The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1960

B - PTI M AN THE TESTIMONY OF HISTO y ontin11 d front pag ., 2 t1 i ~~ h, uld l 1n1n1 •,t 1 int~ ,,.,ttt .\nd tl1t•11 lifted \II) , ••• 111t. n1ftl.1n (:' ( f I ,lJ't ll .,I,<) re<.1u1rc, it. f<1r tt n1e.1n, t h ,\l th<:" c>IJ Jll,'l1 .i,1 t th<. 1nt\1l n,tt\.1tt.' • n1u,t l1e ,, h(1ll\ dr()\\ ntd l)} t ht• ~r.1 f , i. ( ,1, ,n , .1,, ,t,l)\lt the ,\llll thin.I.! ' l he \tt} ,, rd l ,ll • t' 1 ·n, t<. tt , .1nd it i .... <.<.~ r c.11n th.1 t in1111tr u. 11 ,, tl1t. l r.tttlt<. , t th<. .lll\.H!nt ( l1urt1'1" 11 t)5 ( i t ~,1rn. t\ th<. ( 11 ll J... (l\ \n,l.1t1on ()t the ( ld ~r·<:>st,lll1l'll t ,ind \1 ,\.r, ht t l'rt ,t. ,,h,lt 1n1111er . c ,, th.e n1~11n n1c~1111ng l cht. \\ \r~ l~lltll. it .....111 .lL() lllC,ltl ~()111<.'t h ang les~ In It 11~ , , ", <. tt t d<. t"' rH>t .11,, ,l\' 'i n1c~1n 'to 11 1n1ersc · In the 1 \, k t 1 ... \. c.:,1.1,tu.11, \ \1r.H. l1 • ; ltl1 tl1a~1ter a t1<.t "\() th , ,cr,e. \ \ ' C t \.l . ·1-1 , ,,l1t' }.,,,1c1t, 111111~< tor tl1e {le.-td .•1n<.l touches ,, .1,!!,ti11. , , l,tntftt dt ~ l1c h.1,c fron1 l1i ,, .l h1og?' Accord- 1111! t) rl't 1 Jt l1 \.h,tJ ter '"..,t un1ber,, l8t l1 and 19th ver e , clea ns- • 1~ .\ r~r tt1uth1nl. .t tOrI ~c ,, ,1s done b} 11r1nkl 1ng and not , in1n1t t()O I <.)() He f <. rgct th<. ~prinkling on the e enth day ,,vas to bt <)II(.,,, e\.i b, .1 c..l)Olf le te b.. 1tl1, ,, l11Ll1 the J e,,,s took by dippi ng rhe111.~tl, t . . He <.')bJet.t. that 1n Le, . 1 6 "There ,, ·a obviously no t enough bl<.)""'d t '") 1n1n1ersc the. e ob1tcts 1n. T l1e \\ ord bapteJn m us t h ave l1.1J ..1 n1e 1n1n~ equ1, .1le nt to the econdary meaning of the Eng l ish \.i l-"' To put o r ink l1ghcl; or part iall y into a l iquid .' " Tl1.. 1r pro, e · no tl11ng a to t he meani ng of our baot1sm, w h ere ,, e do ha,·e enough ,, acer to go a ll the wa)r u nder . Accordi ng to l11n1 Lutheran hou ld d1p babies par t "\Vay u nder i n the font e, en if it i not big enough to dip them a ll the way under! I~ 1lattl1e" Henry' Con1mentaf)\ Dr. cott takes for g ra n ted tha t .1fter the o ne bird ,, a k il led i n a vessel over running v.ra ter , the ve 'el ,, a · filled and che live bird an d the oche r things were dipped 1n ' 'che blood and " acer." Othe rwise, hov., could there be enough blood trom a littl e bird to d ip bi rd, v. 1 ood, clo th a nd hy op. and have enough left over to sprinkle the leper seven c1me ? 1 ext he turn co D a n iel 4 :34 w here the Greek epruagi nt read : "And he wa d r iven from m en , and h is body was wet ( ebaphe, from bapte1n ) wich che dew o f h eaven." H e says that could not be immersion any m ore tha n in First Co r. 10: 1 , 2. " I n the l Och ch apter of Firs t Corinthian s, P aul sp eaks f igu ratively o f the baptism of the I srae lite u nto M oses in the cloud and the sea. I t v:as no im mersion . fo r the cloud was above the Tabernacl e or before the people, a nd n ever surrounded them ; and i n the sea the Israelites walked o n d r y g round, the w a ter s being on both ,des of them . Probably the ir feet were m o istened by t he some– ~ hat ~vet bottom of the sea,, p . 96. T h e learned doetor should sp end a nig ht outdoors wh en the dev.' is h eavy Wha t the Finns would say o n coming home, we do not k no'\\. bu t '\Ve wou ld say, ' 'We' re just soaked." The Greeks wou ld say "W e a re bapti zed with dew ." When an Ameri– can is dru n k, we say he is soaked: whe n the Greeks saw a d runk man. they said he was baptized in w i ne. All o f those usages are figura tive and do no t change the main m eaning o f the wo rds. A s for I Cor. 10 : 1, 2, we have answer ed him o nce b efo re. H e admi ts Paul used bapt ize f igur a tively, a nd yet he has co imagine tha t a l ittle v.•a ter t thei r feet , eve n though w e read that che I srael ites walked o n dry g round. He denies the cloud was over them when they w ent down into che sea, bu t P aul says cha t 1c , and chat they were baptized "i n the cloud a nd in the sea." H e says chat in som e m a n uscrip ts Ma rk 7 :4 says "sprinkled" instead of "baptized.' ' H e even g ives the Greek word fo r sprinkle and doesn' t fa ll for h is mistake! I f baptize can m ean ttsprinkle," ,, h ' , h.1n~t th e t c.• t > 1\ll tcx tu,11 cri t ics ,1g1cc that tl1c o r 1' ,· I I " l · .. 1 na ~htH 1,1p t1 sonc.11 . I le refers t<>. the l),IJ'>ti sn1 o f till Iloly 1 ,rit on the Day f I>t•nccc<lSt .1nd think\ :· th<.