The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1960

January 1960 THE OH - ---------- IO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST REV. T. W. ERTLE CALLED TO SOUTH CANAAN (:ootl 11 ,,._ io111 £1·0111 tl1 .. 1 out}1 ( 1 a11aat1 l~apti1 t (,ht1rcl1 11 ear Ath– e11s. .. 1 i 11 ee Re,,. 1 lai1" Tl10111p8011 rlo. P(i }1i.' \\rOrk t}1i . Sllll1lll )J• the ·h ll re l1 }1as b e 11 ea1~11e. ·t l y J)1·a ,~111 o· a11(l .·r l{i11g for a r11a11 of lik · ·o 1; seeratio11 a11cl acti, ,.e ., 1·vi 1 a11<l f el happJ .. to believ that th I1or <.l has led the111 to the 1'igl1t rna11. .B"'1·0111 th e f i 11e • pi r it of his 1 et t.e r to ll , ,re fee I that they a r e 01·r ect i11 tl1 at e.. t i111a te · ancl s i11 e \\ 1 e, l1a v no aec1l1ai11ta11ce with B1·oth r ~~1~t1 except tl1is we v\"i]l I t it i11- t1·oduce hi111 to ou1~ fello,, 1 l1ip. ' Becat1. e of a de p confi<l nc i11 lll)T O\\"n heart and l>eea11~ e of co1·re. po11 di11g· u11i ty i11 that eh tl rch, I have accepted th call ext 11(led to me. I an1 a g1'ad11ate of th Pas– tor'. ( 1 ol1rse at l\Ioocly Bible !11- . titute a11d al o atte11ded \Vh eaton College. :\Ty wife i al. o a graduate of :\Iood, ... ... This i. my fir~ t pastorat al– thottQ'h I have had a goo(l d al of pulpit llpply experi nee a11d for a Jrea1-- ha,,e taught a n1e11' Bible cla.. i11 a hicago Y.M. .A. l\fy home i. i11 outh Ha,ren lviichiga11, a11d n1}r home church ,vas the Ban– g·or Bir)le hu1·cl1 of Bangor Mich– iga11. I ,vas saved in 1951 at an eva1 - gelistic campaig 11 of Paul Levi11 a11d l3ob Findley ( a team k11ow11 for fiPry preaching a11d g--ood ing– ing) . · Th e church ha g·raciou. l)'" g iv– e11 per1nission for us to . pend the holiclays with our loved 011e. , a11d 80 we begin our mini try at the 11e\\' year'. fir t unday. I have sPe11 yoll!' magazine and the f i11e \\ eleorne g·ivcn to those ente1--ing yot1r area. f am sorry 110 pi tt1r i. a \"ailal)le. ' ' \\re do ,,,ant to welcome Re, 1 • a11d ~Irs. ~jrtl e to our Ohio f ellowship, a11cl \\'C v\'ill be prayi11g that 1111der t }1Pir 1nii1i. try th e hl1rcl1 will con– tin11 to gr·ow a11cl enjoy the bl ss– i11µ;s of God. '(J lJ it lf'Ji~T--'I-' \V.. IJIJ> PA(JT~~ c·a11 l>e 1nade i11to our PR1\ YER 1\ 1 ' I) I)l{1\I~ i }j I_)AGE r 11,.. 11ot .. tJra v fo1· all tl1 cl1urcl1 s 111 11- ... tio11 1 cl a11<l tha11J{ tl1 f 101·cl for· all t liP \' ictori rs wo11? \Var1t 111ore {))•:-1ye1· in you1· <~hurch f Q t 11101· 11 l)scri l)e1-s !' ' ----~~~~~~~~~ Page Five · ~: DIRECTORY < III O A,\ 'O :IA'I'ION 01<' Rl<~U L R BAPTI. 