The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1960

IE 'I T ' rl,c:· \\' ()llll1ll ."' :\[ issit)llcll'\" l ' ttil)ll ' ( f tllt' } l('\)t'(.)tl .. \ S~()\'i<lli()ll }l(\ l (l it~ fltll r,tll ,· ~ t) \ "ttlll)l\l' ' l()t l1. ell tllt\ 1: ,r~t 1 :\.J)ti~t t'l111rt~l1 C)f ~t,,,· l J.() 11 - tlo11 :\ 1 \''°\ . r rel 111~ ( )tlt)l", t)rr·s i(l 'll t c)f t ht' :\1 i. ~l<)llHl'\ l ·11 it)ll <lirl~· t ' l • tllt' iteti , ities l)f tll(' <la)· . ,,·l1iel1 l)t'- ~·tl 11 (\ t 1() : 1 ~ A\ •:\ 1. 'I' l1t 1 s1)l't·i,1l 111t1sir 111 tll l' 11101·11i11g ,,·a~ a ,·oectl : l b,· ~IrH. 110111<: r • (11·,1 , ·(·11. ··~ 8 c11tl I , ~oll. · )f1·H. tlor tl1t)11 i11t1· (lt1eecl tl1(' s1)eak 1-, ~r rs . -L\.l t,1 ,J a· lJ. 11. a 111i .,sio11ar~,. , l l l l t, r 1 ~ ,1 1 t is t ) I it l -:\ l i . i o 11 .. to l-<'rt~11 e l1 }~<lt1,1t c)1·ia1 .. \ fri la. Sl1e o·a,·"' a 111 r s . ao·r 0 11 • • Tl1 e :\f i11i. t1~,~ t' ~ .. ()f Rr l 11eiliati 11, · · 11:i11g l I ( 1 or. ;; :18-~() c111 l ,al. l :15, 16 a · he1· t :)x t~. ~ 11 ., a itl, t' ( 1 o<.l 1'e,,.eal. hi111- s If t o 11s tl11· ll 0'11 tl1e 1Iol~.. rip– tt1r .... a 11d t l11·ol1gh fli ~ 011 ~ l)ut tl1e1·e at· co11 litio11 ,,·e mu.. t n1 et l)efor tl1i. take pla ·e. ' ~ 1 hc tol~l of l1e1· experie11c . tl1P fi1-. t ti111e ~hP 1 ft f or th 111i.• ion fie ld and h o,,· eager :h i. to r tu1·n. ~ b e al~o ~a,·e l1el1): 011 l1o'A· a11cl \\'l1at to p1~a, .. f 01· i11 1·e~a1·d to 111i.· io11ari . . . .. F ollo,,·i11g a bu." i11 ,. · 111eeti11g a d elieiot1. (li1111 r ,,a. er,· d to the 1 :1 :3 J)r . 11t. T,, 11t)~-fo111· of th 29 ht11· b . ,rer·e r pr· . e11ted. ] ol– lo,,·i11~ di1111e1'. the l T11io11 '. ne,,,. of– f icer: ,,· 1· i11tro<l t1c e d. Tl1ey are ~11·. . ,J ac l~ A ker of ... T 01·th Ro,.. a 1- .. t 11 . fi1-. t , ·ic l)l' . id 11t: ~Il\ ' . Lyi1n R get-.· of ~ orthfielcl, . 011d , ·i e– pre. ide11t ~ a11d 'l\f 1 . . Terald East of l~edfor cl, :ec1·etary-t1~ a .. t11· 1·. ~ e,-r_ eral ,\·i,· .· of 11 ,,,. pa. to1\ i11 the H l)r o11 -4\ s.'i iatio11 ,,,,er' j11 tro– d 11c 1. T,,·o , ·i"iti11g n1i. .·io11ari . , ~Ir:·. ( 1 ook of I) e 1--t1 ancl :\Ii. Ros~, a 111i::io11a1·~· t o the .J e\,·. g--a,re their t : ti111011i e. · . At 1 :30 the grotl}J 1·e '011,· 11 ti i11 t l1e church at1 lito1-i.u111. A :011g st>r\·i 1 ,,·a, l1elcl a11d a :p ·ial nt1m– b r. · ' A t L a t O 11 1 ha 11 · , ' ~·a: :t111g 1)}- ~[1., ·. Ph)'"lli: K if r of ~e,,~ r .1011 do 11. Tl1e p1·e:icle11 ts of all tl1 e lo ·al 111i:sio1 ar}r gr onp. gav r e– port.· of 111i ·:io11a1·,~ arti"l' it)'" i11 t hei1· c h111-. ·he. . }T 1·.. Ed",·ar ti l\Io1·rrll of Bedford ga,le th cle"·otio11s. • 1 l1 e , pokr 0 11 Ti t11. 