The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1960

A~ugu~s~t~1~9~60______________________~T~HE_;__i _Q~~HIO.::;._~IN~~DE~P~E~N~D~E=N~T:.......:B~A~P~T~IS~T::______~ ---------------__..;.;.P~a~ge __T_h_r__ ee BOW NATIONS FALL 1{) 7 J{a l1)]1 ' I . Ol'cll ttll tl 1 r e,t1 11 ,tt io 11 :-; t it> 11 c>t tli r cl .· 11cl<Je11 cl<1,1111 }~p 11 r ntl1 H<> l l l P c· aic1 el,rs111i cs1rc> l<t'; • 'l' l1 v ·111c) tl1 P r 1'1·0111 ,t lo:ss c> f , 1 it c1l lJr rc1 th ~ \11 cl RlC<' l) 11ll'()llg' ll el1 ,1ll (' ll g'PS tl1 ,lt \\' C> lcr 'l' l1 ei1" f,11 }1 l'H 1 o l1c' 1· c> ie Hclerifir L"' 'l l1cy 1·ot ,ls clc)C'8 a cl)ri11g' oal<, 11.' lllC' ll \\ 1 }1 0 \\'ill 11 <)1 l )cl)r t}1 ' lll ()l' cll J) l'i t'P. -'\ 111 tl1·i ec1 srL"' ll lN Jell' to i-;t r o11g· t c> (li r · .r\ 1tct<:k:, 11 0 fo r <1 ig111·0' ,,ro11lcl larr · I1t1t i11 h c' 1· l1c)<ll' t t l1c' g·) r111:-; of f<1il t1r li r 11 <.1 g· r o, v ~ ,111 < l f r ,,, t l 1 (' rP l) <' , ,, h o e,l r P ! [11 Hrh oc1 l <111 ct liP11 t r e cl is o f1 t' ll lclt1g l1t 111 }) lllJ)i18 t<)O, t l1e 11 ,,, <J11it e llllcl\\'<ll' t' ; 111 l1alls of st,lt c 111 \ i rait c) r s cl )Pcl iH , ,,1·c1u g· l1 t ! II o,, 1 C:clll ,, 1 e: sti1· tlii~ ear elC'.'S l)Hli ' llt 11]) llo,,, g,1t l1er f'1 ·ict1cl ." ,t1·ot111 cl to l) l'cty 1 ? , Vill 0 111· 1:\ 111er i ·,t cl1·i11l< il1 L>i11 e1· C'tlI) Of t1·t1 r~ 1·c1)e11 ta,11 · l' e tl1c 1,ly f 1· 111e l)' 11' J>a.·s tl ? \\ ill c111eic1 i R o111c l' 1110(1 1'11 f1 J' ct ll C ill their 1C 1 a ) r A\\ral( 0111' l a 11cl cl ll 1 l)ri11 g t l1 l PSS() ll 11 () 111 {' . KENNEDY SPEAKS Not ,.J 0 1111 l,llt 1 1:rrcl e I ])ecll<~ t o u. . II e i · pre. iden t of t l1 A 111e:1·ie a11 ( 1 ot111cil of 1 h1·i. tia11 C 1 h 1 rC'h r:-;. lic • . cl\".' : 4 '1 1 he battlr ,, 1 a s l lP"\'"PI' l'Hg· 111g· 80 . f ie1·ee ly a . 11 o,,r . . . .1-\ . t 1 i e- ber g>, ·11l);re1· io11 of 0 111· } 1 clitl1 a11d F r eeclom i hidcl e11 11i11e te11t l1. lJe– Jo,,, tl1e ,'ltJ•fa ee . . .. rl'o 1}1<' 1l'lJ)1C P1 emi()s of t he 1 l1ri. t ia11 faith– l\lfocler11 i. ·111 1 on1111 l111i ·111 ,t 11 < l Ro- 111a1 ( 1 at holici. 111- 11t1. t he ,1cl ded ' I -cl oi-1 't-c-ar e- is111 . 1 a11 it lle tha t ,,,e clo11 't car if t l1e te. ·t i111011y of (Jhri.· t a 11d IIi. lJl tl.1.· ecl ,e 08J)e l a1·e 1111clr r111i11e l? .. . T 1· a(l i11 a 1·cee11t J)aprr· a11 i te1n , vhi ·11 Cfl 101P< I rl I t tt – cle11t in 1a. t r o .· 11lJa, a tl el ct"l·,1 t r tc> t J1e Lati11 .t\m riC'a11 Y 011ih Con – g·rrs. i11 I-Ia, ra 1J a g·i,,~11g· t l.1P ,,~,tt ·1.– ' \"or cl of tl1r )routh of IJa t 111 111.01 - iea -' I1atin 1\111rri ec111 Rr , 1 0 1 l t t 1011 or < l a 1 h . ' If \\ 1 e <' o 11 ii 11 u r to cl o not hi 11g f<Jr t J1e 11cxt te11 ~vea1--·, I grrHt l y f Pa1· t }1at <)l lr. f r e(lclcJ111 to prea<' 1 t l1is 1os1)t"'l ,,,ill l>t1 g·o11e. · II c·;.1 l] s fo r }1 ]p t<) , r11cl 011t 1n<)l' ~ a\val<e11i11 a Ji tc r ai tlr<', f oi· h . f 1 O(JO ra] liC's c1c· 1·oss 111r 11,1t1 0 11, o r ,t' ft111cl a111C111 t cl l ) ' 011111 1110, P1ne111t f'<>l' }l \Ve]] a1tPll (l C'c} ('()tl\'()Jlti<>Jl ( ) ('1,, ~f> ~8 at ( 1 }1a r1 Ps1011, \\'. \ ' ,1 ., ,1 11cl f<,r· 1nc)1·c hc 1 lp fc) r c- J1i1P. fs 11( 1 11ot tight i11 CX J)C!