The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1959
\\11 I1\ T l llR (.,llUR IIE" R n )INC; ( tl11ti11\1 d f1~0111 1)age, 13 ) l 0,· 14tl1 tl1t' 1 '\ll \,\'ord of T1 t1tl1 ot1tl1 R~ll,· 111 t 111 ot11 c l1t1r 11 for t ltt.'11· 111011 t ltl\· 111cci 1ng - Eliz( b tl1 l lcl,, so11. r port r. BIBLE B PTIST, ortl1 1,,d1 on Tl1c 111e111bers of tl1e cl1t1rcl1 ar l1a, 1 - i11g a ,, ek of soul- earching cottage ar\d l1t1rcl1 pra, 1 er mect111q 1n preµ– arat1011 fo1 t1r re,T1, 1 al m ctings, whicl1 ttr to be l1eld No,... 9-22 ,vith Rev. Ja11, "' E. Godley, Sr. as , ,angelist.- aral1 Ernest, reporter. DR. PAUL TAS ELL WRITES nE, reI'\' is ue of the OIB is spiritual- 1,· uplifting and satisfyingly informa– ti,·e. Keep up the good work. ' H e is a pastor nov..r in Galesburg, Ill. ,\ 1 0 NDERFUL FELLOWSHIP! Pastor and Mrs. Marsh all Harper of Cambridge '\\'rite of the wonderful fel– lo,\•ship enjoyed in their home by the pastors and wives and children of the Moriah Baptist F ellowship. We haven t the space to put in all the f1·iendly touches that show it was in– deed a happy time of fellowship but \\re can report that they did the mis– sionary thing and invited pastors not in the state or national associations. Those atten d ing were Pastor and Mrs. Lower of the Fresno Bible Church. P astor and Mrs. Harold House of Byesville, P astor and Mrs. J ames Soau lding of Newark, Pastor and Mrs. Worth S . Sau ser of Mt. Vernon, Pas – tor and Mrs. Leslie Koskovics of Macksburg, P astor and Mrs. Ray Fel– lenger of Harriettsville . Pastor and Mrs. Harry Cole of Coshocton, Pastor and Mrs. Llewellyn Thompson of Reynoldsbur~, and P astor and Mrs. Charles Claypool of Be thesda. EVANGELIST JOHN W. MARTIN He writes that he h eld meetings or wil l. Nov. 8-22 at Bluefield. Va .; Nov. 23-Dec. 6 at Antwerp, Ohio~ Dec. 7- J an. 3, only tentatively filled; Jan. 3-17 at Ney Ohio· Jan. 18-31 is open ; F eb. 1-15 at Montpelier, Ohio ; Feb. 15-28 at Huntington. Ind.; F eb. 29- March 13, tentative· Ma r ch 14-27, Nep– tune, Ohio. FIRST BAPTIST, Ga lion Dr. Carl Sweazy held a two week revival Nov. 18-Dec. 1. The Lord blessed and 15 souls came for salva– tion and others in dedication. All services were well attended and we f 'f'l tl1 , cff ct \\;tll b f lt for many 111011( l1s p cial 111us ic "'as provided b, dnrv1ll ollcgc a 11d by Jimmy Willi . tl1 origi11al "King Fish' ' of tl1 1110s a11d Andy program. This n1a11 now has a r al t stimony for th Lord . Pasto r W1lfr d Booth, report– ing. ELLI GTO DOPT OUTH PROGRAM 11 ~~e1lt r 11tl)r r ..J l 19~9 the \\T 11i11p:t 11 l 11 i1\ t I3apti. t h llrch 1) ga11 a11 cx t e11. i,Tr Yo11th Pro– g·1·a111. I t is a 11atio11a1 p1·ogram 1{110,,,.11 as t l1e i..\ W ... r Youth As– . eic1 ti 11 . Tl1 e t,,ro-f o lcl p111·po. e f .(\ W ...\ .. ...\ i.· to : ( a) "\\ 1 i11 boy a11d gir 1 for h ri... t ( lJ) tx·ai11 t l1 m i11 the co1nma11dment. of hri t. Ther e are fo11r ,lul). i.11 Well– ingto11 t,,·o for l)oy. , a11d two for gir1.. . Eae 11 lu 1) 1neet. one fl each ,,.,.eek for 0 11r and one-half ho11r• . The tiine i. clivic1ed i11to Ga1ne P eriod: .4\ chieveme11t P eriod· and Bible Period. The proo-ram ll e 1111lc-h of the Bible in it. Achieve- 111ent pha. e. lt1 l) name : (P~\L ) B Y ~ -10 (PI ~EER~ ) B Y 11-14 ( H1 11 ) IRL... -10 ( T 1 r\RD ) x IRL~ 11-14 Ea ih lt1b ha. an average at- t 11 l a11ce of 45-5 each week. One " reelc we rea hed our peak ,,Tith an att nda11ce of 245 yot1th betwee11 the age of -14. e h ave been fort.11nate i11 enli. ting the aid of 29 acl11lt leader . to ]1andle thi program. Eac11 1eadr1· l1a. hi. or hrr o,v11 .i.