The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1959

_ 1,H'E 111<.) INl)El ENl)ENT B PTIST ~~~~~------_c=-.~ ~~~~~--~~ PEACE TO MEN OF GOOD WILL \ \ · i t 11 , t 11 11 l t.:\ 11 1) r () t t \ :-,, " i 11 g < \ ( l c· - , 1rP t't>l' ,, ()t'ltl l)t',l( 't'. ,llltl ,, 1 t 11 l ll ,1l , Hlltl , t)f ll l' t' nt·l1 (\ r, ,111tl ,, 1·it– e1 , 111tt'l'l)l't.'t111p: l t1lzl' :2 : 14 1<l lllt'clll tllclt \\t' 111t1,t 11,t\'l' 1l1t' t?.<)<)<1 ,,·ill t\ t•t) lllt") tc) clll ,lQ.l'Cl'llll'llt ,,·i tl1 ' l)<)tl1 l 11 . ,in ,111tl l l1i11cl, it l) c>- vt lllt'" tl1t' t1·11 <.' ( l1risti,111 1(> 1111- tlt' 1·~tc111cl ,,· l1c1t tl1e Hllg'l' l 111ea11t ,,·l 1 e 11 l 1 c ~ c 1 i ( 1. ' ·('}1 () 1 ·, - t () i o < 1 i 11 • tllf' l1igl1c:-..t. ,111<.1 ()11 l',1 rtl1 l 0c1ec . !.?.l)<)(l ,rill tc)\\"cll'(l 111 e11." 'l lictt , ·t 1·~c~ e,111 l)Pttc1· l) l tr,111s– lc1tcll. ··<~l<.>r,· t<) iOl1 i11 tl1<:> l1igl1 - • t'~t. ,llttl () 11 ea1·tl1 })Caec ,t111011g: 1\ll'll of ~roo<l 1 l 'cl~lll·e." 'rllclt 111ec111" ~1)11·it11,1l 11eae 110,,, i11 tl1 e l1e,11·t, <>f ctll ,,·11(1 are 1l11cl<1r tl1<1 g-<)<)<1 1) l e c1~11rP <)r gr<1c·e <>f tl1e I Jc) r c 1 J es 11 s 1 l 11· i: t : a 11 c.1 it }) 1· l) 111 - i, e~ })E?al'(l t' ()l' t]1e \\Tl1ole ,,ror•lcl cl ft(") r t 1 ll) ~ Cl'O 11 c.l "-\ 1,·e 11 t' ',· 11 Pll ,111 11,1tic)11: ar <:> 1111c.1e1· tl1e he11ig·11 !.!t1,·e1·11111e11t of tl1e P1·i11(' e of l) <'cltt'. ()111 ·\'· tl1e11 l'ct11 tl1er<' 11e r c'al ' • <l l l 1 l cl: ti11 g· p e ,1 t e . ( 11 r tl1i11g· i: s111· e, a11cl tl1,1t is t l1c1 t 111 e11 ,,·ho :a~T, · ""\'\Te ,, .. ill lJlLl'}'" )·011," ta1111c)t bri11g: al)Ollt lasti11g· J)(lclte. ·<)1111111111i.. ·ts arc> tat1µ: l1t j'r<)lll e l1ill111 <)<>c1 to l1at e vaJ)italists, ,111<1 t<> belie,· tl1at 1c>,, c1111 111 r t,~ c11· ,veal{11e:se: of a11 ef- • f <?te l)ot11·groi: :o<'irt~,.. T}1 e)T 111a:v· <·,111 tl1eir :c)1c1ie1·s 'figl1trr: for ( 11Pate." l>tlt tl1e fac·t 1·e111ai11s tl1 c1t t lie)- c11·e fi g·l1ter .· a11c.l 11ot 11a<'i [ists . T l1e )'" 1J1·011o:e g 1·a11 c1 i o: .' l' 11 e1 ne: f<>l' tc)tal cli~-a r111a111e11t. l)llt 0111\' • l)P('cl ll . <-· tl1e, T k110\\ 7 ,,·e \\·ill 1111·11 • tl1<> P j1111)1'cltti<·,1l s<'he111 es tlc),,·11. "\'\""itl1ot1t g<)<><.1 ,,·ill i11 tl1eir l1 ec1rts tl1 ~· tclllll<)t c111alif.'