· tc>ngues o f fire h 1vc 111orc o f a r~ sl1r,b l.1n t t t> the 1iou 11ng c) f wa t e r th,1n imn1crsion."' We don' t rl.11 n k t_l1C}' rcscn1hlc c1thc1 <)ne! I It h.1s a hard ti,n c thinkin i f 1,gu ra t1vc te rn1.,, so if 11~ has t<> have c;om e tl1ing tang il) lc, wl 1 a t atnu~ the n11g ht y \: ,nd t}1at f all etl the houc;e ,tnd \\' he lmed then1 indcc<l ' 1\ ,{!.1111, \ \ hen th<: (, reek~ u sed the \V<>rd ha1JttLe in a fi gura tive w the} 'P<)kc c>f a h11J a 5 l)c1 ng bapt ized, Vv hen , ve W(lu ld say ti~:; 1 t \Va o , c r,\ l1el n1cd by the waves. J use sc> the I IoJy ~ p i r i t over– \\ hcJr11ed . the cl1sc 11)lcs- covered tl1em , f 1llc l them , em powered tl1en1. tl1r1lle<l then1 . H ow wea k a ll tha t v. ou ld be j f the wo d n1eant to sprinkl e! Why can ' t he see it ? r e cou ld ay muc h more. a n<l quote from Eders l1e im and J osephu. to p rove tha t the old J ew ish l)roselyte baptism ,vas an immersion a nd tha t tl1e J ews chot·ght o f 1t as a s ign o f a fo rg ive– n ess c_hey ~ad a l~eady received; bu t why cont1nt1e? W e have met h1m ,\ 1th ~r1prure a nd reason o n every essentia l point . Fl is c?ncJ~ io n conta ins only on e new 1dea a nd tha t 1s tha t our "bap- t ism is no t a e \v T estam e nt baptism . It 1s jus t a wo rk o f man P~ople w ho ;ece1ve it do no t vi ew it as a bapti sm into the for~ g1veness o_f sins a ~d as a m ea ns of grace. an act o f G od o n them. They see ic as _che1_r ,.own ace a nd when they have received 1t, they a re throug h w_ith 1t p p. 101 , 102. H ow amazing tha t he should say that ours ts no t a e~ T es tam ent bapt ism and yet never sug– ges~ tha t we should have 1t done over! W e urge pedo-bapcists to ~e imme rsed because we do not believe that their infant sprinkli:10 1s e:1'"' T estament ba ptism . H e w3:its until the v~ry end to sa; ours 1s no t _a ew Testament baptism and accord ing co h is re· p eaced teaching leaves u s without ch e new birch or the forgive– n ess o f si ns ! om e_ Baptists may obey Ch rist in bap tism a nd then forget a ll about 1t, but the real , born-again o nes do no t . We retu rn to . ~ :27 for _our testimony. ~·As many of you as have been bap– t ized into Ch rist h ave put on C h rist ." In our early Christ ia n years that meant much to us. Bapt ized at the age of 17 , we were often tempted to compromise wi th the world, but we remem bered that we had put on Ch rist i n baptism and was n ow a sold ier of the cross. We said t0 ourselves o f ten , 0 1 h ave confessed Christ in baptism , and I can' t do i c." Recent studies i n K o ine Greek ( the common Greek in wh ich the ew T estament was w ri tten ) have revealed tha t w hen they l oved some one a great deal , they said " they pu t him on." They dressed themselves i n the garments of h is l ovely persona li ty. It might sound very peculiar to us, but as we have said over and over , when we cry to inte rp ret ew T estam e n t Greek , we have co try to understand the words by a t least t rying to think as they thoug ht. We a re not to tel l them wha t they ought to have meant, but h umbly learn w ha t they mean t . G ood Bapt ists a re willi ng to put on Christ f iguratively in baptism, because they have a lready put h im on , lo ved h im very much , in t he hear t . Their baptism is an outward expressio n of their faith a nd love, such as i t can n ever be to one who was spri n kled i n i nfan cy. They may not crust i n it to secure them salvation as Lu therans do , but they do remember it as rJ:, eir personal dedication to Chr ist ( just as Justin M ar tyr said lon g ago ) , and i t renews their love for the One who does save them by his cross. T he conscious, uoforgetable baptism o f a convert m ea ns much that D r . aarnvaara will never u nder– stand u ntil he humbles himsel f and obeys th e truth t hat he has argued so much aga i nst . {ay t he Lord soon con v ince h im and bring him into rhe joy o f obedience! - N--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------• R ER' R of RAMSEY, N. J. OFFERS INVESTORS 6 0 GUARANTEED INTEREST They must build large enough for a fas t growing Fellowship of Baptists for Home Missions Church - at the cost of $125 000. As a mission church they look to the friends and suppor ters of their pastor and of FBHM for in- vestors \Vho will help them by buying bonds. THE AMERICAN BOND COMPANY has a1·ranged bonds in denominations of $100 $250 $500 $1 000 at 6 per cent. 1. They mature at 6 month intervals from May 1, '61 through ovember 1 '74. 2. Inter est is paid May 1 and November 1 through the North J ersey Trust Company. 3. Principle at matur ity will be paid through the above ba11k or your own. For information without obligation write to Pastor Robert Rogers# Box 416, Ra:msey, New Jersey ·-------~------------=-=------------=--------------------------------s.e=---=----------------=-=:sz:11-=-=::c:c-=----·