The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1959
Dccemb r 1959 - ___ THE OHIO INDEPENDENT_ BAPTIS_ T_____________ Pa2e Seven . \ '[ 1{l T J J Y \ \T () I) J~J [{ .B 1 l [ J :\IEETI G ( 011tint1e l f 1·om JJag·e (i ) i,1. t 111i11llt by ' l101·t e11i11g· t l1e eo11fe 1·e11 ce 011c la. . Othrr yea.1~ '1'11111\ c.1,1~: 11ig·l1 t l1as bc."\en }) .. 1·ett)' Jllll }1 O[ cl l c111l tlllCl{ 8Cs:· io11. l\Io1·e tl1a11 ha ] r of 111r })cl, tOl'H ,,·ol1ld hl11·1·y l101ne after tl1c.,. l\Ie11 H 1~'01·t1n1, cl l1(1 mot or tl1r ,, 1 ome11 ,,·ot1lcl le> lilce,,r i. e after t l1ei1~ l\Ii .."io11ary llo,1r. "\\Tell the ed i- t o 1• j 11 o t t 11 e 1 ec· i 1 i 11 g· j 1L c 1 g e bt1t tl1e l1ort , e.. "io11 t l1eor, 1 clid JlOt ,,·01' ]{ \'e1·y \V 11. Ir the. local ]}l'aj 1 e1" 1neeti11 g <'fO\'\l' Cl l1,1 cl 11ot bee11 the1·e \\'e ,, 1 ol1lcl l1a, 1 e1 l1ad n I a 1n e d tl I le ~ e. . i o 11 f o 1· u 1· e. :\f aJ 1 be 11ext year \\'e l1acl bett r µ:o ]Jar lt to having· Th11r. day and :!lo. e ,,.ritl1 'I 1 h111-.. clav afternoo11. • E,re11 . a ,Ying 0111.. be. t J)ealcer to t J1e la. t doe 11ot . eert1 t o help m11ch to keep folk. f rom rl1nni11g· }10 111 e before the la. t evening • ser,r1ce. Rev . Robert D. 'f arth,, ce1·- ... tain1y ga, ,e 1t. a11 in piri11g er - 111011 011 I-Ieb1·e,,, 12:1, 2. lie ~11t1·od11ced hi. text by aJ 1 i11g· it \Y'a ea y to brand the Fo. die1{ ,111d Fe1·r e l)t1t it \\'a harder to fig·h t tl1e t1btle apo ·ta y o E \VOl"ldlines . The only ,vay ,,,e can do it is to help our people r emem– lJel' \\'e a1·e com1)a . eel abo11t by fai tl1ful ,,,itne. e of' the pa t. Lilce the ang·el v\Ti11g t l1at £01·m 1he clot1d 011 both ides of Ra– J)ha el pi 1 ture of h1·i t . ...A.. ce11- . ion, . o we ha,,e to h el]) eompl ete the pictu1·e today by the ,,,a),. ,ve li,re thi. idc of the Cl'O s. Other– ,,,j. e, ' 'They ,vithollt 11. . hould 11ot be n1ade p erfect.' In fa t ,,re ha, ,e mo1·e r ecent ,vit11es. e. t hat rall for fa itl1f11 lne.. T1iving– ~to11e a11d other n1oder11 n1is. ion– aries, '\ a11 At1 . dall ( hi. former ;,a. tor ) and .. hields and J(et ham ,1nd oth er fot111de r s of ot11· Reg;11- la1· Baptist mo, 1 eme11t. 