The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1960
OLUivfE XXXII , THE OHIO ')CTOBER, 1960 Mias Algena LaGrange Ohh 1960-61 CEDARVILLE FACULTY AND .. COLLEGE STUDENTS NEW DORMITORY AND 352 students as over agai11st 250 la t year" and 169 th yca1· b £01· l)I"OV that Cedarvill e all ege has won the favor" of ou1" young p opl . ~Tith 11 'vV buildings a1d imp1·ove1nents ne ded ach y ar, darvillc n d th fa 01· of older folks too to bac1{ it witJ1 rnon y and p1·a~ c1·. Number 12 - - -- ---------------
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