\ ,,r >J A 11nif orm. The J)l-. gram ·o. t the 'hl1rch 011l y abo11t $100.00 to begi11 a11cl 1nai11tain. "\\T J m e a 11 • i-\ pp1 .. oved ,v orkme11 r e N"ot \ . hamecl ... IT Tim. 2:15. Pa tor Lo11i. . Tt1lg·a i. too h 11111l )l e to tell l1i. O"\'iln pa1"t in T)t1tti11g· thi. 11 r ,,r prog1·a111 a ro.. Your INVESTME - of SELF, PRAYER & FINANCES In HOME MISSIONS Wll.,L PAY ETERNAL DIVIDENDS 'Reach America to Reach the World" IUAWATHA LAND INDEPENDEN'I BAPTIST MISSIONS 1109 Ludington St. Escanaba, Mich. - '--------------------------__;_-----------:-------' Dcce1n b r J 959 Hlt(l lllcl1< ltl g it H S ll<'<'PSS: l>ttt f t '()lll l'Pl)or1s <lt11si 1 \\ c\ lli11 g·tc)11 it i~ ec)11siclClrr<l a J)c 1·so11al tri11111r)l1 fc)t' l 1 i 11 l . ) r (. () l l l's c ' \' r, a r ) g I H( 1 h I clops 1101 tl1i 11l" "'>. EAST SIDE BAPTIST, Lorain As soon as the church moves into 1ts n ew home on Euclid Avenue, it wil be known as the Euclid Avenue Baptist Church. While the main build– ing will soon be finished, it has been voted to continue and put up the west wing at once, which will pro– v ide much n eeded Sunday school room. FIRST BAPTIST, Bowling Green Nov. 15-22 Dr. Ralph I . Yarnell, General Secretary of the ACCC, h eld a week of Bible Confer ence Evan– gelism. The church was blessed and continues to grow in attendance and activity. The Sunday school attend– ance averaged 128 in October . The Young; P eople a r e divided into two groups and workin~ h ard to excell each other in attendance at 6: 30, in participation, and in church attend– ance. XENIA BIBLE CHURCH, GARBC Speak er s this fall have been Rev. Harlan Gautsche of the L os Angeles Hebrew Mission at the Missionary Fellowship Oct. 20th, R ev. J ames Ros– n er, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, Be llefontaine, at the Fall Fellowship Supper, Nov. 10th, which was a get– acqu ainted-meeting for new members: and Rev. Humbert Tentarelli, ABWE missionary at the November Mission– arv F ellowship. Rooms in the Sunday school de – pa1 b:xient are being re - a rranged to make more room for the increase in attendance. The men of the church are doing the work.- Rev. S. A. Hutchinson , reporting. .. FROM NEW YORK STATE Friends in Randolph, N . Y. , visited here in July and subscribed to the OIB. Now they write that they en– ioy it, and also to say that they know George Hunt of Flushing, N. Y. , and feel that Emmanuel of Toledo chose a very good pastor when they called him. Then they sent a copy of The Empire State Baptist, an 8 page monthly that tells of the churches of like faith in New York. As an editor, we appreciated that very much. ROAD FORK BAPTIST, Harriettsville The meetings in October with Sing– ing Evangelist Lynn Roger s proved a real su ccess. A week of cottage prayer meetings beforehand evidenced con– cern over the lost, and during the meeting three came to Christ and one returned to fellowship. One lady had victory over a 30 year smoke habit. CALVARY BAPTIST TABERNACLE, Sandusky Our folk were blessed by the spe– cia l meetin«?;s held by Dr. Hugh Hor– n e r, pastor of Berean Baptist Church of Detroit. His messages were on the Rapture, the Judgment of B elievers, and Everyday Christian Liv ing. Our chttrch r ecently voted to support Cedarville College. Also the church has been painted and improved.- R ev. A. B . Tassell, reporting.
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