The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1960

'I }1i, i~ l)ttr "'t,1t ist ie,\l 11t1111l>l'r. l)ttl)l1,l1t'u l)~· tl1t' ,t,1tl1orit~· <)f cl -+.) tt) ~I \ t)lt' <)f t}l(' t 1 lltll' l 1 1l l'S. 'l,ll l' :3--t– t}l<lt <litl ll t) t \ ') t t"\ 111t1st 11ot e,tr<' <"\it l1 t'r ,, ,,,·. l 11 f,ll't, ~).") <1f tl1 • t•l1t1r 1 hl'~ ,,·<)1·l) l1itJ)l)). to sr11 l i11 "t il ti ties. ,,·l1it 1 l1 111 pa11. tl1c1t ,1t lt1ast ll, t)f t ll<):f 1 tl1,1 t , ·ott) l ,1gc:1i11s t th<)ir 1)ri11ti11tr <licl ,,· l1ctt l~clptist ." are "'ll)l)<>. t)< l to tl<) ,ll>i tl l>)" th r ,,·isl1- l's of tll l' 111ajorit)1' . \\"'itl1<)ttt tl1at .,J)irit t) f o·i,· a11cl t ,tlz t"\ tl1 er r· ca11 be 11 t1·t1r de111 c- 1·,1c, ·. ~ tl itl1 r ea11 tl1rrc l~e an,· clr- . .., 111 oe r ,1 <·~· , 111 r :: t 11 e 111aj o 1·i t}· re- :1)e ·ts tl1 l 111i11 01·it.\· a11 l c tt11t tl1 111 a:· tl1 be ·t of l)1· thre11 e,·e11 if th }' r ft1se to : e1 d :tati:ti • i11. \Ve t l1i11k it ,,·ot1lcl acld to 0111· t Hti111011)· i11 t l1e :tatr if ,,·e di l l1a,te a ·0111- pletr r c11ort a11cl eo11ld .. a}~ ''r ha,re 19,00() R cp: t1lar I1apti:t: i11:t ac1 of 1:-, 11 a11cl 1:3()() l1a1)ti. 111. i11. teacl of 1:20() , a 11 cl ga,·e o,·er J1alf a 111il– lio11 to 111i: .· io11. i11.·t , of $-:1-97,– ;:3 "' ....\11 of 11: ,,·ill tell th 1 .~ '. ee11:11: p e 1)1 that ,,·e are R gular I~aJ)tists tl1i: . pri11g 01· . t1111n1e r · a11d it : e1 1: .. ·tra11ge if it i. 1·ight t t 11 tl1e go, ·e1--11111 11t a11cl : inf11l to t e 11 OllT bl"' th1~ 11. )r t \\' Ill U.'t f r et1l~; gra11t eael1 eh11rcl1 the rig·ht t o clo a: it :e . fit e, · '.) 11 a.· aeh ·l111rel1 11111:t g1·a11t the ar.·o 1 iation the :,l111e right. 111 ]~a1)tist t l1 eo r)· eael1 i., fltll}t . o,·e1·eig11 i11 it.· O\i\' 11 '-;p l1 er e. Tl1<~ i1•1po1·ta11t 111attPr· i.-- h \\' ,ve t 1: e the : tat i : t i .. , ,,· lo ha\' e. T f I)a.·tors r ea<l tl1cn1 011l)r t o cl e ·i le ,,·her e to fi11tl a biggPr J)ayi11g <·l111 r el1, ,\· p r1 1118 t <'011fes8 tl1at tl1e,T • 111a}· 111i11i8ter to :i11. If \\'P . t11(l)' t l1 c> 111 t) 11 l, .. t o f i 11cl f at1l t ,\·i tl1 ott1 er .. eh ll re 1 : or l)a:8 j 11c.lg 111 11 t 011 ho\,. goocl a 11asto1· 111a)r l)e it 111io·ht i11- cleecl l)r t 1 cl t ,,·e h c1d hrttcr 11 ot I) 1·i11t thr 111. ll.. r .\ .rrrl t o If acl witli f( i11cllIJ f)isc r i1;1 i 1iation \\""e 111t1.·t 1·e111e1nber tl1at 111a11,T of .. tl1e111 cl r e a , ·ear old l)ef 0 1·e \Ve • ee .. l1e111 8i11ee .·o 111a11, .. of our cl111rch- .. e: 11:e the <'ale11clar ,·ear-- a8 the ba. e .. a11cl . o ,,·p }1a,f<' tl1P r port of 19~ a11<l 11ot of 19,')f). ThP . J)irit11al eo11- llitio11 i11 tl10. e eht1rehes 1na).. ha,.. <\ <'ha 11g·r.d for r ither the l)rtter 01~ the ,\·or~e ~i 11ce tl1e111 . \\"'" e ,,·ish all ·ht1rche. i11 the G..t\..RB ~ ,,·ot1ld t1 .· e 1\ pril 1 to .:\ pril 1 ru th ir ·h11r ·h )' 'f'ar. The11 the f ig·11 r es t hey e11d in ~I'HE HlO INDEPENDENT APTIST t<) til l' ( ~l1ie,1g·o c1ffirr \\'011]cl l1e \ll) t c) cl,1 t< 1 , ct11cl f<)r tts t l1rv \\'O t1lcl l)e • tl1r t\t' 111c>11ths )·<>t111g-rr th,111111i111y of tl1P111 ar . ()f eot11-. · , <'l111r ·lies ,vit}1 gootl l)ool{ l< r11i11g . ";t. ·t n1. cot1lc1 KEEP ON PRAYING 1\ s 11 . ttal \\'h 11 legal t e ·l111i - ·alities ar' ·011ce1·11ed, 011e post- po11e111 11t aft r a11other l1a: talz– k 11 J)laee i11 ot1r effort . to get p e 1·111i.. ·io11 t o p11rr ha. e tl1e F ire– : t on :\Ia11sio11 a: a II 0111 e for the A g d. If 110 ol)jectio11 fron1 11eig·hl)or s co111 e. i11 bj,. D c. 23rd the ,,Ta}T \\' ill l)e ope11 . o far a. the t o,,· 11. ·hip tr, 1. t e . a1· ·on– een1ed; l ) t1t appli ·ation 11111:t t h e 11 lJe 111ad to the Zo11i11g l~oa1·cl, ,,, l1icl1 l1a.