'J'he t1~ott lJl e is \\'e }l re al o eu111 be1·ed hy \veigl1t . . I f \\'e fly, v\'e 1n11st tra,,r l ,, 1 itl1 ligl1t b:1g:– g a g· e ; i f \\t e 1· t 111 , ,ve n 1 t 1 s 1 11 e J igl1t shc>P~. TJ1e ,veig}it, Illcl~r llOt h ~ somP t rr·ihl c hcl bit , l)llt t<><) 1r111cl1 lo, e1 r<)1· l<it l1 a 11cl l<i11 . Tl1 11 1Jie1·p i~ 1i1c ~i11 of 1111belic"f", :1ncl \VC ()llg' llt llP.\' Cl' to ]et Hll,\r Oll C (I() l I J) t () l l l' r a it l 1. I I c~ s ,l j ( l j J l (: I. cl l l ( 1 17{ a r) i (ls ill t }1 p cl ,l y~ () f \ Ta I l A l lS– ,1 a 11 ;-11 \~rt1a)tJ1,, Nt. ,1 11 <1 \\' isl1nr1 ,,f l•'i 1·s1 ]1,t1>1i~t. r10 <>11,~ l1ac1 11lP J «• ,1 s 1 cl CJ 11 l > 1 c1 ~ 1,, , vl i c~ r <• \T c1 11 A t 1 ~ - t I it 11 st o < J , I, ,, 1• as 1 <, \\' I 1.'' I h < • 1\\ < > 1, 1·, ac·l1ers ,,·e1·<· <'11< 1 111 ic 1 s . ( 11 (' ,, as <t J't~ricJam<rt1tal beli e,rr 1· n11cl 111~ tlf IJPt' ,1 IlJ()(f (.-l"ll i. f. ) 'Ps, \\'( ,111 J1;1,r p f)III' \\T()jg}1t ~. NORTH BETHEL ASSOCIATION GETTING BUSY J1a st 1110.11tl1 ,ve lll'i11 t.ecl u 1r1essag·p 011 sta.1·t111 g 11 rw rh t11·c~l1e.; f'ron1 tl1, l{rg·t1la1· I~ap t is1 1\frH. r 11 0'e r of (ialifo1·11ia ,111cl p1· c>111isrcl f111·tJ1er eo1111r1r 11 t. N <>,,, that i. 11ercl– J rss, ,, 1 itl1 t11 <1 Nt)l'th Brthp] 4\ R8C)– c·ia1io11 ,1lr · cl<>i11g· \vhat tl1p a l'i i · le s11gg-e. t:. 1 1 1·0111 l>ei11g the ,,,ral{est of 01 11· five cli. 1rirt a~– Roe iation.; i11 11t1111l )er of el111rc-hrs, i t i. (_l x p P1• i r 11 e i 11 g· st 1 r l1 a r e,, i v a 1 tl1at tl1e pa. tor. are aJreaclv tall, - • i11g <> f divicli11g ancl adc1i11g a 1n11e l1 11 ee1cl ed . ixt 1 as. or iatio11. ]1 1 or :e,,- eral year . it 01 1,, l1acl 11i11 r r ht11·<·h - . ' rs, ,, 1 h ic h ,,,as i 1 cr ca. re l to 11 a 1)011 t three yrar. ago ,vith the adclitio11 of tJ1e Ope11 Door l~aJJt ist h1treh 11ear ~ pe11 ·ervil le c111cl a],rar y J3aptis1 of Tiffin . Thi: fall t,vo 111or e r l111rel1 rs <·a111e i11- Fai t J1 BaptiRt of \ a11 ,,rr 1·t a11(1 Fi1-. t Bapti:t of , itryl<r1·, a 11 cl a. soo11 HR t h r 1~~ast , i le eh111·e 11 <) r Toleclo 18 f11ll} 1 org•a11iie l, ,,r 1(110\\T it ,,Till come i11 . Tl1e11 therr a1~e . ix i11de– pe11dent Bapti. t churche~ in thr ar ea t hat are hei11g 111ade ,,re I 0 1ne to the ]oral fello,,r...hi}) a1 cl lDcl)r , .10111(.l d ay '\\ra11t to <'0111C i11t o Ollr tate fello,, 1 " hit) als<>, ,111cl ,,re clr e . 11re t l1at at lea~ t . 01ne of t l1em are g·oi11g· tc) t1.· r 0 111· ,, 1 Plro111c' 111at a11 1 eome 1~ig·h t on i11 . 