The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1960

( 011 t 111t1 fr 111 1 ag " 2 '"· a l o t1t l1al of tl1 J ll 1'- 3 ,,re.• b:ll t izP ~, tlr<>f 'S '<l l: } 1 , r fd ll ,, ,, o, · i( r n l i n1". ,lll l so111 .. fo1· t'\ Cl'. l ttt tl1r\ t d c. s 11 t 11 \ l t d ' I l ~ tl1c }l l 0111i s 's lf C 11r1st 1tl lt " 'l> l1is ,,,1. \\ e do 11 t clain1 tl1:1t b~11 ti 111 1 '-r "11 1·ntt•s tl1 s ttl. \\" fall ba 1 0 11 t 11 Bibl '. ,, 11 icl1 ~~, \'"- t l1a t 111a11 \ nr , ·al l d. l t t t f ,, a 1·<.: f' l l t) c. 11. \\ " l1uld t l1a t a l) ' 1·~t'\ r111g at t :~ }1111 tl t to 1 llt' fai t)l l t }1 ' g 1·~111c{ ('\ tel 11<.'C tJ1~ t \\ l" llc \'C' b t ' Jl 1 < 1·11 a g::l i11 . 11ttalli ... ·tit111!5 n 111 tt) 111 'n11 littl lo Dt dar11i, 1 aara ('\, , r :~ 11 d ,. ' r 11 --~1 , r tl1,1l 1 apti~111 r ge11crc1t C's Ht1d sa,·es, 3 11ct tl1t 11 l l \: t' l arl~ sfl> ~ tl1at bat tisrt1 ,, itl1ot1t r0pc11ta11ce ::.11d a itl1 cl "' 11ot , a,,'· .. \11 t111l) :) l1ev r is an t111bcl1e,·er, ,,·l 1 c.: tl1 r 11 l1a~ l 1.: 11 l or 11ot He is 111 c\11 u11- r ..! t l t 1, '- st ·, tt: ('\ l 11 l10\1gl1 lie 011cc l1as b e11 baptized' p. bl>. \ t' t 11 i11,1 t ~ tl1erE' i~ 011e bless111g in l)aptisn1. and t11 ::.t i" t 11~1 t \vl, ile t1i1 l "cl~1 11cc.l t111bcl1e,,ers are hcatl1cn, bap– ti '- d ,11111t 1 !:- , t l ' 0111, procl1gal 011s ancl daughters. ..They o1 1c(' l1a,1 l1ce11 111 tl1(' ltea,·c11l) Fatl1 r's l1ot1se but 11ave t l1c11 l , 1 t it . tl1e, do 1101 11eed a 11e\v baptism, for the ... Tt.\V 1., ~ a111e11t 11c,·er tell tl1at baptized people who fell ,l\\ .. 1, a11d tl1er1 rctt1111cc.1 ,,·ere bautized agai11" p. 66 . How LOt1tradict0r, tl1e>· ar rcge11c1 a cd a11d yet unregenerate; tl1c, are Cl1r1&t1a11~ i11.. tead of heatl1en. and yet not saved. Tl1 ' , ar L111belic,·ers. ancl , Tet '¥\·hen they come to faith, they do i1ot 11ccd to l1e baptized, since they were sprinkled as 111£a11t Tl1 pas ages 11c gi,·es te pro,,e that saved people can be lo t are 1110.... t of tl1e1n too far off the subject for us to di cu . For example, he q11otes Rom. 11:19-22 when that l1a ~ to do \\·itl1 the final apostasy of Gentile Christendom a11d a~ys nothing about indi\"idual believers. The only Scrip – ture he brings up tl1at does not answer itself is John 15:6, "If a 1nan abide not in me, he is cast off as a branch, and 1 ,,·ithered: and me11 gather them, and cast them into the lil)l)\\y[~ll 1t 'B.Jl ">()RT~ C)X ('~\~IP I,)~\ T ;\ l () ~ ; ( 1 ( ) ::.\ I I ~ T (:} Ix ( ontinued from page 9) .. .. o,,· ,~01t , · 01111 o reac1e1· ,vho • • (·011lcl 11ot go tl1i }~e ,t1~ : ,ro11l ln t firl. a1,cl tl1e,, ar .i IJttrt1 •cl.'' WC' t ts ttally say tl1at thi~ re– f ·1·.s lo u11s,1, t cl tJrof sc:;or s wl10 lll'V r d id al)id in C'ht is l i11 n 11, 111g \V<lY. 1Jtt1 \V<' m\t~l aclmit it 1s not v ry C'On– ,·111ci11g. J\ ~lt1cl of the , r Plc l ., ns('s shottlcl l1cl J) us . "Crist off' ' a11c1 ' '\,it l1 1· cl .. ar 11ot 1n ll1 prC'c..cnc tense as 1n the l~rtgl i:-·l1, lJ11 l 111 t 11 aorisl wl1 ich inclica tes 1mmed1a te actior 1 i11 tl1(' t)ast. Cl1rist ttsed thC'n1 to show that h was not tl1ink.i11g of ll1c casting of