The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1960

O_c_t_ob_e_r.~19_6_0~~~~~~~~~~~-T_H_E_~~O_H_IO~~IN::....:.=D-=EPENDENT BAPTI T ~~~~~~~-=-=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P~a~g~e~F~1~ft~e~en MI IO ARIE TO PRAY FOR : Bethel Baptist Church of Erie has 14 n11 - sionaries in their membership : Ruth arl– son, Central Afri can Republic; Dorothy Conover, Nigeria; Roy and Mrs. Gleason, Ecuador; E. W. and Mrs. Hatcher, Mexico; Bernice Jordan. Erie; Mrs . Harlan Rah il ly, Liberia; Mrs. Carl Tegeler, Grundy, Va. ; Geraldine Vincent, Tanyanyika; Flora Wallhauser , Hendersonvil le, . C.; Leslie and Mrs . Wells, alem, Ohio; and Mrs. Jim Willson, Brazil. CLEVELAND HEBREW MI ION calls for prayer, since through a technical ity the zoning commission of Cleveland Heights claims that they have no right to conduct busi ness at 31 10 Washington Blvd. They do not object to them li ving there or anything else they do, but only to the idea that they also use the house as an office. To them that makes it a business, even though it is no more busi– ness than a pastor might conduct in hi s study at his parsonage. The neighbors do not object, so pray that the commis– sion can be led to see that they are wrong. To have to rent an office building else– where would be a waste of the Lord's money. BAPTI T ORGANIZE IN BRITI H GUIANA. Walter Spieth reports that An Association of Baptist Churches was formed last August so that thei r work in the colony could be recognized by the government. It is organized as a Na– tional Asociation, with nationals as of– ficers. They now have three organized churches and have begun a work in an– other interior town. At Corenryne a love– ly little building was erected by the be– lievers and dedicated. There is also a second work in Village 49 or Corencyne. FIEBREW CHRISTIAN OCIETY has financial needs, according to Director Alan C. Metcalf. A breakdown in the water system cost, so they could not build ~ '"' ~/ / . > --z-..- - z - :;;, .£. !lJ~ cu11unana OJ. the n Christ is being carried out through the media of about 50 radio stations from coast to coast and several f oreign stations. Heard in Sta~ of Israel. Many write for the Prophecy Edition New Testament. These are followed up by mail and personal calls whenever pos– sible. Classes are held where Jewish people gather in homes Some are finding Christ as Saviour-Messiah. We covet your prayerful support. Send f or f ree copy of our maga• zlne, MESSAGE TO ISRAEL Coulson Shepherd, Director ( FOUNDED 193 7 J MESSAGE TO ISRAEL, Inc. BOX 682, G.P.O., NEW YORK 1, N. Y. NARY BRIEF another cabin at Camp Nathanael. How– ever, they v. 1 ere able to dig a smaJ1 lake for swimming for the small cost of $260. IRVIN TANTON ALLED HOME. In a letter Jared Aug. 18th, Mrs. canton ,vrote a miss ionary letter to inform her friends that lier husbanJ had passeJ away in Davenport, Iowa, after many months of suffering from cancer. He spent some in spi te of so1ne 01)pos1tion, this new ef– fort is going to succeed. The work at Loon Lake, askacchewan seems co be meeting with (Onsi<lerable response, with attendance good. EDITOR' DATE 12 fre itful ye"ars io home missionary work under Baptist Mid-Missions in Ken– tucky and Tennessee. Before chat he had been a real sou l winner in his home church, Brookside Bapti st of levelanJ. W e excen<l our sympathy to Mrs. canton and her family. At the time of writing, he has the fol– lowi ng open dates : 0(t. 9 and 30, and Nov. 13, 20, and 27. BOB ROGER REPORT wonderful progress in Ramsey, N. ] ., where he js working under the Fellowship of Bap– tists for H orne Missions. An ad on page 16 will expla in further their need of financial help in building the church, which will cost $12 5,000. That they need that large a church building can be seen from their attendance records this sum– mer. The average unday school attend– ance in August was 11 8, and the vacation Bi ble chool averaged 125. Fifteen pro– fessed faith in Christ during that school. Many new families were contacted by it, and so the work continues to grow. ince the financing of the building will be through bonds, it will really p rovide an investment for those who wish to help, for they will be repaid and receive in– terest also. CHILDREN' GO PEL HOUR is still telecasting the Gospel for children, as well as continuing their radio mini stry. Those living in southern Ohio may be able co gee the program 10 A.M. undays over WHAS-TV, Ch. 11 , Louisvi lle. Those within range of W PD-TV of Toledo, ch. 13 can gee it 10:30 undays. Of cou rse, we hope only those who cannot come to church that hour will enjoy it, though neighbors who just will not go to church and have children , can be told about it. GERMAN FRENCH .. • ' • Martin Luther v John Calvin, ITALIAN Girolamo Savon- arola, ourcH Erasmus, and swiss Ulrich Zwingli. PTL representatives have been working in these five countr ies, continuing the ministry begun by such ht;'!Oes of t he faith - the evangelization of t he people of West ern Europe. This fall and winter the Pocket Testament League wil l embark on an expanded evangel ization and Gospel di stribution campaign in t his vita l area. 250,000 more Gospels and Testament s have been printed f or di stributi on in Germar ~'; 100,000 f or France; 40,000 for Italy; 25,000 for Hol– land and 10,000 for Switzerland. I z: 1 1 i w z - 0 0 0 3 w _J ~ z lll ., r– UJ Li.J (( r– cn ~ () UJ z 0 I 0) ,q- ct ..............,,..,,.. 0 t– () UJ (( ~ - 0 !I ..J HIAWATHA LAND INDEPENDENT BAPTI T MI SION continue to expand. Three new couples have been appoi nted. Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Eisentrager and three boys come from a successful pastorate in Binghamton, N. Y . Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Imhoff are graduates of the Omaha Baptist Bible Institute and are natives of Omaha. Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Pratt are Moody gradua tes who have had 17 years of experience in pastoral work. They have a teenage daughter. Word from their new missionar ies in Canada indicate that It is estimated t hat at least a ..-...... 'Q:,::~ 4: million Gcspels will be needed as the campaign progresses. Pray that fL' r.d:; t o purchase these large quant ities of Scriptu res may be provided in time to meet thi s pressing need. Write for free copy of the PTL Quarter ly. LOS ANGELES BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY John R . Dunkin, Th.D., Preside1it THREE YEAR BACHELOR OF DIVINITY DEGREE IN THEOLOGY THREE YEAR BACHELOR OF DIVINITY DEGREE IN MISSIONS THREE YEAR BACHELOR OF DIVINITY DEGREE IN JEWISH MI SSIONS FOUR YEAR BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE IN BIBLE OR HUMANITIES A growing graduate- sc1iooZ of Baptist pers11asio1i in su1ini1 Califorriia Addres · all correspondence to 560 SoutJi St. Louts Street, Los A11geles 33, altforrtia z 0 - L,. • . <( z ct w }- z