The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1960

~,1~gu~s~t~l9_6_0______________________T_HE ____ O_H_I_O__ I_N_D_E~P~E~N~D~E=N:..:...::.T__:::B~A~P~T~I~ST..!:.___________________~~P~a~g~e~F~if~te~e~n 1 s" i l :N ..t \ R,)'. J~\ \T 1 \ I J LT J F R J'>R .L\.1rF.;R. R I R.~ \ I. 'iE ( 1 011 ti1111ecl £1·0111 pag·e 11 ) c111to11 a1· li,ri1 g \\·itl1 1 .. lati, 1 cs. is 110,,r tal{i110~ 'hot. tl1at are 111)0.:rcl to 1~eael1 ca11cc1~ ti. ~11 s l t 1 ro11g h h i. lJ c1~T 1)11 t 110 ·011- 111 e. i11 a , ,.e1~3r .. ~e1·iot1. e 1 clitio11. 1s l10111e pa~ t l", R ,,. eo1'g· {) - ee f e of B1'oolc. ic1e a11cl J\11'8. () - efe , ,i:ite l th n1 at I a,, 11po1·t tel r epo1·t tl1at th y l1c1, 1 e 11cv 1 .. 1 c1rcl . 11cl1 a glo,, 1 i11g· t . ti111011y 0111 a11J'" 011e i11 • i l<:11 . a11cl J) ,1i11. 1 e 1 .. ea. 011 j · he i hopi11g a11 1 ex- 1 ·ti11g 0011 to go h o111e to l1i ... orcl. }ift to l1el1 t11e111 i11 t i111 e ' great expe11 can be , n t to 1em at 2110 "\"'\T. Fir t t. Da, 1 t1- 01 .. t I o,,,.a. jf1\.1'1Y p A T R 1-\T_; IIA.1. T ES ( 011ti1111ed f1.. on1 paae 1() ) IfEl y. ARTIIlrR HOU!( of T111n– ate1 .. \Va. hi11gto11 ha been calle l > tl1e l\Ia1--a11atha Bapti t il1t11' 1 11 f ~ pri11gfielcl a11cl ,,,ill l)ro·i11 l1is e,,T ,,rorlc 110· . 7th . "\Ve ho1)e to a,ye a littl e 111ore 11e,vT al)ot1t hi111 ncl a I)ictl11'e for t l1e 11c-lx t i: 11e u t he tell. ll h e t1. ·ed to be a pa~- )r i11 the :\Iid-,,re. t a11d thc1t 1no.·t f hi. ,vife . 1 .. elative.· li,,e i 11 Ohio tlcl J> e1111. vl,ra11ia. :B 1 or . e, 1 eral ... ea11. · he ha. l)ee11 pa ·tor of the 1 ir. ·t Bapti. t 1 h l11·eh of Tt1111,vater \Ta hi11gton a11d l1a. tal{e11 a gr at 1tere. t i11 pron1oti11g n1i.. io11ary Tork. Ile ha trave1lecl i11 Gr e ·e 11d Ala.-1{a a11cl ,vbile there tool{ vonderflll pictu1· that h e ha: nade llp i11 al1dio-,ri:ual prog1·a111.· hat pre ·e11t not only tl1e l1i. to1·y 11cl beauty of tho. e two area:" of he ,,rorld lJt1t tl1e great 1ni --. io11a1·)r 1P '..\cl of l>oth. Ile has giv 11 lect 1r • )Cl'. 011all}r -,rith tl1 ese .· Ii lc.1 all OVCl' bP 1 nitecl "itate. i11 ehurcl1e. a11cl ·olJ ~ges a11cl . en1i11a1·ie.· a11 1 j11 11a 11y 11101·c l)y the a l1dio-, .. i.111a1 r1 ethocl. Tl1 r ed1to1" }1a: see11 t l1 e :.>1·oo·ra111 011 (J1· cc·e a11cl it ,,,a. rx- • I":) ra g·oocl. \Ve '"Tr lcome 1\lr. and Trs. [Jo11l< a11cl their fol11· el1il lre 11 to l1i <J a11fl ,vi. 11 them 1n11cl1 . t1cce~ t. •JJt'i11gfirl cl. f(J~' \ . ,7011,.