1\ r ore tha11 that thrrr a1~ a fp,v el111rches o, 1 er the 1ir1r i11 l\tfit·hig,111 that lila)r ,va11t to con1e i11 . J o,,r for t l1 e r·eal 1·p,,i, 1 }1l nr,v~. 'J' }1 p. J.l a. to1·'. fa111ily fe]lo,, 1 • l1ip • ]1a:- n o,,~ 111et 111ontl1ly . ince ep - tem ber a11cl ~o,,rn1l)e1 .. 17tl1 fo1111c.l 11i11 e of the111 a11d six ,,i , itor: at the l1 on1e of J)astor a11cl ":\ J1·s. T1 0 11 , t rd A ~ vla11so r1 <) f th r .I.\ n1 - brose eh11rcl1. Thr r e ,,rer r six of the ,,Tive. the1·r also a 11 tl . e1, 1 er,\1 pre-. el1 ool c: l1il(l1"c>11 ... 111·e ,, 1 <' l1ac1 a biu: potl11c·lc cli1111rr l111t tl1c l'r. – ,,ival l)eg·a11 \\' itJ1 c1 111Pssag·r l))" Rva110'eli8t l~ill 01np1011 of .J,1e], - so11,,1llr, 1~ 1 ] ,\., '"?11 0 i~ l1olding· 111retir1g~ at An1l)1·osr. Tl1e11 the) b111 ,,,c ,11·e e11c•ol11·,1gecl 1>~" tl1 P \Vi1111e11· .Jc)8l l 8 r111·ist . \\Tc (1() 11 (} 1 ] OO 1{ t O a \' i H 1 <> f' l)1 <) 0 < l t I 1 H f }1p 8£1\\ ' \\' ()l'Sll i } })<'<l 1>)' 1ll<>1l~Hllll~ i 11 Il r 1 g i , t n 1, , , l 1 <> , v < rt' 111 a t 1 P t <! 11 t1 I 1 e ,,e i t , \ , 1 s a J >, > 1 t I t • <) I' , J 's t I s }> ]<>C)( l ('Hltgl1L Ht t 11(' ('l'()S~. l>ltf t>llT' \ ' i(•fc)J'\' is itl l<)C>l-.111g lltlt<> • ,J <' s t Is .' ' '\, c I,, c > l r f < > J 11111 a • <) 11 r 1· is c 1 t) , S('H i(~(f lt 11t'l'('l'S~!)J· i11 (hr (1 Jo1·,r. (' ](>(>l, f< ]1ttll ,lS fl ](• 1 o111 .i 11 g· < 11, ,1 l s <> . I f <' 1 •( , : <~ t. i ' t it1 a11 ag·, ,,,l1e11 ,,.,c s<:'<' lt>l' 1g11 J> f1. 1 t o1\' tool< 111) i11 r a1·11Pst thP ClllPS1iOl l <>f ,·1,1 rti11g· 11 (1\\r Ch llfChP,' . ~Ort)1 }~c-,fhPl l ' O l1 g}1 ]~r s1 r Pt (']lP~ () \ '(\ I' 1:-i (' (}l ll1 tiPs ,,r Xf> r1h ,\rp, ·f () l1io ,,rhil'h ha,,e1 onlv 18 ( .\Rf 1 • <'h11rrl1e. · c111cl six l, 11 0,,·11 f1111cl,1- 111e11tc1l, i1cl ey1011 cl c.> 111 J~ ,1 J> tis t C'httrC'hfl8. T}1r Ro11tl1Pt"ll r~ct J)tists scl )' t l1is arra 11eecl: ~00 11 r ,v Bc1p– t ist e hllt' ·}1e• . 1>11t11a1n ( io1 111ty clor: • 11 c> t h av r a Ba pt i Ht <• 1111 r <' h <> f <t 11 y l<i11 cl . The Xc>rtl1 11rt l1 el J)as1 or ~ <t1·r ljt r1·ally <> 11 fiJ·r ,rjth thci c·<>11 - , ri ct io11 t}1at th r,, lllllSt ~tart ~Olll (l • <>f t h o. P 200 r l1t1r (' l1 Ps ct 11 cl sre urP t l1P111 for f1111clame11tal C 1 hristia11- ity . A t thr .t\.1}1 l>rc>sr 111eet i1 1g· tllP)r tlrt icl rc1 1 hat tl1r, 1 hacl tall{< cl • 11 0,1g·l1 a11cl it ' '' cl , 1 i111c to <let. 