The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1960
l n '1' 11 l· OUR \~t l R( '"l l\1\l ' 'l l~ 1 . l;.,, (; tt c ,, ) , l, , ,,11g tl1e tllt t\l\ttV ( ) f 1'),\\- • t r c. , \ t •' "~th ,, l' ., l!r<.',lt d.,,. ,, 1th '\ ,.1n,.1,Ltt<. tl,llc),, tn l! tht l (1 r l l i 11 l J t , ·11 \ t I t h .,t t l1c.rc ,, .,, .1 c r<1und l rt. J... n ~ , c.' r \ t(C < r t ' <. nc.·,, ., dd 1t1on ·1~h<. n1t11 \, t che t hur "- h t,lrc d () \\O the , tc. r~lt ,n"l ,t,t il u lt. . ~tnd tl,e nc,, .1dd1- "'n ,,111 le: l)utl t .1t the t rl) llt t)f tl1e old hur" h. t ; R \t l l \1>1 I 1 r:1~Ll..O\ ' .. "' HIP. l .1 t,)n 1 ht "- l1t1rt l1 ,, . .15 l"' le etl by tl1e n11 - H.1n.1r \ r11e~, .1ge ug lOrl1 l)V Dr. Jon • • • Rt1t1t 11 . ,, 110 hc.1'-l the B.1 o t1 t 1'-f1d- I i - , 1,)n ht1, I 1t.1I Jt lJ) ~) }'. -entral African R ti ubl 1"- i\nc>the r l1le 1ng 1 being en– Jt), ed .,_ rh1 1 ,,r1tten ~e pt . 16 -18-a Jc,, 1s l1 [1, 1o n o nference led by Dr. ~l .1t hl 111. It ,,a · no t ea v to r Dr. fachl1n. 11<1,, e, er. ,, ho Jtl t lo t h1 ,v1fe th1 11m– n1er The ftr t unday o f epcember, Ed 1r<1r 1 ~ord lu nd preached. "hile Pasto r ~l "- 1rtl1y tau p:ht at the Tri - tate Bible Co nte ren e 10 e,, Y o rk. kETTERI 1 G BAPTI T, Dayto n \X' l1tl e 1 n Da) con the edito r had a fine , i 1t v. ith Pa to r Lo ren Bro~..,n and got t o ee the chu rch build ing that \\ 1 ill soon be ready fo r u e. It 1s built like a large ra nch t)'pe hov e o tha t 1t can later be u ed as a parsonage . Thi s is a fairly new church tha t ha been meeting in a school hou e. It field is tremendous , with 5,000 hom es " ' here fi ve years ago there were no ne. G od i blessing the preaching of P a to r Brown , sou ls are being saved and un 1 ting v. ith the church. HOUK FA~1ILY E CAPE DEATH In m oving from Tumwater, Washing– ton , to begin his pasto rate at the Maranatha Baptist Chu rch in pring fiel d , R ev . Arthur H ouk and hi s family narrowly escaped death. They oulled into a roadside park wi th their u cilicy trailer outside Macomb, Ilino is , tor a nig ht. Two of them slept outs ide in sleeping bags until rain drove them in the car. oon a car failed to m ake a curve and came crashing into their car , passing right over the sp o t where the two had been sleeping an hour be– fo re. The car was badl)' damaged, but n o one was h u rt . They feel Ps. 91 :1 v. as fulf1lled. The church has bought a four bedroom parsonage at 1628 . Fountain Avenue, and the Houks are now happily settled. FIR T BAPTI T, tro ngsville Labo r Day was spent in laboring to clean and paint at the church, 'lfter which a picnic d inner was enjoyed . The church is ente ring the statewide undav schoo l contest and ho pes again to lead all others 10 p ercentage o f gain . T wo years ago they practicall y doubled their attendance . They are now up co an average of 40, which means they hope co work up to 80. A s yet there are only seven families repre– sented in the membership, but they have vo ted co gi ve S 100 a m onth coward par– sonage rent for Pasto r Phillip Kimes. They continue co be an every family OIB church . CALVARY BAPTI T, alem Pas to r Leslie Wells reports chey had a f ine Vacation Bible chool wi th 40 en– ro lled and with 42 for the closing pro- J~1.1n1 110) .tnd ,\ .girl ,,ere s.1vcd ' I ,vo l)O\, ,vcTc ,.,, cd ,tt .1111 1., I>.ttmos . A r1e,, h <)01t .1c 16 - . L.lls,\ c> rth h,ts l1ccn f c>u nd f <)r the r>a "tc>r, ~c) no\\ t he whole "<>Id n1,tn~ic>n" l)c u~ed for .1 <. hutc h . \X' 1tl1 .1 to,,·cr, it looks l1kc a churc h. e11t I l -18 Rev J .1mes ,od ley, r held .1n e1gl1t 1cv1v,1l and next n1onth we .ire ex t1ect1 ng to re1)ort so1nc good re– ults IDE G ]) ,lr Editor: FOR THE RB Dt1e lo th f ;_1c t t11 rtt the G RB i 1Jollii1g tl1 ch t1rcl1e cone rning t11 a1ner1d1n 11t 011 h and I and 1ny c11t1rc·h feel tl1is i the ti1ne to sug– g t tl1 Ohio p la11 to elect men to tl1e ou11cil. 111 tead of ending i11 11c1me. for tl1e ou11cil of 14 of ,,,hich 15 ar pl ::-tc·ed on a ballot a11 cl the h o1 ored fe\v mes enger \~ote to lect eve11 we h ere in Ohio for our ou11cil of 10 se1 d i11 5 n,11ne a1 d the top five elected directly by the church es are placed 011 the Cot1ncil. If \ e in Ohio think we have a better pla11, 110,v i the time to call it to tl1e attentio11 of the 1 ational g rot1p. It h as been 1ny privilege to be in the GARBC t\venty years a1 d i11 the Ohio A sociatio11 for te11 . P er anally I like the Ohio pla11 o 1nuc:h better tha t I recom- 1nend it. i11cerely, Ke11n melser FAITH BAPTI T , Van Wert P as tor Cary's mother passed away af ter year s of illness at h er home in Harvey, Ill . Pastor Carey says he came from a wonder– ful Chris tian home a nd so has the com– fort of I Thess. 