The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1960

()111· l\t' ~lt lHl' l ~<l J)tl t ( ' l1t11·ell('~ Hl'l' !,!t'llt\r;1 11) e()l\,t(l()l'l'( l (\~ 14 SP J) – <ll',lf t-...t •• ( 1 h\11•t• llt'" l~11t tll'l~ tl l<' \.. • . \ rp ()\ll' e lllll'( ' l lt'~ \\.()1·tl1,· ()r tl1~ • 11a111t' l l t'1·l1,l J)" ) "<)t11·s i~ ,,·c>rt ll)". l~llf till\ ittl f)()t•f,lllf i~Slll.. of~}~~} ,.\}{ . ...\ '1' l )~ l1n" 111c111 , · r clt l1ifi e,1ticl11s. • a11<l ,,·t\ c>11~ l1t t<) ecl11sicl t> t~ tl1e ,,·l1oll' fi,ilcl llt'f<)l'() ,,·t\ la,· (• lc1i111 to th .. 11c1111l 1 • • ~ I~, I) ~\ 1~ ~ \ 1' l ., 1 . ' . I )r. ('ll~'Stt'l' "rl1 lo'cl :t,lt(lS i11 hi. llook. · · Tllt' I o ·t1·i11(' <>f ~ .. <1 J>c1rati 11 lll 1 l lt'"l\ 'f illlt\s... p. l1;~ : ' ' 'rl1e J) ri11- c»l Jl lt\ or ' l)l)c\ l'clti() l l l1 t,,· ep11 1·ight ,111fl ,,· r<)ltg. trt1tl1 ,1 11 cl prror, l1oli – t1t>~" ,111cl .-- i11. i. cl 1·a<li al llibli al 1)1·i11ei1>lt\ c111cl 11111st l>e ho11 01·ecl if th(' cli , ·i11(• r p, ·plat io r1 i. to 1· 1 111ai11 t111c·or1·11pt c)d . tl1e g-o. pel T' 111ai11 J)o,,·p1·f11l. a11cl tl1r trst j111 011,,. or tl1 ._ (·h11r<·l1P. 1·p111,1i11 rffret ive. '· Tl1i. i. a 11 ig·l1l}- v 111pr 11 11 .·i,T . t,tt( 1 1nrnt. <),11· ·h111· ·l1 r: 111a)f 111Ptls11rc> t111 to th ("l J)ri11 liI)lc· i11 so111r l' PSJ) ec:ts. l )llt fail i11 <>t llPl'S. \\"' e p1·icle 011 r:el ,~e: i11 tl1e posi– t i 11 ,,· tak \\·itl1 r <jg·a1·<l tc) 'eo11- , -t-111 ti<)11 is111.'· ,,.. itl1 it.1 re ·l . ia.·ti ·al hie1·art· l1)·. i11 C' ll1si\·r 11oli<'~·, ,1 r1 cl tol r ratio11 of moclf~r11i. ts. To thi ::v·st 111 ,,·r sta11d t111altr1·a hly op– J)O. Pc.l . \\Tt> a1·e 01·thodox chl1rrhrs. \\Tr a1·r ,111t<>11<)111011. ,. 0, 1 1· ig·11. a11cl i11 tl PJ)e11 tle11 t of r('c· lr: ia. ·t ir al ·011 - t 1·c> 1. \\'" 1·rjr ·t 111ocl e1·11i: t~· from <>tlr 1·c:111l,. . \\Tp ,' llJ) J)O rt or1l~ 1 thos 111i. i<>tl ,l!!.P11t ie.· a11cl sc·l1ool.· ,vhic·l1 t>xel11cl P 1110<1( r11i.·111 a 11tl 111<>cl P r11 - ists. \\"'p ,tre i11t le1·ant of h 1·es\". • \\Tr tlo 11f>t co<>J) C\ r at r ,vitl1 t l1 ~a- tio11a l or \\Tc> r1 cl ( 1 <>1111 ·jl of < 1 hl1rrh– <1,. ..\ 11cl (}o l 11 \lJ)i11g 11s, \\"e ca11 tak(l 110 th Pr sta11cl. \Ve r·c, cogniz •J · 11 s < 1 h 1· i., t a~ t 11 r I I Pad of th~ C 1 h1t1·c!h. a11cl l-1 1·cl of tl1r f~oc1y of 'r1,11tl1. Bttt, T c·ha1·ge tl1at i11 111111- lr cl .· of ortl1 odox Bc11)ti:t ( 1 l111rel1 - P: thc>11sa11cl: f th 111 eml)r1·.1 a 1·e eo11for111i11g to t l1e ,,·c>rlc1 i11 t h ,. ir ."