The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1960

1 _cr_o_l1c_r_,_1_9_6_0____________ 1_~I_I_E_O_l--I_l__ I_N_D_I__;1PEND liN1 1 BAP1 1 J 1 1 ~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~-~~~~P~a 2 g~c-~~r~h~rcc FOR CH TIME THI Jos1ah Hol land once ,vrote, "Go<l give :> men! A time like this demands trong 111nds, great hear ts, true faith and ready ands ; fen whom the lust of off ice doe ,ot kill ; lvfen whom tl1e spoils of office annot buy." ow we are living in even nore dangerous day : ,vhac kind of n1en vill ,ve send to Wa hing ton? Baptists are accused of bring ing up the eli gious issue more than all others. That because 1t was largely their agitation hat put the First Amendment into the ~onst1tu tion, and they know that the . Loman Cathol ic Church is against separa- 1on of Church and sta te. In Eu rope, vhether under Catholic or Protestant perse– ution, they cou ld grow on ly about as ast as they were killed or driven away . f ere, under full religious liberty, they 1ave become the largest non-Catholic 1 roup. Responsible Baptists are not spread– ng "hate" literature, but they do be- ieve chat the American people have a ighr to know what the Catholic Church ,ff icial ly teaches. Our concern is more for the sp iricual– ty of our Baptist people tha n for the >u tcome of the No,,ember election. We vi ll not give up if a Cathol ic occupies the White House, bu t will then pray that t may arouse Protestants and Baptises o the need of a Twentieth Century Refor– natioo. W e cannot wait until the twenty– irst century, for by that time ou r grand hildren will be living under the repres– ions of a Catholic scare- they surely will 1nl ess a Reformation saves us or Christ eturns! What abou t us Regular Baptists- will ve do ou r share in bringi .ng about a f wentieth Century Reformation? Only f we will adorn our doctrine with a godly ife and honestIy labor for such a re– rival; only if we are willing to work with >thers who believe in the same principles. )ne hundred and forty thousand of us ·annot do it by ourselves. We thank God for the wonderful growth hat we have achieved as Ohio Regu lar Baptists in our 33 yea rs as an association; Ju t we could do much more if we had more unity within each church and more ooperation within the association. With ~w1ce as many chur( hes as we had thir– teen years ago, we have scarcely any more 1trend1ng our annual meetings. I-Iow can ,we serve as a means of inspirati on if tl1e churches will not bocher to send mes– scng<:rs,i Pastors who do not come di s– courage the ones that do, and certainly canr1ot bring home any enthusiasm co their churc l1es Deacons who never go co a state meeci ng cannot l)ack their pa5tor up when l1e makc:s a 1, lca [ or arn J) JJar- 1nos 01 for a Home: for rhe Aged. Women who never gc) can not tell of mi ssionary re1,orts tl1at they J 1d r1 c}t l1ear We need a rousi 11g annual n1eeting ()ct. 17-2() at Luc.lid-Not tingham. ' J)cl5tor arid c: hur<.: h have warrnly invitc:d u~, ~c, let us cc)111e l,y rhc car lc>ad full' Jf we have any differcnces, let us b<.· 111cn . noug}1 tc> 0111e and ir<)n thetn ou r. If "-'c feel rnore sl1ou Jd l)c do11c, lee u~ <.:c>111e and tell ou r bretl1rer1 what ic is and how I EEP THY OUI FROM lll'fTERNE ~ By Ra l1)l1 T. Nordlund L ife is not one grand excursion 1 1 l1rough a unn y, fl owery park, BL1t a journey oft laborious, Trailing onward thr<)ugh the dark. And its brightest gems <> f l)romise Prove so often wor thless gli tter ; Yet, my f ricod and fell ow J) ilg ri1n, Keep tl1y soul from g rowing bitter. Youthful dreams of wealth and J)Owe r May be lying in the (lust, An<l you cut no larger f1 gure Than just average people must. Failures may have followed failures, Ti ll life's burdens gall and fritter– Ah, and may be more : but, pi lgrim, Keep thy soul from g rowing bttter. Li fe has also mi les of sunshine, Blessed with love and friend ships true; There's a home that longs for g ladness, Half its joys depend on you. Pilgrin1, while one task remai nech , Be no weepi ng, lagging quitter. Cou rage! Through li fe 's varied journey Keep thy sou l from growing bitter. - Written back in college days. it ought co be be done. If we still want a Home for the Aged , we shoul<l go co Cleveland and say so with definite prom– ises of support. If we want more home mission work done in the state, we should be there and promise to get behind it. W e are not forgetting that our most im– portant work is right in the area of our local chu rches, but we feel chat an en– thusiastic conference will help us to go home and do that work all the better for having taken four days out for inspira– tion and consu ltation with our brethren. We need men with strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready han<ls. "God give us men! ,, HAVE YOU SENT IN YOUR ANNUAL HURCH STATlSTIC ? Unless each churcl1 repor ts, our clerk cannot give a complete report, and the full testimony to the way God has blessed us will be miss ing. While it is already too lace for Brother Gale to report lace statistics at the annua l n1eet1ng, it i not too late for him to incorporate them with the report chat will be publisheJ in the January issue. ven the new cl1u rehes con1ing in coul,l gee t l1ei rs in for that issue and we hope rl1ey will The Ohio Independent Baptist J)u blished Month ly by 'l~I-IE OI-IJO A O JA1.. ION 0 1: REGULAR BA Pl 1 l T HUR I-IE ' Pu bJ1cation Office l 5=3 outh J efferson, Berne, Ind Etlitor RAl.PH 'r. N RDLUND 586 NJaple trcet Fostoria, Ohi o Circ1,lat1on /\Ianager MR . JOHN KAU1-Z '15 19 Wel lington Ave. Parma 34, Ohio 11bscription Rate: Per siogle copy -----------– Per Year ------------- DEADLINE FOR NEW : l 5th of each month Advertising Rate: Per Column inch --------– Per Half page -----------– Per full page ------------- . I 5 2. ()() 1.50 2 1.0() 0.()0 econd class postage paid at Berne, India na. Postmaster : Please send form 354 7 to The Ohi o Independent Bapti st, 4 519 W ell ingcon Ave., Parma 34, Ohio. COUNCIL AND OFFJ ER Chair1J'1ar1 Rev. George R . Gib on 35 50 w . 25 th t . leveland 9, Ohio ecretary Rev. A<lam A. Gale pencer, Ohio Treas,,rer Rev. T . Fred Hu !> ey 26 E. hurch ' t . ile , h10 J)f I i 1iOlltlf"t ( , h!Jt. Rev. R. Kenneth n1else r 125 1:r ,endsl1i p ' t . 11ed ina , ()h10 ) '01,1h [)1, ect o r Rev Glenn 11ecn \.\ 1 0cld ) l (1 Ken I nh ron l-> l.1 te ' pr1ngf1eld. ()ht(> 01/;e, 1)tt 111he1 ., l l() ,\l{l) , 'r' C)lJN<., Al l 1\ N I l F\X' l~ <.., 1 ~ ll ; l () ' ~ I•l!Fl ~ l lALL I),\ l J l l· J 1~1\ RI~ V \\ I Ll.1 '1 l ~