The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1960

_c_ol_)e_r ._ 1 _96_0 _ _ _ _________ T:....:....:.1_:...I _:...E --=.O...:..H:..:.I-=0 ----=-l N:...:::D::..=:EPENDENT 13AIJT J T 1\ IlT ' f BOOK F 1, MEI{!- ~~ 1..Ill I~ LL lJy Jc)l111 B. \l ilcl r , nt1tl1or of rfl1 Otl1er icl f l{o111e. Pt1 bli, l1ed pt. 1, l 960 v Zc>11c1cr, ,111 Pttblis11i11g Ilot1s , ra11cl Rc:tpi cls rf icl1 . P ,1p r l),1ck $1· otl1 '1.95. Tl1 fir ·t l\\ o cl1,1pter a11p ,lr al - 1osl oft ,l lr. \\ 7 ilcl r o ,lptl 1ct11re tl1 ki11cl11ess of ot1r ,1tl1olic eigl1l)or a 11 cl l1is 0\\'11 lo,,c for tl1 1n . 11 1 for 100 pag 11 pil t]1 cl tl11111 - g e\ 'icle11ce t1p to prov , vl1 c1l fici,11 Ron1 i ,111d el l\ ,1 s l1 ,1s e11: Oppo11c1 t of tl1 Poor , K cp r r I«1, 1 es, Ia 11 ,1g r of tl1 Mi11cl , \ or- 1ip1Jer of 1,1ry Bt1r11 r of I-I r tics 1 cl1,1pter 011 700 )' ,1rs of I11qt1isi– J11 ,111 ov r Et1ro1)e that lai111 cl <1p– ·oxi111at l)' 5() ,000 000 li\1es that 110 1e cc)t1lcl l) lie, , if 11 clicl 11ot prov f ro1n tl1e E11cyclop clit1 Brittc.111ic,1 1d fro1n a tl1olic hjstori<111s ) a [oder11 P rs ct1 tor i11 1 i co a11 cl olon1bit1 ( t\,,o ch ,1pt r ) a11cl fl g ro,v- 1g pO\\'er , v ]10 ,,,ill ,1Jn1ost certt1i1 ly 1ke over the 11it d tat i1 tl1 ext forty y tlr ·. Rom,111 ,1tl1olic ave i11cr ec.1 d b)' 4 7% i 11 tl1e l,1 t t 11 i:>ars. Al tl1,1t r t1t tl1e r \VOt1lcl b 91,000,000 .. ,1tholics i11 tl1i · c o t111- y b}' 2,000 A.D. Tl1 11 l1e ay : i'e\\.' peopl a r co11cer11 cl wl1 th r le tl1odist o t1h1umb r B,1pti, ts, or aptists th Pr slJ t ri a1 s. . . . 011e these l1 as ,l pir cl to the co11trol of Jver111nents. Bt1t co tl y a11d )1 art- 1 1di11g exp ri 11 c l1 tlS sl1ow11 t]1a t J1ere C,1tho]ics o t1 t11t11nb r o ther tize1s i11 a l,111d their 1 ,1d e r l1a ,,,ays sot1ght to lay l1old 011 ev r )'v'er111ne1 ta] ag r1 cy. rfh y ha >trght to co1 trol ecluc,1tio1 a11d co1n– el ,111 other citiz 11s to st1b111it to ,1 tJ10Jic teachi11 gs a1d ,1tholi c t ach- ·s. They l1c1v cat1s d l,lv\'S to 1) 1ac·ted tl1at s111 c> tl1 r tl1e lib rtie. }l11d ')portt111i ties for g rowtl1 of all o tl1 r ·1 i gi ous l)c)<li s. " 'f'}1is is ,1 r aso11 al)J l)oc)k lJy ,l '11cl]y SOt1l , l)tlt l)y 01 ,vho k110 v\ 1 S 1cl givc.)s tl1e f ,1c: ls . YO c; IIT O J{~: D 'I"'HIS llOOK BEf.,Ol~E .() \ ' O'f E! ' ll ig}1 \\cl f.].' PS ( )C) 11 0 g'<)CJ< ] 1<> t] 1< 1 till \\ 11() )1,1~ bc~fl ll () \l L- }) l' iC' P( l () r j<>l> I,) Jp 1·1r1,111 c·,11·s or ~J HI)cl 11 l 1 HC ONTRIBUTION TO 1-IOME AMP, INC. Elto n I-Iukil I , Treas., 2029 E. 3() th t., Lorai n GIFT TO CAMP PATMO BlcsseJ H ope Bapt is t pr ingfield haron Bapti t un<l ay chool , haron, Pa . ---------------------------- Imma nu el Baptise hurch, A rcanum ----------------------------- First Bap t ;st hurch, W auseon ---------------------------------- Penfield J ct. BaJ) tist l1u rch, Lorain ------ --------------------------– N orth Royalto n Baptist unday chool -------------------------------- edar Hill Ba ptist hurch levela nd -------------------------------- First Baptist Church , Elyr ia ---~=======-========================= Trini ty Bapti st Chu rch, Lorai n -------------------------------------– Berea Bapti st Church ·------------------------------------- First Ba ptist hurch, Galli po lis ----------------------------------- Emmanuel Ba1) ti st Chu rch , Toledo ----------------------------------- a lvary Ba ptist hurch. a nto n ------------------------------------ First Baptist hurch, McD o naltl ------------------------------------– N orthfield Baptist hu rch --------------------------------- Calvary Bap t is t hurch . Bellefontai ne --------------------------------– First Baptist Church , Bowling Green --------------------------------- G if'T TO HOME Brookside Baptist hurch, levela nd -------------------------------- $ Mr. a nd Mrs. W . D. Mill er, W ooster - -- --- - --------------------- Cal