s1nne1s into hell in the far off Jttclg111c11t day, 1Jttl of n casting off and withering that hap– pens im1necl1ntcly after abiding cca5es. Notice that he do ·s not .. ay tl1<1t lh' angels will come a11cl cast these backsliders ir1to hell. as in Malt. 13:41, 42, but that men will . It is 1ike th tra1npl111g u11cler foot of the worthless salt that we read about 1n Matt. 5: 13. Backsliders are cast off by their fel– lovv Christians and wither, and the world burns them with caustic criticism and scorn . This passage is not a discus– sion on eternal punishment, but on frui t ful service, and we mu~t interpret il according to its context. It tells what men will do to Christians who do not abide in spiritual fel– lowship with Christ and become fruitless . May we close by being as honest with Baptists as Dr. Saarnivaara is with his fellow Lu1herans? He admits that infant baptism has led many of his people to neglect evan– gelism and to rest on a form that will fa il them in the gr eat judgment day. We have to admit t h at some Baptists rest on the doctrine of eternal security instead of r esting in faith on the Saviour himself. Such head knowledge will not save u s. We who stress the need of an experien ce of r e– gen eration before we are baptized, better sear ch our h earts and make sure that we were born again and do not just think so. We are glad we do n ot h ave to say the great majority of Baptists are lost and that m ost of our ministers do not rightly divide the truth; bu t more people would see the Scripturalness of our views if we adorned the doctrine better with good works. May God h elp u s so t o do! , · 011 lil,e tc) "11,lre i11 • 11el1 c\Xl)e1·i– ~11ee" 011 l) <.'a11tif11l I(ell :)} ... · I la11d .. 11rxt , ·e,1r ! It i~11 't too e cl1·l,.,. to The Golden Gate to Chri,tiGJn Service ' ' ,1,· () c>111e 111011e,.. 110,,... ancl 1nake ' ).Ol ll' J lclll~. rfl1e11 ,,~l1at al)Ollt i.}10 e <Jf 11 , ,,·110 a1·e too olcl to l)e eith e1 .. <·c111111e1· 01· co1111. Pllor , : 1) 011 't you ,,·i 11 , ...011 ,,. re ,.,.011110' c11cJ110~11 to • ' l"" b l1a,·e a })c11·t i11 i ? '\,r ell } ... Ou can. \T 011 ·a11 1)r,1)· £01"' 1 a111p l)at1no. ,111tl tl1e ,,·l1ole Yo11tl1 l)e11)art1ne11t of tl1e )hio ~.\. oei,1tifJ11 of Reo·ul ,11· lia11tist C 1 l1t11·che, . a11cl ) "Oll can ~i,·e th1·0110'11 ~ ...0111 .. tl1l1rc-l1c to l1e11) fi11c111c:e it. ''T ~\RREX 1>I () l "D ()RI) ...\l.i. .,. I~~D (Continued from page 13 ) Morton was made by Evangelist Dodson, that the Council express itself as being satisfied with the presenta– tion of the Candidate's testimony of his Conversion His Call to the Min– istry and his Doctrinal beliefs and that it recommend his ordination. Motion was supported by Pastor Don Moffat of the Grace Baptist Church, Cedar·– ville, and carried by unanimous vote. Brother Dodson made a motio11 that the Council commen tl (:) andid&te for his very fine and clear views on his Bible Doctrine. Motion supported by Brother Dale Thomson and carried by unanimous vote. The ordination was carried on at a later service in Em– manuel Baptist Church of Xenia. 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