ec $3.50 or $7 for 2, l)os tage 3Sc extra. Se11d cl1eek. to R. l\1 Ge rs hon, 7729 Ranne 11~ Ave., Maple\, oocl 17, Mo .
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