· ,ls 1)eac·e- 111a l{ 1· . \\T"e c11·e 1:or all .'" I)a1·tic1l llis- ,1r111a111e11 t 1 l,l 11 tl1at C'a11 l) P \\"<)1'1{ c1 011t ,,·itl1 stril't i11s1)ettio11 t<1 1)re, e11 t t 11e,1ti11ir: bttt ,,·c\ ,1 r c:~ 11<>t ,ra r 111011gc-lr. or i111J)e1·iali ·t .· \\"l1e11 ,,·~ ,·jp\\. t11e ( 1 011111111111 : t 11 ,l · ;) off"e11si,·e ,,·itl1 .'llSJ>i 1 icl11. "\'\"" re111e111l)Pr tl1at bc)tl1 l Je 11i11 c111<l St,1li11 tal1gl1t tl1eir 1) eo1)1 t 11 ,l t ,,· l 1 11 R 11. ~ i ,l , , · a . . t 1· c > 11 g e11<)llgl1 tl) ,1tt,1tl<, it . l1 c> t11c1 fi1·st lat111<·l1 a g r e,1t ta11111aig·11 f<J l' \\' C>1·l c1 cli~c11·111,1111e11t. 'f]1t1,,. ,t l8o • })l' c1ic·t ell tl1at t l1e \'\T e. ·t ,,.. (1111c1 hr • o \Vea1·,~ of t 11 e a1·111a111e11t 1·aee • 1}1,1t it ,,· c)tllll lJtl~.,. 1ll) tl1p J)la11 a11cl ~ea1 it, o,,·11 c10<>111 . .L\.ll tl1 c l)l c:111 clisl1111e11t of l(l1rt1:l1el1e,· Il l \t :,,;L I>< 1111<ll·r,1cH>c l j11 111 t1 li µ; l1t HE CAME, HE COME By Ralph T . Nordlund He came a helpless, homeless Child, He comes again earth's Potentate; He lived a Teach er meek and mild, He comes to rule both small and gr eat! The virgin-born, incarnate Word Once n estled on his Mother's breast; He lived , and died, and rose her Lord, And comes earth's King and heaven's Best! He came, as prophets long foretold, And died a sacrifice for sin; He comes, as all th apostles hold, To bring his glorious Kingdom in! \ I. ~!l: ll (>(' t l 1 H t I) 1 cl S t (l l' l) 1 cl J l t <> <'<)I l < ! l \ <1 I' tl1 c> \V<.>rlcl l>,\'" ,t ~ltl' f)l'j:<' ctt1a<'1<. ~J <>1111 t~,<)stPr l )111les 1111llrrstc>oc.l \'0 l'Y \VCll clll(l (•aref11l],\r 1c111g·l11 1)<>1)1 }~iHr11l1c),rer clll l ( 1 l1ristia11 Il e1·t e1·· bt1t tl1 e <1t1 .· tjo11 is ,,·11 the1· t l1P). t,111 sta11tl lll) 1111cl r t l1e pre::11re of ,,,orl 1 01)i11io11 a11cl 1110,·r ad1·oitl,\" e 11c)11gh :o tl1at thP ,,,orlcl ,,·ill 11ot bla111e 11s it: t l1e ·<>111i11g .·t1111111it eo11fe1·eu · fail.· . .1.\ s . o ofte11 hap1>e11.· , tl1 chil- c.l r e11 of tl1i.- vvo1·lcl are ,,·ise1· tl1a11 tl1e .