The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1960

I f:\ 7 • B ' :K (~ l\lFJI 'f 'rl1 Re,·. ~l. :r: lga r 11 c· l<le)· ,,·a.· ec1llecl to l1rc·c)111 p l a.. t r of the Fi1\ ·t T">a1)tist (. ' l1t11· l' l1 of :\I r I) 11ald a11d l>fg-a11 l1i.· ,,·orl~ ~o,·. 1. t. Tl1 e .... 31--<-l of tl1e 111<>11tl1 a fo1·111al 1·e .\pt io11 ,,·a: l1eld, \\' 1 ·0111i11g l1i111 a11cl l1i f ,1111 i l~·. ...\ft 1· a f llo,v. hi 11 li1111 1· })l'e1)arecl l))r the ]acli . of th ' l1 t1 re 11 a 11 cl .,e1·, ·ec1 l)}" t 11e He11io1· .. girJ . . tl1e 1 a~ to1·. , of tl1e Betl1a11}" :r ello,,·:hiJ) exte11 l ed thei1· ,,· I on1 a11d Re,·. Tl10111a: \\T 1·ig·l1t of .. l1ar- 0 11 • pok 011 · ~.\ P ,ve1~fu l 1 ht1r h. ' ~\_ l)eat1tifl1l P 11t r· pi f fall flO\\'f l'.' a11d lea, r . ,,·a.· })re. e11tecl to the l3e ·kle}· fan1il)', a11 l als a f i1·e1)lac e11. e111 bl . ,,-.. it h .'ll '11 a ''r leom \\' are :lt1·e Br·otl1e1· B ckle, .. ,,·ill hav a .. tOOI erati, re a 11cl e11tl1t1sia:ti l1l1rc·]1 t \\·or·k , ...·itl1 , a11d that ,vill 111 a11 t1rc·e. ,.· i11 thi. pron1i:i11g fiel 1. The Brckle, ,,.. · ('0111 £1·0111 (:o,,·a11da ~ .,. • ,vl11·e ]1 l1 al a ri h 111i11i. tr~)"' i11 sol1 l-,\·i1111i11g a11 cl pt"' I r1~ty i111- 11 ro, ·e111e11 t for o,·r r tl11· , · ar·:. B fore tl1at hr orO'a11i ze 1 tl1 !11 l r– I) 11cl 11t I~a11ti ·t l111r ·h i11 his ho1ne to,r"J1 of Ifage1-. ·to,,·11, )Jd. ,,·itl1 1:~ proJ)lr a11cl i11 11i11e )"ra1-.. the 111p111l><_)r·:bip g'I"'O \\. t 1 0 a11ci ' 1 1111cla,· .'( 1 }1 001 to 21 fi. Tl1 r e a .. buildi11g had t l) ~ e lll' d and lat r 1· r11larg·ecl. a11 cl a 1)arso11ag· ,,~a ._· l) tl i 1 t. Tl1r I~ el<l \)", a rP th par 11 t of t l11"ee r hilclr )11 E ldi 17. ..t\11d1-- a 1:{. a11tl J>hili11 n. ~II',", Beckl e}r i. a t<1lP11te<l J)ia11i . t a11d 01·gc1ni.· t . ThP :\I <: J)o1 alcl l'h l t re 11 ,ra. e11- large l tl1P last }"ear of R ,,. Leo11 - a1·d T1·a,·i:' . 11cee.·.,f11l pa:to1~at of PiO'l1t ~·ear .· . a11tl ,,..itl1 a g1·0"-Ti11 g· e<)Jl11111t11it,... a1·ot111(1 it, ,,,.e heli , ,.e it ' ( 'onti 11 t1e<l <> 11 11 e xt l)a~{e ) ' l"'IIE lNDEPENOENT BAPTI T January 1960 TJIE DIRECTORY (Continued) • Church Pastor Pastor's Address ~ + . ( 1 l" 1~~ ~ I) 1 1~ ~ I ~ , \\l'. \ \. . 