'rhry are propc>.·i11 g that tl1c· (·1111 rr li e. se11 <l i 11 g·i ft. t c1 1 h r trecl8ttrr1~, J->a . tor "\\Tf1rrP11 T1 . • J ,t– eol)s of "\\Tc111sro11 , to cl ef r,t)r tra,·rl rxpr 11 . r. fo1· a11)r .·11r,'P) '" <> r 111 is– : io11a1·v ,,·01·1< tJ1e1 state' rc1)r rsr 11 ta- • ti,, doe. · i11 thr ir a r ea, a11cl as ,l 11 rst egg t c> l1elJ) ,11 Ira. t C) ll P eh11r(· l1 o· t . tart rcl Par l1 vPa1·. .. 1 i11 <'r at h . lEa:t tl1ree fi el(l ~ a r r as1<i11g fo1· ,,,.01·l<r 1·s, th<:"\\" a1·e1 111·µ:i11 g the pa:– tor of t h r 11~areH1 c·h11rch tc> op c1 111) a T~ j bl e <' l a,. s j 11 Pac· l 1. , r i t l1 t l 1r thot1o·ht that it 1n a1-" 1,11,r t,,,c) or h • tl11·ee , ·ec1r . fo 1~ . 01 1r of tl1e111 1<> • o·et to t }1 (.l 1)l c1ce , ,·l1 r 1· p (1 1>c1 . to r ~rill be )l{'fl(l rcl clllCl cl C' lllll' (' l l f11ll.,T 01·ga11ize l. ,, \ 11othe1· ,,,01·kr r cl\"H il – clbl e fo1· l~il)le <' l as. rs, ," ll J)J11)" a11cl r , ·c111g·elistie r11reti11gs 111 a11 a1·pa c>f 2!1 n1il c-1.· ,l1·01111rl 111111,-t is RP,·. Ertl (\ t .. \ . Rilr , r of \ Tcll1g· l111~,·ill P, 0}1jo . L\ s otl1 cr~ ' ' "(> rh:rrs ,11·r 11P<'ll– <'Cl, t]1 ,T ,,·ill l l P sot1gl1t frc) 111 t l1c' • <> t 1 t ... i cl e . The 111 oclr rat<)r of 111<\ a"'"<)<·ia – tio11 i.· l),1stc>r J,1 r r 11c·<\ Tc>,r11st'11<l of n o,,·li11g· (~rl\ 0 }1, thp ,·it•(.' lll()(l – (.)1•ato1· i. J">a . to1· Riel1c11·cl 'I' . :\f C'– l11tosl1 of ~<>rt h sitlr' I~,l l)ti~1 111 T1i111a , ,t11<l t l 1<_"\ ~t1e retclr)·-trc\a8tt1·rr j:-,; T>clSt()l' ''Ta rr r 11 [ J , .J fl('{) l1s of \\'T,1 11seo11 . 1uissio11 1el'ritl>l') ~l11·i11l<111µ: att<l < 1e 111 <) e 1• n(, , "' l 11· i 11 l < i 11 g n11 l l a 11 ,)efc> y>tls ·or e,il '\()1'1\illg' l'li!'ll1 l1er{ 1 i11 . \ 111 t\l'il·H. l>11t \\t' ~t't ~lt' – "'' t~ e<>111i11µ:! It \\HS cl \\()l\ll(~rr,11 l'lltli11~· f<> - n \V<>lttl('t·fttl 11t t' t't111g·. It 111,1<lt-:. llS l"t',tl1Zl' f}tctf \\t' 11\H\ Ill>( llt't't{ f<> J>l ,111 l'<lt' a 'l'l11r1., tl111·,l .. \1111t1 al I t'<'li11~· l tttt ii' ll t' ln1·1·it's. ,,t~ lt<)JlP t<) 111<'t't lll'\f <), 1 f< lllt r ni i ll(' 1 1 ;\tt•Jitl ~<)tti11 g l1Hlll ( lltll't•ll ( r ( 1 1 (\ \Tel cl)) ( 1.
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