\ r JtJ. ,.l!JLfjTl l ~l.11 of Ph i la cl P 1 J > t1 i a , I > p 1111 a. J 1 as l) e e 11 ·,111 <' <1 tcJ 1J1c ( ~al, 1 a1·y 13,11)tist ( 1 }111rc·]1 of ~Ol'\Va ]J{ <lll(l }1as a - · l1 tPtl , JJla1111i 11 g io n1ov ~ a11 l br.gin }1js ' ''(>1·1{ A 11g. 25th . 'l'}1i. 11 P,vs ,, as j11 ,· t 1·, <·Pi ,,c~c1, ,t11 c] , o ,ve ,, il J }JUl>– li ~}J a ft111Pr . f<Jl'V i11 t11P 11 ,xt is~llP. . \\ < ,, 1 i8 }l }1i111 ~llll<•}1 , llC e. S ,111{1 1,i,111., 1 J J •,., i11gs <J11 t l1 e c l 111r ·11 . SAVED! WHAT Ql1it o[t 11 111 ( 1 hristia1 c-irc-1 , 011(' lllcly l10fl l ' ,'() l ll(l 011(' 8<t:)T, 'c f }1111 sct\ 1 tlcl, a11cl 1 J)raisr ciocl fc>1· jt ! ' ()1· cl 1 oth r r ,,,i 11 Hay l ,v 11 1·c- 111 e 111 b 1· t l1e cl,1~r J vvaH. a, 1 rcl. ()r ag·ai11 1 p1·aisc Go 1, tl1at I eat1 ](110\\' fO l" C'P l'tc1 111 t l1at f <tlll 8c\,\ 'C<l ! ~o,,T ,,Tl1c1i tl<) t l1rsr people 1110a11? I.; 1 i1·Rt ] i 11s clcfi11e t }1p ,vo1·cl sa,,ctl. "\\T bstcr . a ys ' to n1,l l<0 Haf 1· 8 el11·0 the ,,afcty of· to 1·c.1.·– c·11e or c1 li, 1 er fron1 dct11g· - r· a. to 1·c . Cll 011e f 1·on1 a l)t11 .. 11i11 g· l)11il c1- • 11 g·. 'I'h 11 i11 t l1c g·p11eral se11. · oE the ,,,orcl t11c1·e 11111. t be i111p 11cli11g da11- ger t h e la11 O'er .. 11111:t l r ·og·11 izccl a1 d t11 r m11. ·t l)e .~0111eo11e al)] to l liv 1· £1·0111 the c1a1 ge1·. Tl1e e .·a111e tl11·ee ~011 litio11. ap – ply i11 the Bil)l · 11 . ·e ,vhe1 Jes11. "a i 1 'B11 t t l 1(\.: e thi11g· · I . ay t ]1at 3re 1nig~h t be . a vecl. ' T l1e1" i. i111- 11e11 li11g la11g J'. Th is c1a1 g·pr i ,· 1·erog·11iz cl l)y t h e TJorcl .J .·11~·, a11c1 Il e i. able to . a,r . f ex]1ort ) '011 t l1 1--ef 01.. r, t 11 at fir. t of all . 11111 l i– ca tio11. p1·ay I'S a 11 l the gi,ri11g of t l1a11g-. b rnade for all n1e11 ; . .. Fo1· tl1i8 is g·oo 1 a11cl aeceptal)]r i11 t l1e sig·ht of (iocl c>11r ~aviol11>, ,vhc) ,,·i ll l1a,,r ,111 111 e1 to l)e . a,re ], a 11cl ro111e 11 11to thC' l,:110,,·lp(lg·c of. the t 1·11 tl1. \\ l1e11 (; ocl SclYS l1e ' \\ 7 ill h a, 1 c ._ al] 111(:111 to l)e . cl\ 7 eCl,' J1r \\ 1 ho lt l lO\\\ ' all thingi-; i.· a\, 1 a1·e tl1at there i.· cl a11ge1' al1 eacl for all 111e11. o,,r t l1 <:) c111e~·t io11 i. "\Vha t is t hi~ c1a11gr1· ? 1\ gai11 ,,~e 1·ead fro111 t h r ]3ib1 e, "\"\ l1osoever sl1all s"1,~ Tl1otL fool ._ DO YOU MEAN? Hl1all l)r i 11 c1a11gc r of l1cll fjrr . 