1~"(1,r,trcl I" . ( :1'Pt111,v<><) 1 ]{ox ~)fi ( 'al\~cl r)· l{ clJ)tist ( '1;}~\Tl~I J.\Nl) l~ \tl1l l1en1 I~aJ)ti. t 4164 ~: c1st 12:3 ~t1·e t ( 'L~:\TEIJ1\ ... 1) l~1· c)< l~si 1 Baptist ;j-!2 1 l r 1111i11g r Roa(l '.2 7. , I j ~j V l1~L ~ TD • - . ( 1 a lvai·)" Baptist :3:i,>0 \\ . 2:i th k t. l ;EVELAr D lI :BJ I 1 IIT" 1 ~dar llillBapti. ·t 1... 601 '1edar Road 29. C'<)Ll MB l{o, ~ ,J. ( 1 lark (~ org \V. () I refe (leorge R. ib on ~J h11 G. Balyo ('e11t1~a1 Bapti t \\ illiam i\l ·Ke , ·e1" '27 E. Ru. · 11 Ht. : {(). 1 0 Ll 1'IBl... (. 1 li11to11,Tille Bapti. t (;le1111 II. Davi :14 )akla11cl Park , ,. . :31. 1 0 I.J l ~1 Bl T " In1111a11l1 l 11aptiL·t \\ illiaru A. Bro k :1-!17 I al1netto at Der· r (\1· Rcl. :12 . ' )l""l:)lBl".l :\I n101·ial Bapti. t \ ,. ara11t :...-!:-l3 Eal(ir1 Rel. ;,:J. (' 1->LEY (_) - ,,,). 1 h 1~i t )1 i.,. io11ar).r Bapti t 1G79. ,ot1th ,J acolJy Road {;( .. ,H 1 T .1. F ir.'t ( 1 h1·i.,tia11 13a J) ti . ·t ( 1 01·11 r 7tl1 -.- 1 oplar ' l -.- Y .6 \ 110 } ,t\ F AI J l.J ~ ' ( 1 raha111 Rd. [3a pti~·t 7 ()3 ( J I·aha 111 R ad D \Y'r ~ F..,111111a1111el Bapti., t l :i01 Ea:t Thir 1 ~ ~t . :17. I) .t\ Y'I'()~ 1 L., 1 11 · ~ • I'.J . 0 1. 011 Xil Fi. 11 1~ • c:1·a ·e BaJ)ti.-t .B, llo,,·- Rob rt D. l\l -. ar·th},. ·hi1). -!th a11cl f> e1'r}-.- 3 . D r\ )rT K T{ Ptte1·i11g Bapti. ·t IJ01· 11 I.J. Brow11 2206 I,)a tt 1· 011 Road 39. _B_J Jj YRIA F i1· t Bapti ·t 276 "\Va. hi11gto11 A,,. . C 1 I r 11 < I P 11 i 11, \ V. \ 1 a . 1 lf)l 1 i\Iilr8 1\ v . (; l r , r la11d () h io 1:203 13rook,,.ie\v Blvcl. ( 1 le,· la11cl 3-1. Ohio 2601 Library A 'le. ~ le, ·eland 9 Ohio 1126 le, \'eland I-It . Bl, 1 d. 1 le,·eland, 21, 0. 1119 - 25th Ave. c~olumbll ' hio 23 , inthrop Rd. ol11mbu Ohio 19~ Po,, 1 hatan iolun1bu , Ohio ~30 :... 7 r·e ·cent Dr. 1 oll1111 b11 Ohio 71 ... Popla1~ 1 0 . ·hocto11 hio 223 I->i er e .._ t. 1 t1:}rahoga Fall. Ohio ~64 Roa11ne Ct. n te1·,11lle Ohio 269 Hamilton Elyria, Ohio (Continued on next page )