'T ('fflTR('IIE.' Church Pastor J. AKI{)~ J) rc1 11 l1 Pr1r)" Ji r O'\\'ll Ht r )et J3 a pt ist ~~ . AMI IF~R. 4 T J I - .. ,. ..;e ,111<l (;.. 11 owa1,cl F 1 aitt1 Bapti8t :3. AR 1 A l I\il l)a le ~ ish r · l n1n1a1111 1 l~apti. t 4. 1\ ~' II L.r\ND J1 1 recl .1\ . 1\ lexa11<le1 .. 1 a l,ra1·y Bapti. t 5. ATil E ~ '1 Th o \\r. F~rtle outh 1 a11aa11 Baptist 6. \ V N ll omer ~.J. (lraven A vor1 Bapti1 ·t 7 l3AR11~~RTO~ ,J a ·k l)0 \\'11s Ko1'to11 1 ent r Baptist BEI)F RD F"clward Morrell, Jr. Bible Baptist n. 13ELLE E~T-'1~R \ a ant Ne'"' Ri) l1la11d Bapti ·t 10. BE1.1LE.B~O NT AINJiJ J a111e. F.J. Ro 11 1· Cal \'at'J" Bapti.~t 11. 13ELLEF TAI E (Jerald Barlo,v Fir8t Reg·ula1· f3a p ti . t 12. liEREA Earl V. Willett. Ber a Bapti ·t 1:3. 13ERLIN IIEI :rHT B 1--Jin Ileig·ht. Bapti ·t 14. BLA HE TER First l3apti~ t 15. BO\VLI G REEN ~1are11c Tov.11 11 c.l Fi1\ t Bapti t 111 E. ak ~ 1 t. 16 . 13Rt X Wl(,K Jlerl)ert \'l. ,Jo11r~· l~eeb to,,·11 Bapti t 17. 13RU~ ~ WI K \\! 111. JI. I-loll ' 11 , J 1-. Th F i1· ·t Ba J)t ist l . BlT(iYRl R ,J. ll o1v,~arci J o11 \s ( ;aJ,,ar·Jr I3apti.-t 19. J3YB~ .. ,VIIJljF~ Il c11·olcl Il ol1se, I'. ( 1 al,.. ar)" l1aJ)tist ~O. ( 1 r\~IJ{Rlf)(4~~ ~Ja1·shall lTarpt')1~ ~ ~Peo 11 cl I~aJ)tist ~ l , ( 1 .t\ T rr ~ ( 1 alvar.,.. J{ ,tJ)tist ') •) ~·). ,J~ I ..\ It VI l J f 1 ~~ ( : 1· at t l I~ a I> t is t ( 1 I I ,\ I{ l JI~~ •'I'<)~. \\T. \ TA . l{a11clolµJ1 Ht . Il i11)tist 1\ . I > o 11 a l < l 1\ I o ff at P astor's Address 274:3 1 ~('11 <l r A ' '<•11 tt 1\k1·on )h io ll..B-,.D. 1 ()ak I>t. R<l. \n1he1·st ( hio Rt. 2 1\ r ·an t11n , Ohio 15 E. vVasl1 i11gton ~ 't. 1\ s l1 Ja11d ()hio Rt. 4. Athe11s hio I3ox 205 \von h io 4239 1 1 , re ]a11d Mass. Rd. Bar l)e1·to11 , l1io 3 ,\ oo 11~0,v 1\. , ,. n ue Bedford l1io I~ell e 1 e11ter Ol1io 101 \ Ve. ·t II igh ~ 1 t. Bell fo11tai11 e. bio 405 F.J. 1 olumb11 t. Ilellefo11tai11e, Ohio 11 "".\dan ~~tr t Ber·ea Ohio Box 51 Jie1· lir1 II ig·ht. l1io • • 306 \"\T. ~ e 11 te1' 1 t. Blat1cl1 te1', ()hio 111 E . ak .. 1 t. I3 0,,rli11g G 1·e 11, hio :3430 I {p1111i11~{Pr Rtl . 1 lr , ..e la11d 9, h i 131·l111. ,,·iek, )}1io 175 \\Ta , · 11 P ~\ , .. e11tlt' ~ I~ llC\ "l"llH, ( l1it> • 21 ~ . Tl1i r·cl Tl,.. s,·ille. ( hio • 4~4 ~- :3rcl ~trepf 1 a 111 l1ritlgr. ( 11 io 4-1~0 ~ {~(1()11(1 St • T. ,,,, • l 1 a11to11, <)}1i<) ( 1 t'(i,1r, 1llt 1 , ()l1i <.) :! :i ~~ I j ,t r,v t) > < l I ) r l 1l111rl iHt(>11, \\ . \ ? ,1. •