4 : 13-1 8. The work at the church continues to grow slowl y but surely, with attendance sometimes above 40. APOLOGY TO DR. GOOD Lase month we published a fine de– vot ional article by Dr. G ood called Rivers of Living Water. We are sure our read– ers much enjoyed it. Yet, somehow, either the editor or the printer failed to give him credit. Many will remember him as the youth ful pastor of Penfield J unc– tio n . For the last ten or more years he h as been pgscor of the Madison Avenue Bapti st Church of Paterson, N. J . THE OIB AT CHOOL Alberta D avis writes from Find lay that sh e has used some of rhe editor's poems for devotions before her sixth grade class. he says, "I must be carefu l what I say o r read, but I do try to g lorify G od and try to pu t a little of fear and respect into their minds fo r God." Parents could try the same method to put some respect for <: tobcr, 1960 ES - - • ,cxl into thci I O\\' O child rcn at hornc. Read good JJ<>ems t<> them at f ainily dcvo- t1on5 I)on't make them memc>rJl'C: them or they v:ill learn t<> hate pc>ctry, bu~ read 1t or encourage them to read it. DR PA L JA K ON JN OIIIC) Our new National GARB(, Repre– sentative spoke at Camden Baptist Church ept. l .. 8 th, .and held special meetings at che Ease 1de Baptist Church of Lorain ept. 2 1-0ct. 2. Oct. 22, 2 3 he will speak at the First Baptist Church of Wauseon. Those round about Wauseon should make a spec1al effort co hear this good man . We might also remind our readers of the GARBC Conference still coming up: At First Baptist of Niles Oct. 6, 7; at Cedar Hill Baptist, Cleve– land, Oct. 11 , 12, and at Brown Sc. Bap– tis t, Akron, Oct. 13, 14. NEW HARMONY BAPTI T ' ouch Olive Pastor Leslie Koskovics rejoices in the good attendance they had all summer wi th an average between 60 and 70 each u nday. This is about IO more than a year ago. Good to hear some churches don ' t have a summer slump. CALVARY BAPTI T , Mannington, W. Va. . Pastor D ona ld H . Beightol is rejoicing 1n the blessings experienced since h e took up the pastorate there. Fourteen new members have joined the church since June firs t, half of them by baptism. An– oeher family of four are planning to unite. H e is also working for the OIB and h as already gotten 10 subscriptions. H e is planning to attend our a nnual meet– ing ac Cleveland, since he is still a trus– tee of H ome a nd Camp. BIBLE BAPTI T , Bedford Cleveland's Voice of Christian Youth m et a t the Bedford church ept. 17 th to h ear Dr. P aul J ackson. pecial music was furnished by the Euclid-Nottingham Bapti st Girls Trio , the Brookside Baptist inging Duet, and by D avid Bushi on the Cello . R efreshroents were served after the rally. HEBRO A OCIATIO The 3 2nd a nnual meeting was held ept. 15, 16 a t the First Baptist Church of Parma. The theme was "A M ore ure Word of Prophecy. Pastor Paul chenck of Twinsburg opened up the subject with a message on "The Importance of Proph– ecy." A prophetic panel was led by Dr. Paul Jackson, with Pastors George Cosby of ew London , Louis Tulga of Wel– lington , Elliott H orton of Parma, and · D onald Ma theny of Rochester speaking briefly on such questions as "Who are the 144,000?" "Are we in t he kingdom?" a nd so forth . Each evening Dr. J ackson spoke on " Is The Rapture Next?" and "Ever With the Lord." The women h ad a missionary meeting Friday afternoon, with Mrs. Lore ne Fusco of Italy speak– ing; and the men had a forum with Wil– liam Fusco speaking on "Roroanism in the Lig ht of Prophecy:· FIRST BAPTI T, Medi na Recent features have been a missionary messag e on the Congo si tuatio n by Ruch Hege, the singing of Rev. George Zinn of · Cedarville at both services Aug. 28 th,
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