· 011.' c>[ lig·1 t. 1{11r11 ·11ehe,· f igt11·E>. · tl1at l1e c·a1111ot lo.. e. I f ,,· e 1·e.ieet ]1i: total c1i.· a1·111a111e11t .. ehe111e. l1 e ('a11 eo11,Ti11ee 00o/o of hi .· ovv11 1)eo1)l e. a11c1 n1illio11. <11·01111c1 tl1 p \\'C)1·lc.l, tl1at 1\ 111e1·it,1 is t<) bla111e. I f 11 C'a11 get l)artial cli .. a1·111a111r11t b11t tl1eat 011 l<:eep– i11µ: l1i.· .· icl e of the bar·o·ai11. l1e i · tl1c:1t 111l1e l1 11 ra r e1· to tl1 e c1av ~,11e11 • l 1e ea11 :t1·ike. That i.· ,,~11at .Ja1Ja11 cli<1 ,,·l1 e11 . 11 .· ig·11ec1 th I-1oea1·110 l)att a11c1 p1·omi: cl t cljs111c111tle :e,,.e1·al battle.·hip ·. , "\Te lce1 t 0111· pro111i l )11t . he clicl 11ot, a11 1 \V 1{110,,,. vvl1at l1a1)– l)r11 cl at })ea rl fTa1·l)or. E,.. <: 11 if i11spettio11 ''"·ill eo11111el J(}11·t1.· l1- t11e,,. to ltee11 l1i: l1argai11 fai1·l}'" ,,·e 11, it ,,· ill :oft e11 t1p tl1e , Ve. t for f t11·tl1 er c·o1111 1·0111i:e. a11c1 0111~ .. 1 O.' tp 011 e t 11 e c1c1~· \\ 7 11 e11 11 i.· n1 a. t e1· 1 lct 1 ea11 be 11s <l. It i: lilcp tl1e l,1t est prc)fe.·s io11a1 ext l1,111ge b e i11 f?: c1.rra11g:ec1 l)etv\ 1 ee11 1 o lt1111bia l T11i,.. e1·sit>r a11 l Io:tO\\T 1... 11i,·e r:it)'". 0111· fi,·e profe-. 01'. ,,rill 11ot be f1·ee to t eac.: 11 a11ti- - (' 01111111111 i .. t c1 c1 e t1·i11 e, b11 t ,,-ill b t111 l er tr r 111c11cl o11 .. p1· •'.'llr '.) to be– c·o111e ( 1 c> 1111111111i. t . the111 .. el,Tes a11cl tl1 11 c(>111 l10111 e to t e,ltl1 it 11e1 .. e. '1li e fi,·r l~11:sia11 })1·ofesso1-. · at ( •0111111bia ,,,ill l) e fr e to g:la11101·- izr 1 c)1111111111is 111. a11c1 ,,·ill n1alc els 111a11y c:c)11\Tl)1·ts c1111011g tl1ei1· stt1 l e11t: as })Q. sil)le, rr11e3T 11e,Ter c1g1·e t o clll~'"tl1i11g 1111le:: the)~ f ig·t1re t 11 ) " e c11111 ot 1 ose. Tl1at i. ,vl1,,. ...:\ 111e1·ita 11eec1s to • t1·t1.· t i11 (~ <)<.1 c111cl l< e1) it: 111i.. ile: l ' Pct 1)'". Tl1 r r 1 ,,·ill 11 e, re1· l)e all)' ] c1sti11g· p cl.l' 1111til tl1 P1·i11c e of J->eat 1·e t11r11 , to 1·eig11 . 111· ... ( ,,. h1·ist111a~ l1ope is tl1at tl1e ()11e ,,·110 ta111e 011ee ,111c.l 1nac.1 Olll- 11 ,1c:e fo1· 11s b~· tl1e bloo l of l1i~ r1·0 ,._ ,,~ill to111e c1g·a in a11cl l)a11 isl1 ,\·a1· fo1· r,·c-11·. ·~ 1.:,,.P11 .· o c-0111 ~ , I J<)l'<l ,Jes tt. !' ' • •