'r}1p \Vi 1< cl sh,t]l ]) ttll' Jl P d illi C> l1 r ll , (1nd all natio11s that f c) r grt (: ocl." ' ' 1\ 1 cl w ]1 osoevcr ,va s n oi fot 111 l i1 t h bool{ of ljf ,vaH east i 11to th lalre of fire.' ' T l1 c cl a11grr t h c11 t h at Cl ocl sees f }l(' l 11 o' ltl<' 11 is the la11ger of h r1 J fir r- a l)laer ,,, i1 er c the .·011] c> f 1n,1n ~l1al l . t1ff 1· 1111.1p a l<al)lr tor111e11 t tl1ro11gh 11t, the e11cll r&~ ag·rs. ot 0 11l 3r cloes 011r 1 rcator~ ,,~ho l{now.· :-111 tl1i 11g-. · • Pe th da11g·e1.. lJt1t hr eri . 11t to me11 a11cl , a).r, , ' I1ook 1111to 111 e an 1 1> y .·av cl c1ll thr e11cl .· of the earth: fc)r 1 a111 (locl, ,111cl the1~E i. 11011 e el:r.' (~ ocl see. th la11g r tl1at all 111e11 face ha. a11 l i. . ·till . 01111 ling 011t th '"'ctr·11i 11g· of the cla11g· 1· ancl h e i:..; f11lly ab] t o sa, 1 0 a 11 n1en f1, 0 1n t l1 cla1 irrr be at1~·e 11 e js (}ocl a11cl th r 1-- r i.· 11011e else. 1-r et he ea1111ot ~,L, 1 a . ·i11gl 011r of 11s 1111til ~ 1 0 1Je- 1ie, re his "\"\To1·d, h eel hi .· \\Tar11i11g. ,111cl ar·e ,, 1 il ]i110' to lJe ~ avecl by ac– <'P J)ti11g· tJ (\'US 1 )1ri8t a . Olll' ., "a, 1 iOtll,9 H 11 cl I.1orcl . •J.; or C4o 1 Hr11t 11ot l1i.1" 011 i11to the ,\ro1·lcl to eo11 }e11111 th \\'Or}d; l>ttt that the ,,·oI·l l tl11~011gh hin1 111 ig·h t l>e , ci-,rccl Jo 1111 3 :17. 1 I o,,r ea 11 I l)P sa , ·rd f 1·0111 tl1is i111p 11 cl i11g clc111g·er ? }oc1 .1 a)"-· Tl1a t if t ho11 s}1al t eo11fe.-.· ,,rith th,.. 111011th ihe • l.1or cl J c-\ ·11. , a11 cl 811 alt be lie,,e i11 tJ1i11r l1ea1·t that. (1ocl l1a. 1·ai. etl l1i111 f1·0111 tl1("\ cleac1, tl1ol1 .·halt l1e sa,,.ecl . For ,,Tith the l1ea rt 111c1 11 be– liE\' t l1 1111to rightco11s11c\s; tt11l ,,·it 11 tl1 111011 t 11 eo11 f essic>11 i. 111}tclr 1111to .:al,,c1 tic>11 ' ' Ro1n. 10 :9, 10. The Golden Gate to Christian Service On our beautiful campus overlooking San Francisco Bay, high school grads can obtain- A CHRISTIAN EDUCATION FOR LIFE AND ERVI E. B.A. and B.Th . degrees; Bible ~aj.or with ~inors in Th eol~gy Pa. toral Education, Christian Education , M1s. •? n , Mu 1c, Greek , octal c1ence, Education- P ychology, or tlte Hwnamt1e . Co- operative program leading to B. : ~d ~ · . degree , al o B.A. and M.B.A. or M.S. degrees in Busine Adn11n1 trat1on. Hill and Elm Write for free catalog, D pt. I ACCREDI'l'E:D. AABC W TER BAP'l'I T BIBLE OLLE E Rev. I I. O. Vat1 Gilder, D.D., Pre ide11t tJ:eets. El errito, Cal.