vary Baptise hurch, Bell efontaine -------------------------------- Avo n Ba pti st Chu rch -------------------------------------------- Earl V . W jlle tts, Berea ----------------------------------------- First Baptist Chu rch , Elyria ------------------------------------ Mrs. H ilda P . O vermyer, Bell evue -----------------------------------– H inckley Ri dge Baptis t Chu rch ------------------------------------– Fos toria Baptist hu rch ------------------------------------– Fos to ria Baptis t, W elcome Class ------------------------------------– T r i ni tv Baptist hu rch , Lorain _ ---------------------------- ew H armo ny Ba pt is t hurch , ouch Ol ive ---------------------------- F rnmanuel Baptise hurch, To ledo ____ --------------------------- Bibl e Bapti st C hurch, Bedford --------------------------------- Memorial Baptist Chu rch , Colum bus --------------------- Memorial Baptis t Ladi es' M issionary oc. , Columbus --------------------- a lvary Bapti t Chu rch, Clevela nd __ ------------------------------ D l 0.00 5.00 10.00 33.02 10.0() 10 00 20.00 19 .75 5.00 11 .00 I 5.00 37 .50 5.00 10. 00 10.00 15 00 5.00 139.58 100.0() 32. ()0 84 8 1 12.24 25.00 5() .()0 56.32 146.7 1 25.()0 5.00 5.00 25.00 200.00 25.00 20 .19 15 .00 . cru thers Bapt is t T abernacle --------------------------------------– Previo usly reported ----------------------------------------------- 130.00 ] 5 ,27 3.2 1 To c:il received until ept . I st --------------------------------------- 16,3 70.06 Two contingent g ifts have come in to talling 725 chat will be good if we get the Fires tone Ma nsion , but otherwise must be retu rned , a nd so we do noc coun t t hen1 as yet. AUGUST GIFT OF REGULAR BAPTI T T. Fr cl I-ItlSS )', r r as., 61.5 \V(.1sJ1i11gto11 Ave. , l il s , Ol1ic) Bib] .) Missic)11 Baptist J1t1rcl1- ll y11c)] clsl)l1rg, l1ic) . . . .. .. . ... . . . . .. · 3.50 I() . 0() trt1 tl1e rs Bc1ptist T ab r11 ,1c] - trt1tl1 rs . 01110 .. . . . . .. . . . .. . .... . . . . Brooksicl B,1ptis t ,Jl1t1r(·l1- .. lc, 1 el,111cl , Ol1io .. . . . . . . . ... . .. .. .... . . ( :ecltlr Ilill B(1ptist Jl1t1rcl1 - Jl ,, ln11cl , Ol1ic) .. . ... . .. .. . .. . . . .. . .. . B r ,l Ba1) tis t Jl1t1rc·l1- B r a , Ol1i c> .. ... . .. .... .. . . .... . . ... . ... . orlo11 J 11tc r l3clI) lis l ..l1t1rcl1- B,lrl) ... rlo11 , l1ic) .. .... .. . .. .. . . .. . . . First B t1ptis l .. 11t1rc l1- ;,tlli1)c)lis, l1ic) .. . . .... . . .... ... . .. . .. . ... . rI'ri11ity 13aptis t J11ltr(·l1- L or a i11 , OJ1io .. ....... . ...... . . . .. .. . . . . . E 11111,l11l1 1 B,lI) lis t l1t1rc.: l1 - ' r c>lc (l e> , J1io . .. .. . .. ... .. . ... .. ...... . l 1 "' irsl I3nplisl ( ;J1t1rc:l1 - ' tr) k r l1ic> . ... . . . .. . . . .. .... . . ... . .... . . ( ~ttl ar}' B,11 ti st .,l1t1rc:l1-- c>l'\\ ,lll,, J1ic> .. ..... ... .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . . J; ii ~l 13a1) tis l C~l1t1r ·11 130\\ li11g c:rc'le11 , Ol1ic> .... .. . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . . c> rtl1 l{c>y,1ltc) 11 l3a11tisl C:l1t1rc·J1 ortl1 l{c,\ nlt c) 11 , Ol1ic> .. .. .. . . . .... . ( ;,1]\'tll , l3tlJJtist Jl1t1rc.·l1 (~1 'I \ ' la11cl, 11 i<> •.• •• •. •• ••• •.••• . • • ••••• ( ~]i11l o11\·illc~ 13ftl) lis l c:11,1rc_·l1 C~c> lttllll )llS, l1i() .. .. ........ .. ....... . I~~1s l Siclt' 13,lt) lts l ( Jl111rc·l1- l.Jc> ra i1, , Ol1ic) .... . . .. . . .. .. . ... . ....... . ]i'<>s lc>ri,t B,lI)lis l ( ~l1t1rc:l1 -l•'os l c>r1a , ()l11c> . . . .. . .. . .... .. .......... . Jl1111lsl>11rg 13a1)tis l (~l1l1rcl1- llt111lsl>t1rg . l11c> .. ..... . . .. . ......... . I.j il ·l1fi ~lcl 13,ll) lis l ( :l1t1rc.· l1- I.1 il ·l1lit\ lcl, ()11ic> ....................... . 5. ()( 2fi.0() 1().()() l f5 .()() l (). (){) !"). ()() l :... . f5() l fi. ()0 f>. ()() . . ()() ~ ()() 5 ()( 8 fi () :lf> ()() ~;) {)() 1· '25 ()(