2, 0 1~ ~ Be Ye Dorr·.· of t11 e \\"ord. • he aclmo11i.·h ed the olde1~ ,,·0111e11 t o b good exa n1 ple: to tl1e ~·0,1112:rr, a11c1 the ) ·01111ge 1~ to l o,Te thrir c-h ilcllrr11, a11d to h ri11g th n1 11p i11 the 11t11·t11r e a11d acl111011itio11 <)f the l.1orcl. ' ' • 1 h C1 r xl1ort ed all to rx er t4i.-e t l1e gift of hospitalit)'" . Tl1e b11:i11e. : 1110et i11g ,\·a. the11 adjo11r11ecl a11d th ,,ro rn 11 attend d ( ( 1 011tllllted Oll page 23 ) THE HIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST January 1960 ----- TIIE DIRECTORY (Continued) ( '() ) . () 1. Church l .1 <.. > l{ 1\ I~ l~Jclst ~ i cl~ I ~a }) t is t :l: 30 I o,,. ,l •\,• . 1 .1() T{1\ I?\ J> p11f i0lti ,Jttll<!t i 11 l~apti. t ;')()46 B1·oad,ra,~ • l; )R1:\I~ Tri11it.y Bapti t ~~ - :31:t ._ t. & l"arv .. > \ \·c. fi:2. I; R ....\ l~ \\"" st ~ ,, ide Ba1)ti:t 6:1. ~IAXXI~GT i \V. VA. 1 al, ,,a1·y Ba1)ti t )-±. 1IA ~ ILLO~ ~alvar)~ Bapti t of :\Ioffitt ll eigl1t. Rt . 241 f)5. :\fcD ~ALD Fi1· ·t Bapti .t 66. :\!EDI Fir t Bapti t Pastor II . I, . :\lill r 1· Pastor's Address 723 J; al<rvir\\" I 10 rai11 ()hi o f>() l O l31·oa lwa, · .. I "01·ai 11 () h io VP. 20~9 :r~. 3 th~ 1 t. l .101--ai11, hio ,Ja111es E . <lodley Jr. l101·ai11, ()hio , ...a ·a11t 126 F urb e A ,re . )I a1111i11gto11 \V. Va. J;oui ,J. Di Placido Rt. 2 )Ia. illon Ohio J . Edga1· B ckley 444 I11dia11a A , ·e. :\IcD011ald hio l{. K 1111eth ._ 1nel e1~ 1:..5 \V. Frie11d ·hip t. :\I edi11a O hib 67. :\1I~F RD J oh11 A . La"'-head R.R. 1 iiin£01·d hio (}ra ce Bapti. t h t1r ch of Lo11g Rl111 6~. ;\E\VL ~D ~ Fir t Bapti t 69 . ~ IL:B: Eva11.:vTill Bapti. t 136 hltO\Vll'- :\1 ·Do11ald Road 70. ):!J;E~ 1 -} or g o by l)o11ald R. IJ00111is Fir ·t Ba1>ti. t T . .Fred Ilt1. ,, .. ... 26 ~:a: t 1 h t11· h ~t1·eet 71. XORTIIFIELD X ortl1field I3 arJti ·t Rt. 2 & Bo,·<le11 R<.1 . .. 7:... 0 RTII ,J .r\ , K .. 1 () ~ I11depe11de11t Bapt.i. t 7:~. ;\ORTI-I ~IADI L,,111 Roo· t \ · • 0 (; eral l II . )lit h ell Bil)l e T3apti. t Rola11(1 P. Gl obig 7 -1- . -- ' t • 7(3. l T. ~ • 20 ancl II t1 l)ba1·d Road N'ORTII L:\I TED ~ 01,th l1n. t ecl I~apti . t ~ORTII R.OYALTO~ ;\01~th Ro,-alto11 • l3apti:t 6616 Royalto11 R-0acl ~ R\\TALK Cal·v·ary Bapti t 92 P1·0 pect '\T 1110 11 A. ,J 0 11e, Do11ald II. B eightol ;34 Park .A.\ ve11ue Ke,v London Ohio 120 alt p1·ing Road Xile hio 615 ,,.,. a ·hington Ave. Xile · hio 7 54 Bo}rden Road ~ 01--thf ield, hio I~ox 2609 ~01·th Jack on hio 640 A1·gyle D1,.ive :\1adi on hio 5 40 Pot'ter. Rd. Xorth Olin. _ted, Ohio • 6616 Royalton Rd. X . Roj'"alto11 33 hio '"' 254 Benedict A -ve. Xo1'walk, hio (.Continued on next :page ) - •