(•i i1 1g· {)1,11,. e }1tt l'C' l tC'8 iJ ) 1 a J) a . 1 () J' 8 i 11 t J J (• \ J l) (> J' J(' cl ) l (' () l l1l - <·iJ sho11 l c] sl tJ) l )C) l 'l t J1<1~P fj\'P g· cJ,t l£? J f as11 't 1 ) 1~. R .. 'J . l{Ptc· l1c1111 ,1J~o l,, 1 , 11 rig}1t t }ics, J,1s1 12 .v·pc1rs 111 raJ]i11g tt J)f>Jl ,11 1 C' l11 1rc· }1e8 a11cl J) ,18- ' 1< I'S c)f 1J1e <1 .t\ ll lJ(• 1() S ll JJJ)OJ'f t l1P \\'O r]c it, is cl <)i t1g I NcJ\V J><><)t' l 1 1 c1l1,Ji l1as eo111J)cllrc l l1i111 to l'(' lirP to a leR:-; ~t.l' P ll l lOlLS })Ost clll (l J)1' . }>,l l ll ~J a lr– H011 11,l H S {P l) })t"'(l j11t c> t}1 J laee Of' l ra cl<\ r shiJ) i11 1110 (}1\l~l ( 1 • 011g]1t ,vc 11 c) t to S ll] ) J)C> r t l1i 1l1 ,,·it J1 our J)ra ye1·s <l11cl g· ifts .·o l1e l'c1 1.1 co11 - t i11u c> i c) le,1cl i11 the ex11clll 810 11 of tJ1i: g·1·0,,ri11g· 11at io11,tl fe ]} C)\\ 'Shll) <>f J3ible l) )liev 1·s ? r f ct thi1 1g· i.· ,,·c> l' t l1 b lo11o· i110· t o i ~ it 11<)1 ,,·c> r t h Sll J) - h C'I • • • 1 01·ti11g '? I [ t11e ,,ro2 ·l cl ~1tt1H l l () l l ~s as s .)1·iot18 ct:-; f) r . K c 1111 ccl)T bcl)~8 1t is, Hl l(l e, re11t s i11 1 lll >cl Hll l t J1 c ( 1 0n- o·o c·e: r tcl i11]·v· i11 li i,1t e 111C'),. c1 1· ; honld not Iii lJ!e lwlieve l' · uui1t'. an_cl , vo rl( a 11 l J) l' cl.)'" t o· th 1' ? 'l,111: 18 11 0 ti111 to li.·ag· r e~ o, ,e r H111a ll cJif– f (->1· 11tE :-; l)11t <l ti111c' to ~t,111(1 1111ite lly f c)1· ( 1 l11·i8t ,t11 t1 t llt' (10:1)cl. CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION Inc. Our 56th Year A staff of f ourteen dedica~ed worker s devoted to the task of taking th e Gospel to the t ens of thou sands of J ews in Cl velan d, Youngstown , and other cities in Northeast ern Ohio ; Ch a rleston, W. Va., an d Sao P aulo, Brazil . Visita tion , Bible classes, r ?dio and w ide spr ead distribu tion of l1~eraturP a r e the m thc)ds used to w in J ews to Christ . Write fur f1·t'e informativ ~agn– zine, "The Trumpeter for Israel . R v. Gerald V. Sm Iser, St1pt. P. O. Box 3556 CJ veland 18, 0 1110 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS'f Publish ed Monthly by THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Publica tion Office 118 E . Oak St., Butler , Ind. Editor RALPH T . NORDLUND 586 Maple Street F ostor ia, Ohio Circula tion Manager MRS. JOHN KAUTZ 4519 Wellington Ave. Parma 34, Ohio Sub cription Rate : P er single copy .............. $ .15 P er vear ..... . .... .. . . ....... $2.00 P er P er P er DEADLINE FOR NEWS : 15th of each month Advertising Rate: column inch . .. . ....... .$ 1.50 half page . ...... . . .. .... $21.00 full page ............... $40.00 Second class postage paid at Butler Indian a. - Postmaster: Please send form 3547 to The Ohio Inde pendent Baptist, 4519 Wellington Ave ., P a rma 34, Ohio. COUNCIL AND OFF1CERS Chairman Rev. Geor ge R. Gibson 3550 W. 25th St. Cleveland 9, Ohio Secretary Rev . Adam A. Galt Spencer , Ohio Ttea urer Rev. T . Fred Hussey 26 E . Church St. Niles, Ohio Mi ionary hm. Rev. R . K nneth Smels r 125 Friendsh ip St. Medina, Ol1io You tl1 Director R v . Gl 1 n Gr n\vood 315 K 11si11gto11 Place Spr1ngf iel<.l. Ol1io Other Me111ber ~ I-IOWARD G . YOUNG ALLAN E LEWI GE RGE 'KEEFE HALL DAUTEL EARL V. WILLET'f'S