<>c ia1, 1·ecr a tio11 al an<l 1)e1·so11a1 li\·e. . :\Ia11~ .. ,,·ho pledg d t l1 ir fu]l allegia11c to fJ e. l1 hri. t, now trike l1a11d. ,vith th e ,,·orl 1 or1 th . da11c floor, at th e iard table in the pool l1al] . . an 1 otl1er' ,vorl<lly pla<·es of e11tr rtai11111e11t. I t i ~ b - eo1ni11g i11r1· asi1 glJ· liff ie11lt to Ii. tingt1is]1 b et\\' eP11 a tr11l,1' l11·i. - .. tia11 \\·0111a11 a11d a c·a 1·el s. ,vor·l l- li11g by hp1· clre:. ·. The exhortatio11 <> f Pa t1 l 1~E-)a fl: ·~I ,,.. a 11 t ,,. 0111 e11, o 1 their pa1't, to clres. l)e 0111 i11gly, that is. 111oc1e. tly" a11d :e11:ibly, not a<lor11i11g them:el, ..e. ,\"ith braided ,-rli ~ ()l ll JNDEP NDENT BAPTIST .Jant.iary 1 !JfiO ~~--~~-·-~----- WE EPARATISTS? llair :ttl<l g <)l<l c) r 1>c\arls (> r c' ,1>e11 - "i\·l' clr<\SS('"' · ll11t ,,·itl1 g:<><)<l (l PP(ls; f < l r t }\ i 8 i S tl J) J) l' < > l) l' i H 1 P f <> r \\' 0 lll <1 l l ,,·lt<) })l'(lfc 1 ss t<l l)r 11icl\1s · ( l ' l'i1t1 . ~ :~ ). 10 \\Tilli ,t111s ) . l)}tt tl :,ti<l ' I~ ' 11c>t <'<)11for111<'<1 t o this ,vorlcl · t l{ }ll\. 1 ~ :~) . ( 1 ot1for111ity to tl1 r .. ,,·c>rlcl l)· stu11clarcls f <'<>11,, 1 .. ·ati 11. Jll<',l , ' llr . tlress. ,t11t11.· n1P11t , lt1: t clll 1 c·c)\ 1 Pt<>11s11es.1 eertai11l,.. i: • 11 ot 1) <'<)111i11g t<) a ' : parati. t ' (·l1,11·<·l1. l T11l r~i.; ,, P are li,·i11g <liffrr·– -i 11t li,·ps tl1a11 tl1r \V<>1·lcl livrs \f r ,,·ill 11P\'"e r <·<>11,·i11t tl1 r 111 that ,,·e be1011 g- tc> a 11 ,,.. 11as tr1· ,,·110.· e <·l1ief attril )llte is 11<)li11r.. . If T ,rr r r a11 t111:,l\Te 1 J) )1-. f>11, at– t P11(l i11 g thr sf)1·\·irr. of .-0111 of 0111· l~aJ)t isi <·l1111·t·l1r.\ I l)elie,Te I,, ... t1ld 1l1r11 a,vay i11 cli:gl1:t. \\T : ho11l l l'P\" i .'(' ()lll' 1 e1·111i11ol gJr ,l ll (l 11(l \T(' r " ])Pal< c)f ot tr (' l1t11·<·l1 c a: ' epar– <tti .· t if <>tlr. it111 cla~y~sC' l1 ool tea )her . t)la)· c·ar(l:, lar1e pai11t then1 . elv . l il<ri tl1 :1 ,,. 1·ld, apJ)Par i11 p ttl)li r · r (lc•jall, i11 el1t11·c·h 111 in1111ofl r. t at– tire. \\~p s l1011lct cl1·c>J) tl1 t itl if 0111· 111e 11 1>1 clgr d t o s r,' e ,Je. ll .' ( 1 l1rist. arp 1111ec1t1ally" ~ .. ol<ecl t ogetl1 - <1 r ,vit h t111b 1 ip,rr r : i11 . e 1"' e t. 11 11- ( 1 l1ri. ti<111, frater11al oath.·. ( 1· if ou1· l1c>111 rs arr fi11()Cl ,,·ith th' i11fl11 )11cr of I I oJl)·,roocl a: ,,,. r p er'111it t l1 111 to 1) flo() 1 a \'\' itl1 m11r 1 r , v i ·1·i111r . i11t rig·11 . l1ate. im11101~alit . cheap lo,.. . 111. t cl1·t111ke1111 ,' , g·aml)]i11g. robbe rJ·, a11d ve1--y other ,Til f thi11g· f1·on1 Tel vi i 11 . Racl io a11d fo11l literatlll"' . ,v11at' the liff r r1c m 11 a 1<. \ .... ot1 claim tl1at , .. 