· th 11.· f a1· b e11 1t11frie11cll3· to,,,,ar l th pr--oj ect. I [o,,.. .~0011 th e, · \\'ill 111eet a11d .. ho,,· J) ro111ptly they \\'ill give thejr f i11a l d · i.·io11 ,,. <lo 11 ot }"<?t k110,Y . ,,, e a1·e hopi11g 11e,,\ ,,·i ll ·c)1ne lJ £01'e t his iRsttf i. p1·i11te l · l)11t if thi. eall to 1)ray– e1· a1) l)e,1r. , 0111-- r )acl 1·: ,,,ill k:11 0,,· that th e, .. 11111. t co11ti11t1e t o .. p1'ay a11<l pray l1a1· c1 ! I 11 t l1 r n1ca11 ti111e ,,. ·a11 r e- joice i11 so111e large gifts that ,,,ill appear i11 tl1 ~., ebrt1a1·)T i. - S llc>- 0 11 <1 £01· $1 000 cl lld 0 11 fol' $4:00. Ijet : t1 c h gift: '011ti1111e £0 1· \l'hate,ye1' l1apJ)e11s as to th e ho111 t111cl r r 1 011. ideration, 1no11- ey ,,,ill l)e 11c cl d. (:ift · a1· tl1e 1 :t , ·o te of co11fide11 e i11 our Trl1st es of Il on1e a11cl an1p ! . t1 .. il<e a l)ala11 e a of ept. 1 and :o . e 11d i11 tip to date r eport to u also. The11 we 111t1 t r in mber that so111e ·ht1r ·he. are found in mall or no11-Bapti tic communitie . January 1960 '1,h . Plr J)astors ll1}1)r }) \VOrki11g ha1·c} - flP1· tr1a11 . 0111 \Vho n1al{e a goocl ,·l1 ov\ri11g. ( 'c>rtai11l)" it is 11ot fair for 111 <1 111bers to l)lar11e thrir pa~tor f<>r 11ot cloi 11 g as ,vell as a 11eighboring J)astor if tr1 ey hi11der him i11steacl of }1elpi11g· hi111 . Tl1e lJest mi11ister 011 r arth ia1111ot c1o m t1ch if the 111 e1nher ~ 1nake him a target for fi ery dart. thi11g·s that 011ly .,atan . ho11ld thro,,· ! 'rhirclly, our . tatistic. are 11ot ha~ea on 1111iform rl1les. Thi. vear ... ,re a:kec1 for mo11ie r eceived ·o ·h11r·r h e. eould I' eport 1no11ey given into a b11ilcli11g f1111d a11cl 11ot have to " rait l1nt il it ,,·a. spe11t. Yet , '"·011cler if . ome 1·eport d mo11ey r rcei , ·ed f ron1 loan. , ,,.. hie h '\vill later l1p rrported a: mo11ey i. gi,r– e11 to pa)- thfn1 off. :\1 one}'" recei,,.ecl f1· 01n . ale of property . hou 11 h r e– port cl, b11t mon y horro~red sl1oulcl 11ot. The11 . 01ne churche. take re– pair. 011 t of thei1· b11ildi110' fun cl. a11cl other·s 011t of curre11t expen e:. J~apti. t make their o,,·n rt1l e. for r ach cht11" h a11d we have to ren1em– l>er that hffore ,ve make odiou. • ro1n par1 on.. ll'" e hoi,ld z1 e Theni to J ztdge 011rseli· e I t al \\·a}·· paJ"- to be ea. y 011 oth– e1·s a11d l1a1--cl 011 our el,re . 1. 'pirit– ualit,r i. 11ot e 11 in an Ul1 ·ann} ... . ~ at)ilit)r to fi11d fault.. i11 other , b11t i11 l )ei11g able to fi11d our 01,,"n. A .. ,,·e look at our o,vn hurch . tati.·– ti a11d co111pare then1 with tho e of hur he. of . ·imilar . ize a11d lo- ·atio11 , ca11 ,,·e. av ,ve havP clo11e all - .. ,,..e . 11011lcl ? IIa,,e ,ve r eached the ] 0 ·t that aan1e a11d led them to ( 1 hri. t a11cl tl1 e11 i11to l)apti. m and h11rch me111her. }1ip ? ~o 011e . hould a.rcl1:e a11other of l)aptizi11g too 111a111r if he doe. 11ot do hi. be. t to ., ,\· i11 • ot1ls a11d tea h them the f11ll eot111sel of rocl. If . ome of t1 . notice tl1at ot11· h11rcl1 ga\'e le.,. t ha.11 the average of $27.47 per 111ember to 1ni ion., \,'e micrht v'\rell l)egi11 to gi,.. e 1nore .. a 1,ificially. The ht11'che that gi, ,e . o 1nt1 h <lo 11ot have 1na11)" ,vealthy p ople · but they do have co11 e– erat d p ople that tith and e,, 11 do n1or than tithe. • ,v~ e he lieve ome dea on. a11d trt1. tee hot1ld compare their c11r– r ent expen ,~{ith that of oth r (Co11tin11ed 011 11ext pag·e )