The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1960
September 1960 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Page ThirLeen I I • WHAT OUR CHURCHES ARE DO ING MIDVIEW BAPTIST, Grafton Pastor Frank Odor writes: "The Lord has been blessing our church wonderfully this summer. Our people are united in mind to serve the Lord. Dean . Mayo, one of the first Sunday school teachers wl1en the work began, and a recent graduate of Cedarville, has been taken on as Assistant Pastor in charge of youth. Our Bible school had an average attendance of 221. Twelve seniors and counsellors, and 21 juniors and counsellors attended Camp– patmos. We have also been holding weekly outdoor children's meetings with a public address system. We gather on a lawn and give them the P'Ospel through flannelgraph stories. We are planning a missionary confer– ence on Africa Sept. 18-21." CALVARY BAPTIST, Canton "Our DVBS was different this year. Each morning we sent up a balloon filled with helium, with a gospel tract and a ~elf- addressed post card, asking whoever found the balloon to send back the card and get a gift. They were "blessed off' from our "radar tower" on the front lawn in keeping with the theme, ' Signalling For Christ." One balloon was found 250 miles away near Carlisle, Pa. The lady returning the card was sent a New Testament. The class winning the attendance contest went on a treasure hunt and each member sent up his own balloon on closing day. Several accepted Christ as their Saviour. "Five seniors and a counsellor and 7 juniors and counsellor attended Camp P atmos. They think it's great." Mrs. Helmich also writes: "Your an– nouncement at the Spring Missionary Rally did do some good. Our Women's Missionary Union are working on get– ting a subscription from every active family, and is nearing its goal . Thank you for your work on the OIB-we do enjoy reading it." Hope to hear from some more women's missionary groups and we thank the Canton group for starting it. FIRST BAPTIST, Gallipolis First Baptist is not suffering from a summer slump. Aug. 14th there were 313 in attendance at Sunday school. BIBLE BAPTIST, Bedford Pastor Edward Morrell, Jr. , was the guest Bible Teacher at the annual Bible Conference of the Delmarva Fel– lowship (GARBC fellowship of Dela– ware, Maryland and Virginia) at Mayo, Maryland, for two weeks in July. A Youth Crusade is being conducted as this is written Aug. 8-21 with Rev. and Mrs. C. S. Henson of Overland, Mo., as the workers. Meetings are held daily in the morning for children, ages 4 to 18, and each evening evangelistic services for the J)arents. HAVILAND BAPTIST Pa"tor Roy Johr1so11 rer)orts that June 19tl1 one of tl1eir best Christia11 young men, RolJe1 l Waldron , was killed i11 a t .)rril)le auto accident. He was Su11day sc}1ool secretary ar1d ar1 usher at cl1urch Sad as this new~ is, h also }1as good 11cws of a r cord Sur1- day sc}1ool atttenda11ce of 100 last SJ)ri11g ar1d of 86 Jul y 17tl1. Fo1 1 his village west of Findlay this is very good attendance. F IRST BAPTIST, Lancaster P astor John S . While writes "Our su~mer slump this year wa~ very brief and the lowest we hit was 76. Now we are back up again. Our chu rch a ttendance is much higher than . our Sunday school and we are running over 100 all the time. BEREAN BAPTIST, Youngstown The Berea11 Baptist Church has called P astor Robert J . Hill and Mrs. Hill as full time workers . The Berean churcl1 is a branch of Struthers Baptist Taber– nacle. P astor Hill was called on a part time basis just four years ago, when P astor Andrew Marsteller, who had labored at Berean since its estab– lishment, returned as full time pastor of Struthers Baptist Tabernacle. The Berean Baptist Church was the out– growth of a Bible Class that began in 1948 with six women. The present building on P arkcliffe and Firnley Avenue was built with help from the parent church and was dedicated in 1952. P astor Hill graduated from the Pas– tor's Course of the Moody Bible In– stitute in 1952 and was that same year commissioned as an officer in the Volunteers of America and has served that organization since. During the last four years he has been in charge of the local Volu11teers' mission and also pastor of lhe Berean Baptist Church. Since the Volunteers are much more democratic tl1an lhe Salva– tion Army and allows men with fun– damental convictions to preach their doctrine and run the local mission as they see fit, this arrangement has been possible. Yei we are glad that now Pastor Hill can devote all his ener gy to the work of the church. The Hills are parents of four children: David, Danny, J anet and Billy . GRAHAM ROAD BAPTIST ' Cuyahoga Falls News has just come that Rev. B. C. J ennings of Detroit, Michigan, has been called as pastor to follow the work of Rev. S. E . Collison, who resigned after a pastorate of nearly ten years. He will move his family some time in October, but begins his work Septem– ber 4th. We hope to have more news by next issue, but will say now that Brother Collison is available for an– other pastorate. WARREN PROUD ORDAINED An Ordination Council called by the Emmanuel Baptist Church, of Xenia, 0., convened at The Grace Bap– tist Church, Cedarville, Ohio to con– sider the propriety of se tting aside for the gospel ministry Brother Warren Proud. The Council was called to order by Pastor Dale Cadman. Following the opening song and prayer, Pastor Cad– man called the roll of invited mes– sengers. Eighteen responded to the roll call. Pastor Glenn Greenwood of The Blessed Hope Baptist Church, Spring– field, was chosen as Moderator for the Council and Pastor S . A . Hutchison, Xenia Bible Church (GARBC), as clerk. After hearing Brother Proud's testi– mony concerning his conversion call to the ministry and his doctrinal state– ment, the Council met for private de– liberations, following a motion by Evangelist Kenneth Dodson, supported by Professo1~ Paul Wyland, that the Councils Examination of the candidate be drawn to a close. (c~ 11till ll cl 0 11 J)clg·e 16 ) LOS ANGELES BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY John R. Du1iki1i, TJi.D ., Preside1it THREE YEAR BACHELOR OF DIVINITY DEGREE IN THEOLOGY THREE YEAR BACHELOR OF DIVINITY DEGREE IN MISSIONS THREE YEAR BACHELOR OF DIVINITY DEGREE IN JEWISH MISSIONS FOUR YEAR BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE IN BIBLE OR HUMANITIES A growing graduate scliool of Baptist persuaslo11 in sii1t11JJ Califor11ia Address all corres-po11dence to 560 Sou tit St Louis St> eet, Los Angeles 33, California
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