011 }1a,.. b 11 ·av d f ro111 • .1j11. it · povve1·. jt · poll11tio11 it. g·1·i1) 0 11 the lif, bt1t 110,,·, t ell th t1·t1tl1. l1a ( •l1ri."t r· eally l eliv 1· d ) 1 11 f r·on1 a11 ~,. thing· 1 V e: , I l)e lie,c,e i11 ~ alva tio11 b}· .. g·rar b,1 t not to li,,.e in di grace. ~~For h g1·ac of Oocl that l)ri11g– th . al, 1 atio11 hath appeared to all 111 11. t r,1c· l1i11g 11" tl1at cl~t1J· i11~ 1111 - ~<>< lli11r~8 a 11cl \V<>rlcllv llt st ~ ,,.,. • • ~l1<>11lcl 11, 1 <1 ~<>l>( 1 t'l)", l'ightc<>lt8ly ,incl g<><llj· i11 tl1i s J)t·rsrnt ,vorlcl . l;<><>k– i11g· fcJt' t11,1L l>l r:. <><l l1ope att<l tl1 g l(>1--ic>t1: ,lJ)J1rf1ri11g of thr grrat <4rJ, l ,t11<l Ollr • i,tviot1r, ,J rs 11~ 1 ~1ri~t \Vl10 g,1 v~ [I im.· 1 f for 11s, t l1a t hP 111ig l1t 1·e(l rr 111 11. ' frorr1 all i111<111itv, a11cl 1)t1ritJ" t1 11 tc) Ilir11:elf a pc<·t1li,tr 1 eoplP, zralc) ll. of ~ o<l ,vork. . 'fh P. P 1hi11g.1 .·p al<, a11cl exhort a11c1 r r– b11ke ,vith all a11tJ1 rity. };Pt 110 r11a11 cle. pise the (Titu 2:11-1:5 ) . rr t l1 i..· i. 11 ot a call t .. epara.tio11 f r o111 ,vo1· lclly 1 ll , t. f r o 111 e,rery ronforn1- i ty to th r '"'01·lcl and 1111 t o ,T r:11 < 1 l11·i.·t 111 all pl1rity of life then tlt r r i. 110 : 11ch call i11 the \V 01· cl . I t i. 11 111ar vel t hat ot11~ el111rc-hrs a1·e for th m . ·t part for1nal. cold, f rui tlr.,. , po,,'e1·1 e. . , a11d filled with r 11 \r j .. i11g· . \\~hi. J) eri11g. , . ll, pi rio11. ,-111cl e lif111es. Th r rom111011 eente1· a1·ot111cl ,vl1ir h ,,... r l t1. ter i hri. t. ~"~llo\,... ·hip " ·ith ITi111 a11cl ,,rit11 011r a 11 oth 1· i. l i 1,e a ,\· l1 e 1, th e h l t l1 of ,,,hieh i. like11ed to h1~i. t. ,vhile ,rr a r th . ·pokr. . Tl1r · lo. ·r 1· ,,·e g t to tl1r. If11l), the elo.·e1' \,·r arr t 0110 a11otl1e1·. R11t if Olll" liv . ~l1·r fill eel ,,~i th ,,c,01·ld]i11 .. . if 011r co 11,·r1 .. ·atio11 i. fille 1 ,vith ro, 1 eto11. - 11(\ R. if 0111· int 1~ . t are material. if 011r l1ea rt.·, like that of IJot ', v,· if . ar i11 •'o 10111- th 11 ,,,. a1·e fa1· a,va}" fro111 f 11 ,,. hi1) with 1 hri.1t a11d tl111. · fat' f1·01n f 11 '\"– : l1ip ,,,, ith 011e a11other. BPlo·v·rcl. le 11.. b . pa1·ati t i11 l)r<l<'tiee a. 1·ega1~d. 0111· l1 oli11e. . of lif a11cl l)ea1~i11g a gooc1 te. tin1011y l >Pf 0 1· r tl1 ,,.. r 1 l. L t '. cea e . oft.e J) )dal}i11g i . l • ,, 1 hir h are of llC h , 1 ita.l i1111)01·ta11re tl1at 0111· effe ·t i,,e- 11r · £01· h1'i. t i. greatl,T jn1pai1·e 1, a11cl tl1r ._'1pirit of {od i o-rieved i11 011r h1lr ·l1e ·. IJrt 11\ p1""ove ,, 1 0 1·t hy of t l1e r1 eave11 -bo1·11 appellatio11 : · ' ~ 1 F.JP r\R"\TED l ~ T THE f1 RD. ' ' ' JI ave yot1 noticed ou1· ne,v 1>1~a,.. 1· Li t fot' 011r own hio .. 111i · ·io11ari . a11d 1 hri tia11 ,,01'k- er . ! It on pao·e 23. E,,e1·y 1B f a111i]y ot1g .. ht to pray fo r ot1r mi - . io11a1·ie. a11d 1·ead the OIB.' ' '· Hta1't th ~ ,~ Y ar rigl1t. .._ ub- <11·ibe to tl1 IB ! ' •